The Cambridge Guide to English Usage The Cambridge Guide to English Usage is an A–Z reference book, giving an up-to-date account of the debatable issues of English usage and written style. Its advice draws a wealth of recent research and data from very large corpora of American and British English – illuminating their many divergences and also points of convergence on which international English can be based. The book comprises more than 4000 points of word meaning, spelling, grammar, punctuation and larger issues of inclusive language, and effective writing and argument. It also provides guidance on grammatical terminology, and covers topics in electronic communication and the internet. The discussion notes the major dictionaries, grammars and usage books in the US, UK, Canada and Australia, allowing readers to calibrate their own practices as required. CGEU is descriptive rather than prescriptive, but offers a principled basis for implementing progressive or more conservative decisions on usage.
University of Georgia
University of Surrey
University of Wales, Bangor
Fellow of the Dictionary Society of North America
University of Leeds
The Cambridge Guide to
English Usage PAM PETERS Macquarie University
cambridge university press Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge cb2 2ru, UK Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York www.cambridge.org Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521621816 © Cambridge University Press 2004 This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provision of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published in print format 2004
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Overview of Contents and How to Access Them A to Z Entries Appendix I
1–592 International Phonetic Alphabet Symbols for English Sounds
Appendix II
Geological Eras
Appendix III
Perpetual Calendar 1901–2008
Appendix IV
International System of Units (SI Units)
Appendix V
Interconversion Tables for Metric and Imperial Measures
595 596
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com Appendix VI
Selected Proofreading Marks
Appendix VII
Formats and Styles for Letters, Memos and E-mail
Appendix VIII
Layout for Envelopes
Appendix IX
Currencies of the World
602 603
The Cambridge Guide to English Usage is written for English-users in the twenty-first century. It takes a fresh look at thousands of questions of style and usage, embracing issues that are time-honored yet still current, as well as those newly arising as the language continues to evolve. Some of these come with electronic communication and online documentation, but there are numerous others among the more than 4000 headwords in the book. At the threshold of the third millennium, English is more diverse than ever in all hemispheres. Research into “new Englishes” has flourished, supported by journals such as English World-Wide, World Englishes and English Today. At the same time, the quest for a single, international form for written communication becomes more pressing, among those aiming at a global readership. This book is designed to support both global and local communicators. It identifies regionalized elements of usage, grammar and style, with systematic attention to American and British English, and reference to Canadian, Australian and New Zealand English as well. It allows writers to choose styles and usage appropriate to their readership, according to how local or large it is. The local options help to establish and affirm regional identity within, say, North America or Great
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com Britian. But communicating beyond those regions calls for reappraisal of the options, putting a premium on those with the widest distribution worldwide, ideally region-free. The Cambridge Guide to English Usage identifies
“international English selections” wherever they can be distilled out of the alternatives available, and implements them on its own pages. It empowers readers (as writers, editors, teachers, students) to choose and develop their own style, for their particular purposes. Many kinds of resource have been brought to bear on the style and usage questions raised. The Cambridge Guide to English Usage is the first of its kind to make regular use of large databases (corpora) of computerized texts as primary sources of current English. Numerous examples of British usage have come from the 100 million word British National Corpus (see BNC); and of American usage from a subset of 140 million words of American English from the Cambridge International Corpus (see CCAE). The corpora embody various kinds of written discourse as well as transcriptions of spoken discourse – enough to show patterns of divergence between the two. Negative attitudes to particular idioms or usage often turn on the fact that they are more familiar to the ear than the eye, and the constructions of formal writing are privileged thereby. Corpus data allow us to look more neutrally at the distributions of words and constructions, to view the range of styles across which they operate. On this basis we can see what is really “standard,” i.e. usable in many kinds of discourse, as opposed to the formal or informal. References to “formal” and “informal” within the book presuppose that they lie above and below the broad band of everyday written communication, and together form a three-point stylistic scale.
Preface The relative acceptability of a given usage can also be gauged by means of population surveys. This involves the use of questionnaires on doubtful or disputed usage in spelling, punctuation, the use of capital letters and certain points of grammar. A series of six questionnaires called the “Langscape survey” was published in English Today (1998–2001), with the support of the editor, Dr. Tom McArthur. Hundreds of questionnaires from around the world were returned by mail and fax, and through the Style Council website at Macquarie University, where they were analyzed in terms of regional and sociolinguistic trends. Results from Langscape are quoted in some of the book’s entries for their insights into people’s willingness to embrace particular spellings or usages. They are a litmus test of future directions. Attitudes to usage often reflect what’s said in the relevant language authorities, most notably the Oxford English Dictionary (2nd edition, 1989) for British English, and Webster’s Third New International Dictionary (3rd edition, 1961, reprinted 1986) for American English. These unabridged dictionaries remain monuments to English language scholarship, to which we are all indebted. Though their latest editions are not so recent, their positions tend to be maintained in younger, abridged dictionaries, except where there are good reasons to diverge, e.g. on neologisms or previously unrecorded usage. The New Oxford Dictionary of English (1998) and Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate (2000) have been used to update the verdicts of the unabridged dictionaries, where relevant; and the Canadian Oxford Dictionary (1998) and the Macquarie Dictionary (3rd edition 1997) are invoked for regional comparisons. Comparative reference is also made to regional usage books, including Fowler’s Modern English Usage (1926;
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com and later editions by Gowers, 1965, and Burchfield, 1996); to the excellent
Webster’s Dictionary of English Usage (1989), Garner’s Modern American Usage
(1999), and Fee and McAlpine’s Canadian English Usage (1997). These secondary sources contribute to the diversity of views on changing usage, and articulate local reactions to worldwide innovations. Issues of editorial style are also treated comparatively, to allow readers to position themselves relative to American or British style, as articulated in the Chicago Manual of Style (15th edition 2003) and the Oxford Guide to Style (2002). Reference is also made to Editing Canadian English (2nd edition 2000) by the
Editors’ Association of Canada, to the Australian government Style Manual (6th edition 2002), and to the New Zealand style manual Write, Edit, Print (1997). Those resident in non-English-speaking countries can forge a synthesis of regional styles appropriate to their readerships. Grammatical cruxes of usage are discussed with reference to modern grammars such as the Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language (1985), the Introduction to Functional Grammar (1985; 1994) and especially the Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English (1999). The latter is explicitly corpus-based, using data from the Longman corpus of over 40 million words in six registers, to complement or extend the data derived from the BNC and CCAE, mentioned above. The Cambridge Guide to English Usage aims to bridge the gap between traditional and modern grammar, and uses terminology from both (e.g. mood and modality) as entry points to discussing grammatical questions. Elements of discourse analysis are also discussed, for example information focus and sentence topic, as aids to writing and editing.
Preface Apart from its large range of primary and secondary sources, The Cambridge Guide to English Usage draws on the findings of numerous linguistic researchers, named within the text and in the bibliography. Their contributions to our understanding of the intricacies of the English language are legion. Many are corpus linguists associated with the ICAME group (International Computer Archive of Modern English), who have progressively developed the uses of corpora for linguistic description with each new generation of corpus. Other European and American linguists who have contributed greatly to this book are the distinguished consultants named on p. ii, whose careful reading of the MS has enhanced its relevance to different parts of the English-speaking world. The Cambridge Guide to English Usage also owes much to undated and undatable discussions with colleagues and friends at Macquarie University, in the Linguistics department and associated with the Macquarie Dictionary. To Professor Arthur Delbridge, the foundation Professor of Linguistics and Editor-in-chief of the Dictionary who connected me with both, I owe a particular debt of gratitude. Others who provided invaluable support for the publication of the prototype Cambridge Australian English Style Guide (1995) were Dr. Robin Derricourt (formerly of Cambridge University Press, Australia), and Hon. Justice Michael Kirby (of the High Court of Australia). In the preparatory stages of The Cambridge Guide to English Usage, I was fortunate to be a visiting professor at the Englisches Seminar of the University of Zurich, ¨ which gave me access to their excellent BNC search tools and experience of teaching at a European university. Many thanks are due to those at Cambridge University Press (UK) who saw the project through from first to last: Adrian du Plessis, Kevin Taylor and Dr Kate
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com Brett, and my copy-editor Leigh Mueller. Back home in Australia my warmest
thanks go to my family, to Fliss, Greg, and especially to John, for his unfailing love and support.
Pam Peters
Overview of Contents and How to Access Them
The alphabetical list in this book contains two kinds of entries: those which deal with general topics of language, editing and writing, and those dealing with particular words, word sets or parts of words. An overview of many general entries is provided on the opposite page. The particular entries, focusing on issues of usage, spelling and word form, are too numerous to be shown there, and simply take their places in the alphabetical list. But for many questions, either general or particular entries would lead you to the answer you’re seeking, and the book offers multiple access paths via crossreferences. Let’s say you are interested in where to put the full stop in relation to a final bracket or parenthesis. Any of those terms (full stop, bracket, parenthesis) would take you to the relevant discussion under brackets. In addition the general entry on punctuation presents a list of all the entries dealing with individual punctuation marks, for both words and sentences. Questions of grammar are accessible through traditional terms such as noun and verb, clause and phrase, and traditional labels such as dangling participle or split infinitive . . . though the entries may lead you on to newer linguistic topics such as information focus and modality. Aspects of writing and
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com argument (when is it OK to use I? what does it mean to beg the question?) are
discussed under their particular headings, but can also be tracked down through more general ones such as impersonal writing and argument.
If your question is about current use of a word such as hopefully, or a pair such as alternate and alternative, or gourmet and gourmand, the discussion is to be found under those headwords. When it’s a question of spelling, e.g. convener or convenor, the individual entry may answer it, and/or direct you on to another (-er/-or) where a whole set with the same variable part is dealt with. In the same way, the entry -ize/-ise discusses the alternative spellings of countless verbs like recognise/recognize, although there are too many to enter alphabetically. The key spelling entries are listed under spelling sections 2 and 3, in case you’re unsure what heading to look under. Alternative plural forms can be located via the entry on plurals. As in the text above, the use of boldface means that the word is entered as a headword, and it identifies all crossreferences at the end of entries. Within any entry, further instances of the headword(s) are often boldfaced to draw attention to strategic points about them. Words related to the headword(s) or derived from them are set in italics, as are all examples. ♦
Abbreviations used in the body of the text are explained at their alphabetical
Overview of Contents and How to Access Them
STYLE AND STRUCTURE OF WRITING ARGUMENT & STRUCTURE OF DISCOURSE Argument Beg the question Coherence or cohesion Deduction RHETORICAL DEVICES Fallacies Information focus Analogy Introductions Aphorism Paragraphs Figures of speech Topic sentences Irony Metaphors Oxymoron Personification Symbols Understatements
Commercialese Digital style Impersonal style Jargon Journalese Plain English Technologese
E-mail Inverted pyramid Letter writing Narrative Reports Summary
VARIETIES OF ENGLISH American English Australian English British English Canadian English International English New Zealand English South African English Standard English
Acronyms and initialisms Affixes, prefixes, suffixes Compounds Past tense Plurals Proper names Zero forms SPELLING
Clichés Emoticons Foreign phrases Four-letter words Geographical names Intensifiers
WORD MEANINGS & SENSE RELATIONS Antonyms Euphemisms Folk etymology Hyponyms Synonyms USAGE DISTINCTIONS
Alternative spellings: ae/e i/y -ize/-ise l/ll oe -or/-our -re/-er yze/yse Spelling rules: -c/-ck- ce/-ge -e -f >-v- -o -y > -i-, doubling of final consonant, i before e
Collocations Near-but-not-identical words Reciprocal words
EDITORIAL TECHNIQUE Abbreviations Audiovisual media Bibliographies Dating systems Indexing Lists Prelims Proofreading Referencing Titles
INCLUSIVE LANGUAGE Ageist language Disabled Miscegenation Nonsexist language Racist language
PUNCTUATION Apostrophes Brackets Bullets Colon Comma Dashes Full stop/period Hyphens Question marks Quotation marks Semicolon
TYPOGRAPHY Accents Capital letters Dates Headings Indention Italics Numbers and number style
Agreement Dangling participles Double negatives First person Modality
Adjectives Adverbs Conjunctions Determiners Interjections
Nonfinite clause Restrictive clause Split infinitive Whom
Nouns Prepositions Pronouns Verbs
A @ This is a symbol in search of a name. English-speakers call @ the “at sign,” which will do while it serves as the universal symbol of an e-mail address. Its shape is also used along with other emoticons to represent expressions of the human face (see emoticons). But its resemblance to animals emerges through ad hoc names in other languages. In Danish, it’s seen as the “elephant’s trunk,” and in Chinese as “little mouse.” Russian has it as “little dog,” Swedish as “cat’s foot,” and Dutch as “monkey’s tail.” The best consensus is for “snail,” which provides a name for @ in French, Italian, Hebrew and Korean. ♦ On quoting e-mail addresses, see under URL.
a or an Which should it be? a hotel a heroic effort a RAF training course
or or or
an hotel an heroic effort an RAF training course a $8 ticket or an $8 ticket A single rule resolves all such queries: a is used before words beginning with a consonant, and an before those beginning with a vowel. This is straightforwardly applied in a doctor, a receptionist and an astronaut, an engineer. But note that the rule depends on the sound not the spelling. We write a union, a unique gift and a once-in-a-lifetime experience because the words following the article actually begin with a consonant sound (the “y” sound in the first two cases, and the “w” sound in the third). The same principle makes it an hour, an honor, and an honest man. The word following the indefinite article begins with a vowel sound. When writing abbreviations, the choice between a or an again depends on the pronunciation of the first letter. So a US Marine and a Unesco project are quite regular, as are an MP and an HB pencil. Any abbreviation beginning with F, L, H, M, N, R, S or X takes an, because of the way those letters are pronounced. The effect is exploited in advertising for a brand of beer, where the use of A (rather than AN) shows how to pronounce the ambiguous brandname: I CAN FEEL A XXXX COMING ON AUSTRALIANS WOULDN’T GIVE A XXXX FOR ANYTHING ELSE Preceded by A, the brandname must be read as “four ex” not as “exexexex.” It nudges readers away from the unprintable or socially unacceptable interpretation of the word, while no doubt capitalizing on it. Similar principles hold for writing sums of money. Pronounce them and they select a for a £12 shirt and an for an $80m. loan, taking the cue from the number (which is said first) rather than the currency symbol (which is written first). Despite all that, certain words beginning with h are made exceptions by some writers and speakers. They
would preface hotel and heroic with an rather than a, despite pronouncing the h at the start of those words. Other polysyllabic words beginning with h will be given the same treatment, especially if their first syllable is unstressed. In both American and British English the words historic, historical and historian are the most frequent of these exceptional cases, but the tendency goes further in Britain, by the evidence of matching databases (LOB and Brown corpora). They show that British writers use an to preface adjectives such as habitual, hereditary, heroic, horrific, hypothetical, hysterical (and their adverbs) as well as the noun hotel. There are far fewer examples in the American data, and the only distinctive case is herb, which is commonly pronounced without h in the US (though not in the UK or elsewhere). The King James bible (1611) records the use of an with other monosyllabic words, as in an host and an house, though they are supposed to go with h-less pronunciations, formerly much more common. Over the centuries h has been an uncertain quantity at the beginnings of words in many European languages. Most words beginning with h lost it as they passed from Latin into French and Italian. The Latin word hora meaning “hour” became French heure (pronounced “err,” with no h sound) and also the Italian ora, without an h even in the spelling. English retains an h in the spelling of hour but not in the pronunciation. The process also shows up in the contrasting pronunciations of heir (an early English loan from French) and hereditary (a Renaissance borrowing direct from Latin), which embody the same Latin stem. Spelling pronunciation has revived the h in some French loanwords like heritage and historian (those well used in English writing); while others such as hour, heir, hono(u)r are h-less, in keeping with French pronunciation. Classical loanwords (apart from honorary, honorarium, honorific) have settled on pronunciations with the h sounded; and they complement the many basic Anglo-Saxon words such as here, how, him and hair, home, honey in which h is pronounced. (See further under h.) Nowadays the silent h persists in only a handful of French loanwords (heir, honest, hono(u)r, hour and their derivatives), and these need to be preceded by an. The h of other loans like heroic, historical and hypothesis may have been silent or varied in earlier times, leaving uncertainty as to whether an was required or not. But their pronunciation is no longer variable and provides no phonetic justification for an. Its use with them is a stylistic nicety, lending historical nuances to discourse in which tradition dies hard. ♦ For the grammar of a and an, see articles. ♦ For the presence/absence of a/an in (1) journalistic introductions, see journalism and journalese; and in (2) titles of books, periodicals, plays etc., see under the.
aThe a- prefixed to ordinary English adjectives and adverbs comes from two different sources. In a few cases such as afresh, akin and anew, it represents the Old English preposition of, and so anew was once “of new.” In many more cases it was the Old English preposition on, as in: aback ablaze abroad afloat afoot aglow ahead ajar alive around ashore aside asleep astray Thus ashore was literally “on shore.” In each set the two elements of the prepositional phrase have long since merged into one. But the past still shows through in the fact that as adjectives they are used only after the noun they qualify, either postpositively as in the way ahead or predicatively, i.e. as the complement of a verb, as in Route 66 is ahead. (See further under adjectives, section 1.) The adverbial functions of these words are also evident in collocations such as taken aback, go astray and get ahold of (see further at ahold). Others such as around are now both adverbs and prepositions. Note the apparently similar apart, which consists of French elements (a` part) rather than English ones. Its parity with aside is examined at aside (from).
a-/anThese are two forms of a negative prefix derived from Greek. In English its meaning is usually privative, i.e. “without” or “lacking.” It appears as the first component in some academic and technical words, such as: achromatic analgesic apathy, apathetic anarchy, anarchic aphasia, aphasic anhydrous atheism, atheist anorexia As the two lists show, the form an- occurs before vowels and h, and a- before all other consonants. In most cases the prefix combines with Greek stems which do not exist independently in English. In just a few, such as amoral, asexual, atypical, the a- combines with a Latin stem that is also an ordinary English word. In the case of amoral, the prefix makes the vital difference between amoral (“lacking in moral values”) and immoral (“contrary to moral values,” where im- is a negative). ♦ For more about negative prefixes, see de-, in-/im-, non- and un-. See also dis-, and other privative affixes such as -free and -less.
of the Latin ones. So gondola becomes gondolas, siesta becomes siestas, and aroma becomes aromas. The numerous Latin names for plants, for example mimosa, ponderosa, protea, sequoia, all take English plurals. However, Latin loanwords which are strongly associated with an academic field usually have Latin plurals as well, thus formulae along with formulas, retinae and retinas etc. So plurals with -ae prevail in writing intended for scientists and scholars everywhere, though the forms ending in -as are also available and used in nonspecialized writing and conversation. The major dictionaries differ over which words can take English plurals. Webster’s Third (1986) indicates an English plural for all the words listed below – either explicitly, as first or second alternative, or by the lack of reference to the plural (this being the dictionary convention for regular inflections). The Oxford Dictionary (1989) allows either Latin or English plurals for those set in italics below, but Latin only plurals for those set in roman. Note also that while the Oxford presents the Latin plurals as ligatures, Webster’s sets them as digraphs (see further under ae/e). abscissa am(o)eba antenna aorta aura caesura cicada cornea echidna fibula formula hydra lacuna lamina larva mora nebula nova patella penumbra persona piscina placenta pupa retina stoa tibia trachea ulna urethra vagina vertebra An English plural is natural enough for those latinisms which are both common words and technical terms (e.g. aura, cicada, cornea, retina). For some (e.g. aorta, urethra), the occasions on which a plural might be needed are not very many, and, when it is, an ad hoc English plural is all the more likely. Note that for antenna, patella and persona, the two plurals are used in different fields (see under those headings). For the plural of alumna, see alumni. Greek loanwords with singular -a can also have two plural forms. They bring with them their Greek plural suffix -ta, though they soon acquire English plurals with s as well. The Greek -ta plurals survive in scholarly, religious or scientific writing, while in other contexts the English s plurals are dominant. Compare the traumas of everyday life with the traumata which are the concerns of medicine and psychology. Other loanwords which use both English and Greek plurals are: dogma lemma magma schema stigma For both dogma and stigma, the Greek plural is strongly associated with Catholic orthodoxy (see stigma). The Greek plural of miasma (miasmata) seems to have lapsed in C21 English (see miasma). 2 Words with plural -a from Latin are often collective in meaning, for example bacteria, data and media. There’s no need to pluralize them, nor do we often need their singular forms, though they do exist: bacterium, datum etc. (For more information, see -um.) The grammatical status of words like media (whether to construe them as singular or plural) is still unsettled. Those who know Latin are inclined to insist on plural agreement, on the grounds that data and media (not to mention candelabra) “are plural.” Yet the argument depends on Latin rather than English grammar; and is undermined by other cases
-a This suffix is really several suffixes. They come into English with loanwords from other languages, including Italian, Spanish, Latin and Greek, and may represent either singular or plural. In gondola (Italian), siesta (Spanish), formula (Latin) and dogma (Greek), the -a is a singular ending, whereas in bacteria (Latin) and criteria (Greek), it represents the plural. Loanwords ending in singular -a are not to be taken for granted because their plurals may or may not go according to a foreign pattern, as discussed in the first section below. Loanwords which come with a plural -a ending pose other grammatical questions, to be dealt with in the second section. 1 Words with the singular -a mostly make their plurals in the usual English way, by adding an s. This is true for all the Italian and Spanish words, and many
abbreviations such as agenda and stamina, which are also Latin plurals but now always used with singular verbs in English. The issues of singular/plural agreement are further discussed under collective nouns and agreement section 1; and at individual entries for candelabra, data and media. ♦ For Greek loanwords with a plural -a, such as automata, criteria, ganglia, phenomena, see -on.
a fortiori This elliptical phrase, borrowed from Latin, means roughly “by way of something stronger.” Far from being an oblique reference to fetching the whisky, it’s used in formal discussion to mean “with yet stronger reason” and to introduce a second point which the speaker or writer feels will clinch the argument. Compare a priori.
à la In contemporary English this versatile French tag is deployed on many of the frontiers of taste, apart from haute cuisine. It is still exploited on a` la carte menus that offer you taste-tempting dishes a` la duchesse or a` l’indienne; and in countercuisine, it can be found in fast foods a` la McDonalds. But beyond the restaurant business, a` la can refer to a distinctive style in almost any domain, and the reference point is usually ad hoc, as in makeup [used] to amuse, a` la Mick Jagger, or an oversight committee a` la New York in the 1970s. As in those examples, the construction often turns on the proper names of persons or places, titles and institutions. It creates reference points in film – a` la “Casablanca” – and fiction – a` la “Portnoy’s Complaint” – not to mention health management: whether to quarantine people with AIDS a` la TB. Increasingly a` la is found with common nouns as well, as in law a` la modem, and seats covered with vinyl a` la taxicab, among the examples from CCAE. A la is a clipped form of the French a` la mode (de), which explains the feminine form of the article (la). In English it works as a fixed phrase, rather like a compound preposition, and there’s no suggestion of adapting its grammatical gender from a` la to au when the following name is masculine (see the Mick Jagger example above). The grave accent is still often printed on a` la in English, especially British English, though it is by no means a recent borrowing (first recorded in 1589). No doubt its use is often prompted by a taste for the exotic; and the accent – and the fact that the phrase still tends to be italicized – help to emphasize its foreignness. The Oxford Dictionary (1989) updates the entry on a` la without registering the accentless form, whereas it appears as an alternative in Webster’s Third (1986).
most of us partake of when traveling as tourist-class passengers on aircraft. In restaurants more transparent phrases are used to show when the menu and its price are predetermined: fixed price menu (in the UK and US), or prix fixe (in France and francophone Canada). In Italy it’s menu turistico. Though dictionaries such as New Oxford (1998) and Merriam-Webster (2000) continue to list a` la carte and table d’hote ˆ with their French accents, they are commonly seen without them in the English-speaking world.
a posteriori Borrowed from Latin, this phrase means “by a later effect or instance.” It refers to arguments which reason from the effect to the cause, or those which work from a specific instance back to a generalization. A posteriori arguments are concerned with using empirical observations and induction as the basis of reasoning. They contrast with a priori arguments, on which see next entry.
a priori This phrase, borrowed from Latin, means “from the prior [assumption].” It identifies an argument which reasons from cause to a presumed effect, or which works deductively from a general principle to the specific case. Because such reasoning relies on theory or presumption rather than empirical observation, an a priori argument is often judged negatively. It seems to make assertions before analyzing the evidence. Compare a posteriori.
à la carte This is one of the many French expressions borrowed into English to cover gastronomic needs. Literally it means “according to the card.” At restaurants it gives you the freedom to choose from individually priced dishes – and the obligation to pay whatever the bill amounts to. The a` la carte system contrasts with what has traditionally been known as table d’hote, ˆ literally “the host’s table.” This implies partaking of whatever menu the restaurant has decided on, for a set price. The phrase goes back to earlier centuries, when the only public dining place for travelers was at the host’s/landlord’s table. But table d’hote ˆ is what
What if there’s more than one of them? Technical uses of this word in classical architecture have no doubt helped to preserve its Latin plural abaci. This is the only plural recognized in the Oxford Dictionary (1989), and the one given priority in Webster’s Third (1986). But Webster’s also recognizes the English plural abacuses, which comes naturally when abacus the word refers to the low-tech, finger-powered calculator. See further under -us.
abbreviations These are the standardized short forms of names or titles, and of certain common words and phrases. The term covers (i) abbreviated words such as cont. and no., i.e. ones which are cut short or contracted in the middle; and (ii) abbreviated phrases such as AIDS, RSI, formed out of the first letters of words in a phrase. Both groups can be further divided (see under contractions section 1 for abbreviations v. contractions; and under acronyms for the distinction between acronyms and initialisms). The punctuation given to each group varies according to American and British style, and within them, as discussed below in section 2. However, there’s a consensus that most types of symbol should be left unpunctuated (see section 1 below). Abbreviations of all kinds are now accepted in many kinds of functional and informative writing, as neat and clear representations of the full name or title. Certain abbreviations such as EFT or ftp are in fact better known than their full forms (electronic funds transfer, file transfer protocol ). The idea that they are unacceptable in formal writing seems to derive from writing in the humanities, where they are less often
abbreviations needed. Abbreviations may indeed look strange in the text of a novel or short story. Yet who can imagine a letter which does not carry abbreviations somewhere in referring to people and places? Business and technical reports could hardly do without them. Provided they are not obscure to the reader, abbreviations communicate more with fewer letters. Writers have only to ensure that the abbreviations they use are too well known to need any introduction, or that they are introduced and explained on their first appearance. Once the reader knows that in a particular document CBC equals the Children’s Book Council or the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation or the Carpet Bowls Club, as the case may be, the short form can be used from then on. 1 Abbreviations which are never punctuated. Certain special categories of symbol never appear with a stop/period, anywhere in the world. They include: r symbols for SI units: kg, ml etc. (See SI units.) r compass points: N, NE, SW etc. r chemical symbols: Mn, Ni etc. r symbols for currencies: GB£, A$ etc. (See Appendix ix.) One other group of abbreviations which never take stops are acronyms like laser, scuba (i.e. those which are pronounced like words and written in lower case: see acronyms). 2 Abbreviations which may or may not be punctuated, according to regional editorial practice (all other groups of abbreviations, of titles, institutions, placename elements and ordinary words and phrases). The various practices and their applications are illustrated below, followed by a discussion of each: a) using stops with any kind of abbreviation (= traditional American style) G.A.T.T. U.K. Mr. Rev. mgr. incl. a.s.a.p. b) using stops with abbreviations but not contractions (= traditional British style) G.A.T.T. U.K. Mr Rev. mgr incl. a.s.a.p. c) using stops for short forms with any lower case letters in them i) GATT UK Mr. Rev. mgr. incl. a.s.a.p. (all abbreviations) ii) GATT UK Mr Rev. mgr incl. a.s.a.p. (excluding contractions) d) using stops for short forms consisting entirely of lower case letters: GATT UK Mr Rev mgr. incl. a.s.a.p. *Option (a) is the easiest to implement, and has been the traditional practice in the US, though the Chicago Manual (1993) noted its erosion amid the worldwide trend to use less punctuation. Familiar abbreviations can be left unstopped because the reader needs no reminder that they are shortened words or phrases. *Option (b) turns on the distinction between abbreviations and contractions, and gives punctuation to the first group but not the second. In theory a contraction like mgr (“manager”) is not a “true” abbreviation, but a telescoped word with its first and last letters intact. Compare incl. which is clearly a clipped form of “including,” and in which the stop marks where it has been abbreviated. This distinction developed in C20 British style (see contractions, section 1) but has never been fully standardized (Ritter 2002), and is varied in particular fields (e.g. law) and by publishing houses. It never was part of American style. Canadian editors note the
distinction, though they call contractions “suspensions,” in keeping with French editorial practice. However, the consistency of the traditional American style is appreciated when the two types of abbreviation are juxtaposed (Editing Canadian English, 2000). In New Zealand and Australia, the government Style Manuals (1997, 2002) have maintained the distinction, though the majority of Australian editors, writers and English teachers surveyed through Style Council in the 1990s (Peters, 1993c) begged to differ. A particular conundrum for those who observe the distinction is what to do with pluralized abbreviations. Should the plural of vol. be vols, vols. or vol.s? Because the plural abbreviation preserves the final letter, there’s an argument for treating it as a contraction and abandoning the stop, although it seems odd to have different punctuation for the singular and plural: vol. and vols respectively. The stopped alternatives are themselves anomalous. In vol.s the plural inflection is separated by a stop from the word it should be bound to; and in vols. the stop no longer marks the point at which the word has been clipped. Vols. is in fact the British choice (Butcher’s Copy-editing, 1992, and Ritter, 2002) as well as the American, generally speaking. However, the Chicago Manual (1993) embeds the curiosity that Protestant scholars use Pss. for Psalms, where it’s Pss for their Catholic counterparts in the New American Bible. *Option (c) According to this option, stops are dispensed with for abbreviations which consist of full capitals, but retained for those with just an initial capital, or consisting entirely of lower case. This is in line with style trends in many parts of the English-speaking world. Capitalized acronyms and initialisms like OPEC, UNICEF, BBC are normally left unstopped, as indeed they appear in the Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors (1981), and are now explicitly endorsed in the Chicago Manual (2003). This was the preferred practice of freelance editors in Canada (Editing Canadian English, 1987), and those surveyed in Australia via Style Council in 1992. Stopless acronyms/initialisms are normal in the world of computing, witness ASCII, CD-ROM etc. Standardized abbreviations for nation-states such as NZ, SA, USA usually appear without stops these days. They do contrast, however, with other national abbreviations such as Can., Germ. and Mex., which are still to be punctuated, according to both British and American references. Within the US, the two-letter abbreviations used in revised zip codes are standardized without periods, whether they consist of one or two words. Compare NY and WY (New York / Wyoming); RI and WI (Rhode Island / Wisconsin). Despite this growing consensus on leaving stops out of capitalized acronyms and abbreviations, the distinction between abbreviations and contractions still divides British and American style on lower-cased short forms. Hence suboption (ii) involving contractions, which is British-preferred; and (i) the more fully regularized suboption, which accords with American traditional practice. *Option (d) builds on the trend described in (c). It takes its cue from the presence/absence of an initial capital letter, and applies stops only to those that begin with a lower case letter. The option brings abbreviations such as Can into line with USA, and
able and able to makes no attempt to distinguish between contractions and abbreviations in lower case. This gives it more appeal in America than Britain, because it would require stops to be put back in contractions such as mgr, which the British are accustomed to seeing in stopless form. For Americans it goes furthest in the direction of reducing the “fussiness” of word punctuation mentioned by the Chicago Manual (1993) – and is easily applied by printers and publishing technicians. A fifth option, to use no stops in any kind of abbreviation, is not commonly seen on the printed page, but appears increasingly in digital style on the internet. It is easiest of all to implement, and would resolve the anomalies created by distinguishing contractions from abbreviations (options b, c (ii)). It would also break down the invisible barrier between abbreviations and symbols (section 1 above). Leaving all abbreviations unstopped is sometimes said to be a recipe for confusion between lower case abbreviations and ordinary words. Yet there are very few which could be mistaken. Those which are identical, such as am, fig and no are normally accompanied by numbers: 10 am, fig 13, no 2, and there’s no doubt as to what they are. The idea of leaving abbreviations totally without stops may seem too radical for the moment, but it would streamline the anomalies and divergences outlined in this entry.
International English selection: The third option (c (i)) for punctuating abbreviations – using periods/full stops for abbreviations containing one or more lower case letters – recommends itself as a reasonable compromise between American and British style. It is in keeping with the worldwide trend to reduce punctuation, without any commitment to different punctuation for contractions and abbreviations, and the anomalies that it creates. (That distinction is embedded in option c(ii), for those who wish to maintain it.)
the King James bible, translating an array of Hebrew and Greek verbs meaning “dwell,” “stay,” “continue,” “remain” and “endure” – senses which linger in the Victorian hymn “Abide with me,” often sung at funeral services. Otherwise it survives mostly in the phrase abide by (a decision), and in the slightly colloquial idiom can’t/cannot abide or couldn’t abide [something or someone]. The participle abiding serves as adjective in combination with certain abstract ideals, for example an abiding concern, his abiding faith in humanity; and in the compound law-abiding. Yet shrinking usage overall leaves people unsure about the past tense. Is it the regular abided or abode, which was used consistently in the King James bible? The evidence of British and American dictionaries and corpora is that abided is preferred. As a noun, abode is mostly restricted to legal phrases such as no fixed abode and right of abode. Other uses, including the clich´e my humble abode, and freely formed expressions such as the abode of my forebears, have an archaic ring to them.
-ability This ending marks the conversion of adjectives with -able into abstract nouns, as when respectable becomes respectability. Adjectives with -ible are converted by the same process, so flexible becomes flexibility. The ending is not a simple suffix but a composite of: r the conversion of -ble to a stressed syllable -bil and r the addition of the suffix -ity. (See further under -ity.)
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com 3 Stopped abbreviations at the end of a sentence. When an abbreviation with a stop/period is the last word in a sentence, no further stop needs to be added: Remember to acknowledge all contributors – the producer, director, screenplay writer, cameramen etc. In such cases, the “stronger” punctuation mark (the period / full stop that marks the end-of-sentence) covers for the lesser stop marking the abbreviation. This is in keeping with the normal convention (see multiple punctuation). By the same token, it masks the editorial decision as to whether the abbreviation should be stopped or not – which readers sometimes need to know. When necessary, it’s best to remake the sentence so as to bring the abbreviation in from the end. This was done in discussing examples such as vol and vols in section (b) above. ♦ For the use of stops with the initials of a person’s name, see under names. ♦ For the use of the stop/period in Latin abbreviations, see under that heading.
abide and abode At the turn of the millennium, neither of these is much used. The verb abide appeared quite often in
This grammatical case operates in Latin and some other languages, but not English. It marks a noun as having the meaning “by, with, or from” attached to it. For some Latin nouns, the ablative ending is -o, and so ipso facto means “by that fact.” (See further under cases.) The ablative absolute is a grammatical construction found in Latin which allows a phrase (all inflected in the ablative) to stand apart from the syntax of the clause or sentence in which it appears. The Latin tag deo volente (“God willing”) is used in the same way in contemporary English.
able and able to The use of (be) able to as a semi-auxiliary verb dates from C15, though it is not equally used in the US and the UK. The British make more of it, in the ratio of 3:2 according to the evidence of comparable C20 databases (LOB and Brown). It reflects the greater British use of modals and modalized verb phrases generally (see modality, and auxiliary verbs). In both varieties of English, able to takes animate subjects much more often than inanimate ones, as in: Thompson was able to smell a bargain a continent away. As in that example, able to normally combines with an active verb (see further under voice). This was the pattern in hundreds of corpus examples, the only counter example with a passive verb being the chapel was still able to be used (from LOB). Able to seems to insist on being construed with animate, active participants, as if it still draws on the energy of the adjective able, expressed in an able politician and able-bodied citizens. Able appears much less often as an adjective than as an auxiliary verb in both British
-able/-ible and American data: in the ratio of 1:11 in LOB and 1:12 in the Brown corpus. It occurs mostly in nonfiction genres of writing, perhaps because the approval expressed in it seems detached rather than engaged with the subject.
-able/-ible Which of these endings to use is a challenge even for the successful speller. They sound the same, and the choice between them often seems arbitrary. In fact the choice is usually fixed by the word’s origins. Unabridged British and American dictionaries – Oxford (1989) and Webster’s Third (1986) – do allow that certain words may be spelled either way in contemporary English, although they diverge on which have the option, and only a handful of words are given alternative spellings in both: collapsable/collapsible collectable/collectible condensable/condensible ignitable/ignitible preventable/preventible Those apart, the following are independently credited with alternative spellings by Oxford and Webster’s, marked O and W accordingly: avertable/avertible (O) confusable/confusible (O) connectable/connectible (O) contractable/contractible (O) deductable/deductible (O) detectable/detectible (O) diffusable/diffusible (O) discernable/discernible (W) expressable/expressible (W) extendable/extendible (W) extractable/extractible (W) impressable/impressible (W) perfectable/perfectible (W) suggestable/suggestible (O) transfusable/transfusible (W) Others such as digestable/digestible and resistable/resistible could probably be added to that list, but for the fact that Oxford presently marks their -able spellings as cutting out in C19. The -able suffix is the more widely used of the two in English at large, partly because it combines with any Anglo-Saxon or French verb (believable, enjoyable), as well as neo-Latin ones, as in retractable or contactable. Fresh formations based on neo-Latin can provide alternatives to the well-established loan from Latin, as with contractable/contractible, where the first (in the sense “able to be contracted”) is a modern word, whereas the second “able to contract” goes back to C16. Yet the opposite tendency is also to be found: Oxford Dictionary citations show that some start life with -able, as did deductable and detectable, and later acquired neo-Latin spellings with -ible. The forces of analogy compete with regular wordforming principles among these words, and because they are readily coined on the spur of the moment, the dictionary records are necessarily incomplete. Any word of this type not yet listed in the dictionary can legitimately be spelled -able, if it’s based on a current English verb stem, simple or compound, e.g. gazumpable, upgradable. In fact the stem is often a useful clue for spelling the established words. Compare dispensable (whose stem is the same as the verb dispense) with comprehensible, for which there is no English verb “comprehens-.” Most words with -ible embody Latin stems with no independent verb role in
English. (This is also true of a very few -able words such as educable and navigable, derived from the Latin first conjugation, but with enough relatives in English such as education, navigation, to secure their spelling.) The -ible words often lack close relatives, and the rationale for the spelling is not obvious unless you know Latin conjugations. The table below lists the most important -ible words, though where there are both positive and negative forms (e.g credible as well as incredible), it gives just one of them. accessible adducible admissible audible combustible compatible contemptible credible deducible divisible edible eligible feasible flexible incomprehensible incontrovertible incorrigible incorruptible indefensible indelible indestructible infallible intelligible invincible irascible irrepressible irresistible legible negligible ostensible perceptible permissible persuasible plausible possible reducible reprehensible responsible submersible susceptible tangible terrible transmissible visible The stems of -ible words come straight from Latin paradigms and are not normally usable as English verbs (access and flex are exceptions in so far as they now serve as verbs). Most -ible words express rather abstract senses, unlike those ending in -able, which typically build in the active sense of the verb: compare defensible and defendable. Note also that words ending in -ible take the negative prefix in- (as in indefensible), whereas those with -able and based on English verbs are usually negated with un- (e.g. undefendable). See further under in-/un-. ♦ For the choice between drivable and driveable, likable and likeable etc., see -eable or -able.
abled See under disabled and disability.
abolition or abolishment Though both terms are current, the Latin-derived abolition holds sway in British as well as American English. In the UK abolition is effectively the only term, in data from the BNC, whereas abolishment plays a minor part in the US, appearing in the ratio of about 1:17, in data from CCAE. We might expect more of abolishment, which is just as old (dating from C16) and has more direct connections with the verb abolish. Yet legal and institutional uses of abolition give it strong social and political connotations, in the discontinuance of slavery and the death penalty. The productivity of the word is also reflected in derivatives such as abolitionist.
Aboriginal and Aborigine Since around 1800 the term aboriginal has been used as a generic reference to native peoples encountered by colonialists in (for them) remoter parts of the world. The capitalized form Aboriginal still serves as a collective reference to indigenous groups within the population, especially in Australia, but also in Canada, where it complements the use of First People / First Nation. In the US the general term is Native American or American Indian, and Indian is used by the peoples themselves. Use of the term
absent Amerindian for the North American Indian is mostly confined to linguistics and anthropology. In South Africa the indigenous people are referred to as black South Africans. No collective name is needed in New Zealand for the Maori, because they are ethnically homogeneous. In current English, the noun aborigine is particularly associated with Australia, but always capitalized as Aborigine/Aborigines. Its status vis-a-vis ` using Aboriginal as a noun has been much debated on diplomatic and linguistic grounds. Aborigine was believed by some to be more pejorative than Aboriginal (though this view is not shared by the people themselves). Others argued that Aborigine was an illegitimate backformation from Aborigines, though few would now call it a linguistic crime (see backformation). Neither argument carries weight in terms of common usage. Australian sources on the internet return almost three times as many instances of Aborigines as of Aboriginals (Google 2002). Successive Australian government Style Manuals have swung from one paradigm to another (Peters 1995), and the sixth edition (2002) proposes Aboriginal(s) for the noun (singular and plural) as well as the adjective. So Aborigine(s) is currently ruled out of official documents, though other publications such as newspapers, magazines and monographs make free use of it. For indigenous people themselves, generic terms are unsatisfactory whenever a more specific name can be found. Those preferred for particular regions of Australia are listed in the government Style Manual (2002), and for the First Nations of Canada in Editing Canadian English (2000). The names of federally recognized Native American tribes are listed on the internet at www.healing-arts.org/tribes.htm. ♦ For the use of Black, see under that heading.
databases. The emphatic form that’s what X is all about is also alive and well, despite the view of Webster’s English Usage (1989) that it was on the decline. There are hundreds of examples in data from CCAE and the BNC. Most involve impersonal subjects, as in that’s what art / life / free enterprise is all about. But in American data there are a few examples with a personal subject, as in that’s what this candidate is all about and we know what we are all about. The most important use of about is in the collocation be about to, used as a semi-auxiliary verb to express future events or intentions (see auxiliary verbs section 3). Its shades of meaning vary with the grammar of the subject (first, second or third person): compare I’m about to go home (said with intent) and The judge was about to pronounce the sentence (future event). But the negative counterpart not about to seems to have developed its own strong sense of determination, irrespective of person. Intention and resolve are both expressed in I’m not about to stop you and Fox was not about to risk waiting for her inside her room (these examples from the BNC, showing its use in British English). The idiom not about to seems to have originated in the American South and South Midland, and it was being used in nationwide publications by the 1960s, and even by two American presidents (Truman and Johnson). Its potential ambiguity attracted the attention of usage commentators including Bernstein, writing in The New York Times (1968/9), but there’s no hard evidence of confusion with ordinary uses of the semi-auxiliary. Not about to probably has some rhetorical value in its negative understatement. See under figures of speech.
about, about to, and not about to
abridgement or abridgment
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com The fluidity of its meaning makes about a word to watch. But as adverb/preposition, and as a semi-auxiliary in be about to, its uses are more generally accepted and more international than is sometimes thought. About as preposition and/or adverb has several meanings which are widely used and current in both the US and the UK: 1) “close to”/“approximately” in time, as in “come (at) about ten o’clock.” The approximation is handy whether the writer is unsure of the time, or prefers not to put too fine a point on it (see vague words). Though often presented as the British counterpart to American use of around, the construction is just as familiar in the US, according to Webster’s English Usage (1989). See further at around. 2) “close by,” “in the vicinity” (but not visible): “George is about. Could you hold on?” The adverbial use is conversational in tone, though it also appears in everyday writing, as in seeing who is about. This is sometimes said to be strictly for the British, because Americans prefer around. But the US preference is not so strong as to exclude about, by the evidence of the Brown corpus. 3) “concerning” or “concerned with,” as in the letter is about reconciliation (preposition); that’s what it’s about (adverb). The preposition has always been standard usage, and the adverb is freely used in a variety of everyday prose in British and American
about face or about turn See under U-turn.
The Oxford Dictionary (1989) prefers the regular abridgement, and in British English it’s way out in front of abridgment, by 34:1 in data from the BNC. In American English the difference is less marked. Webster’s Third (1986) gives priority to abridgment, yet it’s only slightly ahead of abridgement in data from CCAE. See further under -ment.
International English selection: The spelling abridgement recommends itself for the purposes of international English, given its regularity and substantial use in American English as well as British.
abscissa The Oxford Dictionary (1989) gives only abscissae as the plural of this word, in keeping with its use in formal mathematical contexts. Compare Webster’s Third (1986), where the absence of plural specifications implies that the regular English plural is to be expected. See further under -a section 1.
absent A new prepositional role for this word has emerged from American legal usage since the 1940s. In examples like “Absent any other facts, there arises an implied contract” (from Webster’s English Usage, 1989), it works like a Latin ablative absolute construction
absolute absente (quo) “in the absence of (which).” (See further under ablative.) It provides a convenient hedge for a conclusion, and, not so surprisingly, has begun to appear in US academic and argumentative writing outside the law itself. There’s scant evidence of it in British English.
absolute This uncompromising word has been put to various grammatical purposes, in reference to (1) adjectives, (2) pronouns, (3) verbs, (4) clauses. In essence it means that the word concerned stands alone in the sentence, without the usual grammatical connections to the phrase, clause or sentence being expressed. Some of the applications outlined below belong to traditional grammar, but collectively they show how freely the term has been applied. Overuse of the term absolute would explain why there are alternatives, also noted below. 1 Absolute adjectives. The term absolute is usually applied to parts of adjectives which by their grammar or meaning are not involved in comparison. Many grammarians use it to refer to the uninflected form of any adjective, e.g. bright, as opposed to brighter, brightest. (See further under adjectives, section 2). An alternative older name for this part of the adjective paradigm is the “positive” form. The phrase absolute adjective is applied by usage commentators, e.g. Webster’s English Usage (1989), to adjectives whose meaning doesn’t permit comparison. They are also called “uncomparable adjectives,” by Garner (1998) and others. Either way the quality they refer to either is or is not, and there are no grades in between. They resist being modified by words such as rather and very, for the same reason. But the phrase absolute adjective, as applied to unique and others, suggests that they have only one meaning (see unique for its several meanings). The fact that a word may have both comparable and noncomparable senses seems to be overlooked. The lists of supposed absolute adjectives varies considerably from one authority to the next – itself a sign of the fuzziness of the category. Most include complete and unique, but there the similarities end. Among those sometimes included are: countless eternal fatal first impossible infinite last paramount perfect permanent previous simultaneous supreme total ultimate universal Many of these are commonly modified by words such as almost or nearly, which Fowler (1926) allowed even for unique. You can posit approximations to an absolute state, if not gradations of it. That apart, comprehensive dictionaries show that such adjectives have both nongradable and gradable senses. The gradable sense is clearly being used in “a more complete account of events than ever before.” So the notion of absoluteness needs to be attached to the sense, not the whole word. If the term absolute adjective has any value, it would be to refer to defining adjectives (see under adjectives): auxiliary classic horizontal ivory second-hand steel With their categorial meanings, they cannot be compared. Fowler also used absolute to refer to adjectives that serve as the head of a noun phrase: as in the underprivileged, the young. In these generic phrases the adjective behaves like a noun, in that it
can be pre- or post-modified: the very young, the young at heart (Comprehensive Grammar, 1985). They are otherwise relatively fixed, always prefaced by the, and construed in the plural. Absolute comparatives are expressions in which a comparative form of an adjective appears, but no real comparison is made. In fact comparisons are often implicit: they were explicit in only 25% of the examples in the Survey of English Usage, according to the Comprehensive Grammar (1985). But there could be no comparison at all in conventional or institutionalized expressions such as: my better half, the finer things of life, Greater London, higher education, the younger generation. We never imagine a starting point for them in “my good half,” “high education” etc., so they are absolute comparatives. This is not of course the case with the familiar advertising line: BRAND XXX WASHES WHITER – which invites consumers to conjure up the comparatively murky linen produced by an unnamed competitor, while avoiding any claims for libel. Absolute superlatives embody the superlative form of an adjective without any specific comparison. Like absolute comparatives they are often conventional expressions, and often involve best as in: best practice, best seller, all the best, put your best foot forward. Others are worst-case scenario, worst enemy; do one’s darndest; on/from the highest authority. Freely formed examples like the kindest person, the loveliest day involve a kind of hyperbole (see under that heading). 2 Absolute pronouns. This is the term used by some grammarians (Huddleston, 1984) for possessive pronouns which stand as independent nouns, such as: hers, ours, yours, theirs. The Comprehensive Grammar (1985) calls them independent pronouns. See further under possessive pronouns. 3 Absolute verbs are those not complemented by the usual object or adjunct, as in They ate. (See further under verb phrase section 3.) This use of absolute is also at least as old as Fowler (1926), and appears in some older dictionaries. 4 Absolute constructions or clauses are grammatically independent phrases or nonfinite clauses, not integrated with the sentence in which they appear. Some are so conventional as to pass unnoticed, e.g. that being so, all things considered. Others created ad hoc by the writer may be censured as dangling participles or unattached phrases: see further under dangling participles.
abstract nouns These words carry broad, generalized meanings that are not tied to the specific instance or a tangible, concrete item. The essential abstract noun is the name for an intangible such as honesty, justice or knowledge, though modern grammarians recognize many other kinds of words which refer to abstractions or to imputed entities such as energy, luck and research. Many abstract nouns are constructs of the language itself, built up out of other, more specific words. Thus abstractions such as formality, graciousness, prevention and severance are generated out of descriptive adjectives such as formal, gracious, and action verbs such as prevent, sever. Even ordinary and familiar words can take on abstract meanings in analytical writing. Think of field and grain. We usually imagine them in concrete terms, but in expressions like field of study and grain of truth, they
accents and diacritics become detached and abstract. Broad cover terms such as article, creature and vehicle are also abstract until applied to a particular object. A vehicle may thus take shape as a car, tram, bus, truck, bicycle or perhaps even a skateboard or wheelbarrow. (For more on the distinction between abstract and concrete nouns, see nouns.) Abstract nouns are a useful means of building ideas. They help writers to extend their arguments and develop theories. They can encapsulate remarkable insights, and summarize diffuse material under manageable headings. The downside is their too frequent appearance in academic and bureaucratic clich´es. In his classic Complete Plain Words (1962), Gowers talks of the “lure of the abstract [word]” for British civil servants, and of the need to “choos[e] the precise word.” Most American students are familiar with the injunction of their “freshman composition” textbooks to “prefer the concrete to the abstract,” although the prevalence of the opposite in professional writing has been noted by researchers such as Lanham (1974) and Couture (1986). Computer software is able to identify some of the abstract language in a text, i.e. words ending in -tion, -ness, -ity, -ance, -ancy, -ence and -ency and other characteristic suffixes. It cannot identify ordinary words used in abstract senses, let alone decide whether they are appropriate for the subject. Abstract words are not necessarily reprehensible, but their cumulative effect on the weary reader needs to be factored in. ♦ For further discussion of related issues, see gobbledygook and nominal.
learning”), realms of academe, world of academe, ivory towers in academe, and even the ghetto of academe. Fowler’s criticism of using academe in the sense “academic world” could perhaps have prompted the rise of academia as an alternative term since World War II. In fact academia outnumbers academe by 4:1 in both the BNC and CCAE, and it collocates in much the same way with “halls,” “ivory towers,” “cloisters,” and “groves” itself. Like academe, it appears in sets like “labor, business and academia” to designate a sphere of activity and influence. No doubt its more transparent form (ending in the abstract suffix -ia) gives it an advantage over its competitor, which lacks formal analogues in English. (See further under -ia.) The phrase the academy is very occasionally found as a synonym for academia and academe, but its usage is mostly worlds apart and has been much broader than either, especially in C19 and earlier C20. In the UK, academy served as the common term for an alternative type of school to the classically oriented grammar school; and in North America it was used in reference to private schools. It’s now more familiar as the key word in the names of various specialized institutes of the performing arts – the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, Franz Liszt Academy of Music – as well as visual arts and sciences. In the US, the word academy is built into the names of defense force training centres such as the West Point Academy, not to mention the metropolitan Police Academy, immortalized through movies. The American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences lends its name to the Academy Awards, and winners there enjoy professional esteem comparable to that of the Academy exhibitor among the British art establishment. These various institutions give a specialized meaning to academy that distinguishes it from academe and academia, yet it now lacks generic usages enough to guarantee it a long future. ♦ For the Acad´emie Franc¸aise and other language academies, see language academy.
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An abstract is a distinctively structured summary, used especially in academic contexts. See under summary.
academia, academe and academy The first of these words is both the most ancient in form and the most popular now, at the start of C21. Academia (Akademeia) was the name of the Athenian garden associated with the legendary Greek hero Akademos (in medieval times called Academe). Plato’s school of philosophy took its name from the garden, hence later references to “Plato’s Academy.” The use of academe to mean “place of learning” is first recorded in Shakespeare’s Love’s Labour’s Lost, where it appears in the singular as well as plural (alongside “books”) as the source of “the true Promethean fire.” Fowler (1926) took Shakespeare to task for using academe in reference to an institution rather than a person, and would have liked even less its extended use to refer to the whole academic community and environment. Merriam-Webster (2000) embraces all these senses, whereas only the institutional ones appear in New Oxford (1998), Canadian Oxford (1998) and the Australian Macquarie (1997). In American and British usage, academe most commonly appears in sets like arts, academe and the professions. Otherwise it provides the context for many a work of fiction – apart from Mary McCarthy’s novel The Groves of Academe (1952), and Mark Stein’s play (c. 1980) of the same name. The phrase groves of academe now has more than a whiff of clich´e about it, but at least it can be varied. Large databases such as the BNC and CCAE show a range of alternatives: halls of academe (hybridized with “halls of [higher]
accents and diacritics In speech, an accent is a general style of pronunciation which strikes the listener as different, as in a foreign accent, an Irish accent. It may involve the stress patterns of words as well as the way sounds are pronounced. The accents of written language mostly relate to individual sounds. When superimposed on a particular letter of the alphabet, accents show that the pronunciation differs in some way from the unmarked letters. The English spelling system does without accents, except for the occasional foreign word (see below). Many other languages make systematic use of accents to indicate aspects of sound, stress and pitch. The technical term for accent marks is diacritics. The most familar accents are those of European languages, such as the French acute and the German umlaut which mark particular vowels, and the ´ cek, used with Spanish tilde and the Slavonic haˇ particular consonants. Less well-known ones are the small circle used over u in Czech, and over a in Danish, Norwegian and Swedish, and the slash used with l in Polish and with o in Danish and Norwegian. (See further at individual entries on acute, cedilla, ˇ circumflex, dieresis, grave, ha´ cek, tilde, umlaut.) Accents are also used to mark the strongly stressed syllables of some words of Italian, Spanish and Irish.
acceptance or acceptation Some Asian languages written in the Roman alphabet, such as Vietnamese, have accents to show the different tones or pitch that go with a particular word: rising, falling, level etc. The use of accents shows the limitations of the alphabet for writing the sounds of diverse modern languages. (See further under alphabets.) Foreign accents/diacritics in English Accents may be included in the English spelling of loanwords, depending on whether the word is a common noun or proper name, and the context of communication.
a) Loanwords which become English common nouns tend to lose their accents in the course of time, witness French loans such as crepe, debut, elite, facade, and role. Their disappearance is helped by the fact that English typewriters and wordprocessors rarely have accents in their repertoire, neither does the internet. In fact there’s no reason for accents to be retained in words such as role or elite, where the vowel letters themselves match the pronunciation. The accents would mostly be missed by francophones and those for whom it adds cachet or a hint of sophistication. In Webster’s Third (1986) the unaccented form of all those words is given priority, whereas the opposite holds true for the Oxford Dictionary (1989). This difference probably correlates with divergent regional trends, as well as the fact that the original Oxford (1884–1928) was much more inclined to mark loanwords as “not naturalized,” with accents shown to correlate with their perceived foreignness. Though the “foreign” symbol has been removed from many of these loanwords in the second edition (1989), the accents remain and accentless alternatives are not yet recognized. Copy-editing (1992) suggests that if accents are to be marked, all those belonging to the word should be there, e.g. prot´eg´e, r´esum´e. The more functional approach is to use whatever accents are essential to distinguish loanwords from their English homographs. Hence resum´e with one accent to contrast with resume. (See ´ Even so, the context may further under resume.) provide all that’s needed to identify them as noun and verb respectively, just as it does for expos´e and expose. Only the first could appear in an expos´e of corruption and the second in the will to expose corruption. The difference between pique and piqu´e is embedded in their particular collocations: a fit of pique v. a pique table cloth. When both are adjectives, readers may depend more on the accent to distinguish their attributive use, as in a flamboyant lam´e suit and a lame duck. The accent is more crucial when the homographs work in the same grammatical slot.
acceptance or acceptation At the start of C21, these two are scarcely interchangeable as the noun counterpart to the verb accept. The latinate acceptation could once be used to mean “a state of being accepted or acceptable,” but the last trace of it was around 1800, by which time the French-style acceptance had replaced it for all practical purposes. Just one application remains for acceptation: to refer to the interpretation or understanding of a word which is the focus of academic or legal discussion. American data from CCAE provides a single example in which a court found that “by common acceptation, the description [white pine] has acquired a secondary meaning as firmly anchored as the first.” On that one showing, and the two British instances in BNC, acceptation is close to extinction.
accessory or accessary Accessory is now the all-purpose spelling for most contexts. Accessary used to be reserved for legal discourse, when talking about a person as the accessary to a crime or an accessary after the fact. But accessory is now used in those expressions too, as evidenced by data from very large corpora (BNC, CCAE). They contained no examples of accessary apart from a very dubious British example, in which the word was flanked by three misspelled words. Dictionaries which continue to present accessary as an alternative spelling are presumably justifying it from specialized legal documents, which perpetuate archaic writing conventions. Meanwhile the spelling accessory has always been preferred for the extra item(s) that go with any complex outfit, whether it is a set of clothes, a car or a computer.
b) Well-known foreign names with accents/ diacritics generally lose them when reproduced in English. Thus Dvorak is usually written without the ˇ ha´ cek, Zurich without the umlaut, and Montreal without its acute. In some contexts of communication, however, retaining such accents assumes some strategic and diplomatic importance. This would be so for British or American authors writing for EU readerships; or for anglophone Canadians when writing French-Canadian names and titles into public documents, such as Sept-Iˆles and Mus´ee de Nouveau Brunswick. Note also that accents are used on capital letters in Canadian French, though not regularly in Metropolitan French. For further details, see Editing Canadian English (2000).
accidentally or accidently The second and shorter spelling is not as obsolete as the Oxford Dictionary (1989) claims. Databases show its currency, with a score of British examples in the BNC and almost 100 American ones in CCAE. These numbers suggest that accidently is somewhat commoner in American English, and its relative frequency vis-a-vis ` accidentally confirms it: about 1:15 in American data, whereas it’s 1:28 in the British data. Accidently is sometimes regarded as a spelling mistake or malformation, but its pedigree is obscured by the fact that accident was once an adjective, from which it could be derived quite regularly. Common pronunciation of the word (with stress on the first syllable) also supports the shorter form. This is not to say we should prefer it to accidentally: rather that it cannot be dismissed as a solecism.
acclaim Note that the associated noun is acclamation. See -aim.
accommodation, accomodation and accommodations Accommodation, and the related verb accommodate, may well qualify as the most widely misspelled words in otherwise standard writing of the late C20. Yet “accomodate” was not uncommon in earlier centuries, as the Oxford Dictionary (1989) shows. Celebrated authors such as Defoe, Cowper and Jane Austen used it. The insistence on two ms thus seems to have firmed
acronyms up during the last 100 years. It is unquestionably in line with the etymology of the word (its root is the same as for commodity and commodious). But unless you know Latin, the reason for the two ms isn’t obvious. One pair of doubled consonants (the cs) seems enough for some writers as if a kind of dissimilation sets in. (See dissimilate or dissimulate.) Accomodation is still relatively rare in edited prose, however commonly seen in signs and advertisements. British data from the BNC has accommodation outnumbering accomodation by almost 100:1, and in American data from CCAE the ratio is still close to 70:1. Neither Webster’s Third (1986) nor the Oxford Dictionary presents the single-m spellings as alternatives, though they allow consonant-reduced spellings of other words such as guer(r)illa and millen(n)ium, despite their etymology. The management of double and single consonants is a vexed issue for various groups of English words (see single for double). Until recently, American English was distinctive in using the plural accommodations in reference to temporary lodgings or arrangements for lodgings, whereas British English preferred the singular. But the BNC provides evidence of accommodations being used now in the UK as well – in advertisements for oceanfront accommodations, as well as more abstract discussions describing how each party is prepared to make substantial accommodations to the other. Overall there are 45 instances in the BNC, as opposed to thousands in CCAE, but enough to show that the plural form is being recommissioned in Britain. The Oxford Dictionary shows earlier British citations up to about 1800.
ACE This is an acronym for the Australian Corpus of English, a database of late C20 written Australian English, from which evidence has been drawn for entries in this book. For the composition of the corpus, see under English language databases.
-acious/-aceous These endings have a spurious likeness, although they need never be confused. The words ending in -aceous are not everyday words except for the gardener or botanist. How recently did you see herbaceous or rosaceous, for example? Farinaceous comes closer to home in discussions of food or diet, yet all such words originate as scientific creations, referring to particular classes of plants. By contrast, the words ending in -acious are unspecialized and used in many contexts. For example: audacious capacious loquacious pugnacious vivacious voracious Note that the -ac- in these words is actually part of the stem or root of the word (e.g. audac-), to which -ious has been added. For more about words formed in this way, see -ious.
acknowledgement or acknowledgment Acknowledgment is given priority in both Webster’s Third (1986) and the Oxford Dictionary (1989), perhaps because of its use by publishers in the front matter of books. Yet acknowledgement gets plenty of use in both the US and the UK. In American data from CCAE, the two are almost equally matched, while British evidence from the BNC has acknowledgement strongly preferred, by more than 5:1. The spellling which retains the e in the middle is more regular in terms of the larger conventions of English spelling (see -e). For other words ending in -dg(e)ment, see under -ment.
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Accompanyist seems to have dropped out of favor, though still heard from time to time. Both spellings were evidenced in C19, and the Oxford Dictionary (1989), while preferring accompanist, actually had more citations (3:1) for accompanyist. Webster’s Third (1986) also presents the two spellings, putting accompanist first. But there’s no recent evidence for accompanyist in either BNC or CCAE – or anything to suggest that accompanyist is a US alternative, as suggested by some dictionaries.
accusative This is a grammatical name for the case of the direct object of a verb. In “The judge addressed the jury,” jury is the direct object, and could therefore be said to be accusative. The term is regularly used in analyzing languages like German and Latin, because they have different forms for the direct and the indirect object (the latter is called the dative). In English both direct and indirect objects have the same form, whether they are nouns or pronouns. Compare: The judge addressed the jury / them (direct object) The judge gave the jury / them his advice (indirect object) Because the words jury/them are the same for both roles, the term objective case is often used in English to cover both accusative and dative. ♦ For more about grammatical case, see cases and object. ♦ For the so-called “unaccusative,” see ergative and middle voice.
International English selection: Since acknowledgement is well established in both American and British English, and the more regular spelling, it’s the one to prefer in international communication. ♦ For the location of acknowledgements at the front of a book, see preface.
acroThis Greek element, meaning either “top” or “end,” brings both kinds of meaning into English in loanwords. In words like acrophobia and acropolis (including the Acropolis in Athens) it means a “high position.” In others, like acronym and acrostic, it means the “tip” or “extremity” of the words involved. The acrobat is literally “one who walks on tiptoe.”
acronyms An acronym is the word formed out of the initial letter or letters of a particular set of words. Thus an acronym, like an abbreviation, carries the meaning of a complex title or phrase: ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
active verbs UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund) WHO (World Health Organization) Acronyms like these are written without stops, and may metamorphose further into words by shedding their capital letters, except for the first one. Thus NATO can also be written as Nato, and UNICEF as Unicef. When acronyms become common nouns, they are written entirely in lower case. For example: laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) radar (radio detection and ranging) scuba (self-contained underwater breathing apparatus) snag (sensitive new-age guy) Not all acronyms are nouns. The adjective posh is believed to have begun as an acronym, standing for “port outward, starboard home”– unquestionably the choicer side of the ship, if you were a colonial journeying between Britain and India, and wanted to avoid the tropical sun. Another is the adverb AWOL (still usually capitalized) which in military parlance is “absent without official leave,” but used much more widely in the phrase gone AWOL, to cover an unexplained absence. The desire to create acronyms which are both pronounceable and meaningful has exercised many an action group, such as: ASH (Action on Smoking and Health) CARS (Committee on Alcohol and Road Safety) LIFE (Lay Institute for Evangelism) MADD (Mothers against Drunk Driving) SWAP (Students Work Abroad Program) Strategically chosen acronyms can also provide a useful mnemonic, as in the SWOT analysis of business operations, under the headings of “strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats.” Acronyms and initialisms. All the acronyms discussed so far comprise strings of letters which combine to form syllables, and can be pronounced as ordinary words. This is not, however, possible with abbreviations like BBC or GNP, which have to be pronounced letter by letter. Technically they are initialisms rather than acronyms, although the term is not widely known. (The term alphabetism is still less common.) Yet initialism began as a nonce word just before 1900, according to the original Oxford Dictionary (1884–1928). Though absent from the 1976 Supplement H–N, it eventually made a full entry in the second edition (1989). Still it remains a technical term for professional editors and lexicographers, and hardly leaves any trace in large general databases. There are no occurrences of it in CCAE, and only one (in the plural) in the BNC. Data from both corpora show that initialisms such as CBT (computer-based training) and FMFFV (full motion / full frame video) are simply called acronyms. The distinction is in any case flawed, because (1) an abbreviation can embody both types, as does MSDOS; and (2) the same abbreviation can be pronounced in two ways. Think for example of AKA (“also known as”) and UFO (“unidentified flying object”), which are two-syllabled acronyms for some speakers, and three-syllabled initialisms for others. Initialisms generally keep their capital letters, even when they correspond to strings of lower case words.
active verbs The term active is applied by grammarians to a verb whose action is performed by its own grammatical subject. A classical illustration is the statement: I came, I saw, I conquered. Active verbs contrast with passive verbs, where the subject is acted upon by the verb’s action. There are three passive verbs in the historical punishment for high treason – He was hanged, drawn and quartered – although only the first one is fully expressed with a subject and a part of the verb be (see passive verbs). In written documents, active verbs are vital because they express action directly as an event, rather than making it a passive process. They are the natural way to keep a narrative moving vigorously along, and many books on good style recommend their use to ensure vigorous prose. Other things to avoid are discussed under gobbledygook, and impersonal style.
acuity or acuteness The adjective acute has for centuries had two abstract nouns: the latinate acuity being first recorded in 1543, and the home-grown English acuteness in 1646. Acuity is much more frequent than acuteness – by a factor of 4:1 in American English (CCAE) and 5:1 in British data from the BNC. Despite unequal shares of usage, they coexist through some specialization in their uses. The corpus data has acuity typically referring to sharpness of vision, while acuteness is associated with poignancy of feeling, suffering and the symptoms of disease. Yet the BNC also shows some overlap, in that either may refer to sharpness of intellect and observation, where the mind’s eye and the seeing eye coincide.
acute accents The meaning of this mark depends on the language being written. In some European languages it marks a special vowel quality, as in French where it’s used for a tense e (one pronounced with the tongue higher than for other kinds of e). In Czech and Hungarian the acute accent can be associated with any of the five vowels. Compare Polish, where it goes with the vowel o, and several consonants: c, n, s and z. Other languages deploy the acute accent to mark prosodic aspects of words. In Greek and Spanish writing, acute accents are placed over vowels to show that the syllables they occur in are stressed. Spanish homophones are sometimes distinguished this way: thus si (“if ”) and si (“yes”). In Vietnamese writing, the acute accent represents a rising pitch for the syllable concerned. Double acute accents are used in Hungarian on o and u, making different sounds from the same letters marked with umlauts. See further under umlaut.
ad or advert In the snappy world of advertising, abbreviated forms of the key word are indispensable, though they made their first showing in print some decades before the industry took off. The Oxford Dictionary’s record begins in Victorian England, with two citations from mid-C19, and one from 1902 whose author finds it “a loathly little word,” yet such was its popularity in the 1920s that admen themselves campaigned against it,
ad hoc, ad-hoc and adhoc fearing that it robbed their enterprise of dignity (Mencken’s Supplement to The American Language, 1945). With only two letters, ad is an abnormally brief word for embodying content (see further under words), and British dictionaries including the Oxford label it “colloquial.” American dictionaries such as Webster’s Third (1986) leave it unlabeled, and American corpus evidence confirms that it’s stylistically versatile, appearing in eight different categories of fiction and nonfiction in the Brown corpus, and in newspapers as well as monographs in the more recent CCAE. Reviewing its status, Webster’s English Usage (1989) concludes that it is acceptable to a large majority of Americans. It also occurs freely in contemporary British English, with over 750 instances (singular and plural) in the BNC, found in many kinds of publication, and connected with various British institutions including Sainsbury’s and Yorkshire TV. Other signs that ad is established are the increasing range of compounds based on it. Adman originated in the first decade of C20, but CCAE contains many others, usually spaced, such as ad agency, ad campaign, ad revenues and want-ads. Note that in all but the last example, ad means “advertising” rather than “advertisement,” though not all dictionaries recognize this. Advert also originated in C19 (first recorded in 1860), but did not gain popularity until the 1950s. Large databases confirm that it’s little used outside Britain. Though the BNC contains more than 800 examples (singular and plural) in BNC data, the tally from CCAE could be counted on the fingers of one hand. Its appearances in BNC texts – mostly the more interactive kinds of discourse – show that it’s still “colloquial,” as noted in the Oxford Dictionary. Advert as an abbreviation of “advertisement” keeps its distance from the identical latinate verb advert meaning “draw attention,” which appears less than 10 times in the BNC, and only in rather formal style. Both ad and advert are occasionally punctuated like abbreviations – ad., advert. – and there are examples among the Oxford Dictionary citations, though they are not proposed as secondary forms. For most writers ad and advert are established short forms, like exam or gym, and there’s no need to mark them as abbreviations of “advertisement” or “advertising.” See further under clipping. ♦ For the choice between advertisement and advertizement, see further under that heading.
makes AD dates consistent with BC dates – and both then have the same order as when spoken. Database evidence from CCAE as well as the BNC confirms the trend in both the US and the UK, though it’s closer to being an equal alternative in the American data. The Cambridge International Dictionary (1995) allows both placements. The developing practice of placing AD after the year reference is supported by the now regular habit of having it follow the word century, as in the fifth century AD. This was the only location for it in many examples from the BNC and CCAE, and it’s accepted even by usage authorities who object to placing AD after the year. Once again it reflects the order in which the phrase is said, but it was once objected to on the grounds that the word anno (“year”) came awkwardly after “century.” Those who read AD in its original Latin terms are however increasingly rare. For most it simply means “in the Christian era,” and has a “purely conventional significance,” as the Chicago Manual (1993) put it. Most scholars and scholarly editors, it says, have “long since withdrawn their objections.” The punctuation and typesetting of AD raise a few further questions. The font is usually roman rather than italic, in keeping with the bold feature style of this entry, rather than the italics used in examples. With full typesetting resources it can appear in small capitals (see small caps), but in wordprocessed text and on the internet it typically appears in full caps. The use/non-use of stops in AD is a matter of regional and/or individual policy for capitalized abbreviations (see abbreviations). American authorities cited in this entry tend to use periods/stops (A.D.) and the British ones not. They are united in leaving no space between the letters of the abbreviation, but setting space between it and the year. ♦ For more about the writing of dates, see BC or BCE and dating systems.
AD or A.D. This abbreviation stands for the Latin anno domini, meaning “in the year of the Lord.” It represents a date calculated within the calendar devised centuries ago by the Christian church, which is still the standard for the western world. In the Christian calendar, all years are dated as being either before the presumed year of Christ’s birth (BC), or after it (AD). According to a long-established principle of style, noted in Burchfield (1996) and the Chicago Manual (2003), AD should be written before the number in a date, as in AD 405, and BC after the number: 55 BC. Yet there’s increasing evidence that “it ain’t necessarily so.” Webster’s English Usage (1989) presents counter examples alongside conventional ones; and Webster’s Style Manual (1985) had earlier observed that, despite the convention, “many writers and editors place AD after the date” (as in 405 AD). It observed that this
ad hoc, ad-hoc and adhoc In Latin this phrase meant “to this” and by extension “for this matter.” We use it in expressions like ad hoc committee, i.e. one set up for a specific and limited purpose, alongside the regular committee. In this precise context ad(-)hoc is neutral in meaning. In wider use it has come to mean “impromptu,” and, more negatively, “lacking in forethought or circumspection.” Decisions made ad hoc often seem arbitrary. These shifts in meaning, and the range of English derivatives (see below), show how thoroughly ad(-)hoc has been assimilated. Ad hoc is still usually set with space, whether used as an attributive adjective, as in ad hoc measures, or predicatively (or adverbially) as in Everything is very ad hoc (see adjectives section 1). In American data from CCAE, the spaced form (ad hoc) outnumbers ad-hoc by more than 7:1, in keeping with the general American practice of avoiding hyphens (see under that heading). The difference is even greater in BNC data (closer to 15:1), though this may have more to do with British preference for preserving the identity of the Latin phrase. The BNC also provides a score of examples of adhoc (set solid). This form has yet to be recognized in either New Oxford (1998) or Merriam-Webster (2000), but it’s the natural trend when the word is almost always an adjective rather than adverb, as the databases show. The fact that it has
ad hominem several derivatives is further evidence of its ongoing assimilation. The nouns derived from ad(-)hoc pose issues of spelling, illustrated in the alternative forms adhoc(k)ing, adhocism / ad hocism, adhoc(k)ery and even ad-hoc-ness, all registered in the Oxford Dictionary (1989). The Addenda of Webster’s Third (1986) adds adhocracy, a word which could be applied in many domains where adhoc(k)ery seems to rule. It conforms neatly to English spelling, and doesn’t require any extra letter or hyphen to make it look like a real word. The Oxford variants ad hocism and ad hoc-ery show the persistent use of space to identify the Latin elements, though they highlight etymology at the expense of current meaning, and ignore the problems of suffixation (see further under -c/-ck- and -e). At any rate, consensus has yet to be achieved on how to spell these words, leaving writers free to select or construct the form which communicates best.
ad hominem This phrase, borrowed from Latin, is part of the longer expression argumentum ad hominem “argument directed at the individual.” It refers to diversionary tactics used in legal pleading and political rhetoric, either an appeal to the self-interest of the listener(s), or a personal attack on the opposition (the “mudslinging” of low-level parliamentary debate). Either way it diverts attention from the real issues, and jeopardizes proper debate and discussion. It suggests that the speaker is unable or unwilling to answer the points raised by the other side. (See further under argument.) ♦ See also ad personam.
and ad lib interchanging with adlib in broadcasting autocues (e.g. Harriet adlib), where its grammar is indeterminate. Data from CCAE have ad lib as often as ad-lib for noun, verb and adjective, in line with the greater reluctance of Americans to use a hyphen when spaced forms will do (see under hyphens). But ad(-)lib evidently varies in both the US and UK – which goes with the free-wheeling nature of the process it refers to.
ad personam This Latin phrase (literally “to the person”) has had two kinds of use in late C20 English: ∗ to describe appointments which are made to suit the individual candidate, rather than by general criteria ∗ as a nonsexist variant of ad hominem, on the mistaken assumptions that (a) the latter means “at the man” (male) rather than “at the human individual”; and (b) Latin persona can be used like “person” in English (see under -person and persona). Just what equal opportunity it provides for is unclear. Neither usage is widespread. The second, noted by Bliss (1966), seems to predate affirmative action of the 1980s, while the first makes its appearance in New Oxford (1998). There’s no sign of either in Merriam-Webster (2000).
ad rem This Latin phrase means literally “to the matter.” It is used to identify arguments which stick to the point at issue, and do not resort to diversionary tactics or argumentative tricks. (See further under argument and fallacies.)
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In Latin this phrase meant “to infinity” and was used literally in medieval scholasticism in theological and mathematical argument. But in modern usage ad infinitum is always a rhetorical exaggeration – applied to a process which seems to go drearily on and on.
ad lib, ad-lib or adlib In shortened form, this is the late Latin phrase ad libitum, meaning “at one’s pleasure,” or “as you please.” Musicians have known it for centuries as a directive to do as they like with the musical score: modify the tempo, add a few grace notes, omit a few bars of repetition. Only in C20 was the word extended to other kinds of performance (particularly acting and public speaking), in which the speaker may extemporize beyond the script. Often it implies a complete absence of scripting. These more general uses of the phrase have turned it into a colloquial verb, as in having to ad-lib his way through a weather forecast. Both the New Oxford Dictionary (1998) and Merriam-Webster (2000) have the verb written as ad-lib, the last consonant of which is doubled when suffixes are added, as in ad-libbed, ad-libbing and ad-libber. The dictionaries propose the hyphened form ad-lib for the noun (an original ad-lib) and adjective (his ad-lib masterpiece) as well, though New Oxford uses ad lib when illustrating the rather rare adverb. Yet data from the BNC show a mix of ad-lib and ad lib for verb, noun and adjective in edited texts,
adage See under aphorism.
adaptation or adaption These are both abstract nouns based on the verb adapt. Adaptation is older by far with an antecedent in late Latin, whereas adaption appears first in C18, apparently formed on the analogy of adoption. Adaption has never been as popular as adaptation, to judge by the way it’s cross-referenced to the longer word in both Webster’s Third (1986) and the Oxford Dictionary (1989). In contemporary databases of British and American English, adaption is much less common than adaptation, in the ratio of about 1:20 in BNC and 1:40 in CCAE. What use it has in American English is typically in references to a literary work being adapted for another medium such as television or film. But occasionally it refers to the adapting of computer software for different platforms, of industries to changing market forces, and of humans to extreme stress. The last is the sole example in CCAE to support the indication of the Random House Dictionary (1987) that adaption belongs to sociology. Clearly the word is in wider use than its editors – or Fowler (1926) – were aware. Adaption is thus a viable alternative to adaptation, and goes almost anywhere the verb adapt itself can go.
adapter or adaptor Some -er/-or pairs complement each other, one being used for the person and the other for the instrument
adjacent, adjoining and adjunct (as with conveyer/conveyor). But this is not so for adapter/adaptor, which are interchangeable in database evidence from both the US and the UK. The chief difference is that adapter is much more frequent than adaptor in American English, occurring more than four times as often in CCAE; whereas in British English the situtation is reversed with adaptor occurring nearly four times as often as adapter in the BNC. In both databases, the words were used much more often in relation to mechanical, electrical or electronic devices than to people who adapt something such as a literary work. But the human sense was spelled as both adapter and adaptor, and there were instances of both co-adapter and co-adaptor in CCAE. ♦ For other kinds of complementation between -er/-or words, see under that heading.
addendum For the plural of this word, see under -um.
addition or additive Additives are of course additions, but additions are not necessarily additives. Additive has the much more restricted meaning of something added in a chemical process, as in photography, or in the processing of foods. But if you’re extending your house or family, it will be an addition, not an additive.
addresses In the last fifty years, the wording of addresses in letters and on envelopes has become increasingly streamlined. Current practice is to use minimal punctuation, and abbreviations for titles, generic elements of street names, and state or province codes. Zip codes / post codes are used in most English-speaking countries, placed after the name of the state in the US and Australia, after the city in the UK, and after the province in Canada. In European addresses the post code precedes the name of the city. Examples of each are set out in Appendixes VII and VIII. ♦ For the conventions of e-mail and internet addresses, see URL.
many kinds of religious affiliation (Christian and non-Christian), as well as political and social commitments (to Keynesian economics, the Berne copyright convention and the new corporate mentality). Some applications were closer to home, as in adherence to a low-fat diet, or to a dress code of suits, ties and jackets for legislators. Again there were a few crossover examples in both CCAE and BNC where adherence (rather than adhesion) was used to express chemical and biochemical bonding. The interplay between the two words shows that they are not quite as specialized in their applications as is sometimes said, although adhesion remains the one to which more technical senses are attached. Adherence still can be applied more freely, in many human and social situations. This helps to explain why it is much more common than adhesion, although the margin is greater in the US than the UK, judging by their relative frequency in data from CCAE and the BNC.
adieu In several European languages, speakers seem to invoke the divinity when taking leave of each other. Adieu (French) and adios (Spanish) both mean literally “to God”; and the English goodbye, originally “God be with you,” spells it out a little more. Goodbye is now totally secularized, an all-purpose farewell, whereas adieu retains a certain divine melancholy, a sense of the significance of the parting that it marks. Contemporary English uses of adieu illustrated in the BNC are mostly to be found in literary fiction, in direct address (“Gentlemen, adieu”), and in narrative comment, usually collocated with the verb bid in the sense “declare” (see further at bid). When used in nonfictional contexts, bidding adieu attaches historic moment to historical departures, as when “bidding adieu to Soviet troops” is coupled with “working out new treaties of good neighbourliness with the Soviet Union.” Adieu appears only very rarely in the plural, leaving some doubt as to whether it should then be the English adieus or French adieux. The major dictionaries endorse the first rather than the second: Webster’s Third (1986) does so explicitly, and the Oxford Dictionary (1989) implicitly, by the absence of plural specification. However the -x plural is still available for those who wish to emphasize the foreign origins of adieu, and it‘s needed of course in titles such as Les Adieux, given to one of Beethoven’s sonatas.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com adherence or adhesion These abstract words are both related to the verb adhere, meaning “stick to.” They differ in that adhesion usually refers to the physical gluing or bonding of one substance to another, while adherence means a less tangible connection, such as the commitment to a religion, philosophy, code of behavior or international agreement. Yet there’s some crossover between them, which is acknowledged in American and British dictionaries, and evidenced in the corpora. The physical bonding expressed in adhesion can be chemical (as of household paint sticking to a surface), biochemical (as when bacteria attach themselves to cells) or mechanical (as of the grip of a tyre on the road or a shoe on the ground). In American English there is a further specialized legal use of the term in contract of adhesion (one which is attached to a job and cannot be negotiated by the employee). Among the crossover examples from CCAE, adhesion was also used in a few references to Christian affiliation (both conformist and nonconformist) and to political policy, in adhesion to free trade. These latter areas are the broad domain of adherence, which expresses
adjacent, adjoining and adjunct The first two words imply closeness in space, and both may indicate objects or areas juxtaposed to each other: The company suffered a serious setback when fire gutted much of the adjacent warehouse. The area ranges from full sun beyond the herb bed to deep shade adjoining the house. Adjoining normally implies contiguity, though the common boundary often has to be deduced from context, and may be no more than a right-angle connection, as in an alley adjoining the main road, and houses in adjoining streets. The sense of contiguity in adjoining probably stems from its visible connections with the word join; whereas the etymology of adjacent (“lying near”) is obscure to most. Adjacent doesn’t require things to be hard up against each
adjectives other, though they may be, as in adjacent angles or the adjacent organs of anatomical descriptions. More often, adjacent seems to be used when the relative closeness of two objects is not so important, or not known. Consider its use in BNC examples such as research with grant-maintained and other adjacent schools, which leaves it open as to how many schools in a given district are covered by the study. Adjacent is also used to refer to the position of an item immediately preceding or following in a sequence (Webster’s Third, 1986), and the relationship begins to be a matter of time rather than space. Add this to its already wider range of applications, and it’s no surprise to find that adjacent occurs more than twice as often as adjoining in both American and British English, from the evidence of CCAE and the BNC. Adjunct is a good deal more abstract than either adjacent or adjoining, and quite rare as an adjective. Its uses are official, as in adjunct professor, meaning one appointed by special (non-tenured) attachment to an institution. ♦ For grammatical uses of the noun adjunct, see adjuncts.
adjectives Often thought of as “descriptive words,” adjectives just as often serve to define or to evaluate something: a big room a windowless room an awful room The same adjective may describe and evaluate something, as in a poky room. Writers can of course use more than one adjective in the same string, to create a multifaceted image. Wine labels and wine commentaries are a rich source of them: intense cool-climate fruit and smoky oak aromas very lively, fine, dry palate with a flinty edge and a long finish a medium-bodied cabernet-style wine, matured in small French casks Both simple and compound adjectives can go before the key noun, but the more elaborately phrased descriptors (“matured in...” etc.) need to go after it (in postposition). Theoretically there’s no limit to the number of adjectives you can pile up in front of a noun – only the risk of losing the reader with too many. As those wine descriptions show, a set of three or four is plenty, especially if some of them are compound adjectives (on which see section 3 below). Adjectives appear in a conventional order, the evaluative ones coming first, before the descriptive ones, which always precede the definitive ones. This explains the sequences in smoky oak aromas and small French casks. Note also that the adjective modified by very comes first in the string, as in very lively, fine, dry palate. The same holds for any gradable or comparable adjectives (see section 2 below). Last and next to the noun are the definitive or categorial adjectives, such as French, which are nongradable. A further point to note is that definitive adjectives are often nouns conscripted for adjectival service, like oak in smoky oak aromas. (On punctuating sets of adjectives, see comma, section 3.) 1 Attributive and predicative adjectives. When adjectives precede the nouns they qualify, as in the examples above, they are said to be attributive. But many also occur independently after a verb, particularly if they are evaluative or descriptive. Compare for example small casks with The casks were
small. In cases like the latter, adjectives are said to be predicative, because they form part of the predicate of the clause, complementing the verb and its subject (see further under predicate). Attributive and predicative uses yield different meanings in some cases: compare an ill omen with She was ill. Some adjectives resist being used in predicative roles. Those such as utter, mere (and others when used as emphasizers e.g. a firm friend, the real hero, sheer arrogance) can only occur as attributive adjectives. The same is true of many which serve to define or categorize a noun (like meeting in the example meeting room), which could not be used predicatively in the same sense, if at all. Other adjectives are restricted to the predicative role, including those on the adjective/adverb boundary, such as: aboard abroad aground ajar awry We never say “the ajar door,” only The door was ajar. Whether ajar counts as an adjective or an adverb in that exemplary sentence is a conundrum, to be tested by syntactic criteria like those of the Comprehensive Grammar (1985). (See further under a- and copular verbs.) 2 Comparison of adjectives. The adjective system allows us to compare one thing with another, and to grade them on the same adjectival quality. There are however two systems of comparison, involving (a) suffixes or (b) more and most. Their application depends largely on how many syllables the adjective consists of. *Adjectives of one syllable are usually compared by means of the suffixes -er and -est, as in: fine wine (absolute) finer wine (comparative) the finest wine (superlative) The different forms of the adjective – absolute (or positive), the comparative and the superlative – make the regular degrees of comparison for most everyday English adjectives. Good and bad are the major exceptions with their irregular paradigms good, better, best and bad, worse, worst. Other exceptions are adjectives like crushed and worn, which have verb (past participle) suffixes embedded in them, and whose degrees of comparison are formed periphrastically, i.e. with the help of more/most. Idiom occasionally dictates an irregular form for a one-syllabled adjective, as in the phrase “a more just society.”
*Adjectives consisting of three or more syllables almost always form their degrees of comparison periphrastically, i.e. by means of adjectival phrases formed with more and most: an expensive wine a more expensive wine the most expensive wine Exceptions among three-syllabled adjectives are those formed with un-, such as unhappy and unhealthy, whose comparatives and superlatives are as they would be without the prefix: unhappier, unhealthiest. *Adjectives with two syllables are less predictable in their forms of comparison than those shorter or longer. Many can be compared either way, such as: gentle lovely gentler / more gentle lovelier / more lovely gentlest / most gentle loveliest / most lovely The inflected forms are neat for attributive use, whereas phrasal comparisons are of course bulkier
admission or admittance and lend themselves to predicative use, especially for emphasis. Other factors such as the need to use matching forms of comparison for paired adjectives, as in the most simple and straightforward solution, have been found to explain some of the variation (Leech and Culpeper, 1997). One large group of adjectives – those formed with -y – is more regular than the rest, using suffixes for the comparative/superlative suffixes almost always. The following are a token of the many: angry easy empty funny happy healthy heavy lofty merry noisy pretty speedy tidy wealthy weighty Ad hoc adjectives formed with -y are compared the same regular way: craggy craggier craggiest dishy dishier dishiest foxy foxier foxiest Compare adjectives ending in -ly, which are quite variable. Researchers have found that early always used suffixes for comparison, whereas likely was almost always compared with more/most. Others in the -ly group such as costly, deadly, friendly, lively, lonely, lovely can go either way. Some adjectives such as costly, deadly, friendly prefer the inflected form for the superlative, but use periphrasis for the comparative: more costly, costliest (Peters, 2000). Both patterns of comparison have been found with adjectives ending in -le (feeble, humble, noble, simple etc.), though they are more often inflected; and the same is true of those ending in -ow (mellow, narrow, shallow). Those ending in -er (bitter, eager, proper, sober etc.) tend the other way, making their comparisons with more/most. Adjectives with a derivational suffix, such as -ful (hopeful), -less (graceless), -ive (active), -ous ( famous) are always compared phrasally, as are those formed with -ed (excited ) or -ing (boring). But two-syllabled adjectives formed with the negative prefix un- (unfair, unfit, unwise) are compared by means of inflections, just like their positive counterparts. Beyond all those groups, there are individual adjectives which go their own sweet way: quiet is almost always inflected; common, cruel, handsome, minute, polite, remote appear in both inflected and phrasal comparisons. Regional studies of the two types of comparison show that American English is slightly more inclined than British to use phrasal comparison with -ly adjectives (Lindquist, 1998). Some have thought that writers would be more inclined to use phrasal comparison than speakers, though research associated with the Longman Grammar (1999) showed the opposite: that the frequency of inflected adjectives was higher in all forms of writing (fiction, journalism, academic) than in conversation. Despite these tendencies, writers have some freedom of choice when comparing many everyday two-syllabled adjectives, to be exercised in the service of style, rhythm and rhetoric. The only caveat is to avoid using inflections as well as periphrasis in quick succession, as in “the most unkindest cut of all” (Julius Caesar, iii:2). Double superlatives like this were acceptable in Tudor English, but not nowadays. *Uncomparable adjectives. Many kinds of adjective don’t support any degrees of comparison – the quality they refer to cannot be graded. A definitive adjective like French (in French cask) either is or is not true. (More French than the French turns it ad hoc into a
gradable adjective.) Other adjectives which cannot be compared are those which refer to an absolute state, such as first, double, last and dead. Uncomparable adjectives like those are sometimes referred to as absolute adjectives (see absolute section 1). 3 Compound adjectives consist of two or more parts, and may or may not include an adjective. They are the staple of journalese, as in the war-torn Middle East or power-hungry executives, but are also used creatively by advertisers, and by authors and poets for artistic purposes. For more about the structure of compound adjectives, see compounds, and hyphens section 2c. ♦ For the grammar of adjectival phrases and clauses, see phrases and clauses section 4.
adjoining or adjacent See adjacent.
adjuncts Grammarians use this term in two different ways: ∗ for a particular set of adverbs: see adverbs, section 1 ∗ for the adverbial component(s) of a clause: see predicate, section 1
administer or administrate These come from French and Latin respectively, and as often the first has many more roles than the second. Dictionaries tend to cross-reference administrate to administer as if it could be freely substituted for it, yet administrate can scarcely take as its object things such as justice, punishment, medicine, poison, a blow, an oath or the sacrament, all of which collocate with administer. Administer has a distinctive intransitive use with to (once disputed, now dictionary-endorsed) which is found in examples such as administering to the sick, and this administrate cannot cover. The chief uses of administrate are close to the nouns administration and administrator, in the intransitive sense of “act as administrator” or transitively “manage the administration of ” (usually a corporate structure or institution). Neither is common in British English, judging by the dearth of examples in the BNC, but there’s a sprinkling of them in American data from CCAE. Intransitive and transitive uses are almost equally represented (the latter involving objects such as “department,” “estate,” “the act,” “private lands”). Administrate clearly has a role to play, one that is distinct from administer.
admission or admittance Though similar in age, these two abstract nouns for the verb admit have very unequal shares of the linguistic market. The latinate admission dominates the scene by about 40:1, according to BNC data. Admission scoops up the verb senses of confessing something or letting it slip, as in an admission of guilt or by his own admission, and admittance is only rarely found in such senses. Either word can be used when it’s a matter of entering or being allowed to enter (a controlled public place such as a stadium or exhibition), although admission is much more common, and the one built into compounds such as admission price. Hospitals institutionalize it in their nomenclature, ADMISSIONS being the section where patients are admitted for care. While admission invites entry, admittance is associated with denying
adopted or adoptive it, in the conventional sign NO ADMITTANCE. The sign addresses those not authorized to enter a given area because of potential dangers or privacy – not those who work there, who would not be denied access by it. In a more upfront way admission can also be associated with exclusive kinds of entry, for example membership of professional groups, as in admission to the board of solicitors, or admission to the Bar. These official uses of admission may nevertheless suggest that the word is to be avoided when the access route is less formal, hence BNC examples such as admittance to Paradise and admittance to the afterlife (no “admissions board” to control access there!). Unexpected uses of admittance may amount to no more than the fact that it seems closer to the verb admit than admission does, and comes naturally when thinking of the verbal process. The most distinctive application of admittance is as a technical term in electronics, where it complements conductance, impedance and resistance in the structure of electrical systems.
adopted or adoptive Usage books often present these as reciprocal adjectives, the first representing the perspective of the adopter, the second that of the adoptee. So adopted is the word to expect from parents referring to the child they have taken in, and adoptive is the child’s word to describe the parents he or she has acquired in this way. This distinction is perhaps a reflex of the Oxford Dictionary’s (1989) note that adopted is used “especially of the child.” Yet its definition of adoptive allows either perspective: “an adoptive son, father etc.” and does not make the two words complementary. Whatever its basis, the “traditional distinction appears to be crumbling” says Burchfield (1996); and the BNC presents both regular and divergent examples, the latter including “adopted parent,” and “adopted family,” as well as “adoptive children” and even an “adoptive pup” in a veterinary report. In fact the selection of adopted or adoptive is immaterial because the following noun (“child” or “parent”) indicates the perspective.
advancement is an abstract concept, whereas any advance is specific and down-to-earth. The advancement of civilization would connote the heightening of cultural mores, whereas the advance of civilization could be a comment on the use of mobile phones in the Himalayas. The more abstract properties of advancement make it a useful euphemism for getting ahead in one’s career or profession, where advance is no substitute. Yet there are many more applications of advance for which advancement is unsuitable, and the first outnumbers the second by more than 9:1 in British English and 4:1 in American English, in comparable databases (LOB and Brown corpora).
adventurous or adventuresome See venturous.
adverbs Adverbs are the most varied class of English words, with a variety of syntactic roles. Some modify verbs, as the name adverb suggests. But many have other roles in sentences which are beginning to be recognized by individual names. The terms used to identify them below are those of the Comprehensive Grammar (1985). 1 Types of adverb. Adverbs which detail the circumstances of the verb are these days often called adjuncts, to indicate that they connect with the core of the clause without being part of it. Other types of adverb are subjuncts, which typically modify other adverbs or adjectives; disjuncts, which modify whole clauses or sentences; and conjuncts, which forge a semantic link between a sentence and the one before it. *adjuncts add detail to whatever action the verb itself describes. They may specify the time or place of the action, the manner in which it took place, or its extent. (time) tonight tomorrow soon then (place) abroad downtown indoors upstairs (manner) well quickly energetically thoughtfully (extent) largely partly thoroughly totally *subjuncts moderate the force of various kinds of word. Many such as really, relatively, too, very, modify adjectives and other adverbs, as in very strong/strongly. Some such as almost, quite, rather can modify verbs as well. Subjuncts of both kinds have the effect of either softening or intensifying the words they modify, hence the two major groups: (downtoners) fairly rather somewhat (intensifiers) extremely most so Expletives like bloody are powerful intensifiers of other adjectives, as in: a bloody good book (see further under intensifiers). A special subgroup of restrictive subjuncts serve to spotlight others and to narrow the focus of the sentence. They include adverbs such as especially, even, only. *disjuncts affect the interpretation of the whole clause or sentence, either as judgements of the likelihood of something happening (maybe, possibly, probably, surely); or as expressions of attitude towards the event ( fortunately, mercifully, regrettably, worryingly). They stand outside the core grammar of
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com advance, advanced and advancement Subtle changes have taken place in the grammar and spelling of advance since it first appeared in C13 English. Its original form avaunce reflects its French origins, but in Tudor times it was remodeled as advance, in accordance with Latin spelling conventions, although it has no exact Latin ancestor. Originally a verb, by 1680 it was also used as a noun, as in the enemy’s advance, and attributively, as in advance guard. The uses of advance as adjective and noun contrast with their grammatical counterparts advanced and advancement. Advance as adjective indicates priority in time and/or space, as in advance notice; whereas advanced implies being well down the track in terms of achievement or sophistication, as in an advanced student or advanced thinking. The two cannot substitute for each other. Compare the noun advance with advancement, where dictionaries suggest there’s some common ground in referring to progress in a particular field of endeavor. Yet advance can hardly replace the other word in the American Association for the Advancement of Science, not because it is an established title but because
advertisement or advertizement the sentence, and can be moved around within it: Fortunately the letter got there in time. The letter fortunately got there in time. The letter got there in time fortunately. Disjuncts, like subjuncts, can be used for emphasis, and have a significant interpersonal role to play in a writing style: see under interpersonal. *conjuncts are adverbs which play a cohesive role between separate sentences, or clauses. They include words like also, however, therefore, and thus express logical relationships such as addition, contrast and causation. (See further under conjunctions.) The same adverb can of course be used in more than way. Thus mostly can be an adjunct or a subjunct, depending on whether it quantifies the extent of something, or simply serves to emphasize it. Too is an attitudinal subjunct in too hot and a conjunct in I’m coming too. Yet can be an adjunct of time as in not yet here, and a contrastive conjunct, as in small yet tasty apricots. More controversially, hopefully is these days a disjunct as well as an adjunct (see hopefully). Note also that not, the negative adverb, is treated separately from other adverbs in modern English grammars. This is because of its affinity with negative words of other kinds, such as determiners and pronouns (neither, no, none). Not has wide-ranging powers within sentences, to modify a word (verb, adjective or another adverb), a phrase, or a whole clause. (See further under not and negatives.) 2 Adverbial structure and form. From all the examples above, it’s clear that adverbs do not necessarily end in -ly. (See further under -ly and zero adverbs.) Many like soon and well consist of a single morpheme. There are also compound adverbs, for example downtown and indoors. (See further under compounds, and hyphens section 2b.) Many adverbs are phrases: straight away to the bottom in no way a little bit without a care in the world Adverbial ideas can be expressed through several kinds of clause. See clauses section 4c. 3 Comparison of adverbs. Like many adjectives, adverbs allow degrees of comparison. Those consisting of one syllable, e.g. fast, hard, soon, make their comparative and superlative forms with inflections in the same way as adjectives: sooner, soonest etc. Adverbs formed with -ly enlist the help of more and most, as in more energetically, most energetically. 4 Position of adverbs in sentences. Many adverbs can appear at various points in a sentence, as noted above (section 1) for disjuncts. Adjuncts can also appear early, late or in the middle of a sentence: Yesterday trading hit an all-time low. Trading yesterday hit an all-time low. Trading hit an all-time low yesterday. Conjuncts are relatively mobile also. (Compare that last sentence with the one above the set of examples, and see further under also.) There are few restrictions on conjuncts such as however, despite notions to the contrary (see however). The position of adverbs can be used to alter the emphasis of a statement, and to control the focus. (See further under information focus.) A very small group of adverbs (hardly, never, scarcely) require inversion of the normal word order when used at the beginning of a sentence. See under inversion.
adverse or averse These words express different kinds of negative orientation: adverse relates to external circumstances, while averse gets inside the individual: With such adverse judgements on his case, he was still averse to reconsidering the action. Adverse is commonly applied to legal or official conditions that are hostile, or to threatening natural forces, as in adverse weather conditions or an adverse reaction to a drug. Averse expresses strong disinclination, though the idiom not averse to is used lightly or ironically, as in not averse to a little whisky. While adverse is mostly used attributively, averse is almost always predicative (see adjectives section 1). Grammar thus tends to keep them apart – but not entirely. In both the UK and the US, there’s evidence of adverse being used predicatively, and when the subject is personal there may be some doubt about the writer’s intention. See for example: Courts have not been adverse to developing the common law. Purity campaigners were not adverse to drawing on science to validate morality. The use of not seems to neutralize the difference between the two words, although the first example is probably still within the legal pale. The second clearly shows the use of adverse where you might expect averse – except that it lacks the element of understatement which goes with not averse to (see under figures of speech). The ratio of not adverse to to not averse to is about 1:3 in American data from CCAE. This confirms the rapprochement of the two idioms noted by Webster’s Dictionary of Usage (1989), though it has yet to be registered by Merriam-Webster (2000). New Oxford (1998) notes this use of not adverse to as an error, and usage data from the BNC makes it less common in British English as a substitute for not averse to, appearing in the ratio of about 1:11. Despite some convergence between adverse and averse in common usage, they contrast sharply in botanical descriptions. Leaves adverse to the stem turn towards it, while those averse to it turn away. These are the literal senses of the two words in Latin, but lost to contemporary English.
advertisement or advertizement The first spelling advertisement is given preference in dictionaries everywhere, including North America. This is as it should be, because there’s no evidence of advertizement in data from either CCAE or the BNC. Perhaps its currency depends on signs and unedited texts which are not included in those databases. The fact that advertizement gets dictionary recognition everywhere is curious, based perhaps on the preferred American pronunciation which according to Webster’s Third (1986) stresses the third (rather than the second) syllable. It may also represent the assumption that the -ise spelling would naturally give way to -ize in the US (see further under -ize/-ise). But the two instances of the verb advertize in CCAE are totally eclipsed by over 1100 instances of advertise.
International English selection: The dearth of evidence for the spelling advertizement (or even advertize) makes the -ise forms preferable anywhere in the world.
adviser or advisor
adviser or advisor Both these spellings are in current use, though adviser is the dominant spelling in both the US and the UK. The ratio in American data from CCAE is 20:1 and in British data from the BNC it’s 6:1. Curiously, advisor is sometimes said to be “the American spelling.” The Oxford Dictionary (1989) notes the frequency of the -or spelling in the titles of persons who give advice “especially in the US,” and this quasi-official usage has no doubt helped to make people aware of it. Yet the Oxford lists advisor only as a variant of adviser, with no independent headword even for cross-referencing. The spelling adviser is consistent with the majority of agent words formed in English (see -er/-or), and it goes back to C17, according to Oxford citations, whereas advisor is first recorded just before 1900. Whether it is simply a respelling of adviser or a backformation from advisory is a matter of debate. But whatever its past, advisor is registered alongside adviser in major British, American, Canadian and Australian dictionaries.
ae/e In words like anaemic and orthopaedic the ae spellings present the classical Latin digraph ae, which became a ligature (æ) or just e in medieval times. The ligature is still used in the Oxford Dictionary (1989), but the digraph appears in abridged and smaller versions, notably the 1993 edition of the Shorter Oxford and New Oxford (1998). Other British dictionaries such as those of Chambers, Collins and Longman, have always used the ae digraph, either because of Fowler’s (1926) support for it, or the lack of typographic options. But American dictionaries like Webster’s Third (1986) make use of simple e spellings in most such words, e.g. anemic, hemorrhage, orthopedic, instead of the ligature or digraph. The e spellings are standard in American English, except for (a)esthetic and arch(a)eology, where they are in the minority (in data from CCAE the digraphic spellings prevailed by more than 5:1). Canadians too use e rather than ae spellings, according to the Canadian Oxford (1998). In British English, there’s increasing variability in spelling the largish set of classical loanwords including ae/e: (a)eon (a)esthetic (a)etiology an(a)emia an(a)esthetic arch(a)eology arch(a)eopterix c(a)esura di(a)eresis encyclop(a)edia f(a)eces gyn(a)ecology h(a)ematite h(a)emoglobin h(a)emophilia h(a)emorrhage h(a)emorrhoids leuk(a)emia medi(a)eval orthop(a)edic p(a)ediatric p(a)edophile pal(a)eography pal(a)eolithic prim(a)eval septic(a)emia tox(a)emia Some of the most familiar ae words appear quite commonly now with just e – even in the UK. Data from the BNC confirms it for words such as medi(a)eval and encyclop(a)edia, and to a lesser extent for pal(a)eolithic, leuk(a)emia and orthop(a)edic. They constitute a scale, from words where e spellings are in the majority or close to it, to those linked up with medical or other kinds of technical usage, where specialists tend to preserve the ae (Peters, 2001a). The 1998–2001 Langscape survey showed that at least 25% of British respondents would use e spellings in archeology, leukemia, paleolithic, septicemia. These words and others such as orthopedic, pedophile were
endorsed by 29–50% of respondents from Australia, where ae spellings have prevailed in the past. More remarkable still was the higher endorsement by second-language users of English, in Europe as well as Asia. Their support for e spellings was almost without exception higher than the British; and a majority of Continental respondents (often 70% +) voted for e spellings, except for aesthetic and anaesthetic – where they stood at 48% and 50% respectively. Apart from usage data, there are linguistic arguments in favor of the e forms. The ae digraph is awkward as a vowel sequence with no roots in common English spelling. It makes the ligature bulk too large, and sits strangely alongside other vowels in words like diaeresis, palaeolithic and others with the pal(a)eo- prefix. In words like septic(a)emia, the use of ae runs counter to the more general spelling principle that c followed by an “a,” “o” or “u” carries a “k” sound. (See further under -ce/-ge.) The use of ae is sometimes defended on grounds of etymology: that it helps readers to recognize the meanings of the classical loanwords. But ae is not so etymological, when it’s a Latin transcription of the Greek diphthong ai. The Greek root paid- meaning “child” is the one at stake in encyclop(a)edia and orthop(a)edic, as well as p(a)ediatrics and p(a)edophilia. Millions of readers without Greek recognize these words as wholes, not through the syllable in which paid- is embedded. We no longer look for the ae in pedagogue, pedagogy and pederast; and p(a)edophile and p(a)edophilia may be expected to go the same way. In nonspecialist usage, p(a)ediatrician could also join the group, though it’s protected by doctors in some parts of the world (see pediatrician or paediatrician). The specialists’ tendency to preserve ae in those words goes hand in hand with their greater use of ae plurals (rather than -as ones) for Latin words ending in -a (see -a section 1). They therefore deal more frequently with words embodying the digraph, and its distribution is more significant for them. Yet specialists looking to a wider readership outside the UK, e.g. on the internet, might take note of the various terms in this entry where the a of the ae digraph is bracketed, as a reminder that in linguistic terms it is unnecessary. Much of the world works without the ae digraph.
International English selection: Spellings with e rather than the ae digraph are to be preferred on linguistic grounds as well as their wider distribution, throughout North America and increasingly in Continental Europe, Australia and elsewhere. In the UK it would streamline the currently uneven situation, whereby some words are already being spelled with e, and others vacillating over going that way. Final notes on ae/e 1 For use of the ae in Latin plurals, see -a section 1. 2 The ae digraph still substitutes for the ligature in classical proper names such as Aeneas, Caesar, as well as Anglo-Saxon ones such as Aelfric and Caedmon. 3 The ae at the beginning of words like aerial and aerobic is never reduced to e. In words like those it is part of the combining element aer(o)- (“air”), where a and e are separate syllables. See aer(o)-.
ageing or aging
aeon or eon
See ae/e.
See reafforestation.
aerie or eyrie
African English
See eyrie.
aer(o)This is the Latin spelling of a Greek element meaning “air,” which is built into words like aerate, aerobic, aeronautical and aerosol. The overall number of aerowords is not large, and everyday words in the group are gradually being replaced by others: aerate(d) by carbonate(d) aerial by antenna aeroplane by aircraft, airliner aerosol (can) by spray (can) Some aero- words have already gone. We no longer use aerogramme for air letter or aerodrome as the ordinary term for an airport. The adjectival use of aerial in the Australian airline QANTAS (a historical acronym for Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services) sounds quite old-fashioned. Still aer(o)- survives and remains productive with technical and scientific words, especially in relation to aviation and aerospace itself: aerobraking aerodynamic aerofoil aeromagnetic aeromechanic aeroneurosis aeropause aerostatic As the examples show, it combines with both classical and English stems.
aesthetic or esthetic
This phrase is a paraphrase for “English in Africa” and therefore a collective term for the infinitely varied forms of the language used in the west, south and east of the continent. Within each region the varieties spoken are quite diverse because of their individual colonial histories, and contact with different local languages. English is an official language in west African states such as Nigeria, Sierra Leone and the Cameroon, but it’s most widely used there in well-established forms of pidgin (see pidgins and creoles). In east Africa (in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania), English is also an official language, but less creolized because of the official use of Swahili as a lingua franca for the speakers of African languages. In southern Africa, English also takes its official place alongside local languages. See further under South African English.
Afro-American or African American The term Afro-American goes back to C19, and has been in widespread use in the 1960s and 70s. During the last quarter of C20, African American has also been widely used, but instances of Afro-American are still rather more numerous in data from CCAE. For other terms used in the US and elsewhere for persons of African origin, see black or Black.
afterward or afterwards See -ward.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com See ae/e.
aetiology or etiology See ae/e.
affect or effect For general purposes, the choice between these words is a matter of grammar: affect is a verb, and effect a noun. Compare: The strike affected our beer supply. with We felt the effect of the strike on our beer supply. These are by far the most common uses of those words. But because of their similarity, and the fact that effect appears about three times as often as affect, the spelling “effect” tends to be inadvertently given to the verb. What complicates the picture is that in rather formal usage effect can itself be a verb meaning “bring about,” as in: To effect a change of policy, we must appoint a new director. And in psychology affect can be a noun meaning “the emotion a person attaches to a particular idea or set of them.” Yet these latter uses are relatively rare. The psychological use of affect makes no showing in parallel British and American corpora (LOB and Brown), and there is one instance of effect as a verb to every 10 to 15 as a noun. In the great majority of contexts, it’s effect as a noun and affect as a verb which writers need.
affixes An affix is a meaningful element attached to either the beginning of a word (a prefix) or the end (a suffix). (See under prefixes and suffixes.)
Borrowed from French, this suffix came into English with words such as courage and advantage, and is now used to create many kinds of abstract nouns in English. Some examples are: anchorage bondage breakage cartage dosage drainage frontage leverage parentage percentage postage sewerage shrinkage storage tonnage wastage wreckage Some words ending in -age develop more specific meanings out of the abstractions they originally represented. They may refer to a specific amount of something, as do dosage, percentage and tonnage, or the payment associated with something: cartage, corkage, postage. Others express the result of a process, as do breakage, shrinkage and wreckage. Words formed with -age normally lose the final -e of their stems, as with dosage, storage, wastage (see further under -e). The most important exception is acreage where the e in the middle marks the fact that there are three syllables to the word. Other words to note are lin(e)age and mil(e)age, which may be spelled either with or without the middle e. See further linage and mileage.
aged or age Should it be aged 30 or age 30, when you want to indicate someone’s age? British English uses the first, American English the second. See further under inflectional extras.
ageing or aging See aging.
ageism or agism
ageism or agism The first spelling ageism is recommended in both Webster’s Third (1986) and the Oxford Dictionary (1989), and is the one found in almost all instances of the word in reference databases of American and British English. The very few examples of agism are all to be found in the BNC database – surprisingly when it’s American English (not British) that endorses aging so strongly (see under that heading). But at least one of the British citations is equivocal: An inaugural meeting of the Alliance Against Ageism in Employment launched a “ban agism in recruiting campaign.” The newness of ageism (first recorded 1969) and the shortness of its stem no doubt combine to make writers spell it out in full. In the longer run, we may expect it to conform to the general rule for words formed with stems ending in -e (see -e).
ageist language Stereotypes about age are embedded in language, as for any human characteristic. Some of those relating to the elderly are benign, e.g. old folks, but others such as old fogey and old pensioner carry negative connotations about the person’s capacity and their dependence on the state. Language that expresses popular prejudices about old age is to be avoided – unflattering terms such as old bag/codger/duck/ geezer, geriatric (or gerry), granny, oldster – although being colloquial, they’re not so likely to appear in official prose. Journalists and broadcasters are nevertheless very aware of negative stereotyping of the elderly in the media, and the need to curb ageist language – gratuituous references to a person’s age, and the implication that anyone over 65 is over the hill. Stereotyping of any kind makes communication less inclusive (see further under inclusive language). When age is a relevant issue, neutral terms such as senior, senior citizen and (collectively) the elderly are widely used (see under seniors and elder/eldest). The phrases aged care and the aged smack of bureaucracy – the terms of official documents about managing the elderly. Elderly people themselves can make affirmative use of the word “old,” but it’s pejorative for others to apply it to them.
agentive (noun). Over the centuries agent nouns have been formed in English with -er (dancer), -or (investor), -ant (commandant) and -ent (superintendent). Only the first type is fully productive in modern English.
aggravate, aggravation and aggro For too long the word aggravate has been shackled by the idea that it should not be used to mean “vex or annoy.” The pedantic tradition says it only means “make worse,” that being the literal meaning of its Latin components. But the argument is about as sound as suggesting that the word rivals should only be used of people who share the same river, since that‘s how the word originated. The Oxford Dictionary (1989) has citations for aggravate meaning “vex or annoy” from 1611 on. They are typically associated with everyday prose rather than lofty writing; and in later C19 writing John Stuart Mill found the usage in “almost all newspapers, and . . . many books.” Dickens and Thackeray are notable users of it in their novels. But the Oxford labels it “fam.” (i.e. “familiar”), and others including Mill and Fowler actively censured the usage, one calling it a “vulgarism of the nursery,” and the other “a feminine or childish colloquialism.” Their condemnation seems to have led other usage commentators to the same judgement, though there are ample examples of its use in general C20 writing. Burchfield (1996) presents British examples of this “later” sense for aggravate alongside the “older” one, and allows that they coexist. In American English the two also coexist, though Webster’s English Usage (1989) reports that the sense “annoy” is somewhat less common than “make worse” in its files. But the Webster’s data also notes that for aggravating and aggravation the meanings “annoying”/“annoyance” are more common than those corresponding to “make worse.” This suggests the narrow focus of objections to aggravate, which have made a fetish of it. The “later” meaning of aggravate is now centuries old and has its place in speech and writing that invoke human feelings. It can scarcely be rejected on grounds of possible misunderstanding, because only a human subject or object of the verb can be annoyed, while other subjects or objects are made worse. A new frontier for aggravation is its application to aggressive confrontation on urban streets, among football crowds and elsewhere: Faced with the alternatives of the dole, or the angry aggravation of the streets, motherhood brings a sense of belonging. You’re not married? Whaddya do for aggravation? – I live near here. Four muggings away. The two examples, from the BNC and CCAE respectively, confirm this aggressive use of aggravation in the US as well as the UK. The new sense is quite removed from the abstract or internal senses which have hitherto been debated. It does not seem to have raised objections – perhaps the potential forces have been exhausted on the old bone of contention. In the UK attention has turned to aggro, an abbreviation formed with the -o suffix, first recorded in 1969. The casualness of its clipped form (see further under -o) confirms its origins in informal style, and Oxford labels it “slang.” Yet most of the 81 examples in the BNC come from academic and journalistic prose, not transcribed speech, and it works in a variety of collocations and compounds,
agenda This loanword is a Latin plural, meaning “things to be done.” But its singular agendum is hardly ever seen, and agenda itself is always construed as singular in a sentence, with a singular verb: The agenda for the meeting is three pages long. This singular use of agenda meaning “list of things to be discussed” is only about a century old, according to the Oxford Dictionary (1989). Yet the singular use of agenda was so quickly established that by 1907 an English plural agendas was on record. These days you may even hear it turned into a verb: I’ll agenda that item for our next meeting. However, that extension of the word is not yet registered in dictionaries. See further under transfers.
agent nouns These are nouns like teacher and calculator which are very visibly based on verbs (teach, calculate), and represent someone or something as doing the verb’s action. Other names for them are agential noun and
agreement notably full of aggro, aggro leader and the putative Aggro Cup. These examples show it moving into attributive roles, and the basis on which it’s likely to become a fully fledged adjective. In British English it has quickly become the most effective term for an ugly social phenomenon, more direct than aggravation in the newest sense. It has still to catch on in American English, to judge by the paucity of natural examples in CCAE, and Webster’s Third (1986) labels it “British,” without any stylistic restriction.
aggressor or aggresser The second spelling aggresser is technically possible, given the existence of a verb aggress, which was recorded in C18 and C19 with the potential to form an English-style agent word with -er from it. But there are no C20 examples of the verb or its agentive in either the BNC or CCAE. Usage is 100% behind the latinate aggressor.
aging or ageing British and American English diverge in the choice between these two spellings. In the US aging serves as the standard spelling for the verb participle, according to Webster’s Third (1986), and is endorsed by usage for the noun and adjective as well. In data from CCAE, aging is overwhelmingly preferred to ageing. Both spellings are current in the UK, but there ageing is a good deal more common than aging, outnumbering it by more than 12:1 in data from the BNC. However the two spellings are used equally for noun and adjective in very similar or identical phrases, such as ag(e)ing of the population and premature ag(e)ing. Examples of verbal use are elusive, though the regular aging might be expected from the fact that the Oxford Dictionary (1989) gives no special form for use in the verb phrase. For the noun (verbal substantive) and (participial ) adjective, the Oxford gives equal status to the two spellings with only a comma between them, but ageing has priority in the sequence. The linguistic arguments for aging are clear. It conforms to the basic English spelling rule of dropping a final e from the stem before adding a suffix beginning with a vowel (see -e section 1). Aging is consistent with raging, staging and waging (war), among others. Those who prefer ageing would say that age needs to keep its e because two letters are insufficient to maintain its identity. The argument is somewhat undermined by the existence of words like axing and icing. Aging itself is not new, but has been in print for well over a century, according to the Oxford Dictionary. It seems high time to affirm the regular spelling for all applications of the word.
agreed, among various examples in BNC data. Passive constructions like the last have perhaps fostered the more challenging active ones noted by C20 usage writers, though the Oxford Dictionary has active examples from C16 and C17. In American idiom, agree is almost always followed by a particle, either on, to or with, according to Webster’s English Usage (1989), and these constructions are also very familiar in the UK. But Webster’s Third (1986) notes that the transitive use of agree with a following noun complement (as opposed to a clause complement) is “chiefly British.”
agreement In grammar this is a technical term for the way words or word classes are matched in terms of number (singular or plural ), gender (masculine, feminine and [sometimes] neuter) and person ( first, second or third). An alternative name for the concept is concord. The principles of agreement can be seen in the selection of congruent word forms in sentences such as: That flower has had its day. Those flowers have had their day. This conventional matching of nouns, demonstratives, personal pronouns / determiners and verbs, to mark them (wherever possible) as either singular or plural, as inanimate (= neuter) rather than animate, and as third person reference, is known as formal agreement. It contrasts with notional or semantic agreement, to be seen in: The general public are still making up their minds. In sentences like these, the formal agreement of subject and verb would put the verb and following pronoun in the singular because “public” is formally a singular noun, but it’s overruled in that example by the plural notion that “public” entails, hence the selection of the plural verb and determiner. Many controversies over agreement turn on the interplay between formal and notional agreement. British English is often said to be more accommodating of notional agreement than American English. While this seems to hold for the treatment of collective nouns (see below), there’s much more convergence on other frontiers of agreement. Most issues of agreement can be addressed within the context of the sentence, looking at the subject and whatever agrees with it. The following discussion is therefore structured in terms of several kinds of subject: 1 collective nouns (e.g. government, mob) 2 nouns whose reference form ends in s (e.g. economics, Woolworths) 3 indefinite pronouns (e.g. anyone, each) 4 compound subjects (e.g. John and I, neither John nor I, eggs and bacon) 5 complex subjects, including quantifiers (e.g. a book of answers, a total of 20 students) All these will be discussed in terms of formal and notional agreement, as well as proximity agreement, where applicable. Proximity agreement is agreement with the number of the nearest noun, and underscores either formal or notional agreement, as the case may be. It particularly affects the constructions presented in sections 3, 4 and 5. 1 Collective nouns referring to groups or bodies of people or animals, such as government and mob, can combine with either singular or plural verbs in spite of their singular form. A very few, such as cattle,
International English selection: Aging is the spelling for communicating with a worldwide audience, because it is standard in the US, familiar enough in the UK, and underpinned by one of the fundamental rules of English spelling. ♦ On the choice between ageism and agism, see under
that heading.
agree It may surprise Americans as well as the British, that the verb agree can be used transitively, as in the parties had agreed the price or all procedures are
agreement people, police require the plural; and staff takes a plural verb most of the time, according to Longman Grammar (1999) research. But the Grammar reports considerable variability on others: The family has decided to celebrate on Sunday. The family have decided to celebrate on Sunday. The choice of verb makes it either formal or notional agreement, and carries slightly different implications. The singular verb implies an official consensus of the group, whereas the plural makes the reader/listener more aware that individual members assented to the suggestion. The same subtlety can be expressed with any one of a number of nouns referring to organized or casual groups of people: audience assembly board choir class clergy club committee company congregation council couple crew crowd delegation department executive faculty family government group jury mob office orchestra pair panel parliament public quartet team trio union Respondents to the Langscape survey (1998–2001) affirmed the viability of both singular and plural verbs for examples such as clergy, orchestra, panel, though American respondents were always more committed to the singular than the British. A study of many such words in newspaper data (Levin, 1998b) likewise found that American journalists made less use of plural verbs than their British counterparts. Yet both groups were strongly disposed to use plural pronouns in agreement with collective nouns. Collective nouns for animals, such as flock, herd, pack, school, shoal, swarm, troupe enjoy some freedom in terms of notional agreement, like that accorded to the human groups. This applies also to biological terms such as bacteria, algae, flora (see under individual headings) and fauna. Notional agreement in the plural is possible for a variety of proper nouns which are formally singular. They include: *Commercial businesses, government institutions and special interest groups, where the plural verb implies corporate activity: Foxtel have sold off some of their assets. The Red Cross have expanded the Geneva office. The Ministry of Defence are on our side. This happens in British as well as American English, according to Webster’s English Usage (1989), and the combination of singular verbs followed by plural pronouns is also in evidence. *Sports teams identified by the proper names of cities and countries are not uncommonly found with plural verbs (and pronouns) in British reportage (but not American): England are all out for 152. Argentina were beaten 4:2 in their match against Sweden. *Metonymic references to governments, such as Beijing, Baghdad, Washington, Westminster, may likewise generate notional agreement in news reporting and headlines. (See further under metonymy.) ♦ For the choice between singular and plural agreement with data and media, see those entries. ♦ For agreement with adjectives used to head noun phrases (e.g. the poor), see under absolute section 1.
2 Agreement for nouns ending in s. Certain kinds of noun end in s even though they refer to a single object, raising doubts as to whether a singular or plural verb is required with them. The following clusters of words show clear tendencies for (a) plural agreement and (b) singular agreement. a) Plural agreement is normal for many ordinary objects, for example: The jeans look too large on me. Those scissors were not sharp enough. Other examples of the two major groups are: *clothes bathers bermudas bloomers braces briefs corduroys daks dungarees fatigues flannels jodhpurs knickers leathers longjohns overalls pants plus fours pyjamas shorts slacks suspenders tights trousers undies *tools and instruments bellows bifocals binoculars forceps glasses goggles nutcrackers pincers pliers scales secateurs shears spectacles tongs tweezers Plural agreement is also usual with various abstract nouns or composites ending in s, such as: amends arrears congratulations contents credentials dregs dues funds goods grounds headquarters lodgings looks means odds outskirts pains premises proceeds regards remains savings surroundings thanks valuables Yet some uses of these are exceptional, as when grounds or means refers to a single, specific item and a singular pronoun is quite possible: on that grounds, by this means (see further under ground and means). A singular verb is sometimes found with headquarters and other words which refer to a collective establishment or operation (barracks, cleaners, gasworks). For example: The printers is near the traffic lights on Bridge Street. b) Singular agreement is usual for various kinds of nouns which serve as standard nomenclature for: ∗ academic subjects, as in: Economics/linguistics/physics/statistics was not my forte. ∗ games and sports, as in Athletics/dominoes/gymnastics/quoits makes a great spectator sport. ∗ diseases, as in Measles/mumps is raging through the neighborhood. However when words in any of these groups are used to refer to particular objects or instances (and are no longer names) they take plural verbs: His economics sound like those of a shopkeeper. The dominoes were all in the box. Measles are breaking out all over her face. The names of businesses such as Lloyds, McDonalds, Oddbins, Woolworths may take either singular or plural agreement. Woolworths is showing a strong profit margin this year. Woolworths are offering a discount on rubber bands.
agreement The use of the singular verb carries a stronger sense of the corporate entity. Although nouns ending in s are usually assumed to be plural, the -s inflection has other roles in modern English. (See further under -s.) 3 Indefinite pronouns. Some of these take a singular verb on all occasions, while others are variable. Those ending in -body, -one, and -thing have singular verbs on all occasions: Any-/every-/no-/somebody has a stake in it. Any-/every-/no-/someone like that is entitled to it. Any-/every-/no-/something that looks odd should be discounted. The third sentence shows how the singular requirement carries over into any relative clause depending on the pronoun. Note also that in spite of the formal agreement with a singular verb, the pronoun/determiner following an indefinite pronoun may have notional agreement in the plural, as in: Everybody has to pay their taxes. The Longman Grammar (1999) notes that the use of plural determiners and pronouns after indefinites such as everybody/nobody is common in both speech and writing. It satisfies the need for gender-free expression (see further under they). The use of purely formal agreement, as in Everybody has to pay his taxes, is nowadays felt to be sexist and unfortunate (as if men are the only tax-payers). The exclusivity is avoided in Everybody has to pay his or her taxes, yet the phrasing seems cumbersome. Indefinite pronouns such as any, either, neither are more susceptible to a plural verb when they appear as the head of the phrase, as in: Any of the books he wrote is/are worth reading. Neither of their suggestions appeal(s) to us. In such cases the plural verb could be prompted by proximity agreement – i.e. the adjacent plural noun – or by notional agreement, because the phrase implies a set of items. The use of a singular verb in such examples (i.e. formal agreement) singles out one item from the set. That apart, the singular construction sounds more precise and stylistically more formal; but examples of the plural verb could be found in written data analyzed for the Longman Grammar. Note that there is no requirement for singular agreement after none (see further under nobody). 4 Compound subjects. In the simplest cases, a coordinated subject such as John and I or brother and sister takes a plural verb, which makes them joint operators of the action: John and I have managed the refurbishment. But when the coordinates are uneven in length, or when the second coordinate is a singular noun, a singular verb may seem appropriate. See for example: JK’s article and the negative reaction to it was on her mind. Bird songs and the sound of the waterfall makes it a magical place. In the second example, the effect of proximity agreement with the nearer coordinate is to disengage it from the coordination. Singular agreement with one rather than both coordinates can be triggered by the use of the more elaborate coordinators, e.g. as well as, along with, together with. It can also be found with items coordinated by some common convention, as in: His bread and butter was telemarketing. Bacon and eggs is on the menu. In such cases the coordinated items form a notional singular. Singular agreement with bed and breakfast
was endorsed by a majority of respondents to the Langscape survey (1998–2001), in both the US and the UK. Coordinates which are alternatives often have a singular verb in agreement, as in A cup of coffee or a brisk walk is called for. The singular is confirms that that this is disjunctive coordination, in which the selection of one coordinate excludes the other. The same relationship is to be found in subjects coordinated with neither/nor as in: Neither brother nor sister was present. But the less formal Neither brother or sister were there is equally possible, and justifiable as notional agreement with both coordinates. Two-thirds of American respondents to the Langscape survey endorsed it, and about half of the British. Further options arise when the coordinates present a mixture of grammatical persons, especially the first person singular: Neither she nor I is?/am?/are? inclined to go. The use of is (third person) sounds awkward after I (first person), and am too is less than ideal: though it accords perfectly with I and provides proximity agreement, it makes a disjunction with she. Notional agreement would suggest are, to bundle she and I up together as plural, first/third person, but it’s still less than an elegant solution. Such sentences probably need redesigning, for example: I am not inclined to go and neither is she. 5 Complex subjects. Many a noun phrase has a hierarchy of two (or more) nouns within it, as in a lot of questions or a book of answers. The following verb will agree with whichever noun is the head (see further under noun phrases). In a lot of questions, questions is the head, with a lot of its determiner, and so plural agreement is called for: A lot of questions need to be asked. In a book of answers, book is the head, postmodified by of answers, and so singular agreement is required: A book of answers comes with the task material. Those two patterns of agreement (both involving formal agreement) are the common ones for complex noun phrases, except that lengthy postmodification with plural nouns can trigger proximity agreement, in spite of a singular head. See for example: Amid the crisis, the status of foreign nationals and aid-workers are uncertain. This kind of notional agreement is normally edited out of the written medium, but not uncommon in speech. Noun phrases that act as quantifiers can take either singular or plural agreement. Compare: A total of 192 cars was banked up behind the accident. A total of 192 cars were banked up behind the accident. As elsewhere when there are agreement options, the singular verb seems to invoke the set, whereas the plural verb makes us aware of the individual items in it. Both plural and singular agreement were found with quantifiers such as a group/set of and a range/series of, in the Longman Grammar (1999) corpus. Plural agreement is more likely for more informal quantifiers like: a batch of a bunch of a handful of a heap of a mass of a pile of a rash of a score of a spate of More than 70% of respondents to the Langscape survey (1998–2001) endorsed the plural with a spate of.
agriculturist or agriculturalist American usage and usage commentators mostly run with the plural for such expressions, according to Webster’s English Usage (1989), and it’s accepted for the verb and following pronoun in British English (Burchfield, 1996). For half of and none of, the choice between singular and plural depends on whether the following noun is countable (see under half of the and nobody). Agreement issues affecting the phrases majority of, one in/out of and number of are discussed under their respective headings. Note finally that noun phrases embodying a specific amount which is judged as sufficient, appropriate, right – or the reverse – typically take a singular verb. For example: Twenty dollars takes you to the city and back. Six weeks in the African desert isn’t my idea of fun. These again show notional agreement, projecting the amount expressed in terms of cost, time, space, volume etc. as a singular item. Summary: Grammatical agreement overall is more regular than the numerous variations of this large entry might suggest. Formal and notional agreement coincide more often than not. But when they diverge, the choice of singular or plural has a subtle effect on meaning (see Reid, 1991); and it allows writers to narrow or expand their focus. When notional agreement and proximity both combine against formal agreement, they prevail in many kinds of writing. On its own, proximity agreement is usually played down.
sense of thriving) as in Maybe this absentee thing will take ahold and get more people to vote. Ahold makes no showing at all in British data from the BNC, and is labeled “dialectal” by the Oxford Dictionary (1989). Yet the BNC has almost 40 instances of get/got a hold, and their uses overlap with those found in American English, as in get a hold of himself (= personal control) and once they get a hold . . . (of plants thriving). The British a hold makes it a regular noun phrase whereas the American ahold allows it to be an adverb collocating with verbs in rather the same way as around and aside. (See further under a-.) The two different settings correlate with the fact that ahold of is a relatively fixed idiom in American English, whereas in British a hold collocates variously with of, on and over, and is less clearly established in contemporary prose.
-aholic Though alcoholic has been part of the English language for over 100 years, its role in creating names for those with addictions of other kinds is very much of the late C20. Apart from workaholic, most of them are playful: chocoholic/chocaholic, chargeaholic (“one who overuses credit cards”), shopaholic. Many are ad hoc, and few have made into the common language and found places in dictionary headword lists. But the productivity of the ending is remarkable, and it takes its place alongside -head and -phil(e) as a way of identifying people with particularly strong tastes or appetites for something.
agriculturist or agriculturalist
aide or aid
Americans strongly prefer the shorter form. In data from CCAE agriculturist outnumbers agriculturalist by almost 4:1, and Webster’s Third (1986) presents it as the key term. In British English things are almost the opposite. Agriculturalist occurs more than twice as often as agriculturist in BNC data, and it’s given priority by the Oxford Dictionary (1989). ♦ For other pairs of this kind, see -ist.
The spelling aide comes from the French phrase aide-de-camp, meaning “assistant on the field [of battle].” It became part of English military usage, and was subsequently extended to the assistants of diplomatic representatives, and heads of government, as in the governor’s aide. In the UK those are still its dominant uses, judging by data from the BNC, with few examples of its extension to more ad hoc roles as in “election job for Maxwell aide” or that of the “personal aide and driver.” In the US the word is applied to assistants of all kinds in both powerful and lowly roles, associated with the political party machines (a Republican aide), the Church (RC priest made an aide to Auxiliary Bishop), academia (anthropologist’s aide) or the local health service (a home-health aide). It can refer to a hired bodyguard (a short-term security aide) or domestic worker (a temporary round-the-clock aide . . . to help at home with such basic chores as eating and cleaning). The term occurs thousands of times in CCAE, and is no doubt particularly useful in news reporting because of its flexibility in referring to spokespersons who wish to be anonymous, or whose exact role and title are not known. While the noun aide is extending itself as a reference to many kinds of assistant, the much older word aid maintains its ground as a noun meaning “assistance” and as the verb “to assist.” As an abstract noun, aid is often qualified in specific phrases like first aid, foreign aid, hearing aid, legal aid. There are examples of aide replacing aid in such collocations (development aide, federal aide) in both CCAE and the BNC, but not enough to count as anything other than typos. For the moment, aide remains a human rather than abstract noun.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com ahold or a hold This composite word originates in spoken language, but is now quite well established in print, at least in American English. More than 100 examples in CCAE have it occurring freely in quoted speech, and in narrative and commentary on events, with a number of distinct applications. Its most physical meaning is found in police reports on the apprehending of suspected criminals: before the FBI got ahold of him, and more metaphysically in reference to contacting anyone, as in trying to get ahold of him for a month. It can mean personal or political control, as in: You gotta get ahold of yourself. If the ultra-conservative right wingers get ahold of the legislature as they did the Republican platform . . . It can mean “mental grasp,” as in: Our style of music is not very elitist. Everyone can get ahold of it. The new people haven’t gotten ahold of what we’re trying to do. As in all those examples, ahold most often collocates with parts of the verb get, but CCAE also has a sprinking of collocations with grab (especially for physical encounters) and take (for the less physical
aitch or haitch
-aim Verbs ending in -aim, such as exclaim, all have related nouns ending in -amation. Compare: acclaim acclamation declaim declamation exclaim exclamation proclaim proclamation reclaim reclamation Both nouns and verbs originated in Latin with the -am spelling, but the verbs were respelled -aim on the analogy of claim in the late C16. Their pronunciation underscores the spelling difference: the -aim of the verb goes with its strong stress, whereas the -am of the noun is unstressed.
-ain English verbs ending in -ain connect with a rather inconsistent set of abstract nouns. See for example: abstain abstinence detain detention explain explanation maintain maintenance ordain ordinance pertain pertinence retain retention sustain sustenance The verbs go back to different conjugations in Latin (where the stems were spelled with a, e or i), though they all became ain in early modern English. The nouns meanwhile are a mix, some borrowed from French (those ending in -nce), and some direct from Latin (those ending in -tion). The different vowels in the second syllables of some of the -nce words (e.g. abstinence/sustenance) are the impact of French on the original Latin verb. English thus inherits some of the vagaries of French spelling.
It also gets into print in reference to songs such as “Ain’t misbehavin’,” “Ain’t she sweet?” and “It ain’t necessarily so,” among others. Writers who play on those sayings or song titles can do so with little risk of censure. Through all this, ain’t seems to be more significantly embedded in American English than in British. In the UK ain’t is also associated with casual and dialectal speech (New Oxford, 1998). The BNC’s numerous examples of ain’t (more than 3500) come from spoken as well as written texts. But its appearances in print are almost always embedded in quoted speech – or quasi-proverbial sayings such as: London may be the centre of England, but it ain’t for me. The grammar underlying ain’t is remarkably complex, when you consider that it serves as a contraction for any of the following: am not is not are not has not have not All except has not are illustrated in the examples quoted above. Standard English has contractions for most of them, i.e.: isn’t aren’t hasn’t haven’t But there’s no similar contraction for am not. Amn’t is regarded as childish or dialectal; and I’m not (reducing the verb rather than the negative) works only for declarative sentences. For questions, the contraction commonly used in the UK is Aren’t I? It looks odd written down, because it’s the form of the verb used with plural pronouns (we, you, they). Fowler (1926) argued that for the first person singular, ain’t ought to be an acceptable substitute, though it seems to have gone unheeded. Aren’t I is now the standard form for the question in British English, according to the New Oxford. However for some of the American Harper-Heritage usage panel, it was “a genteelism much worse than ain’t I.” Historically speaking, both ain’t and aren’t are probably descended from an’t, recorded during the late C17 as the regular contraction. Sound changes of the C18 affected the pronunciation of the vowel “a” before nasal consonants, raising it in some dialects, and lowering and retracting it in others. While ain’t is a product of the first process, aren’t represents the second in terms of British (r-less) pronunciation) – though not general American. If only an’t was still available, it would avoid the grammatical discomfort and provide a nonstigmatized alternative to ain’t.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com ain’t Few usage issues hit the headlines as ain’t did in the US in the 1960s, with discomforting consequences. In informal conversation it draws little attention to itself, and the Oxford Dictionary (1989) traces its use back to a citation of 1778. But it has long been the bugbear of American school teachers (Webster’s English Usage, 1989); and its listing in Webster’s Third (1961) created a furore, despite the explanatory note that ain’t was “used orally in most parts of the US by many cultivated speakers, especially in the phrase ain’t I.” The Chicago Tribune beat it up into a sensational headline: SAYING AIN’T AIN’T WRONG! Others hostile to the new Webster’s tried to use the entry on ain’t to discredit the dictionary, ignoring the distinction between spoken and written usage – as often in fundamentalist discussions of language. This very public controversy over ain’t probably increased the stigma attached to it in the US, and the Harper-Heritage usage panel (1969–75) registered its strongest veto against it. Yet ain’t is still a signal of “congruent” informality between American speakers, according to Webster’s English Usage. Data from CCAE confirm this, with ain’t appearing freely in utterances quoted in newspapers, and in proverbial sayings such as: Things ain’t what they used to be. You ain’t seen nothing yet. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. This town ain’t big enough for both of us.
airplane, aeroplane, airliner and aircraft American English uses airplane where British has traditionally used aeroplane, or airliner for the large passenger carrier. But aircraft is now the dominant term everywhere for referring to an individual winged vehicle, not to mention collectives of them: This aircraft is now ready for boarding. Aircraft are more polluting than is realized. British data from the BNC yields thousands of examples of aircraft to a few hundred of the other terms put together. Data from the CCAE shows relatively more use of airplane in the US, but aircraft still outnumbers it by a factor of 3:1, and airliner by 10:1. The ratios are little changed when you discount attributive uses such as aircraft carrier/hangar/ parts. ♦ For other aero- words now being replaced, see aer(o)-.
aitch or haitch See haitch.
aka and alias
aka and alias See under alias.
-al This suffix has two major roles: ∗ to make nouns out of certain verbs ∗ to make adjectives out of nouns 1 Nouns with -al are regularly based on verbs of two syllables with stress on the second. See for example: acquittal appraisal approval arrival betrayal betrothal committal denial dismissal disposal perusal proposal rebuttal recital refusal removal reprisal retrieval reversal revival survival upheaval withdrawal Some of the earliest examples are from medieval legal English, and several of those just mentioned have strong legal connections. The type has spread into the language at large, though few new ones have been formed on the same pattern in recent times. Deferral and referral are the only C20 examples. 2 Adjectives are made by adding -al to an ordinary noun, and new ones are continually being formed. A handful of examples are: bridal critical cultural herbal magical musical national parental seasonal sensational transitional However a good many common adjectives ending in -al were borrowed ready-made from medieval Latin, and they may function in English either as adjectives or nouns or both. See for example: animal annual capital casual final funeral liberal official oval principal rival spiral total verbal Some of these, e.g. rival, total, are also used as verbs. The question then arises as to whether or not we should double the final l before adding verb endings to them: rival(l)ed, total(l)ing etc. The issues are discussed at -l-/-ll-.
adjective, anticipating its full assimilation. Webster’s Third (1986) also has it set solid, and, in American data from CCAE, alfresco leads the way over al fresco by 3:2. British usage goes the other way, with al fresco outnumbering alfresco by 3:1 in BNC data. Neither database gives evidence of a clear distinction between adverb and adjective: compare eating alfresco / dine al fresco and an alfresco supper / the al fresco buffet. We may conclude that the Italian setting now has more value for British writers, whereas in American usage alfresco is becoming fully integrated. A citation from CCAE featuring the alfresco black-tie Medici awards dinner says it all.
algae The Latin word for “seaweed” has become the generic name for a much larger group of both salt- and freshwater plants. Although it carries a Latin plural inflection, its sense in C21 English is often collective, hence its ability to take either singular or plural agreement. (See agreement, section 1.) Both constructions are well represented in British and American databases, as in: The algae offers good cover for minnows. Algae are never absent from the tissues of the hydras. American data from CCAE shows algae in agreement with singular verbs or pronouns (it, this) more often than plural, in the ratio of about 3:2. Singular constructions are also well represented in BNC data, on a par with the plural. Technically algae has its singular in alga (see further under -a section 1). But alga is largely confined to scientific prose: it makes very little showing in the BNC and even less in CCAE.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com alarm, alarum and alarmed In C21 English, alarum is an archaism which survives only in the accounts of antique clock mechanisms, and in the combination “alarums and excursions” written as stage directions from C17 drama. It has no role as an alternative to alarm in its various other uses as noun and verb. Alarm meanwhile is extending its reach, visible in the use of alarmed to mean “fitted with a security alarm” which has been on record since 1969. It looks exactly like the past participle of alarm meaning “arouse fear in,” hence the strangely ambiguous notice that says: THIS DOOR IS ALARMED Can the “intelligent building” also have feelings?! In this context both alarm and the -ed suffix contribute to the ambiguity. See further under -ed.
albino The plural of this is albinos (not albinoes), by specific mention in the Oxford Dictionary (1989) and the absence of mention in Webster’s Third (1986): it details only irregular plurals. See further under -o.
alfresco or al fresco This Italian phrase meaning “in the fresh air” or “out of doors” was first recorded in English in 1753. The Oxford Dictionary (1884–1928) marked it as a foreignism, but set it solid as both adverb and
alias and aka
Both these originate in the context of law and policing, as ways of linking the alternative names or identities by which suspects are known, e.g. Gillelmus alias Gilmoure and Joe Smith aka “Baby Face” Smith. Alias (in Latin “otherwise”) was used this way in C16, whereas aka (an acronym for “also known as”) appears first in the US after World War II. Aka has more quickly broken free from its legal background. It has been used to flag variant names for people and things in American English since the 1970s, and in British English from around 1990. There are BNC citations from a variety of publications in fields such as computing and music technology. Both aka and alias have an expanding range of uses in reference to persons and objects at large. They streamline the reviewer’s task of identifying actors, their roles and disguises, as in: Dr Evil aka Lawrence Fullers Fawlty Towers waiter Manuel alias actor Andrew Sachs In examples like these, the convention of giving the personal name first is reversed – a freedom which is sometimes exercised within the same document. In CCAE data, an article on Don Novello aka Father Guido Sarducci captions the photo as Father Guido Sarducci aka Don Novello. The reversability of aka and alias allows writers and editors to foreground whichever of the two names is more salient in the immediate context. Both aka and alias provide alternative names for movies and other entertainment products: Dawn of
alliteration lends itself to lengthy postmodification, as in: all the people involved in Stone’s $40 million movie . . . Compare He can’t please all of the people all the time, where the all of phrase is not elaborated. All serves as an adverbial intensifier in idioms such as all the better (with a following comparative), and not all that good (always following a negative). The second type of construction is on the margins of written usage, but its acceptability in spoken usage was confirmed by Mittins et al. (1970) in the UK, and the Harper-Heritage usage panel (1969–1975) in the US.
the Dead (aka Zombies), W & W Ventures Inc., alias Tooth Fairy Documentation Center. Both are used to juxtapose the common and foreign names of objects, as in Basque pelota (aka jai alai) and the columbine (alias aquilegia). Occasionally the second slot is used for satirical or humorous comment, witness Lord Rees Mogg aka the Pornfinder General and Miki’s mum – alias the hand in the ’70s Denim aftershave advert. The examples show how far aka and alias have come from their origins. Apart from its role as a link word, alias has other uses as a noun. Its use to mean “assumed name” dates from C17, but in late C20 computerspeak, alias is an alternative address to which the software can transfer electronic data. In this technical sense it also serves as a verb. Note that aka is normally written in lower case without stops, as is typical of acronyms, though it’s often pronounced as an initialism (see under acronyms). The variant forms a.k.a. and AKA with full capitals made very little showing in either BNC or CCAE. Although they would prevent confusion with words borrowed into English such as aka (Japanese for “red”) and aka (a Maori word for a type of vine), the problem seems pretty remote. Such words only come together in very large English dictionaries.
all right or alright
Like alias, the word alibi continues to distance itself from its Latin origins. Originally a Latin adverb meaning “in another place,” it was similarly used in Tudor court records: He was alibi. By mid-C18 its role as a noun was established, and this now dominates, by the evidence of both American and British databases. Just occasionally it serves as a verb, transitive or intransitive: . . . had reluctantly agreed to alibi her Both refused to alibi for their performance. The second example shows how alibi as noun or verb is now also used to mean “(an) excuse,” a usage which still carries the label “informal” in New Oxford (1998), though it has been around for more than 80 years. Webster’s English Usage (1989) notes that British censure of using alibi to mean “excuse” intensified following Partridge (1942), whereas the early objections of American commentators seem to have dwindled. Webster’s Third (1986) registers the meaning as standard, without stylistic warnings. In data from CCAE it’s used freely in news reporting on sports or political events, as in preparing your alibi in case you lose – as well as reviews of movies, where, for example, a mother and daughter joust, argue and alibi about their relationship with X. It would not be the first Latin loanword to acquire a new meaning in English.
See alright.
all-around or all-round These two are interchangeable in American English, according to Webster’s English Usage (1989), though all-around is much more popular with writers represented in CCAE, by a factor of 14:1. In British English the opposite is true, and all-round dominates the data from the BNC. The very few instances of all-around were confined to advertising, as in an all-around shoe grip. See further at around and round.
An allegory is a narrative which uses fictional characters and events to portray salient aspects of real life, as does Orwell’s Animal Farm (1945) or Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings (1954–5). Dramas and movies can achieve the same: A simple tale of a teenager who hijacks a school bus to take him to his girl in another town, it is also a complex allegory of Love versus the Law . . . Taken separately, the people and events become symbols of things larger than themselves, and collectively they create allegorical meaning. Allegory was much favored in earlier historical times, partly because it offered artists an oblique way of presenting contentious political and social matters, without running the risk of imprisonment or worse. Allegories often carry a strong moral or message, whether it is homiletic (as in Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress 1678) or satirical (as in the work of Byron).
all and all of The uses of all as pronoun and determiner are common and uncontroversial. Its ability to be either shows up in alternatives such as: All of the responses from Canada are positive (pronoun) All the responses from Canada are positive (determiner) In the second example, all is in fact a predeterminer (see under determiners). Data from the BNC show that all the is far more common than all of the, and
alleluia or hallelujah See hallelujah.
alliteration This is the literary device of juxtaposing words containing the same initial sound, so as to weld them together as a group. It was much used in English medieval drama, and, among modern poets, by Gerard Manley Hopkins: Kingdom of daylight’s dauphin, dapple-dawn-drawn falcon Alfred Tennyson used it to achieve sound symbolism or onomatopoeia as well, in: The moan of doves in immemorial elms And murmuring of innumerable bees Not only the first sound in the word, but also successive syllables are used for onomatopoeic effect in that example. The same device can be used in prose, and by those with more commercial aims in mind. In
allomorph advertisements, alliteration helps to highlight features of the product and package them together: Machines That Make Money (a computer) Your nose need never know (a deodorant) A Philips Microwave will give late guests the Warm Welcome they don’t deserve!
allomorph See under morphology.
allusion or illusion See delusion.
allusive or elusive See elusive.
-ally This is the usual adverbial ending for adjectives ending in -ic (see under -ic/-ical). Note however accidentally and incidentally, where -ally replaces an earlier -ly: see accidentally, and incidentally.
alma mater See under alumni.
almost The adverbial uses of this word, as in almost died and almost undone, need no comment. More intriguing are its uses in noun phrases, some of which are standard and others on the fringe. Its use as a qualifier in almost everything, almost nothing is recognized in grammars and dictionaries, but they diverge on how to explain its grammatical role in expressions such as an almost saint and a victory almost, examples from the Oxford Dictionary (1989). In expressions like these it comes close to being an adjective, and the Dictionary explains this special role as “qualifying a substantive (noun) with an implied attribute.” Webster’s Third (1986) simply classes it as “adjective.” The Comprehensive Grammar (1985) meanwhile interprets this use as “metalinguistic,” and comparable to that of other “comment adverbs” (i.e. disjuncts: see adverbs section 1). However we choose to legitimize the coupling of almost with nouns, its use in both the US and the UK is shrinking. The latest American example in Webster’s English Usage (1989) is from 1972. A lone example in the LOB corpus – the almost certainty that they will lose money – suggests its obsolescence in British English.
alongside and alongside of Alongside (of ) is still evolving both grammatically and semantically from its nautical origins as an adverb. Dictionaries register alongside as both adverb and preposition, and the prepositional role (alongside the path) is much more frequent than the first (Rogers was alongside), judging by database evidence. Webster’s English Usage (1989) notes that the transitional form alongside of seems to be tailing off, and it makes only small showing in the databases, with about a score of examples in CCAE and the BNC. For example: The automobile is ranged alongside of the oxcart. We steamed alongside of the pier. Both along and alongside of are mostly used of physical proximity, but occasionally in more abstract ways: Alongside this ideal – perhaps provoked by it – ran strong counter-currents. . . . a continuity of leadership alongside of infusion of new leaders.
alot This amalgam of a and lot is still regarded as nonstandard, though it appears in unedited writing and occasionally gets into print. There are some 50 instances in British data from the BNC, almost entirely from three sources: e-mail, TV autocue data, and TV newscripts. Citations obtained by Webster’s English Usage (1989) are mostly from memos, private correspondence and draft prose. The occasional instance of alot might be just a typo, a failure to press the space bar on the keyboard. But its recurrence in typescript or in handwritten manuscripts makes it more significant, as the shadow of things to come. Alot lacks real analogues: the nearest is awhile, also compounded with the indefinite article, but sanctioned by centuries of use. Other adverbs beginning with a involve a reduced form of “on” or “of.” See a-.
along In both British and American English, this word has multiple roles as adverb and preposition, expressing both spatial relations (along the path, plodding along) and more abstract connections (experiments along those lines, expected to go along with the policy). But Americans make much more use of along to express accompaniment, as in: . . . the Indians whom the Spaniards had brought along with them. This use of along with is not unknown in British English (on a par with the other uses mentioned, in data from the LOB corpus). In the American Brown corpus, uses of along for “accompaniment” outnumbered all others by more than 2:1 (Peters, 1998b).
alphabetic or alphabetical The longer form is strongly preferred in British as well as American English. Alphabetical outnumbers alphabetic by almost 6:1 in BNC data and 8:1 in CCAE. ♦ For other pairs of this kind, see -ic/-ical.
alphabetical order Alphabetical systems are not all alike. Differences emerge if you look closely at the order of items in a library catalogue, a computer-ordered list and several dictionaries. The two major alternatives within alphabetical systems are letter-by-letter order, and word-by-word order. The differences show up in the sample lists below. Letter by letter Word by word bitter bitter bitterbark bitter end bittercress bitter pill bitter end bitterbark bitter-pea bittercress bitter pill bitter-pea bitters bitters In the letter-by-letter order, all word spaces and hyphens are disregarded. The order often has unrelated words juxtaposed in the list. Its advantage is that you can easily find compounds with variable
also spacing, because their location depends purely on the letters. With the word-by-word system, you work only as far as the first word space, and this brings spaced compounds in immediately after their base word, and compounds which are hyphenated or set solid follow after. It pulls related words together in the list, whatever their settings, and works well with words or names whose settings are invariable. Dictionaries use modifications of the two systems, depending on how far they “unpack” compounds and derivatives associated with the base words into separate entries. Webster’s Third (1986) goes furthest in the letter-by-letter direction, and unpacks not only compounds but also derivatives such as bitterly and bitterness to take their alphabetical place. Merriam-Webster (2000) and New Oxford (1998) unpack the compounds but keep bitterly/bitterness as run-ons/run-ins within the main entry for bitter (see run in or run on). The Oxford Dictionary (1989) goes further in the word-by-word system, grouping many sets of compounds together with the base word. The alphabetical system in indexes may be either letter-by-letter or word-by-word, the first being easier for the indexer and the second for the reader. In smaller sized indexes, it makes little difference to the ordering. For the alphabetization of names beginning with da, de, di, Mac, St, van and von, see individual headings.
alphabetism This is another name for the initialism. See under acronyms.
southern Africa, as well as some in Southeast Asia, in Australia and the Pacific. The original Roman alphabet was expanded in early modern times with the addition of the letters j, v and w (the first derived from i, and the second and third from u, which had been both consonant and vowel). Its range is also extended by the accents or diacritics added to particular letters in various languages. See further under accents.
alright or all right The spelling alright is controversial for emotional rather than linguistic or logical reasons. It was condemned by Fowler in a 1924 tract for the Society for Pure English, despite its recognition in the Oxford Dictionary (1884–1928) as increasingly current. But the fury rather than the facts of usage seem to have prevailed with most usage commentators since. The Oxford Dictionary (1989) maintains its detachment with the note that it is a frequent spelling, and its stance is underwritten by more than 8000 citations in the BNC, many from written and edited sources as well as transcriptions of speech. CCAE also has ample examples in everyday reporting, narrative and quoted speech, illustrating its use in familiar idioms such as doing alright, feeling alright and work out alright. Dictionaries which simply crossreference alright to all right (as the “proper” form) typically underrepresent its various shades of meaning as a discourse signal. It may be concessive, as in Alright, I’ll come with you – or diffident, as in How’re things? Oh alright – or impatient as in Alright, alright! None of those senses is helpfully written as all right, which injects the distracting sense of “all correct.” Those who would do away with alright prefer to ignore its various analogues, such as almost, already, also, although, altogether, always, which have all over the centuries merged into single words. Objections to alright are rarely justified, as Webster’s English Usage (1989) notes, and Burchfield (1996) only makes a shibboleth of it. The strength and diversity of its use in Britain correlates with the comment of Webster’s Third (1986) for America, that it is “in reputable use.” At the turn of the millennium, alright is there to be used without any second thoughts.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com alphabet
The alphabet used for writing English and many other languages is derived from one developed by the Greeks more than 2000 years ago. The word itself confirms this, being made up of the ancient Greek names for the first two letters: alpha + beta. Modern alphabets fall into three groups: (1) modern Greek; (2) Cyrillic (or Russian); (3) Roman. Note that other writing scripts such as those used in the Middle East and India are sometimes called “alphabets,” though they developed independently of this group with their own sets of symbols. 1 The modern Greek alphabet with its 24 letters is most like the Greek original, and it preserves letters such as lambda, pi and rho which are extensively modified in the Roman alphabet. In Greece and elsewhere, it’s used for general communication in Greek, as well as within the Greek Orthodox Church. 2 The Cyrillic alphabet, associated with St Cyril and the Russian Orthodox Church, is used for the Russian language and several Slavic languages. It was also applied to certain non-Indo-European languages within the jurisdiction of the former Soviet Union, such as (Outer) Mongolian. Some of its letters are deceptively like those of the Roman alphabet, but with quite different sound values. For example, P in Cyrillic represents R, and C is S. Ships bearing the initials CCCP were registered in the former USSR, which (in romanized transliteration of the Russian) is Soyuz Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik. 3 The Roman alphabet is the written medium for all the languages of western Europe, and some in eastern Europe. It is also the standard medium for writing languages of all kinds in North and South America, in
also This adverb performs several grammatical roles which are uncontroversial. Also typically appears in mid-sentence, putting the spotlight on a neighboring word while making longer-range connections: With their usual skepticism they also questioned the figures. John and Jeanette also will be there. I will also argue that editors need better recognition. Grammatically speaking, also is an adjunct in the first sentence, a subjunct in the second, and a conjunct in the third (see adverbs section 1). But when also appears as a conjunct at the start of a sentence, it raises questions: Also not clear is whether any of the mothers received steroids. . . Also, some groups may have so many interconnections that such an approach is impossible. This prominent use of also has been subject to censure, though more in the UK than the US.
alternative or alternate According to Fowler (1926), it gave a “slovenly” feel to the sentence, as of careless afterthought not properly integrated by the writer. It could be said of the second example above, but not the first, where it’s a calculated inversion of normal word order. In both, also helps to signal an additional point, as often in academic argument. Examples from the Survey of English Usage corpus were mostly in “private speech” by London academics (Taglicht, 1984). Yet Burchfield (1996) – echoing Fowler – associates it with “uneducated speech.” The fact is that there are over 6000 instances of sentence-initial also in written sources in the BNC, in both monographs and serials (about 5% of all instances of the word). The Longman Grammar (1999) shows that the overall frequency of also is much lower in ordinary conversation than in news or academic writing. So the stylistic complaints about also seem to be misguided, along with the underlying grammatical assumptions. As a conjunct it can legitimately be used at the start of a sentence; and on the evidence there’s little reason to question its purposefulness.
alternative or alternate These words are a shifty pair. Both involve the idea of “the other” from the Latin stem alter embedded in them, and in older usage both meant “the other one of a pair.” The alternative plan would imply there were only two to choose between, just as alternate years means “in every second year.” But the strict sense of alternation is now much less central to alternative, and mostly confined to scientific and numerical uses of alternate and its derivatives, as in alternating current. In current usage both alternate and alternative are extending themselves as adjectives along similar lines. As nouns they are increasingly different. Alternative now often refers to a set of more than two options, as recent dictionaries acknowledge. The alternative fuel vehicle is one that runs on anything other than petrol/gasoline. The possibility of several options is strongly associated with the noun alternative as well, as in one of several alternatives and a number of alternatives, recurrent phrases in the BNC. De Bono allows for “195 alternatives” in his Atlas of Management Thinking (1990). The adjective alternate is also registered with the meaning “offering choice” in Webster’s Third (1986), without comment. Its use in official English in postwar Britain is registered in a complaint of Gowers (1954), though the Oxford Dictionary (1989) labels it “US.” British resistance to it continues – as far as New Oxford (1998) is concerned. Its usage note reports that although the reading program found alternate used to mean “offering choice” in 25% of all instances of the word, this was “still regarded as incorrect by many.” British use of alternate is nevertheless exemplified in its use in a variety of phrases in the BNC, such as alternate source of income, alternate harvesting systems, alternate means of transport. Using alternate for this sense of alternative is recognized in Australia, as in alternate routes to Adelaide from the Macquarie Dictionary (1991), and it’s current in Canada also (Canadian English Usage, 1997). Clearly the trend is worldwide. The most recent development for alternative and alternate is their use as adjectives to refer to a social or cultural practice which is different from that of the
conventional mainstream culture. This use of alternative is registered in both the Oxford Dictionary (1989) and Webster’s (1986); and it’s illustrated in BNC examples such as: Alternative methods of pain relief such as acupuncture and hypnosis are not generally available on the NHS. It appears in alternative bookshop/medicine/ technology, not to mention the alternative look [of a hairstyle] with dashes of golden copper lights . . . added to the longer areas at the top and sides. Alternate too is now being used in this sense, as in alternate lifestyle magazine. According to Webster’s English Usage (1989), the sense has been around since the 1960s, and it’s acknowledged through crossreference in Merriam-Webster (2000). New Oxford (1998) knows about it but keeps it at arm’s length: “chiefly North American.” The constraining influence of etymology (which has delayed recognition of the new meanings for alternative) seems now to be operating on alternate. Yet alternate and alternative do seem to share the same adjectival roles, and, not surprisingly, the shorter synonym recommends itself to many. The noun alternate stands apart from all this, used to mean “someone who substitutes for another in the performance of duties.” From its origins in theatre to refer to the understudy for a stage actor, it serves around the world in a variety of bureaucratic and legal contexts as well as the sporting arena.
although or though See under though.
aluminum or aluminium
Both these were coined around 1810, along with alumium, and alumina, for the ore and the metal extracted from it. Aluminum was Sir Humphrey Davy’s name for the metal, and it has remained the standard spelling in the US (see Webster’s Third, 1986); and also in Canada, according to the Canadian Oxford (1998). But in the UK it quickly changed to aluminium, which was felt to have a more “classical” sound than aluminum, according to the Oxford Dictionary citation from 1812. No-one could deny its consistency with the names of other elements such as potassium, chromium and zirconium. Aluminium is the standard spelling for New Oxford (1998), and it overwhelms aluminum by more than 100:1 in data from the BNC. The British spelling is also preferred by Australians, as indicated by the Macquarie Dictionary (1997).
alumni, alumnae and alma mater Both alumni and alumnae connect graduates with the institution which gave them their degree, male graduates being designated by the first, and female by the second. Yet the male term is often used to include the other, as in the Melbourne University Alumni Association. The words are Latin plurals, with alumnus as the singular form for alumni, and alumna for alumnae. (See further under -us, and -a section 1.) Alumnus and alumna are literally the “foster child” of the alma mater “fostering mother,” as universities and colleges have been called since C17 – making them the ultimate extended family. Such families are extended even further in American usage, where alumni can be associated with all kinds of training
amend or emend institutions, from the US Naval Academy to the Henry Park Primary School.
a.m., am, A.M., AM or AM This is the standard abbreviation for times that occur from midnight to midday. It stands for the Latin phrase ante meridiem, literally “before noon.” Like other lower case abbreviations, a.m. is often punctuated with stops, in line with regular practice in both the US and the UK (see abbreviations, sections 2 [a], [b] and [c].) Without stops, am could just be mistaken for the first person verb (I) am. But it’s rather unlikely, given that the the time reference is almost always accompanied by numbers, as in 10 am. In British data from the BNC, times expressed with am (unstopped) are always in the majority over those with a.m., though both forms are current. The American convention of printing the abbreviation in small caps, as 10 AM, also makes the stops unnecessary. When small caps are unavailable, full caps may be used. The Chicago Manual (1993) recognized the stopless practice alongside its own preferred policy of using stops (10 A.M.) in all kinds of abbreviations. Both stopped and stopless forms are used in Canada` (Editing Canadian English, 2000) – as in Australia, though the government Style Manual (2002) recommends the stopless lower case forms. What time is 12 a.m.? The Latin makes it “12 before noon,” and therefore “midnight,” whereas people used to translating a.m. as “in the morning,” would think of it as “12 noon.” Using 12 noon or 12 midnight prevents any ambiguity. The Chicago Manual (2003) notes the use of 12 M for “12 noon,” where M is again Latin meridies (“midday”) – while indicating that it’s rarely used. It would certainly help with “noon,” but there’s no parallel abbreviation for “midnight.” The ultimate remedy is to use the “twenty-four hour clock” which makes 12 midnight into 24:00, though it’s still mostly reserved for itineraries and institutional schedules. To separate the hours from the minutes in a time reference, a colon is used in North American style, as in 12:05 am (i.e. just after midnight). British and Australian style use a stop, as in 12.05 am. ♦ For the use of AM for “amplitude modulation,” see under FM. ♦ Compare p.m. or pm.
it’s become the general-purpose word for any kind of physical or atmospheric context: staffroom ambience, European ambience, druggy ambience, motherly/sisterly ambience. The French spelling ambiance once enjoyed a more esoteric existence in the realms of artistic criticism, as a word for the setting or context of a piece of art or music. But it too is used like ambience in current American and British English. Database examples have it applied to decor as in warehouse ambiance and hot tropical ambiance, and sometimes more abstractly as in competitive ambiance and an ambiance of war and hatred. Both spellings are well used in the US, though data from CCAE puts ambiance ahead of ambience in the ratio of about 5:2. The opposite holds in the UK, judging by BNC data in which ambience is far more common than ambiance. The two spellings are nevertheless recognized by New Oxford (1998), as by Merriam-Webster (2000) – leaving writers an uncommon freedom to use either.
ambiguity This word is often used in the general sense of “uncertainty of meaning” or “fogginess of expression.” More literally it means “capacity for dual interpretation” – an expression which leaves the reader swinging between two possible meanings. Ambiguity in the second sense can occur in a single phrase, as for example in progressive anarchy. (Does it mean “anarchy which leads to progress” or “anarchy which gets worse and worse?”) Classified advertisements can generate ambiguity in what they juxtapose, as in: Free to good home: 4-year-old rottweiler, good guard dog, eats anything, loves children Potential owners might be warned, though the advertiser was no doubt unaware of the ambiguity. The same goes for the pharmacist whose slogan was: WE DISPENSE WITH CARE. Less amusing are the cases of bad writing, as in the review of a movie whose makers were concerned with men trying to understand women. “They have no idea what they are all about” says the reviewer. We’re confused too! The cure for such ambiguities lies in rewording the sentence or rearranging its components. Yet ambiguity is also used creatively and deliberately. A classic study of it in English literature is Empson’s Seven Types of Ambiguity (1930); and modern advertisers and copywriters use it to stimulate and hold their readers. The tension between two competing meanings engages the mind, especially when both are applicable in the context. For example, in the headline: Why public servants are revolting And in the slogan of a used-car salesman: We give you a Good Deal Ambiguity of this kind works rather like double entendre, except that neither of the meanings generated is risqu´e. (See double entendre.)
ambi-/amphiThis prefix, meaning “on both sides,” appears as ambi- in a few Latin loanwords, such as ambidextrous, ambiguous and ambivalent. As those examples show, it carries the sense of unsettled values, likely to switch from one alternative to the other. The prefix amphi- is the equivalent in Greek loanwords, such as amphibian, amphora and amphitheatre. In these words the prefix simply implies “both sides.” The amphibian lives on both sides of the high-water mark; an amphora has handles on both sides; and the amphitheatre has its audience both in front and behind, in fact, all around.
ambience or ambiance In English these both represent the French ambiance meaning “surroundings.” The anglicized spelling ambience connects it with the adjective ambient, and
ameba or amoeba, and amebic or amoebic See under amoeba.
amend or emend See emend.
America and Americans
America and Americans The Americas take their name from Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian astronomer and navigator who sailed under the Spanish flag, and in 1497 explored the Atlantic coast of what we now know as South America (Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina). Ten years later, a German map-maker attached the name America to the coastline Vespucci had charted. Vespucci was the first to discover continental America, so it was christened in his honor, even though Columbus reached the Caribbean islands in 1492. For many people, America means “the United States of America,” not the whole of North America, let alone Central and South America. (See also Latin America.) The citizens of the United States usually refer to themselves as Americans, and America the beautiful does not seem to include Canada. Canadians, in fact, prefer not to be thought of as Americans, so the feeling is mutual. This book indicates wherever possible whether the usage described is specifically associated with the United States, or common throughout English-speaking North America (= North American). ♦ For use of US and the USA, see USA.
American English This variety of English now has the largest body of first-language speakers in the world. It originated with pockets of English settlers on the Atlantic seaboard of North America: a small group from the West country who took land in Virginia in 1607, and the better known “Pilgrim Fathers,” many of them from East Anglia, who settled in New England in 1620. Those English communities evolved into the “Thirteen Colonies,” though it was a narrow coastal settlement by comparison with the vast areas to the north, west and south which were then under French and Spanish control. But within 200 years, the English-speaking immigrants had acquired a mandate for the whole continent, and English was the common language. The American Declaration of Independence from Britain in 1776 meant much more than political separation. Linguistic independence was also a felt need, and its outstanding spokesman, Noah Webster, issued a series of publications proposing language reforms from 1783 on. The movement also found expression in the phrase “the American language,” first recorded in the US Congress in 1802. In his Compendious Dictionary of the English Language (1806), Webster urged Americans to detach themselves from English literary models. The dictionary enshrined spellings that now serve to distinguish American from British English, such as color, fiber and defense. (See further under -or, -re and -ce/-se.) Webster’s later and much larger American Dictionary of the English Language (1828) included many Americanisms, words borrowed from Indian languages, e.g. caribou, moccasin, tomahawk, wigwam, and ones created in North America out of standard English elements, e.g. land office, log house, congressional, scalp (verb). American English is distinctive also in its loans from other European languages represented on the continent. From Dutch come boss, cookie and waffle, from French chowder and gopher, and from Spanish plaza and tornado. These various kinds of Americanisms are the unique contribution of the New
World to English at large, documented in the Dictionary of American English (1938–44) and especially the Dictionary of Americanisms (1951). Other major dictionaries of C20 were the American Heritage (1969), Random House (1966) and Webster’s Second and Third International dictionaries (1934, 1961), each of which published later editions. The distinctiveness of American English can also be seen in countless expressions for material and technological innovations of C19 and early C20. American use of gas, kerosene, phonograph and tire contrasts with the British petrol, paraffin, gramophone and tyre. American English remained untouched by spelling modifications which were fostered in British English during C19, hence its preference for check, curb, disk and racket, where British English has cheque, kerb, disc and racquet for certain applications of those words. Other examples where American English preserves an older spelling are aluminum, defense, distill and jewelry (rather than aluminium, defence, distil and jewellery). Across the American continent, dialect variations are to be found, particularly in pronunciation and the vernacular vocabulary such as teeter-totter v. see-saw, and fairing off v. clearing up. Words like these link people’s speech with particular regions – broadly speaking the South, the mid-West, and the North / Northern Inland. The mapping of geographical variants began in 1928 with the Linguistic Atlas projects in various regions. It continued with nationwide surveys for the Dictionary of American Regional English (DARE ) in the 1960s, and sociolinguistic research of the 1970s, emphasizing social and ethnic dialects in American cities. In the 1990s, the need to synthesize regional and social data on variation was matched by more sophisticated computer resources, illuminating the demography of American dialects as never before. The social significance of dialect has also been highlighted in nationwide debates on the kinds of English to be used and taught in the classroom, centring on Michigan in the 1970s and California in the 1990s. (See further under Black English.) A notional standard American English underlies the written form across the continent, and is relatively uniform, except when the writer wishes to conjure up a local or colloquial voice. This is not to say that Americans do not differ on points of written usage, as they have always done. The liberal views of Webster on things such as the use of whom and shall v. will contrast with the strictures of school grammarians of C19, the archetypal Miss Fidditch and Miss Thistlebottom. Usage books of C20 present the same wide range of opinion, some allowing American usage to distance itself from accepted British usage (e.g. on whether bad can be an adverb), and others seeking to bring it back into line with British English. The seminal American English Grammar published (1940) by Charles Fries, uses descriptive and inductive techniques to account for American English as it actually is. American English is often more regular than British, as in the use of stops in most abbreviations, and the rules for deploying final punctuation in relation to quotation marks. (See abbreviations section 2a and quotation marks section 3c.) Other areas of difference beween American and British are indicated under punctuation.
amid, amidst, among or amongst These four prepositions share much the same grammatical functions these days, but differ somewhat in their regional distribution and their applications. Overall the shorter forms (amid and especially among) are much more frequent than the longer ones, as the relative percentages show in both British and American databases:
amid amidst among amongst
3.8% 1.7% 78.8% 15.7%
6.2% 0.4% 93.1% 0.3%
The rarity of amid and amidst in British English helps to make them the literary and formal options for among/amongst. In American English amongst is also very uncommon, and the only one in general use is among. The choice between among and amongst, according to Fowler (1926), turned on whether the following word began with a vowel. He was extrapolating from a small set of C19 citations from the Oxford Dictionary (1989) where amongst was preferred. The idea is not supported by much larger amounts of contemporary data from the BNC, where among and amongst had very similar ratios of vowels to consonants following (both about 1:7). Contrasting examples such as among other things / amongst others are indifferent to the sound following, so the explanation clearly cannot be phonetic. The following example would suggest that writers may use both for “elegant” variation: The Group of 15...held a summit meeting in Caracas, Venezuela on Nov. 27–29, attended by, amongst others, the heads of government of India, Indonesia, Malaysia and Senegal. . . :third world debt and protectionism among industrialised countries featured prominently in the discussion. The tenacity of amid(st), in spite of its minority status in both American and British English, can be explained in terms of its semantics and grammar. In fact it seems to be more versatile than among(st), expressing relationships in space and the social environment, as well as abstract contexts for which among(st) is unsuitable.
works with both mass and countable nouns, whereas among(st) goes only with the latter. (See further under count nouns.) ♦ Compare while or whilst.
amoeba or ameba, and amoebic or amebic Respondents to the Langscape survey (1998–2001) mostly preferred amoeba over ameba, even in the US. In fact both New Oxford (1998) and Merriam-Webster (2000) foreground amoeba/amoebic, which makes the convergence less surprising. It is of course a technical term, at home in scientific writing, not the daily news. For other words where American English uses e rather than oe, see oe. The plural of amoeba is discussed under -a section 1.
amok or amuck Contemporary American and British dictionaries all prefer the first spelling, though the second was foregrounded in the Oxford Dictionary (1884–1928), being used in most of its citations from earlier centuries. Database evidence now runs very strongly in favor of amok. It outnumbers amuck by about 12:1 in the BNC, and by 25:1 in American data from CCAE. The spelling amok is closer to the original Malay word amoq meaning “frenzied,” while amuck reflects the way it was and is commonly pronounced, at least outside the UK. Dictionaries such as Merriam-Webster (2000), the Canadian Oxford (1998) and the Australian Macquarie (1997) still give priority to the pronunciation with “muck” as the second syllable, whereas New Oxford (1998) gives the pronunciation with “mock” – more consistent with the now dominant spelling. Amuck is probably folk etymology, though the connection with “muck” sheds little light on the word. See folk etymology.
old pine trees the landscape press releases bizarre publicity speculation the silence army officers the militia
x x x x x x x x
x x (x)
x x
The table shows that among(st) is grammatically restricted. Effectively it can be used with plural nouns, and collective singular ones like militia which comprise a number of similar, countable entities. Publicity is ambiguous, and lends itself to among(st) only if the context makes it a series of press releases, rather than an abstraction. Abstract concepts like speculation, silence and landscape are mass nouns rather than collective ones, and do not lend themselves to among(st) at all. It seems that amid(st)
among See amid, amidst, among or amongst, and between or among.
ampersand This word covers a variety of symbols used to represent the word “and.” In official names and company titles, it has a shape like the figure 8, as in Marks & Spencer’s. Its alternative older shape looks like the Greek epsilon: & , as in Beaumont & Fletcher. Both these forms have been available in printing, though only the first is common on typewriters and wordprocessors. In handwriting many people use a form like a cursive plus-sign: , as in bread butter. The ampersand is not now used for general purposes in printed text, but replaced by “and” itself. It occurs only in references to: 1 corporations, e.g. P & O, and publishing companies, e.g. Harper & Row 2 statutes and parliamentary acts, as in Acts of Settlement 12 & 13 3 the joint authors of a work, as in Gilbert & Sullivan, Rodgers & Hammerstein. The third point is the only case where you might actually introduce an ampersand into a text: to clarify pairs of authors when there’s a string of names mentioned in quick succession. There is otherwise no need to use ampersand when citing joint authors in text or parentheses – though British editors have
amuck or amok made a practice of inserting ampersands into parenthetic references (Copy-editing, 1993). Current editorial practice in both the UK and the US is to restrain the use of ampersands, and to “silently” replace them with “and” (Ritter, 2002). The Chicago Manual (2003) recommends removing ampersands from the titles of published works. Style manuals agree on the need to retain ampersand in corporate names, although the Chicago Manual relaxes this for the names of publishing companies listed in bibliographies (e.g. Harper and Row), so long as consistency is maintained for all company names. Ampersand is to be avoided when citing the names of persons involved jointly in a legal case (Butcher, 1993), lest the litigants seem to be a company. The word ampersand is hybrid Latin, a telescoping of “and per se and” which can only be translated as “& by itself makes ‘and’.” It records the fact that for centuries ampersand stood at the end of the list of alphabetic symbols A–Z in school primers – as the final symbol which in itself represented a whole word. No doubt the list was chanted in many a C19 classroom, and the word “ampersand” stands as a monument to rote learning.
amuck or amok See amok.
an For the choice between an and a, see a or an.
For these, and for Jacobean and Singaporean, -ean is the only possible spelling. Note however that several others may be spelled either -ean or -ian: Argentinean/Argentinian, Aristotelean/Aristotelian, Boolean/Boolian, Caesarean/Caesarian, Hermitean/Hermitian, Shakespearean/Shakespearian. For most of them -ian is now the most common ending, but see under individual headings.
-ana See under -iana.
anacoluthon This learned word refers to a very common feature of spoken language – its grammatical discontinuity. When speaking off the cuff or on the run, we frequently start a sentence, stop, and continue on another tack. For example: “That computer problem of yours – Why didn”t I – All we need to do is to call up FILE . . . ” Once past the anacoluthon of the first two sentences, the speaker manages to complete one. But the listener has already got enough to follow his drift because of the predictable phrases that make up everyday talk. So the anacoluthon doesn’t impair spoken communication too badly. It does need to be edited out of writing. ♦ For the plural of anacoluthon, see under -on.
anaemic or anemic See under ae/e.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com This common suffix generates adjectives from proper names, both personal and geographical. See for example: Elizabethan Gregorian Hungarian Lutheran Mexican Mohammedan Republican Roman San Franciscan Tibetan As these examples show, the suffix may be simply added to the end, or may replace a final -e or -o in such words. If the final letter is -y it changes to i before the suffix. (See further under -e and -y>-i-.) In many cases, the suffix coincides with the final -a of a name, as in: Alaskan Asian Australian Estonian Indian Jamaican Persian Romanian Russian Spartan Syrian Victorian Because the resulting ending is quite often -ian (as in Asian), the -an suffix has given birth to -ian as a suffix in its own right. It is common with proper names, as in: Bostonian Brazilian Canadian Christian Darwinian Freudian Miltonian Natalian Wagnerian The -ian suffix also appears in some ordinary adjectives, such as mammalian and reptilian, and a good many nouns referring to roles and professions: grammarian guardian musician optician physician politician Note that a number of similar-looking words like comedian, historian, librarian are really examples where a final y has become i before the suffix -an. One other variant of this suffix is -ean, which belonged originally to a number of classical words: Antipodean Chaldean Epicurean European Herculean Mediterranean Procrustean Promethean
anaesthetic or anesthetic See under ae/e.
An anagram is a word puzzle in which the letters of one word can be rearranged to form another. For example: instead sainted mastering emigrants parental paternal The letters may be arranged in any order, as the examples show. Compare palindrome, in which the same letters must be read in reverse order. Samuel Butler’s Erewhon is therefore strictly an anagram, not a palindrome. (See further under that heading.)
analogue or analog The British choice here is analogue, whether it’s a matter of electronics as in analogue v. digital technology; chemistry (finding analogues of other compounds); or nontechnical uses as when referring to something analogous in function to something else. Thus the American Congress is the analogue of the British parliament. Elsewhere in the world, in the US, Canada and Australia, analog is usual in electronic applications of the word, such as analog computer, analog gauges, and often found in chemical applications as in the highly processed seafood analog used primarily for imitation crab, from CCAE. For nontechnical uses, Americans (though not Canadians or Australians) use both analog and analogue. Compare examples such as speed listening as an analog to speed reading with a musical analogue to Esperanto. With these various uses analog appears twice as often as analogue in CCAE data, which
-ance/-ence Merriam-Webster (2000) endorses for the adjective, but still puts second to analogue for the noun. ♦ On the history of the two spellings, see -gue/-g.
analogy This is a matter of the perceived likeness between things. Analogies work rather like metaphors in poetry, but are used in speaking and writing either to explain something, or to bring the audience to a particular point of view. An imaginative geography teacher might explain how a cyclone moves by analogy with the way spaghetti behaves when you twirl it up a fork. The parliamentarian who is keen to lower the speed limit for jumbo-sized trucks or semitrailers might refer to them as “juggernauts of the highway.” As the second example shows, an analogy may embody a judgement (positive or negative), which gives it persuasive force. The word juggernaut projects the vehicle as something enormous, primitive and harsh, which mows down everything in its path. A false analogy is one which suggests conclusions which are misleading or inappropriate to the topic. Take for example the suggestion that crosscultural communication is like a game between people who are playing badminton on one side of the net and tennis on the other. This analogy works only in a light-hearted context. Where there are serious concerns about crosscultural misunderstanding, it distorts and trivializes the issues, implying that they can be reduced to a set of sporting rules, and one side just has to agree to work by the rules of the other.
analytic or analytical
*For grammarians anaphora is a semantic relationship between two successive noun phrases which refer to the same thing. Thus a pronoun is anaphoric to its antecedent: He popped the question and she made the most of it. There the pronoun it harks back to “the question,” and he and she to persons mentioned in earlier sentences. Anaphora normally refers back to something previously mentioned, although the opposite, i.e. forward-looking anaphora (called cataphora) can be set up – at least within the same sentence: On its arrival in Bangkok, the aircraft was cordoned off. In that example its anticipates “aircraft” and is cataphoric to it. The concept of anaphora is sometimes used of the relationship between the tenses of successive verbs, or verbs and adverbial expressions of time, where one creates the context or a reference point for the second: The boss had fired the secretary and installed a personal assistant. After the weekend I shall be in Frankfurt. Anaphora is a vital element in the cohesion of discourse, and in maintaining the consistency of meanings in it. See further under coherence or cohesion.
-ance/-ence Because these suffixes sound exactly alike, and both make abstract nouns, it seems perverse that they are not interchangeable in most English words. Usually there’s no option, and only one spelling will do. But the previous letters or sounds often serve as a clue, to save you reaching for the dictionary. With any of the following, the spelling is -ence: -cence (with the first c pronouced “s”) innocence magnificence reticence -gence (with the g pronounced “j”) convergence diligence indulgence -quence consequence eloquence sequence -scence convalescence effervescence fluorescence When other letters come before the ending, the spelling (-ance or -ence) can sometimes be settled through related words where the doubtful syllable is stressed. So to get preference correct, think preferential. The same technique works for: confidence deference difference essence influence penitence providence prudence reference reverence sentence For -ance words, a related word ending in -ate or -ation can help you to get some of them right. So dominance can be reliably spelled by thinking of dominate or domination. The same technique works for: luxuriance radiance significance tolerance and many others. Two small groups require special attention, because of their sheer perversity: assistance resistance versus existence insistence persistence subsistence By rights they should all have -ence because they go back to the same Latin stem. But the French were inclined to spell them all with -ance, and their legacy remains in the first pair. Would that the classical respellers of the English Renaissance had done a more thorough job on this set (see spelling section 1), or that dictionaries permitted us to spell them either way.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com In both American and British English, analytical has the numbers over analytic: a factor of more than 3:1 in CCAE as well as the BNC. But the databases show both used with the same noun: analytic/analytical mind, analytic/analytical technique, analytic/analytical philosophy. The choice is free, as with some but not all -ic/-ical pairs. See further under that heading.
analyze or analyse American and British English divide on these spellings. Webster’s Third (1986) foregrounds analyze, which was preferred by Dr. Johnson in his dictionary (1755). The Oxford Dictionary (1989) makes analyse its primary spelling, while noting that neither has the etymological edge over the other. Database evidence confirms the regional split. In CCAE analyze overwhelms analyse by a factor of 100:1, whereas in BNC data analyse is strongly preferred, by about 10:1. See further under -yze/-yse.
anaphora and anaphoric In rhetoric and grammar, these words are put to different uses. *For the rhetorician, anaphora in the strictest sense involves repeating a word or several at the start of successive sentences, as in Churchill’s declaration: We shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France. . . Rhetorical anaphora is also found in any phrasal pattern repeated with strategic variation, as in Lincoln’s hope: . . . that government of the people, for the people, by the people, shall not perish from this earth.
-ancy/-ency A very few words may be spelled with either -ence or -ance. They include dependence/dependance and independence/independance. The spelling with -ance is in each case more common in the US (see further under dependent). The same is true for ambience/ambiance (see under that heading). ♦ For variation between -ance and -ancy, or -ence and -ency, see -nce/-ncy. ♦ For the choice between -ence and -ense, see -ce/-se.
-ancy/-ency These suffixes, like -ance and -ence, create many a spelling problem. But there are ways of predicting which spelling to use, just as with -ance and -ence. See -ance/-ence for details.
and And is the most common conjunction in English, and ranks among the top three words in terms of overall frequency. It serves to join together words and phrases as well as clauses, though the balance of the two depends on the type of discourse. Academic writers make much use of and to connect words and phrases, according to the Longman Grammar (1999); whereas in everyday writing and speech, and is more often used to coordinate clauses. Because it simply adds something to whatever went before, speakers can easily build ideas with it on the run. A vital element in the breathless narratives of children, it also helps impromptu speech-makers: “Now let me tell you a little about the background to this proposal and the petition. And before I address the question of how best to . . . ” As the example shows, and can just as readily appear at the start of a sentence as in the middle, although this has raised the eyebrows of prescriptivists and teachers for decades. “It’s wrong to use and at the start of a sentence,” they say. Their judgement is based on a very literal interpretation of the role of a conjunction – that it must conjoin things within a sentence, and cannot, should not, must not link things across sentence boundaries. Grammarians now recognize that and can be used as a conjunct, to provide a semantic link with the previous sentence. (See conjunctions and conjuncts, and coherence or cohesion.) To use and repeatedly at the start of a sentence would be stylistically unfortunate. Like but, it or any other word, it quickly becomes monotonous and predictable. Yet there can be stylistic or rhetorical reasons for repeating and: He commanded the multitude to sit down and took the five loaves and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake, and gave the loaves to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude. And they did all eat, and were filled, and they took up the fragments that remained twelve baskets full. And they that had eaten were about five thousand men, beside women and children. (Matt. 14:19–21 AV) Of course this translates the wording of the Greek New Testament, but it shows how the repetition of and, especially at the start of the second and third verses, helps to stress the enormous scope of the miracle.
The child’s father and/or mother should attend the meeting. is equivalent to: The child’s father, or mother, or both of them should attend the meeting. As long as there are just two coordinates, the meaning of and/or is clear, though the reader may have to pause over it to tease out the alternatives. When there are more than two items, the number of possible alternatives goes up and becomes unmanageable. Try: The child’s mother, father and/or guardian should attend the meeting. With three coordinates, the meaning is inscrutable, and expressions of this kind are no doubt the ones which give and/or its bad reputation for ambiguity. It is sometimes said to belong in the contexts of legal and business writing, yet the citations in Webster’s English Usage (1989) show that it’s widely used in informative writing for the general reader.
anemic or anaemic See under ae/e.
anent This Anglo-Saxon fossil is rare outside the domain of law. The only British example in the BNC is from Scottish industrial law: . . . a deputation of female compositors had insisted on an agreement anent the same. In American data from CCAE the few examples come from newspaper columns – writers with sententious content who are apparently seeking an elevated style: Anent your editorial: what exquisite irony lies in the Reagans’ agonizing. . . Anent is of course shorter than “concerning,” and less bureaucratic than “with respect to.” But that’s about all there is going for it.
and/or At its best, and/or is a succinct way of giving three alternatives for the price of two. Thus:
anesthetic or anaesthetic While Americans and Canadians prefer the first, the British and Australians are more inclined to the second. See further under ae/e.
aneurysm or aneurism The first spelling is now dominant in both British and American English. In database evidence aneurysm outnumbers aneurism by a ratio of 29:1 in the BNC and 13:1 in CCAE. It was not always so. The Oxford Dictionary (1884–1928) found that aneurism was more common in its C19 citations, even though aneurysm rendered the word’s etymology more exactly. (The stem consists of an(a)- “up” plus eurus “wide”). The familiarity of the -ism ending, and the interchangeability of y and i in English spelling no doubt helped to create and support aneurism for quite some time (see i/y). This would explain the slightly higher frequency of aneurism in American English, though Webster’s Third (1986) weighs in behind aneurysm. Aneurism has almost had its day.
angle brackets See brackets section 1e.
Anglo- or Anglo With or without a hyphen, the meaning of Anglo(-) varies with context. In compound adjectives it trades meaning with its other half – witness Anglo-Saxon, where it connects with a historical culture vested in
ante-/antithe south and midland parts of England, and Anglo-American where its meaning is usually political, involving joint action by the UK and US governments. As a noun in the form Anglo (and Anglos), it refers to a person’s language, but always in contrast with whatever other language(s) are used in that quarter of the world. In Quebec where the term originated in 1800, it identifies English-speakers as opposed to the French, whereas in the southwestern US, including California, the contrast is first and foremost with Spanish speakers. In Scotland, Anglo means anyone from south of the border, even if they play football for Scottish teams. Although it need not be derogatory, it creates a “them and us” division with social implications. See further under racist language.
annex or annexe British English is inclined to make a verb of the first and a noun of the second (especially in the sense of an extension to a building, as in the boarding annexe to a school). Examples of annexe in the BNC were almost entirely of this kind. But the database also shows annex working as a noun, in fact more often as noun than verb. Its frequency is helped by its being the regular spelling for an appendix to a legal or bureaucratic document, and it’s also found meaning “building extension,” as in a new annex to Chelmsford College of Further Education, the Bar Council’s Warwick Court annex, and even the use of annex setts (by badgers)! Americans make little use of the word, by the dearth of evidence from CCAE, but according to Webster’s Third (1986) use annex for all applications of the word. Annex(e) has effectively been twice-borrowed from French into English. The original loanword was put to legal purposes, trimmed down to annex for both noun and verb before 1700. It was reborrowed as annexe in C19 for architectural uses. Who knows if the French spelling helps to grace the drawings of a not-altogether-graceful extension?
-ant/-ent These suffixes are alike in sound and meaning, and both are found in common adjectives and nouns. Yet for most words, convention has made one or other the only one acceptable. For some, the standard spelling can be predicted from the letters or sounds immediately before the ending. The following groups are always spelled with -ent: -cent (when c is pronounced “s”) magnificent -gent (when g is pronounced “j”) diligent intelligent -quent eloquent -scent evanescent obsolescent Note that the words fitting these patterns always have at least two syllables before the ending. These apart, a word’s spelling may be predicted from related words whose pronunciation makes the elusive vowel unmistakable. The sound of accidental would put you right on accident, and consonantal helps with consonant. A very small number of these words can appear with either -ant or -ent. They are typically ones which work as both adjectives and nouns, like dependent/dependant (see further under that heading). In such cases writers may, as the Oxford Dictionary (1989) suggests, reserve the -ent for the adjective, and use -ant for the noun. But this distinction does not sit comfortably with the fact that -ant is the ending of many adjectives, or that adjectives and nouns shift into each other’s roles. Less frequent examples, such as propellant/propellent and repellent/repellant, seem to be settling arbitrarily on the first one in each case (see under those headings). For ascendant, defendant and descendant, the -ant spelling alone is current and used for both noun and adjective: see individual headings. Though both spellings survive for confidant/ confident, they present different meanings. See confident or confidant(e).
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com annul This legal verb is a backformation from the French loan annullement, and appears in early modern English as annulle and annul. The trimmed form has been the standard spelling in both British and American English since C19.
anoint or annoint The first is the accepted spelling everywhere. The second was used in C15 and C16, but is now extinct according to the Oxford Dictionary (1989). American usage books of C20 still find reason to comment on it, and there are plenty of examples on the internet. The ratio of annoint to anoint on the internet (just on 1:15, by a Google search in 2002) – means the spelling isn’t to be taken for granted. The spelling annoint no doubt results from misanalysis of the word into an- + noint, by analogy with announce.
anorexic or anorectic The first form is much more common in both American and British English. Anorexic outnumbers anorectic by almost 10:1 in data from CCAE, and by almost 100:1 in the BNC. For other pairs of the same kind, see -ctic/-xic.
antagonist and protagonist See protagonist.
Antarctic(a) Being a geographical term, this word typically appears with a capital letter (see capital letters). Either the Antarctic or Antarctica are used to refer to the region around the South Pole. But when used as an adjective, the word may be spelled either with or without a capital, depending on whether it refers directly to the South Pole, or is being used figuratively. This makes the difference in: Mawson succumbed to the Antarctic climate and My azaleas are slow to flower with this antarctic weather. ♦ Compare Arctic.
ante-/antiThese prefixes mean very different things. 1 The Greek anti- (meaning “against, opposed to”) is well established in words like: anticlimax anticyclone anti-intellectual antisocial not to mention antidisestablishmentarianism
antenna Anti- is regularly used to form new words, such as anti-abortion, anti-business, anti-government, anti-Semitism. Newer words with anti- often carry a hyphen in British English, according to New Oxford (1998), whether or not the base word begins with a capital letter (see hyphens). But Merriam-Webster (2000) shows how American English gives a solid setting from the start to most words formed with anti-, whether a vowel or consonant follows: antiabortion, antibusiness, antigovernment. Hyphens are used only before a capital letter, as in anti-Semitism. 2 Ante- from Latin means “before,” as in: antecedent antedate antediluvian antepenultimate anteroom It is never hyphenated. These days it’s hardly ever used to form new words, but has yielded its place to pre- (see pre-). One curious exception to all the above is the word antipasto, borrowed from Italian. Though it means the things you eat before the main meal, the Italians have fixed the spelling with anti- not ante-.
antenna This Latin loanword has two plurals, the anglicized antennas and the latinate antennae, which have rather different applications. In both British and American English, antennas is put to specialized use in referring to the devices that receive radio, TV and satellite signals. Antennae covers the biological uses of the word in reference to the feelers of insects, snails and prawns etc. The plural antennae is also used in figurative references to that human facility to sense social and political currents in the environment, as in the following examples from the BNC and CCAE respectively: However decent the man, his political antennae were too insensitive. Children have faultless antennae for detecting when adults are serious. Those are the broad distinctions. However both databases harbor examples in which antennae is used for the electromagnetic device, and in CCAE about 1 example in 5 was spelled that way. The American data also provided some rare examples in which antennas was used for biological and human applications, notably Nancy Reagan saying she used “all my little antennas to ferret out White House personnel problems.” But the First Lady’s commitment to the regular English plural was heavily outweighed by the general preference (more than 90%) for antennae in this application. See further under -a section 1.
not only that the world was round, but also that through gravity all the world’s inhabitants trod the earth in the same way, whether in the northern or southern hemisphere. Those on one side of the world therefore had their feet opposite to those on the other. Or, as Shakespeare expressed it, they were “counterfooted.” The word has been used of both people and places on opposite sides of the globe, and so Mongolia and Argentina are antipodes relative to each other, not just for Britain vis-a-vis ` Australia and New Zealand. Strictly speaking, the word could be also used by Australians and New Zealanders in reference to Britain, although the course of history has meant it being most often used by the British in reference to Australia. Both the Oxford Dictionary (1989) and Webster’s Third (1986) give preference to the lower case form, although instances of Antipodes outnumbered antipodes in this application by more than 3:1 in the BNC. The capital letter serves to differentiate this specific geographical sense of the word from the generic sense of “opposite,” as in Violence and voting are antipodes. But not all writers use it.
antivenin, antivenene, antivenine or antivenom The spelling antivenin is given preference in the major American and British dictionaries, with antivenene offered as the lesser alternative. Antivenine is noted only in the Oxford Dictionary (1989). Spelling variation between -in and -ine, and between -ine and -ene affects other chemical compounds (see -ine), but has little public impact. These three however interconnect with first aid and public safety, and health authorities in many places now endorse antivenom instead, following a recommendation of the Lancet magazine in 1979. It appears in the World Health Organization’s Committee on Venoms and Antivenoms. Antivenom is clearly more transparent, and makes for more reliable communication when life is threatened. The reference databases provide little evidence on any of the terms. Only antivenin could be corroborated in American data from CCAE, and none of them appears in the BNC. (Life-threatening events involving snakes are of course relatively uncommon in the British Isles – thanks to St Patrick!) An internet search (Google, 2002) confirmed that all four words are still current, though the use of antivenene is very low, and antivenine rates only a few hundred examples worldwide. By contrast antivenom and antivenin both notched up several thousand, with antivenom ahead by a factor of 7:5. Thus antivenom seems to be establishing itself – the specialists’ sensible choice has gained popular support. ♦ Compare flammable/inflammable.
anthrax For the plural of this word, see -x section 3.
anthropomorphism See under personification.
antiSee ante-/anti-.
anticlimax See under climax.
antipodes or Antipodes This remarkable word was coined by Plato, to mean “those with their feet placed opposite.” It reminds us that the Greeks of the fourth century BC understood
antonyms These are pairs of words with opposite meanings, like wet and dry, or dead and alive. Many antonyms like wet/dry are words from opposite ends of a scale, and one can imagine intermediate stages on the scale between them, like those expressed in “rather wet” and “almost dry.” In linguistic terms they are gradable antonyms, which permit degrees of comparison (see adjectives section 2).
aphorism, adage, axiom, maxim, proverb Antonyms like dead/alive are also opposites, but without a continuous scale between them. If you say that an animal is “half-dead,” you are really saying that it’s still alive. In fact the use of one word entails negating its opposite: alive means “not dead,” just as dead means “not alive.” The two words complement each other in meaning and are therefore called complementary antonyms. A third group of antonyms, such as buy/sell, parent/child and before/after, form pairs that are not so much opposite as reciprocal in meaning. As those examples show, the words may refer to reciprocal actions or relationships, or corresponding relationships in time or space. The term for such antonyms is relational opposites, or converses. Comparative expressions, such as higher/lower also fall into this class. Note that all pairs of antonyms have a common denominator between them: wet/dry (level of moisture or saturation) buy/sell (exchange of goods for money) So any pair of antonyms is in fact concerned with the same thing: they just take contrasting perspectives on it.
any and anyThese raise grammatical questions as well as issues of style. As an indefinite pronoun, any can stand for either singular or plural, and the verb agreement varies accordingly: Is any of their advice to be taken seriously? None of those apples. We don’t want any that are wrinkled. The personal pronoun agreeing with any is very often they, them, their: If any of the staff come, make them welcome. This use of them (they/their) with any is now the most neutral form of agreement, whatever objection may be made in terms of formal agreement (see further under they). The use of him or her in that sentence would turn it into an expectation about the sex of the staff attending. The agreement with anyone and anybody likewise frequently involves they, them, their, again maintaining the indefiniteness, and in spite of a singular verb. (See further under agreement section 3.) Other any-compounds are adverbs, some of which (anyhow, anymore, anyway, anywhere) are regularly set solid. The solid setting of anymore meaning “any longer” is widely used in the US and elsewhere outside the UK (Burchfield, 1996); and it contrasts usefully with the juxtaposed determiners any and more in Any more news? But anymore (as adverb) tends to be replaced by the spaced any more in formal British style. The BNC’s examples of anymore meaning “any longer” (almost 300) come from interactive or colloquial writing: The joke isn’t funny anymore. They don’t make films like his anymore. “Anytime, anywhere,” the note had said. They’ll explain it to anyone, anytime . . . The last two examples show how the setting of established any-compounds provides a pattern for the newer ones. Anytime appears more than 100 times in BNC data, again in informal discourse. Writers of more formal prose may wish to space out any more and any time, but it makes no difference to the adverbial meaning.
Some any-compounds are strongly associated with American rather than British English. This is so for anymore used in positive rather than negative constructions. Compare the examples given above with Listening is a rare art anymore, where it means “nowadays.” Anyplace and anywheres are also most at home in American English, the former gaining ground as the latter seems to be losing it, according to Webster’s Dictionary of Usage (1989). The use of anybody and anyone is a further point of regional divergence: see under -one or -body.
aorta For the plural of this word, see under -a section 1.
Aotearoa See New Zealand.
apart or aside See aside (from) and apart (from).
apeing or aping See aping.
apexes or apices Dictionaries allow both apexes and apices for the plural of apex, though they differ over the order. The Oxford Dictionary (1989) puts the Latin apices first, while Webster’s Third (1986) makes it apexes. Data from the BNC suggests that while academic writers may use apices, apexes is likely in other kinds of nonfiction. Apexes also appears as part of a newish verb, used in sportscar racing, and elsewhere: [Music that] apexes at the solo. Verbal use of apex is noted in New Oxford (1998) and Merriam-Webster (2000). ♦ For other Latin loanwords of this type, see -x section 2.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com aphorism, adage, axiom, maxim, proverb All these words refer to statements of received wisdom, and brevity is the soul of all of them. Dictionaries often use the words as synonyms for each other, yet there are aspects of each to differentiate. An aphorism is above all pithy and terse, as in Least said, soonest mended, whereas the wording of an adage has a centuries-old flavor to it: He who pays the piper calls the tune. A proverb expresses its practical wisdom in homely terms: A stitch in time saves nine. The maxim is also drawn from practical experience, but turned into a general principle and rule of conduct: People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. The axiom is the most abstract of the set, a statement embodying a recognized truth which is felt to need no proof: Crime does not pay. The wording of axioms is a little more flexible than that of the other four: it can for example be turned into the past tense. All five types of saying express common wisdom, and they seem to evoke a widely held set of values which can be used to bring people on side. With their more or less fixed wording, many can be invoked without even being quoted in full. You only have to say “People who live in glass houses” to remind an audience of that maxim, and of how vulnerable they are. Many an argument has deflected a challenge or gathered strength in this way.
aping or apeing
aping or apeing Both these spellings seem to have their adherents. A majority (58%) of the 1100 respondents to the Langscape survey (1998–2001) preferred apeing to aping. Yet in both British and American databases, all examples of the word were spelled aping. The shorter spelling is of course the more regular one: see further under -e section 1.
apoplectic or apoplexic See under -ctic/-xic.
apostrophe This has two distinct meanings: 1 a punctuation mark, for which see apostrophes (next entry); 2 the rhetorical practice of “turning aside” (translating the Greek word as literally as one can). The term apostrophe was first used of dramatic speeches in which an actor, turning aside from fellow actors on stage, directs his remarks towards the audience. It may be an appeal to someone present, or an invocation to an absent party. An example of the latter is found on the lips of Shakespeare’s Antony in Julius Caesar: “O Cicero, thou shouldst have been present at this hour” In other literary works, poetry or prose, an apostrophe is any section in which the author diverts attention away from the main narrative with an invocation. In his novel Lolita, Nabokov does it with “Gentlemen of the jury,” and “Gentlewomen of the jury.”
by the board, and daily papers are full of phrases like today’s announcement and Japan’s ambassador, where the apostrophe marks association or affiliation rather than possession. The role of apostrophes has thus expanded in several ways over four centuries. Though no longer used for the lost verb inflection, they now serve to mark omissions and contractions of other kinds within the verb phrase, as in it’s, I’ll, we’d and John’s not here, as well as hasn’t and don’t. (See further under contractions section 2.) 1 Standard uses of apostrophes with nouns are as follows: ∗ apostrophe s for singular nouns, marking possession or attribution, as in a spectator’s car, the class’s response. It makes no difference for common nouns if they end in an s or not, whereas proper nouns ending in s may be given special treatment (see section 3 below). ∗ apostrophe s for plural nouns not ending in -s, such as women’s work, the mice’s squeaking. ∗ an apostrophe alone for the possessive of plural nouns ending in -s, as in the spectators’ cheers. Note that the apostrophe s is normally added to the final word of a compound possessive expression, as in mother-in-law’s tongue or Laurel and Hardy’s humor. But when a compound phrase identifies two independent possessors, the apostrophe s may be added to both, as in her father’s and mother’s names. ♦ For the choice between apostrophe s and apostrophe alone in each others and other ambiguous cases, see under number. 2 The disappearing apostrophe. Apostrophes are not now obligatory in a number of kinds of expressions. They include: ∗ plural nouns in phrases which express affiliation, for example, teachers college and senior citizens centre. This C20 trend is widespread in the English-speaking world. Burchfield (1996) notes it in corporate names and titles such as Diners Club and Farmers Weekly, while The Right Word at the Right Time (1985) had already found it in British institutions such as Sports Council, Parks Department and some generic items such as trades union. In the US it’s recognized by the American Associated Press stylebook, and for corporate and institutional names (e.g. Department of Veterans Affairs) by the Chicago Manual of Style (2003). The Guide to Canadian Usage (1997) finds both older and newer practices in Teachers’ Federation and Music Educators Association. The Australian government Style Manual (2002) recommends elimination of apostrophes on plural nouns used attributively (see adjectives section 1). This makes for consistency in items such as drivers licence, girls school, proofreaders marks, where the apostrophe doesn’t mark possession – and the time spent worrying about whether it should really be driver’s licence or drivers’ licence would be better used elsewhere. But there are special cases which seem anomalous without the apostrophe s, such as Children’s Book Week (because “childrens” is not a regular form of the word), and A Visitor’s Guide to Darwin, where the plural form would seem discrepant with the preceding A (cf. Visitors Guide to Darwin). Thus context is the final arbiter as to whether apostrophes are needed, as always.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com apostrophes
As punctuation marks, apostrophes are used primarily for indicating: 1 the omission of a letter or letters from a word 2 possession or attribution In spite of its Greek name, the apostrophe began to be used as a punctuation mark only in C17. It was first and foremost a mark of omission, as in think’st and mislik’d, where the vowel was dropped from the verb’s suffix to maintain the rhythm of verse. Apostrophes have also been put to use with certain kinds of abbreviations in writing, e.g. C’tee for committee (see contractions section 1). The use of apostrophes to mark possession grew out of their use to mark omission. In earlier centuries the genitive suffix for many nouns had been -es; and though it had long been contracted to plain -s without any obvious problems of communication, C17 scholars wanted to indicate the lost letter. Some even assumed that a genitive expression like the kings castle was really a contraction of the king his castle, and so the apostrophe in the king’s castle marked the remnant of the hypothetical lost word. The oddity of this explanation for examples such as the queen’s ship – where the pronoun would have been her – seemed to escape attention. Apostrophes became the regular mark of possession on singular nouns during C18, and were extended to plural nouns in C19. Their sense of possession was at one time so strong that it was thought improper to say the table’s legs, because this seemed to attribute possessive powers to something inanimate. Scruples of this kind have long since gone
appall or appal ∗ plural expressions of time and space, such as five weeks leave (compare a week’s leave), and three kilometres distance (cf. a kilometre’s distance). Apostrophes are not critical in quantitative expressions like these, because they work attributively, like the examples discussed in the previous paragraph. The apostrophe is routinely omitted from plural quantitative nouns in US newspapers, and it’s a recognized practice for time expressions in Canada (Editing Canadian English, 2000), in the UK (Butcher, 1992), and in Australia, according to the government Style Manual (2002). ∗ numbers and dates, such as in his 60s, fly 767s, during the 1980s. All the regional style manuals including the Chicago Manual (2003) agree on this. Apostrophes are usually there in the plural of single numbers, as in All the 2’s and 3’s were missing. ∗ sets of letters, such as MPs, PhDs, IOUs. One advantage of not using the apostrophe in these plural initialisms is that it’s then available for the possessive, as in MP’s action under scrutiny. Single letters in lower case still usually mark the plural with apostrophes, as in Dot the i’s and cross the t’s. (See further under letters as words.) ∗ placenames involving possessive forms. Apostrophes are not required at all in placenames in the US and Australia, thanks to intervention by the Board on Geographic Names and the Geographical Names Board respectively. This action obviates the problem of unpredictable use of apostrophes in British placenames, where Kings Cross and St Albans contrast with King’s Lynn and St Martin’s, and the apostrophe stands between St Helens in Lancashire and St Helen’s on the Isle of Wight. Individual names may be checked against the British Post Office Guide, and the Oxford Atlas gazetteer. In Canada, where practice is also variable, the authority is the Canadian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names. ∗ company names such as Harrods, McDonalds, Woolworths. The absence (or presence) of the apostrophe is of course fixed by trademark. In Canada the 1977 Charter of the the French Language requires anglophone companies to drop the English possessive from their names when operating in Quebec. 3 Apostrophes with personal names ending in -s. What to do for the possessive form of proper names ending in -s has led to a variety of opinions and still-evolving practices. The earlier convention was to exempt all of them from the regular apostrophe s, and mark them with just an apostrophe, as in Jones’, Jesus’, Keats’, Robbins’ etc. This general rule has since been reduced to a few special cases: a) literary, classical and religious persons whose names end in s should have just the apostrophe. All others have the full apostrophe s: Jones’s Menzies’s Keats’ Jesus’ Xerxes’ Euripides’ b) literary, classical and religious persons whose names consist of two or more syllables and end in s, should have the plain apostrophe. All others have the regular apostrophe s: Jones’s Menzies’s Keats’s Jesus’ Xerxes’ Euripides’ c) any name whose last syllable is pronounced with a long “eez” sound should have just the apostrophe,
whereas others have apostrophe s: Jones’s Menzies’ Keats’s Jesus’s Xerxes’ Euripides’ d) any name whose possessive form is pronounced with the same number of syllables as the plain form should have the plain apostrophe. The application of this rule depends of course on the vagaries of pronunciation. Do most people pronounce the possessive of Jones with one or two syllables? (Perhaps it depends on who you are keeping up with!) Apart from this, rules such as (a) to (c) overlap in their application, and the outcome depends on which one prevails. British authorities such as Butcher (1992) and Hart’s Rules (1983), which admit rules based on pronunciation, effectively leave it up to the individual, which is fine if both writer and editor agree on this. Much greater consistency is achieved by doing away with special cases, and treating names ending in -s to the full apostrophe -s, just like any other noun. This is recommended by the Chicago Manual (2003) and the Australian government Style Manual (2002). The practice is easy to apply, and deals effectively with English and foreign names, French names ending in a silent “s,” such as Camus’s and Dumas’s, not to mention Arkansas’s. The Chicago Manual still allows for a little of conventions (a) and (c) above, and acknowledges the lingering use of the apostrophe alone after names ending in “s,” in some quarters. Canadian English Usage (1997) also recognizes the classical tradition (a), while noting that it is “always acceptable to add -s to a name that ends in s.” ♦ For the choice between it’s and its, see its. ♦ The choice between using apostrophe s and nothing at all in statements like They wouldn’t hear of Henry(’s) coming is a matter of grammar. See further under -ing. 4 The superfluous apostrophe. The use of apostrophes in ordinary plural words, sometimes known as the “greengrocer’s apostrophe,” is familiar in hand-written shop signs everywhere in the English-speaking world: banana’s for sale; fresh prawn’s; latest video’s. In the US, the “Great Apostrophe Plague” is noted in John Simon’s aptly named Paradigms Lost (1980). In Australia, the so-called “Apostrophe Man” keeps tabs on “apostroflation,” with a constant supply of examples to report to the Sydney Morning Herald, both downmarket (auto’s) and upmarket (gateaux’s). Superfluous apostrophes are a symptom of unedited prose and of the inexperienced writer, who is inclined to add a “flying comma” to any final s for good measure. As applications of the apostrophe begin to shrink, expert writers and editors are also less certain about its use, hence the many details of this entry. Burchfield, quoted in a 1985 news article (see Webster’s English Usage, 1989), commented that the apostrophe had probably reached the limits of its usefulness, and might only be retained for contractions. A return to C17 simplicities with the apostrophe might not be a backward step. ♦ For the use/nonuse of apostrophes in locative expressions such as at the printers, see local genitive.
appall or appal See under single for double.
apparatus For the plural of this word, see under -us section 2.
appareled or apparelled See under -l-/-ll-.
appendixes and appendices Like many loanwords from Latin, appendix has two plurals: the Latin appendices and the regular English appendixes (see further -x section 2). Some reserve appendixes for medical references to the colonic appendage, and make appendices the plural for the sections of additional material at the back of a book. Americans use both plurals for the latter, but are somewhat more inclined to use appendixes, by the evidence of CCAE where it outnumbers appendices by about 3:2 in referring to the back end of a book or report. The instances of appendices, as in found only in the appendices of history, suggest its conservation by writers with a literary bent. The American data generally lines up with Webster’s Third (1986), which puts appendixes ahead of the classical plural. British preferences are quite the opposite. The Oxford Dictionary (1989) prioritizes appendices, and its prevalance is underscored by data from the BNC, where appendices outnumbers appendixes by a factor of more than 30:1. Yet the handful of instances of appendixes referred to sections added at the back of a book or report, as they might in American English. The supposed line of demarcation between appendixes and appendices breaks down in both the US and the UK. The medical operation of excising the appendix is called an appendectomy in the US and Canada. In the UK appendicectomy remains just as common, judging by their relative showing (11:6) in the BNC. But in English worldwide, the shorter form clearly dominates. An internet search (Google, 2002) returned 13 instances of appendectomy for every 1 of appendicectomy.
dependency. Like restrictive relative clauses, they are not separated by commas, witness: the soprano Kiri Ti Kanawa the year 2000 your brother James the River Ganges the term “responsible government” In the regular forms of proper names, the title or descriptor may be seen as having a restrictive appositive function: Lord Mountbatten, President Eisenhower; Mount Egmont; Lake Titicaca. But when such names are glossed, as in Eisenhower, president of the US from 1953–1961, the comma marks a nonrestrictive apposition. The titles in such appositions do not need to have capital letters: see capital letters section 1d. A parenthesis differs from an appositive in not being grammatically matched with another constituent of the sentence (the subject, object etc.). It is therefore usually set off with brackets: see further under parenthesis.
appraise, apprise and apprize These spellings intersect with two distinct words. Appraise meaning “estimate the value of ” always contrasts with apprise meaning “notify.” Apprize served as a variant for appraise in older American English, and in Scottish law, but is now the American alternate for apprise, according to Merriam-Webster (2000). The chances of the two uses being confused are reduced by the fact that they are differently construed: The sheriff apprized the ship’s cargo. (= appraise) The sheriff apprized them of its value. (= apprise) The of construction is characteristic of apprise, whether the verb is active or passive: The company was apprised of the cargo’s value. Compare The ship’s cargo was appraised for its value. Apprise is increasingly a rather formal word, and much less common than appraise in data from CCAE and the BNC. There’s no sign of apprize in either the American or the British database. Institutional uses of appraise in assessing work performance have no doubt boosted its frequency, as well as that of the related abstract noun appraisal. It outnumbers apprisal by more than 1000:1 in the reference databases – and there are none of apprizal.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com appointer or appointor See under -er/-or.
apposition Just what counts as apposition, and how to punctuate the phrases in apposition are the major issues. Grammarians differ over the criteria for apposition, such as whether the appositives have to be grammatically identical in form, juxtaposed, and phrased so that either could be omitted without impairing the syntax: see the Comprehensive Grammar of English (1985). In fact the three sentences below all present apposition in its strictest form. Swami Svaratnaram, their yoga teacher, prescribed the routines. She was born in Pymble, a suburb of Edinburgh. He ordered a martini, the drink that went with the company he kept. Appositives like those, being syntactically equal in rank, are effectively nonrestrictive (see relative clauses section 4). They are therefore punctuated with commas, as shown. Yet various familiar kinds of apposition are restrictive, in that one appositive serves to define the other, and their syntactic relationship is one of
appropriacy and appropriateness Dictionaries are unanimous that appropriateness is the abstract noun for appropriate. Yet appropriacy is very occasionally heard, and breaks the ice in the BNC with a handful of examples from rather academic writing. There are analogues for it, in the relationship between literate and literacy or adequate and adequacy – if it needs any explanation.
apropos This telescopes the French phrase a` propos meaning “to the purpose.” As a simple adverb or adjective, apropos means “right or opportune” in relation to whatever is going on: The remark was apropos. But when followed by of and another word or phrase, e.g. apropos of the election, it sets up a prepositional phrase. At the start of an utterance apropos of is used to highlight a new topic of conversation, and therefore serves as a discourse marker (see further under that heading). It often signals a change of subject.
arch-/archa-/archae-/arche-/archiSometimes speakers change the topic of conversation more or less abruptly, with the phrase apropos of nothing. Whether the new topic is really unrelated to what went before, and entirely unmotivated, is for the listener to judge. The phrase still implies that the speaker is very conscious of altering the topic of conversation. Apropos is usually written as a single word, according to dictionaries everywhere in the English-speaking world. However the Oxford Dictionary (1989) notes the French form a` propos with accent as an alternative. British and American databases provide a handful of examples in which it appears spaced as a propos, without the accent. ♦ See also malapropisms.
show that, historically speaking, they are not agent words. Apart from that mixed bag of nouns, -ar is regularly found on adjectives borrowed from classical or medieval Latin. See for example: angular cellular circular crepuscular familiar globular insular jocular linear lunar muscular particular perpendicular planar polar rectangular regular singular solar stellar titular triangular vehicular vulgar ♦ For the choice between peninsular and peninsula, see peninsula.
apt to or likely to
Arabian, Arabic or Arab
See liable.
aquarium The Victorian aquavivarium quickly translated itself into aquarium, and into a public and domestic institution. The English plural aquariums is strongly preferred by Americans, by its dominance of the data from CCAE. But their British counterparts use both aquariums and the Latin plural aquaria. The two plurals appear in roughly equal numbers of BNC texts – even in the same text – suggesting that the choice is quite open. See further under -um.
-ar This ending appears on a few nouns and many adjectives in English. The nouns are a mixed bag, representing: ∗ people: beggar burglar bursar friar pedlar scholar vicar ∗ objects and animals: agar altar briar budgerigar calendar caterpillar cellar cigar collar cougar dinar dollar exemplar fulmar grammar hangar molar nectar pillar poplar seminar vinegar In some cases, the -ar is a direct legacy of medieval Latin. Bursar is from bursarius, and calendar reflects calendarium (see further under calendar or calender). Others, e.g. collar and pillar, were written with -er in earlier English and later respelled with -ar, perhaps to show that they were not agent words and that the ending was not really a suffix (see further under -er). The desire to differentiate homonyms probably helps to account for others like altar (as opposed to alter) and hangar (as opposed to hanger). The spelling of liar i.e. “one who tells lies,” differentiates it from the possible agent word lier (“one who lies around”). But the -ar spelling seems awkward for words like beggar and pedlar, which also look like agent words and might be expected to have -er spellings. In American English pedlar has been replaced by peddler, whether it refers to someone peddling cocaine in New York, or pots and pans in the Alleghenies. In fact, neither beggar nor pedlar is an agent word. Their origins are rather obscure, but they appeared fully fledged in Middle English, and the verbs beg and peddle are backformations from them (see backformation). Here again the -ar spellings
All three words serve as adjectives relating to the Arabian Peninsula, where the first Muslim state was established around AD 600, known now as Saudi Arabia. Arabian is used in general references to the culture and geography of the region, as in Arabian Nights and Arabian deserts. Arabic mostly refers to the language, scripts and symbols associated with Arab peoples, and is applied to the languages of countries such as Syria, Jordan, Irak, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria. Curiously, what we know as Arabic numerals originated in India, and are known by the Arabs themselves as “Indian numerals.” But Arab is now the most frequent and widely used adjective, no doubt because of the power and influence of Arabs outside Arabia itself: hence the Arab countries/leaders/nations of the Arab League.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com Arabic loanwords
Words borrowed into English from Arabic languages often vary in their spelling because of their variability in the source language. Arabic words are constructed out of triliteral roots (i.e. roots consisting of three consonants), which are combined with particular vowels to form sets in the same semantic field. Thus the root k t b appears in the word for “book” as well as “write.” In fact the vowels vary somewhat from dialect to dialect, and the same word borrowed at different times and places could be differently transliterated in English. This helps to account for variants such as kabob/kebab etc., and also the active respelling of older Arabic loans such as sheik. See further under kebab, kilim, sheikh, sheriff.
arbor or arbour See under -or/-our.
arced or arcked, and arcing or arcking See under -c/-ck-.
arch-/archa-/archae-/arche-/archiThese five forms represent just two prefixes, both inherited from Greek: 1 arch-/archi- meaning “principal, chief ” and 2 arch(a)(e)-/archi- meaning “beginning” Words embodying the first prefix are: archangel archbishop archduke archenemy archiepiscopal archipelago architect Words embodying the second prefix are: archaic archaism arch(a)eology arch(a)eometry archetype archiplasm architrave
-arch/-archy The different forms and pronunciations of the prefixes are the result of the way they were treated in Latin, Italian, French and English – not strictly in line with the Greek. The choice between archaeometry and archeometry etc. is essentially a matter of American or British spelling: see further under ae/e. In fact, the two prefixes seem to have developed from the same source. The Greek word arche meant both “beginning” and “principality,” just as the verb archein meant both “be first” and “govern or rule.” The two come together in archives, documents which record the origins of things, and which were kept at the Greek archeion or headquarters of the local government.
-arch/-archy The Greek suffix -arch means “chief ” or “ruler,” much like the prefix arch-/archi- (see previous entry). It forms nouns like matriarch, monarch and patriarch. Complementing it is the suffix -archy meaning “rule or system of government,” which forms the corresponding abstract nouns: matriarchy monarchy patriarchy as well as anarchy hierarchy oligarchy.
archaeology or archeology The choice between these is not just a matter of American or British spelling, though archaeology is given priority in the Oxford Dictionary (1989), and archeology in Webster’s Third (1986). The response patterns to the Langscape survey (1998–2001) were more complex, with 25% of British respondents endorsing archeology, and more than 70% of those from Continental Europe. Around 70% of US respondents endorsed archeology, but this means a substantial minority preferred archaeology; and in American data from CCAE, archaeology outnumbered archeology in the ratio of 5:2. For archaeologists the world over, including the US, the first spelling projects the flavor of antiquity. Here as often, specialists differ from the general public in the spellings they prefer. See further under ae/e.
education and experience of language. Those who read older literature are more likely to feel that such words are part of the continuum of the English language, and only a little old-fashioned. Those whose reading comes from the last decades of C20 (plus C21) will probably feel the words are archaic.
archeo- or archaeoSee under arch-.
archipelago For the plural of this word, see under -o.
archives or archive The plural archives, used to refer to an organized or institutional collection of historical documents, is increasingly challenged by the singular archive in American and British English. Alongside the older usage found in National Archives, York Minster archives etc., stand newer institutions such as the National Sound Archive and the Urban Archive Center etc. Archives is still in the majority in both names and ordinary phrases, in data from CCAE and the BNC. Yet computer archiving systems show archive taking on the role of verb/participle, and its use as attributive adjective can be seen in archive disks/footage/sources/tapes, among numerous examples in the databases. With all these grammatical roles, the form archive looks set to command the future, though the archives established so far will not lose their importance.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com archaisms These are words and expressions that belong to times past. Feudal relations of past centuries are embedded in liege lord and yeoman from medieval times, and distinctive socio-political roles in the emancipists and suffragettes of more recent history. References to the warming pan, chamber pot, penny farthing and horse-drawn carriage help to conjure up material aspects of earlier historical periods. Measuring distances in leagues and quoting prices in guineas have the same archaizing effect. Archaisms of another kind are the ordinary function words and expressions which have somehow gone out of fashion. Examples are: forsooth, methinks, howsoever and verily. They have less power to set a particular historical period, and are more likely to draw attention back to the writer and the writer’s style. They suggest a certain self-conscious use of language, which can either be effectively ironic, or annoyingly precious. The boundary between archaic and old-fashioned language is somewhat fluid and subjectively determined. Whether you class words like albeit, goodly, perchance and rejoice as archaisms or just old-fashioned words depends on individual
Arctic or arctic
The capitalized form is standard in geographical references to such things as the Arctic Circle, Arctic Ocean and Arctic Zone. The latter is also commonly referred to simply as the Arctic. Other strictly adjectival uses of the word are lower-cased, whether in the names of identified fauna and flora – arctic fox, arctic tern, arctic willow – or more generally in reference to arctic temperatures and arctic clothing. The plural form arctics is used in American and Canadian English to refer to the warm, waterproof overshoes needed in the extreme cold. ♦ Compare Antarctic(a).
aren’t I See under ain’t.
Argentina, Argentine, Argentinean or Argentinian These all connect with the large South American state variously known as Argentina, the Argentine, and the Argentine Republic. Data from both American and British sources confirm that Argentina is now many times more popular than the Argentine. The databases also show that Argentine is the most common form of the adjective, strongly preferred over Argentinian/Argentinean in both the US and the UK. When referring to the inhabitants of Argentina, there’s again more than one possibility: Argentines (in three syllables), and Argentineans or Argentinians (in five). Americans prefer Argentines, by the evidence of CCAE; whereas Argentinians is the preference of British writers registered in the BNC. Neither database has much evidence of Argentinean(s), though
-aroo Webster’s Third (1986) gave them priority over Argentinian(s). The Oxford Dictionary (1989) has Argentinian alone. ♦ For other examples of -ean/-ian, see under -an.
argot This C19 French loanword refers to the jargon of a sharply defined class of people, what C21 linguists might call a “sociolect.” As originally applied, argot meant the language of the underworld, e.g. thieves or convicts. These days it can be associated with any community or activity, as in the following examples from British and American databases: academic argot, teenage argot, street argot, Unix argot; or the argot of CB radio / horse racing / defense contracting – not to mention that of stockbrokers, involved in trading (arbitrage, in the argot).
arguably There’s a latent ambiguity in arguably as to whether one is arguing for or against a proposition. The affirmative use is often spelled out by an accompanying superlative or evaluative expression, as in arguably the most powerful package, arguably a hazardous occupation, arguably the buy of the season, among more than 600 examples in the BNC. The word allows writers to have it both ways, to say that “a case can be made out” without actually committing themselves to it. The equivocation takes over in some instances, as in what is merely arguably right, and the word comes closer to its negative use “capable of being disputed.” But whether distanced from or closer to a given point of view, arguably leaves the advocacy to someone else. ♦ For the choice between inarguably and unarguably, see inarguable.
are modeled on French antecedents. Many have simply been formed by analogy in English. Whether adjective or noun, they refer to attitudes of mind, and moral, religious or political beliefs. For example: antiquarian authoritarian disciplinarian humanitarian libertarian millenarian parliamentarian proletarian sabbatarian sectarian totalitarian utilitarian vegetarian Note that in grammarian, Hungarian and others, the -ar belongs to the word’s stem: see further under -an.
arise or rise See rise.
Aristotelian or Aristotelean All modern dictionaries give preference to Aristotelian and for some it’s the only spelling recognized. Though the original Oxford Dictionary (1884–1928) preferred the classically backed Aristotelean, it recognized that Aristotelian was more common even then. ♦ For other words which vary between -ian and -ean, see under -an.
armfuls or armsful See under -ful.
armor or armour See under -or/-our.
aroma In spite of its classical appearance, aroma is now always pluralized in the English way. It originated as the Greek word for “spice,” and kept its Greek plural aromata when borrowed into Latin. This form of the plural was once used a little in English, according to the Oxford Dictionary (1989). lt also explains why the French for “aroma” (in our sense) is aromate. But contemporary English uses aroma for a distinctive, usually attractive smell, and the plural aromas.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com argument Many things pass for argument which do not merit the name. Those who would persuade all too often shortcircuit the argumentative process, by attacking or appealing directly to the interests of the listener (argumentum ad hominem), or to the listener’s hip-pocket nerve (in neo-Latin ad crumenam). The argument may be just a non sequitur, ad hoc, or ex silentio; and worse perhaps, goes on ad infinitum. A proper argument addresses the issues (argumentum ad rem), and develops either inductively (a posteriori) or deductively (a priori). We owe these Latin phrases to scholars in rhetoric and philosophy between C16 and C18 (see individual heading for more about each). A few other argumentative tactics and tricks go by English names, for example: begging the question, and posing a leading question. (See also under analogy, and fallacies.) The spelling of argument (minus the -e of argue) looks like an exception to the rule for words formed with -ment (see under -e). In fact the word was borrowed ready-made from French, with its spelling harnessed to the Latin argumentum. ♦ For what grammarians call the arguments of the verb, see under cases.
-arian A latter-day suffix, -arian has developed from several sources. Some of the words embodying it, like librarian and veterinarian derive from medieval Latin words ending in -arius; while others like egalitarian
-aroo This jokey suffix probably owes something to trans-Pacific contact in both C19 and C20. In US English -aroo was highly productive in the 1940s, generating many casual and short-lived coinages such as congaroo jivaroo jugaroo kissamaroo vibaroo whackaroo as well as babyroo pepperoo snoozamoroo switcheroo with alternative spelling of the penultimate syllable. The journal American Speech (Bolinger, 1941) found the source for -aroo in Spanish, as naturalized in the American word buckaroo and its Spanish counterpart vaquero “cowboy.” Bolinger noted “coincidental support” from the Australian word kangaroo, providing the word with its bouncy overtones. Yet it seems significant that -aroo became highly productive during World War II, at just the time when American servicemen enjoyed R and R (“rest and recreation”) in Australia. For Australians, -aroo is a neutral element of Aboriginal origin, found in the names of fauna and flora, including kangaroo, wallaroo, calgaroo, willaroo, and in placenames in several eastern states: Coorparoo (QLD), Gundaroo (NSW), Liparoo (VIC). It
around and round is also the formative element in jackaroo, the C19 Australian word for a “farmhand,” as well as jillaroo, his C20 female counterpart. The coincidental uses of jackaroo and buckaroo suggest early trans-Pacific communication, though scanty evidence makes it hard to say in which direction the influence operated. Later Australian and New Zealand (NZ) formations of the 1940s, such as jambaroo, jigamaroo, shivaroo belong to the wartime vogue for -aroo, and mimic the American coinages. Both in the US and Australia, some were spelled with -eroo (see under that heading). Most were too transient to become standardized one way or the other.
around and round Large differences in the regional frequencies of these two set the scene. As adverb or preposition, around is much commoner than round in American English, by more than 40:1 in the Brown corpus. In British English they come much closer but the majority goes the other way, with round outnumbering around by just 7:6 in the LOB corpus. Round has uses as an adjective (a round face), a noun (theatre in the round) and verb (she rounded on him), none of which are fulfilled by around. But around is the American preference for several adverb and prepositional uses which might be performed by round or other words in British English. Compare: He looked around the room / round the room. They hadn’t seen anyone around/about. A shield of prayer was thrown around him / round him. In fact around is now common enough in such applications among British writers, as Burchfield (1997) demonstrates. Even the use of around to mean “approximately” is far from being distinctly American usage. There was no statistically significant difference in data from the Brown and LOB corpora on this point (see Peters, 1998a). Examples from LOB such as a crowd of around 30,000 and the price rose to around $253 show that this use of around to mean “approximately” is at home in Britain.
In arrant the sense of waywardness is now overlaid with heavy censure. Its only surviving roles are as an intensifier of usually negatively toned nouns, particularly arrant nonsense, though in BNC data it also goes with sexism, rudeness, hypocrisy and mischief-making. Arrant coward and arrant coxcomb show more direct censure of the person, as does arrant anti-Semite from CCAE. Yet arrant makes little showing in either database. The few British examples seem hoary with age, and the mere handful of American ones put it close to extinction. Further evidence of its decline can be seen in mistaken uses of errant for arrant in each database: errant nonsense, an errant traitor. Here and elsewhere, errant is gaining ground.
ars gratia artis This sententious phrase borrowed from Latin means “art for the sake of art” or “art for art’s sake.” In its French form “l’art pour l’art,” it was much touted by C19 French Romantics and used in support of the notion that art could be indifferent to moral and social values. The phrase is wonderfully enigmatic, and can be quoted either to invoke a lofty aestheticism, or to justify irresponsible artistic activity. It serves as the motto of MGM films, displayed at the start of each movie along with the roaring lion. Whether you read the motto as an artistic affirmation or an ironic comment will depend on whether it prefaces Out of Africa or Tarzan the Apeman.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com arouse or rouse See rouse.
arrant or errant Collocations such as arrant knave and knight errant give an antique flavor to both of these adjectives, yet both have some current uses. The sense of “wandering/straying” was once common to both, and remains in both physical and figurative uses of errant. British data from the BNC presents examples such as errant feelings/temper as well as an errant foot and the errant strand of hair. But by far the commonest use is in reference to persons who are in some way out of line, and there is mild censure in errant husband, errant secretary, errant citizen etc. Other errant persons in American data from CCAE included the errant sailor/builder/doctor/lawyer and arbitrageur. Both databases have errant used in reference to stray bullets, but Americans apply it more freely to a vehicle which has gone off track, whether bus, light-plane or satellite, and to devices which play up, such as computers, radio transmitters and even domestic alarms. American English also makes much more use of errant in reporting on misdirected shots by golfers and other sportsmen.
artefact or artifact See artifact.
This is a grammatical term for two kinds of words: the definite article the and the indefinite article a/an. Articles are the commonest words on the page: almost every English sentence has one. Yet their role and meaning is subtle, and often a problem for people learning English as a second language. The prime function of articles is to signal that a noun is to follow, sooner or later. See for example: the brown fox the proverbially quick brown fox a sports car an expensive state-of-the-art sports car Articles normally come first in the noun phrase. However both a and the can be preceded by predeterminers (see under determiners); and the by bulkier quantifiers such as one of, some of, none of. The chief difference between definite and indefinite articles is in the specifications they put on the following noun. The indefinite article indicates that the noun is being mentioned for the first time in the discourse in which it occurs. See for example: On my way through Hong Kong, I bought a camera. Compare the effect of the definite article: When I showed the camera to customs, they charged me 33% duty. Using the word the implies that you have already referred to the object or concept in question. In this case, “the camera” must be the one bought in Hong Kong. It isn’t any camera, but one for which some specific information has already been supplied.
as Note however that writers can supply that specific information immediately after the noun in question, as in: The camera which I bought in Hong Kong cost me 33% duty. Still the use of the implies that the noun will be detailed in the immediate context. The chief exceptions are universal and generic uses of the definite article, such as the air and the tiger is an endangered species (see the section 2). Those apart, the definite article is one of various devices which make for cohesion in English. (See further under the and coherence or cohesion.) The use and choice of articles differs slightly in some regions of the English-speaking world. Where Americans speak of being at the university or in the hospital, the British would say at university or in hospital. Use of the definite article varies within the UK – being less used in northern dialects than in the south. The selection of a or an for the indefinite article is less predictable in the US than in the UK. In American speech a may be used instead of an before words beginning with a vowel sound: a area, a oven. See further under a or an.
artifact or artefact All major dictionaries recognize both spellings, but while artifact is cited first by American and Canadian dictionaries, the British and Australian prefer artefact. The Oxford Dictionary (1884–1928) gave preference to artifact, but changed to artefact in the second edition (1989). Data from the BNC confirms that artefact is now more common and more widely used in British English, by a factor of 6:1; whereas CCAE data shows that in American English artifact is used almost exclusively. The word has few close relatives in English, the nearest being artifice and artificial. The analogy with those no doubt helps to maintain artifact, whereas artefact has little to support it but closeness to the original Latin arte facto (“made by art”).
complimentary dietary disciplinary elementary hereditary plenary revolutionary rotary rudimentary solitary *If the word is a noun, the ending could be -ary, -ery or -ory. Overall there are more ending in -ery than either of the other two, but you can be more certain of the spelling by being aware of how these words fall into certain semantic groups. For example: -ary These are typically either nouns referring to a person’s role: actuary dignitary legionary mercenary secretary Or else to something in which a collection of objects is to be found: aviary breviary dictionary dispensary granary library rosary summary -ery These nouns may refer to general states or styles of behavior: buffoonery drudgery flattery mystery savagery slavery snobbery trickery Or else to occupations, trades and the tools or goods associated with them: archery bakery brewery butchery confectionery drapery grocery hosiery joinery machinery millinery printery saddlery surgery tannery winery -ory Nouns ending this way typically refer to a place in terms of the characteristic activity that takes place there: conservatory depository dormitory laboratory observatory repository ♦ For the difference between accessory/accessary, mandatory/mandatary and stationery/ stationary, see individual entries.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com -ary/-ery/-ory In British pronunciation, these three suffixes all sound alike. Whether the vowel is a, e or o, it is pronounced as an indeterminate vowel (schwa) or eliminated entirely, and offers no clue to the spelling. American pronunciation meanwhile puts more stress on the first vowel of the suffix, and the sound is quite clearly one vowel or the other. Compare American and British ways of saying dormitory and secretary. Without the American pronunciation to help, grammar and meaning are the best way to sort them out. Check first whether the word is an adjective or a noun. *If it is an adjective, the ending is either -ary or -ory. Overall there are fewer ending in -ory. To discover which ones should be spelled -ory, have a look at the letters preceding the suffix. If they are -at, -ct or -s, you are most likely to be dealing with cases of -ory. See for example: compulsory cursory derogatory illusory introductory mandatory obligatory perfunctory satisfactory valedictory The very many words with -ary have other combinations of letters before the suffix:
as This little conjunction provides many kinds of links in written English, including comparative, temporal and causative. It also serves as a relative pronoun, preposition and adverb. There are style and usage issues affecting all of these roles. 1 Comparative as. On its own, conjunctive as prefaces adverbial clauses: You can set up house there as you wish. They never join in as they used to. The use of as rather than like in the second kind of sentence has long been prescribed in British English, though without recognition of the finer points. (See further at like.) Doubled up, as forms a correlative with itself, as in: as loud as they could not as difficult as she expected When the comparison is negative, as in the last case, the word so can replace the first as: not so difficult as she expected. This alternation is established in some conventional positive expressions of this kind: as far as / so far as I’m concerned as long as / so long as they play ball. 2 Temporal and causative as. These are not problematic in themselves, but sometimes hard to distinguish: As he walked through the church, the organ began playing. He began to whistle the tune as no-one else was there.
ascendant or ascendent Does as express cause or time in these cases? Time is more likely in the first and cause in the second, but either is possible. Such ambiguity does no harm in conversation; and poets or dramatists may indeed exploit it to allow more than one interpretation of the discourse. But in expository and argumentative prose, an ambiguous as may blur the structure of thinking. Research associated with the Longman Grammar (1999) showed that causative use of as was actually much rarer than temporal use across all spoken and written styles. American speakers and writers proved less inclined to make causative use of as than their British counterparts. 3 Relative as. This use of as ranges from the standard to the colloquial. In the following sentence it takes the place of the pronoun who: Childcare facilities are available to all such staff as have been employed for more than two years. Burchfield (1997) confirms that the construction of as with such or the same remains standard in British English, and Webster’s English Usage (1989) offers examples from contemporary American sources. Now mostly confined to American English is the contraction of as in all’s, as in All’s you have to do is press a couple of buttons. The contraction is rather informal and rarely seen in print (only two examples in CCAE). 4 Prepositional as. The comparative use of as (lonely as a cloud ), and projective use into a role or character (as parents they were learning all the time) is uncontroversial – except when followed by personal pronouns that distinguish subject and object (I/me, he/him etc.). In practice these constructions are rare in serious nonfiction, according to the Longman Grammar; and in fictional writing where they do freely appear, the subject and object pronouns are about equally used. In conversation the object pronouns hold sway. 5 Adverbial as. The uses of as as adverb are rather abstract, indicating restrictions on the time or scope of an action, for example as now, as yet. They are stylistically neutral, at home in various kinds of discourse. Compare: as of June 19 / as from June 19 as per your instructions These uses of as are commonly associated with contracts and business writing.
anti-Asiatic riots in Vancouver (1906-7), against Hindus and Sikhs. American wartime nomenclature such as the Asiatic campaign and the Asiatic-Pacific theater of operations also carry hostile implications. Since the 1940s Asian has increasingly replaced Asiatic for all ordinary purposes: what were previously Asiatic countries/people/art/languages are now Asian countries/people/art/languages. In BNC data, Asian outnumbers Asiatic by almost 20:1 and in CCAE by more than 600:1. The continuing uses of Asiatic in both databases are academic, in analyses of ancient Greek and near-Eastern cultures, and of Marxist theory on the Asiatic mode of production. Clearly the geographical reference points differ in ancient history and in political philosopy. Other rather generalized uses of the word are to be found in zoological and botanical names such as the Asiatic clam / black bear / lily / bittersweet. The geographical reference points for Asian are just as diverse, and may involve any part or parts of that large continent. In British English Asian often connects with the Indian subcontinent in discussions on immigrants and immigration. In other contexts Asian can refer to Central Asia (the central Asian khanates, including Khiva, Bukhara and Kokand ); or to Southeast Asia including the offshore islands (S.E. Asian languages, including Korean, Japanese and Javanese). In the US and Australia, this is probably the most common application of the word. Australians sometimes debate whether they too are “part of Asia,” but the phrase raises questions of political and cultural identity rather than geography.
ascendant or ascendent Most dictionaries have ascendant as the first spelling, whether the word is a noun or an adjective. In C19 the two spellings were given equal billing by the Oxford Dictionary, though even then citations ran heavily in favor of the -ant spelling. The phrase in the ascendant, borrowed from astrology, may have helped to popularize it. Likewise ascendancy and ascendance seem to have prevailed over ascendency and ascendence, according to dictionaries and language databases. See further under -ant/-ent.
Asian or Asiatic These words are almost equally old, but they are not now equally usable. In the US as well as the UK, Asiatic is felt to be disparaging, probably because of its use as a racial designator, as in the San Francisco Asiatic Exclusion League of 1907 (previously the Japanese and Korean Exclusion League), and the
aside (from) or apart (from)
Americans use both these adverbs/prepositions, but are more inclined to aside, in the ratio of 5:4 in data from CCAE. British inclination runs the other way, so that apart outnumbers aside in the BNC by about 5:2. So despite regional preferences, both words are current in the UK as well as the US. The differing frequencies do however help to explain why aside from, meaning “not taken into account,” is much less used in British English (the ratio is about 1:6 in BNC data); whereas aside from and apart from appear almost equally in American data from CCAE. Idioms such as these things aside and aside from everything else are also much less common in British English, where they are formulated with apart (Peters, 1998b).
aspect This is part of the grammatical meaning of some verbs, interacting with the tense yet independent of it. It gives a perspective on the verb, indicating whether its action is complete or still going on. The difference is clear in: The official party had arrived. The official party was arriving. Both verb phrases are in the past tense, but while the first is perfect in its aspect (i.e. the action is complete), the second is imperfect (also called progressive, continuous or durative) in its aspect (i.e. the action is still going on). In some languages this difference is shown entirely by the endings of the main verb, but English does it with a combination of the particular auxiliary verb and participle. The auxiliary have plus the past participle forms the perfect aspect; and a part of the verb be plus the present participle forms the
assurance or insurance imperfect. (See further under auxiliary verbs and participles.) 1 Use of the imperfect (-ing) aspect with stative verbs. Standard English resists using the imperfect aspect with stative verbs, or rather, verbs used to represent timeless states or open facts. Instead they are expressed with the simple present: Two and two make four. Finland has many lakes. Steve is overweight. Everyone enjoys a party. They spend little time watching television. Verbs expressing mental and emotional states also resist the imperfect. For most contexts, it could not be used to paraphrase: I love detective stories. She believes everything he says. They spend little time on the garden. We all hope for a better future. When imperfect forms are used with such verbs, they seem to point at the recency or temporariness of the state: They are (now) spending little time on the garden. We are all hoping for a better future (in these difficult times). In some regional varieties of English, notably Indian English, the imperfect is nevertheless used generally with stative contructions, e.g. I am loving detective stories, without implying any restrictions on the state of mind. Compare: I’m loving detective stories since you introduced me to Marele Day, which could just be said by English-speakers anywhere. It is however unlikely to be seen in standard prose. 2 Regional variation in use of the imperfect and perfect aspects. American speakers use the imperfect (-ing) aspect more often than their British counterparts: the ratio is 4:3 in conversational data from the Longman Grammar corpus. By contrast, British writers are more given to using the perfect (-ed) aspect than American writers, again by a factor of 4:3 in the Longman Grammar research. The differential is at its most marked in news reporting, but it impacts on other registers as well. One consequence is that adverbs such as already and just, which are sometimes said to require the present perfect, can combine with the simple past in American English. Compare: We already gave him a response (American) We have already given him a response (British) The British tendency to make more use of the English present perfect is analogous to that of the French with the pass´e compos´e (Engel and Ritz, 2000), which has largely displaced the simple past for everyday purposes.
∗ with with: to assist an elderly person with the completion of their tax return can assist with obtaining an overview Both constructions can take abstract nouns and/or -ing forms as complements, but the -ing type are far more frequent after in, in data from the BNC. This correlates with the fact that the assist in construction is much more common than the assist with construction, in both British and American databases. An alternative construction with assist is to + infinitive, as in: assist you to negotiate a contract assist families to overcome problems The construction with to plus infinitive requires an object, whereas the other two do not. The three types of complementation are largely interchangeable in terms of semantics, though the first is rather more formal in style.
assonance A half-rhyme in a string of words is known as assonance. It can involve either words with the same vowel sound but different consonants following: Feed the man meat. or else different vowels between the same consonants Butter is better. The latter is sometimes distinguished as consonance. Whether in art or advertising slogans like those above, assonance helps to bind the key words together. The echoic link reinforces the underlying grammatical structure.
assibilation See under -er/-a.
assist This verb can be complemented in a variety of ways. It can take a simple object, as in assist the war effort. But assist is more often construed with a particle of some kind: ∗ with in: to assist the user in meditation assist in the development of American football can assist in removing the confusions assist Namco in creating the next generation of arcade games
assume or presume
A good deal of ink has been spilled over the difference between these words, about their relative strength in expressing the idea of “take for granted,” and whether facts or beliefs are involved. One of the most important differences is the simple fact that assume is much more common than presume, in both British and American English. In both Brown and LOB databases, instances of assume (including assumed/assumes/assuming) outnumber those of presume by more than 12:1. Assume slips easily into everyday discussion, drawing less attention to itself and more to the particular point which the speaker wants to foreground. Presume seems to draw attention to itself and to the presumptive act on the part of the speaker. ♦ On assuming that, see dangling participles.
assurance or insurance When is insurance not insurance? The answer used to be “When it’s life assurance.” The Oxford Dictionary (1884–1928) noted this, but also that the distinction was not made originally (there were cases of marine assurance), and that it did not prevail everywhere (life insurance was also to be found). Life insurance is now much more frequent than life assurance, at least by the evidence of the internet. The ratio between them was about 5:2 in a Google search (2002). However among the most prominent businesses registered under each name, life assurance tended to come from non-English countries (Germany, Egypt, Thailand, Philippines) and from Canada, whereas life insurance companies were often sited in the US or England.
assurer or assuror
assurer or assuror See under -er/-or.
asterisk The asterisk sign * has no standard role in punctuation, but is put to a variety of purposes by writers, text editors and printers; and by specialists in particular fields. *General uses of the asterisk 1 as a mark of omission or ellipsis 2 as a typographical dividing line, to make a break in a narrative (a set of asterisks spaced across the whole page) 3 to refer readers to footnotes 4 to enumerate the items in a list (see lists section 2) The first of these uses is vigorously discouraged by both the Chicago Manual (1993) and Hart’s Rules (1983), and clearly it’s unnecessary when we have the apostrophe to mark an omitted letter, and three dots for the ellipsis of whole words. The question remains of what to do when quoting four-letter words without wanting (or being permitted) to spell them out. To use asterisks for the missing letters, as in “F*** you,” seems to draw attention to the word, which may of course be what the writer intends. The set of asterisks embellishes the places of the missing letters so as to positively invite the reader to fill them in. A complete row of asterisks across the page marks a more substantial break than extra line space, and often signals a discontinuity in the focus of the text. The third use, as a footnoting device, is the most commonly encountered of all uses of the asterisk. One or more asterisks helps to lead readers to the occasional footnote at the bottom of a page, especially in texts which also make use of numbered endnotes. They thus provide an auxiliary referencing system for the author, or for editors who wish to add special-purpose footnotes. In tables of numbers the asterisk can draw the reader’s attention to footnotes, and substitute for superscript numbers which might be confused with the numbers of the table itself. However square-bracketed numbers, not asterisks, are often used these days within tables of numbers. *Specialized uses of the asterisk –in statistics, asterisks mark the three levels of probability conventionally used in analyzing numerical findings. Three asterisks correspond to a probability of less than .001 that the phenomenon occurred by chance; two asterisks to a probability of less than .01; and a single asterisk to less than .05. –in computing, the asterisk indicates an unknown character or characters, used as a wildcard for more comprehensive effect (a search for affect* would find instances of affected/affecting/affects as well as affect) –in historical linguistics, asterisks mark conjectural, reconstructed forms of words: Indo-European *treies becomes “three” in English. Linguistic theorists also use the asterisk for constructions that are grammatically unacceptable, such as *The sky is shattering.
from Greek. Others like astrobiology, astronaut, astrophysics, astrosphere are recent formations. The astrolabe was a medieval navigating instrument. Its C20 counterpart is the astrocompass. All these words have retained their scientific roles apart from astronomic(al), which doubles as a colloquial word for “skyhigh.” Like other paired adjectives of this kind, astronomic and astronomical differ little in meaning (see -ic/-ical). Also related to astro- are asterisk and aster (the flower), where the emphasis is on the visual shape of stars rather than their uses. Both were borrowed into English via Latin.
asyndeton This Greek loanword refers to the lack of a coordinating word between items in a series. In a series of three or more, asyndeton is the norm for all but the last pair. See for example: on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday . . . wouldn’t eat bread, pasta, porridge or potatoes For writers, the asyndeton has the rhetorical effect of piling one example on top of another (see further under rhythm section 2). This rhetorical effect can be extended by not using a coordinator such as and and or between the last pair of words: . . . put a stop to all such jokes, jibes, snide remarks Pure asyndeton like this is less common than polysyndeton (i.e. mixed forms of linkage, explicit and nonexplicit), shown in the first pair of examples. Polysyndeton helps the reader to anticipate the end of a series, especially when there is no change of typeface to mark it. But when a different typeface is used for the series of examples, the coordinator is superfluous and may seem fussy, insisting on talking the reader through what is obvious from other cues. This is why pure asyndeton is often used in the sets of examples presented in this book. ♦ For the use of commas between items in a series, see comma section 3b.
astroThis Greek element meaning “star” is built into a number of words relating to the sciences of star-watching, both ancient and modern. Some of these words, like astronomy and astrology, come direct
at Contemporary idiom packs meaning into this small word at the end of a sentence: This is where their thinking is at. (= the present frontiers) Yeah. That’s where it’s at. (= things are happening) At the end of the sentence, the final stress falls on at, and earns it predictable censure from those who see it as blatant use of a preposition-at-the-end-of-thesentence. But in this role, at is clearly not a preposition but an adverb, complementing the subject of the clause. (See further under predicate section 1.) No doubt the contemporary flavor of the idiom also draws comment, and the fact that it smacks of spoken rather than written English. The collocation at about raises eyebrows in some quarters as an oxymoron. (How can something be both there, and somewhere there?) The objection is rather perverse, since about normally modifies the following phrase as in at about 12 noon, and makes sense in that context.
at sign @ See entry at the start of the letter A.
See under eat.
This freshly evolved suffix refers to an endurance test of some kind, taking its cue from the word marathon, the Olympic contest in long-distance running. That word was actually a placename, the site of the Greek victory over the Persian army in 490 BC. Yet its latter syllables have helped to generate many a suburban contest based on sticking at one particular activity: the dance-a-thon and the bowlathon, as well as the rockathon (for continuous rocking in the rocking chair) registered in the Guinness Book of Records. Many -athons are designed to raise money for a good cause, e.g. the bike-athon for cerebral palsy, though this becomes rather blatant in the begathon held by an American radio station to raise money. Most -athon words are created for the event and disappear with it. Walkathon and talkathon however are both established – listed in Webster’s Third (1986) and the Oxford Dictionary (1989) and on record since the 1930s. Talkathon in the US is still associated with political endeavors, as a synonym for “filibuster” as well as the term for the extended talkback radio/TV done by a campaigning politician. But in Britain it’s the length rather than any cause which makes it a talkathon. The Oxford citations show it being used of a very lengthy BBC discussion, and a protracted conversation between intimates. Not surprisingly, English creations ending in -athon are pluralized with -s, rather than Greek plurals. See further under -on. ♦ For the usually mistaken use of Jonathon for Jonathan, see Jonathan.
-ate A slightly loaded question: how would you pronounce the following? animate articulate designate duplicate graduate moderate separate syndicate All these words, and some others ending in -ate, are pronounced in two ways. The pronunciation depends on the words’ grammatical role – whether they serve as adjectives, verbs or nouns. 1 Adjectives ending in -ate are pronounced with just one main stress which is early in the word, either on the first syllable (as in animate), or the second (as in articulate). They often have a past passive meaning: designate (as in governor designate) means “having been appointed,” and separate “having been divided off.” (In Latin they were all past participles of first conjugation verbs.) These adjectives often provided the stem for the development of verbs in English, and from those verbs we have a fresh crop of participial adjectives alongside the older ones. See for example: animate/animated designate/designated separate/separated The meaning of the later ones is of course more closely related to the verb. A few -ate adjectives have no verb counterparts however: affectionate considerate dispassionate proportionate 2 Verbs ending in -ate are the most common words of this kind. They are pronounced with two stresses, one early and one on the final syllable, so that it rhymes with “mate.” Many such verbs date from C15, as do all of the following: abbreviate consecrate contaminate dedicate equate frustrate incorporate inoculate mitigate recreate terminate translate Alongside verbs like those with Latin stems, -ate has long been the formative in words with French or English stems: assassinate hyphenate marinate orchestrate All those originated in C16. Since then -ate has remained a highly productive verb suffix, attaching itself to stems from any language. Occasionally there are duplicate verb forms in -ate such as commentate (alongside comment) and orientate (alongside orient). To some, such -ate forms seem redundant, though they may develop their own specialized meanings. (See further under comment and orient.) 3 Nouns ending in -ate are few in number, and have a single early stress like the adjectives. There are two distinct kinds, one official and the other scientific. The older ones are official words referring either to an office or institution: consulate directorate electorate syndicate or to the incumbent of a particular office or status: curate graduate magistrate Many were borrowed from Latin, though some have been formed in English on non-Latin bases, e.g. caliphate, shogunate. The scientific words ending in -ate refer to chemical compounds which are salts of acids ending in -ic, including: acetate lactate nitrate permanganate phosphate sulfate Compare the scientist’s use of the suffix -ite.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com -ation
Many an abstract noun in English ends this way. Some have been borrowed from Latin; many more have been formed in modern English from verbs ending in -ate. Almost all the verbs in the entry on -ate above have nouns ending in -ation. The close relationship between animation and animate, articulation and articulate etc. makes it very easy for writers to vary and modify their style without having to hunt for synonyms. For example: There was animation in their faces at the prospect of refreshments. The prospect of refreshments animated their faces. Verbs in -ate provide a ready cure for writing which is heavy with -ation words. They require some rewording of the sentence, but that’s part of the cure. A small group of nouns ending in -ation are related to verbs ending in -ify, not -ate. For example: beautification (beautify) gratification (gratify) identification (identify) justification (justify) simplification (simplify) In these cases the verb has been borrowed through French, whereas the noun goes back to Late Latin.
-ative This is the ending of a body of adjectives which form a tight network with nouns ending in -ation, and to a lesser extent the verbs ending in -ate. The following are some of many -ative adjectives with counterpart nouns as well as verbs: cooperative creative generative illustrative participative
-ator Other such adjectives connect with nouns in -ation, but no verb in -ate: affirmative conservative consultative declarative evocative representative Some adjectives in -ative are of course used unchanged as nouns, e.g. affirmative, alternative, cooperative. See further under transfers.
-ator This is a very productive agentive suffix, associated with verbs ending in -ate. As the following examples show, it refers either to instruments or to people who are agents of the verb’s action: calculator demonstrator investigator perpetrator radiator These -ator words form a large and open-ended group of agentive words which are spelled with -or rather than -er. The reason is that many -ator words come direct from Latin, where agentives of this kind were always -or. The Latin spelling has provided a firm model for many similar formations in modern English.
atrium For the plural of this word, see under -um.
attend or tend These verbs live separate lives most of the time, and coincide in just one area of meaning: “take care (of someone or something).” He was attending to the fire. He was tending (to) the fire. A nurse attended to the injured at the scene of the accident. A nurse tended (to) the injured at the scene of the accident. Attend in this sense is always accompanied by to, whereas tend can do without it. However this use of tend is declining, and is now mostly restricted to dealing with fires and first aid. Tend could not replace attend (to) in other contexts, for example, in phrases like attending to the customers, or attending to his business. Tend to meaning “be inclined to” is very much current usage, as in the press tends to overreact. There, tend works as a kind of auxiliary verb or catenative (see further under that heading). Tend (“be inclined”) and tend (“take care of ”) are in fact independent words. The origins of the first are to be found in the French verb tendre (“stretch”), while the second is actually a reduced form of attend.
“undressed,” or as the coy phrase has it “as nature intended.” In 1905 it was just a matter of ankles au naturel, according to an Oxford Dictionary (1989) citation, but it now implies a state of undress which would appeal to a naturist (see naturalist or naturist).
au pair, à deux and a quattr’occhi The French phrase au pair means not so much “in a pair” as “on an equal footing.” It is thus rather a euphemism for the financial arrangement whereby someone lives with a well-to-do family, acting as an all-purpose assistant in exchange for board and lodging, but with no standard wage. Au pair is significantly different from a` deux, another French phrase which does mean “in a twosome,” but implies a private meeting or meal from which others are excluded. An Italian phrase which picks up the same idea of privacy and exclusiveness is a quattr’occhi, meaning “between four eyes.”
audi(o)This Latin element meaning “hear(ing)” occurs in its full form in audiology and audiovisual, and is blended into audible, audience, audition, auditorium. The same element is found in audit and auditor, reminding us of the historical practice of checking accounts in a public hearing: they were actually read aloud. Because this is now a private business, the sense of “hearing” is lost from both audit and auditor – except when they refer to a student who participates in a course by attending lectures but without being assessed in it.
attester or attestor See under -er/-or.
attorney-general The plural of this word is discussed under the heading governor-general.
attributive adjectives See adjectives section 1.
au naturel This French phrase meaning “in the natural (state/way)” was first used in gastronomy, to make a virtue of leaving food items uncooked, or else cooked plain without spices and garnishes. By the beginning of C20 au naturel began to be used in its second sense
audiovisual media
The need to refer to material other than print has raised new questions for bibliographers. Audiovisual materials require their own bibliographical practices, depending on whether they are films, videos, sound recordings of music, speeches or interviews, computer programs, maps, works of art, or museum objects. Many such items are available only in limited editions, and in the case of works of art they are unique, so that the place where they are kept (i.e. the repository) is very important. An additional issue with sound recordings is the need to recognize the role of both the originator/composer of the work and the performer; or for interviews, both the subject (interviewee) and interviewer (the person with substantial responsibility). In citing all such kinds of material, the medium needs to be identified, in square brackets immediately after the title. 1 Films, movies, videotapes, television programs. Most films, movies, video recordings and TV productions are the product of collaboration, and so the title rather than any individual author is featured first: Crocodile Dundee [motion picture] Directed by Peter Faiman. California. Rimfire Films. 1986. Distributed by CBS FOX. The Story of English [video recording] Directed by Robert McCrum, William Cran and Robert MacNeill. London. BBC Enterprises. 1986. After identifying the title and medium, the reference may mention the person with either artistic or administrative responsibility (the director and/or producer). If the item is not in the hands of a commercial distributor, the repository in which it’s held is indicated.
Australia and Australians, Aussies and Oz 2 Recordings of music and the spoken word, including interviews. Recordings of music usually feature the work of a composer or author, as well as that of a performer. But for citation purposes, the first gets priority: Beethoven, L. van Beethoven or bust [sound recording] Realised by Don Dorsy on digital synthesizer in Anaheim, California. (1988) Compact Disc by Telarc International. Mansfield, K. The garden party [sound recording] Read by Dame Peggy Ashcroft in Marlborough, Wiltshire. (1983) Cover to Cover Cassettes. In citations of interviews, the name of the interviewee takes precedence, though that of the interviewer should also be given: Suzuki, David. Margaret Throsby in conversation with David Suzuki and Edward Goldsmith [sound recording] Perth WA (1989) ABC Radio Tapes. For sound recordings made from a general broadcast, titles may have to be supplied, as in that last example. Note also that it helps to indicate to the reader what kind of format the sound is recorded on: audiocassette, compact disc etc. 3 Electronic media: computer programs, CD-ROMs, on-line documents. The first two media are analogous to published books in terms of the bibliographic information needed. The third has more in common with unique objects stored at a particular location (see below, section 5). a) Computer programs. These are usually referenced first by title, although if there is a known author, his/her name is given first. A typical example is as follows: Grammatik [computer software] San Francisco, California. Reference Software International. (1991) b) CD-ROMs. Reference to any particular unit on the CD-ROM requires the reader to work through a main menu to the relevant submenu. The access path is indicated with one or more dashes. The ICAME Collection of English Language Corpora [CD-ROM] Bergen, Norway; Norwegian Computing Centre for the Humanities, 1993. Helsinki Corpus – Early Modern English texts. c) On-line documents: internet and WorldWideWeb materials. Because the message is separable from the medium, both need to be included in the reference. The identifying details of the document are given first, including the primary author, title of composition and title of host document, if different. Because electronic documents can be regularly updated, both the date of publication and the date of citation need to be supplied. The second is usually given in terms of the month and day (arguably, the particular hour of the day might be important, but it’s not regularly shown). The mode of access is shown through the URL address, which also indicates the forms in which it can be downloaded and printed. EAGLES Guidelines [On-line] Italy, Expert Advisory Group on Engineering Standards, 1996 Available from the Internet: URL: www.ilc.pi.cnr.it/EAGLES96/ browse.html#topics [cited 10 September 1998] Chevrons may be used to enclose the internet address, especially if it runs on to the next line (see URL). The ultimate reference on citing on-line material is International standard ISO/FDIS 690-2.
4 Maps. References to individual sheet maps usually begin with a regional title, and include any series identifier, as well as the scale: North Island New Zealand [map] New Zealand Department of Lands and Survey (1966) 1:1,637,000. 5 Works of art, archival and museum objects. Because these items are unique, the repository in which they are kept is a vital element. For works of art, the reference highlights the creator and its title: Senbergs, Jan The Constitution and the States [wall panels] (1980) High Court of Australia, Canberra. For archival objects and museum realia, a descriptive title must be found as the focus of the reference: Black-glazed bowl [realia] fourth century BC. Item MU 328 Ancient History Teaching Collection, Macquarie University. As in this example, a catalogue number leads the reader to the particular object, if there’s more than one of the kind in the repository.
augur or auger Neither of these is a common word, which leaves some writers in doubt as to which is which. Augur is a verb that mostly makes its appearance in the idiom it augurs well... The words augury, inaugural and inaugurate are derivatives of it. The second word auger is a tool or machine for boring holes. With its -er ending it resembles other workshop instruments, e.g. screwdriver, spanner, yet auger is not itself an agentive word. It goes back to Old English nauger (a blend of nafu, “nave/hub of a wheel” + gar, “spear”), which was misanalyzed in C15 as (an) auger.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com auntie or aunty
Both spellings are current for the cognate female relative, though auntie is the primary one in Webster’s Third (1986) and the Oxford Dictionary (1989). The recommendation is taken more seriously in the US, judging from CCAE data where it outstrips aunty by almost 10:1. Popular characters such as Auntie Mame and Auntie Em in Wizard of Oz have perhaps underscored it. In the UK, the ratio between auntie and aunty is rather closer: 5:2 in data from the BNC. The -ie spelling puts auntie among the colloquialisms for familiar persons and phenomena such as cabbie, chappie and sweetie (see further under -ie/-y). The -y spelling also serves in a variety of colloquialisms: hippy, baddy, druggy, as well as informal kinship terms such as daddy, granny and mummy/mommy. We may assume that aunty associates the word with the latter group. The use of Auntie in reference to the BBC dates from 1962, the implications being rather equivocal and not-so-affectionate. In Australia the analogous ABC was likewise dubbed Aunty, in a context of strong competition from its commercial rivals. It did generate affirmative action both in-house and in the community, with one Melbourne support group styling themselves Aunty’s nephews and nieces.
aura For the plural of this word, see -a.
Australia and Australians, Aussies and Oz During C17 and C18, Australia was known as “New Holland,” a reminder of the fact that the Dutch were
Australian English the first Europeans to locate and visit the land. The name Australia, derived from the Latin terra Australis (“Southern Land”), was used by Cook, but owes its establishment to Governor Macquarie in early C19. Australian was first applied to Aboriginal people in 1814 by Matthew Flinders, but within ten years it also referred to others living on the continent. The word is used in the original sense by linguists speaking of the Australian languages. The clipped form Aussie originated in World War I as a term for “Australia,” “an Australian,” and as the general-purpose adjective. The spellings Ossie and Ozzie showed up very infrequently in the same period, according to the Australian National Dictionary (1990). But the use of Oz took off in the 1970s, helped no doubt by publicity surrounding the radical Oz Magazine (1967–73).
Australian English With the arrival of the First Fleet, Australian English began among settlers and convicts drawn mostly from southern and eastern England. Within a generation, the differentness of Australian speech was being commented on, for better or for worse. Yet only in C20 (and after two world wars) did Australian English attain its majority, and secure recognition of its place in the English-speaking world. Distinctively Australian vocabulary developed in response to the new social and physical environment. The conditions of transportation, the development of new pastoral lands and the gold rushes all demanded their own terminology. Some of it came from standard English (e.g. block, bush, squatter, emancipist), and some (e.g. barrack, billy, fossick) from English dialects. Convict slang drawn from the British underworld provided other words such as swag. New vocabulary was required for Australian flora and fauna, and the naming process went on throughout C19. The names for Australian fauna were sometimes borrowed from Aboriginal languages, and sometimes compounded out of English elements, and the same animal or bird might be referred to either way. So the dingo was also the native dog, the kookaburra was the laughing jackass or settler’s clock, and the koala the native bear. By the end of C19, this variation had mostly been ironed out, leaving fewer rather than more Aboriginal names. Few people remember that bettong was the name for a small kangaroo, tuan for a flying squirrel, and wobbegong for the carpet shark. The names for Australian flora and fauna were the staple of a dictionary titled Austral English, published in 1898 by E. E. Morris. Items from Morris’s list of Australianisms were incorporated into the Oxford and Webster’s dictionaries in the first half of C20. A wide-ranging account of the informal and colloquial aspects of Australian English was first made by S. J. Baker in a volume first published in 1945, titled The Australian Language, echoing H. L. Mencken’s The American Language (1919). Baker recorded the slang of many Australian subcultures: the racetrack, the pub, the two-up game, and above all that of Australia’s military forces in two world wars. Not all the words that he discussed were strictly speaking Australianisms, but they were and are part of the resources of Australian English. Like Mencken, he presented his findings in a series of
essays with word lists embedded in them, not as a dictionary. The first comprehensive dictionary of Australian English, the Macquarie Dictionary, appeared in 1981 with 80,000 headwords. It included all standard Australian words and meanings, as well as Australianisms (expressions which originated in Australia and are often still unique to that country): words for new cultural and social phenomena, for the local flora and fauna as well as slang and colloquialisms. The Australian National Dictionary, published in 1990, concentrates on Australianisms alone, a total of 10,000 headwords, with substantial historical information on each via citations. Australian English does not seem to have diverged in its grammar from that of standard English elsewhere. In casual conversation some Australian-speakers (like English-speakers elsewhere) make nonstandard selections of tense, such as come for came, done for did, and kep for kept; and but can occur as a sentence-final item (see but). However, none of this appears in print, except when an author quotes or aims to represent nonstandard speech. The morphology of Australian English words is based on the same resources as English everywhere, although Australians make fuller use than others of informal shortenings of words with −o (as in milko for “milkman”), and with -ie (as in barbie for “barbecue”). The latter suffix is sometimes said to be childish, but in Australia its use is widespread among adults, and words formed with it are part of the informal style of popular daily newspapers. The only distinctively Australian detail of morphology one might point to is in the handful of reduplicative words (e.g. mia-mia, willy-willy), which embody the exact reduplication used in various Aboriginal languages. In English generally the echoic type of reduplication (ping-pong, walkie-talkie) is much more common, and words with exact reduplication remain informal (see further under reduplicatives). The details of Australian written style (i.e. editorial style) are not strongly standardized, in that most publishing houses and newspapers print their own style guides for their writers and editors. The Australian government Style Manual, now in its sixth edition (2002), sets the standard for federal government publications, and is referred to by other Australian institutions and corporations. Beyond the genres of official publishing, different editorial practices may seem appropriate, and with both British and American publishing houses at work in Australia, the range of styles is probably increasing rather than decreasing. The institution of regular “Style Council” conferences since 1986 has helped to inform editors about variable and changing trends in style. (Contact the Linguistics Department, Macquarie University, for information about them.) There is no language academy to refer to in Australia (any more than in Britain or the US), but the Style Council conferences provide a consultative forum for discussing and assessing the options in written Australian English. ♦ See further under language academy.
Australianisms See Australian English.
auxiliary verbs
author and authoress Sensitivity to unnecessary gender specification has curbed the use of authoress, and its numbers in British and American databases are minuscule. In data from the BNC the frequency of authoress is about 1% of that of author – and less than that in CCAE. Female writers are regularly referred to as author, and it is only the odd occasion which generates such citations as authoress and artist Miss Fleur Cowles and her husband . . . (in which case the commentator is clearly going out of ?his? way to mark the writer’s gender). The verb author has recently returned to common usage after centuries of disuse. Before becoming “obsolete” in C17, it evidently supported both the meanings current now: (i) be the author of, and (ii) create or originate (something). The first meaning is the commoner for authored in BNC citations, while authoring is mostly associated with computer authoring tools, a new application of the second meaning. In CCAE authoring supports both meanings. Writers’ reputations are evidently based on such things as “authoring a poetry book” or “authoring five cookbooks,” while another’s distinction was to be “winner of the 1987 Nobel Peace prize for authoring the peace plan.” Other American examples apply the word to someone who is the architect and prime mover of legislation, but there are no parallels in data from the BNC. Both American and British English make use of the verb co-author (“be joint author of ”).
for the execution of those tried by the Inquisition, and usually applied to the burning of “heretics.”
auxiliary verbs These verbs combine with others to make up a verb phrase, and help to indicate tense, aspect, voice, mood and modality. (See under those headings for more about each.) Auxiliaries complement the main verb (also known as the full verb or lexical verb), bringing grammatical meaning to bear on its lexical meaning. The verb phrase may contain as many as three auxiliaries (or even four), as the following set shows: was added was being added had been added might have been added might have been being added (at that time) A verb which has no accompanying auxiliary is known as a simple verb (compare compound verbs). The auxiliaries are often classed into two subgroups: primary auxiliaries and modal auxiliaries, which form closed sets. There is also an expanding set of semi-auxiliaries/semi-modals. 1 The primary auxiliaries are have, be and do. Have and be have the special characteristic of combining with participles, present and past, in order to express aspect, and the passive voice (see further under those headings). Have and be never combine with the “bare” infinitive, as do the modal auxiliaries and the verb do itself. In the continuous flow of discourse, the auxiliaries have and be sometimes appear unaccompanied by participles, but this is when the relevant participle can be inferred from a previous sentence. So for example it is natural enough to say (or write): I haven’t met the new assistant yet. Have you? The main verb participle met (and its object) are understood through the use of have in the question. Primary auxiliaries can also stand alone as main/full/lexical verbs, as in: He has a large office. They are in the bottom drawer. In those cases, each verb carries its own lexical meaning: have a possessive meaning, and be an existential meaning. The auxiliary do has special roles in helping to formulate the interrogative (Do I like spaghetti? ) and negative statements (I don’t like spaghetti ). All interrogative and negative statements are phrased with do, unless they already contain one of the other auxiliaries (primary or modal ). Do has other roles as a substitute verb: I enjoy spaghetti much more than they do. Here do stands for the main (lexical) verb enjoy and its object in the second clause. Once again, do performs this function unless there is another auxiliary present. Compare the following with the previous example: They wouldn’t enjoy the spaghetti as I would. They can’t enjoy the spaghetti as I can. When do works as a main verb in its own right, it means “work on (something),” as in doing one’s accounts or doing the milk run. 2 The modal auxiliaries express shades of possibility, certainty and obligation, with a “bare” infinitive following. Two of them, will and shall, can also express future time, although there may be an
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com authoritarian or authoritative
These words take rather different attitudes towards authority. In authoritarian there is resentment of high-handed leadership, whereas in authoritative the leadership provided is welcome and respected. Authoritative is much the older of the two, dating from C17, whereas authoritarian dates only from C19. The social and political practices of the Victorian era seem to be embedded in the latter.
auto- and auto Borrowed from Greek, the prefix auto meaning “self ” or “on its own” is familiar enough in words like: autobiography autocracy autocrat autograph autoimmune automatic automaton automobile autonomous autonomic autonomy A less obvious example is autopsy, which is literally “inspection with one’s own eyes.” Its reference nowadays is so restricted to postmortems that one would hardly venture a joke about an “autopsy” of the food served in the company canteen, though in past centuries (up to C18), the word was not so specialized in its meaning. From its use in automobile, the prefix auto- can also mean “associated with motor cars,” as in auto-electrician, auto-mechanic. In American English these would appear spaced rather than hyphened, in keeping with the fact that auto has a life of its own as an abbreviation of automobile. In the phrase auto-da-fe, borrowed from Portuguese, auto means “act” (of faith). It was a euphemism
avail overtone of certainty or obligation there as well: You will be in my power! The vote shall be taken as soon as the motion is put. The key modal auxiliaries are: can could may might must shall should will would These are the grammarians’ “central modals,” contrasting with those in the next section. (See further under modality and modal verbs.) ♦ For the use of paired modals (e.g., might could), see double modal. 3 Semi-auxiliaries, semi-modals, periphrastic modals. English makes use of a number of quasimodal verbs, whose meaning resembles that of one or other of the verbs in section 2, and seems to paraphrase it: i) dare (to) (compare could ) need (to) (compare must ) ought to (compare should ) used to (compare would ) ii) be able to (compare can ) be about to (compare will ) be going to (compare will ) be likely to (compare will ) be obliged to (compare must ) be supposed to (compare should ) be willing to (compare would ) have to (compare must ) Quasimodals behave somewhat like modals, in not requiring do-support in negative constructions. But those in the second set are always followed by the to-infinitive, and it’s usually so for those in the first (see further under dare (to), need, used to, ought). The Comprehensive Grammar (1985) calls the first set “marginal modals” and the second “semi-auxiliaries” (since all involve the use of primary auxiliaries). Alternative names used in the Longman Grammar (1999) are “marginal auxiliaries” for the first set, and “semi-modals” for the second, though semi-modal is also used to cover both groups (excluding dare). To avoid the dual use of semi-modal and prevent misunderstanding, the cover term quasimodal is used in this book for both types of periphrastic modal. ♦ Compare catenatives.
As in these examples, negative predications can be formulated with avail. Those embodying a positive statement seem more marginal: enables budget travelers to avail of low-cost flights (CCAE); [computer] design to avail of advanced telecommunication infrastructures (BNC). Here avail means “take advantage”; elsewhere it means “provide”: the bill would avail health insurance to the uninsured in Iowa; the forum would avail him the opportunity to get just that (both CCAE). These perhaps experimental constructions seem to connect with the ubiquitous adjective available, though the derivational process is ad hoc. They are mutants in the evolution of language, but for the moment rather marginal.
avenge or revenge See revenge.
averse or adverse See adverse.
avocados or avocadoes A majority of respondents (73%) to the Langscape survey (1998–2001) preferred avocados for the plural of avocado. In fact it’s the only plural indicated in the New Oxford (1998) and Merriam-Webster (2000). The currency of avocadoes must be explained by reference to other vegetables (tomatoes, potatoes etc.) and/or greengrocer’s spelling. See further under -o section 1.
await or wait See wait.
avail As a noun, avail is now mostly fixed into the negative idiom to no avail, and its occasional variants to little avail, to any avail and the rhetorical question To what avail? The verb avail still has plenty of vitality as a reflexive form, as in anxious to avail themselves of the instruction afforded to their children. This is standard in both American and British English, but a sprinkling of other constructions, both transitive and intransitive, appear in the databases, some of which suggest a nostalgia for older usage. Transitive uses such as it will not avail him as a defence (BNC), one whose mercies might avail him better (CCAE), and intransitive ones like God does avail much sound just idiomatic, and American writers seem able to vary the intransitive construction: Driving under military escort will not avail. No kind of summitry will avail unless the Soviet Union continues . . .
awake or awaken See under wake.
aware This has long been a predicative adjective, like others formed from Anglo-Saxon with the prefix a- (see under that heading). Changes in its grammatical role are signaled by the presence of modifiers, e.g. fully aware, hardly less politically aware, showing its closeness to becoming a “central” adjective, by the criteria of the Comprehensive Grammar (1985). A further sign of this development is its attributive use in the US, in examples such as an aware parent, an aware and educated population from CCAE. Burchfield (1997) confirms the trend in the UK also.
aweing or awing See under -e section 1.
awesome The older and more literal meaning still stands in many combinations, such as an awesome sight and awesome responsibility, along with definitely secular applications such as awesome military power and the most awesome hydroelectric plant. But in colloquial usage and mass-market writing, the reverential sense of awesome is diffused into an all-purpose epithet of approval. It is particularly prevalent in sports writing, in both the US and the UK. The following are tokens of the many examples in both the BNC and CCAE: She has also gained an awesome reputation in racing. It is not an awesome lineup. But it is local.
aye or ay In both databases awesome also injects hyperbole into advertorials on consumer products: an awesome driver’s car; the speed [of the computer’s operation] is awesome. Though the usage began with adolescents, and approval of the awesome jeans jacket with rhine stones, it now evidently serves a variety of adult purposes.
awhile This word is found with solid setting in both British and American English, though more of its uses are sanctioned in the US. Webster’s Third (1986) allows that awhile may be adverbial as in settled awhile, as well as the object of the preposition for. Thus for awhile is accepted, and there are hundreds of examples in CCAE. The Oxford Dictionary (1989) stands by the etymology of the phrase and finds only for a while acceptable. Its position is not entirely borne out by data from the BNC, in which for awhile makes up about 15% of the 89 instances of awhile. The Oxford does however hint at the “unification of sense” which may be there in awhile, and in idioms and collocations such as not yet awhile, stay awhile, stood awhile in thought, any strict notion of time seems to be being played down. Separating awhile into a while may seem to make too much of what is – after all – a vague time period.
axe or ax The spelling ax is earlier, and the major spelling in American English, outnumbering axe by more than 4:1 in CCAE. According to the Oxford Dictionary (1884–1928), ax was “better on every ground,” including etymology, phonology and analogy. Yet its citations show that the spelling axe gained support in Britain during C19, and the second edition of the
Dictionary (1989) confirms that ax is no longer in use, as does the BNC. The best argument for the spelling axe is that it contrives to make the word consist of three letters. It thus conforms to the principle that while function words may have less than three letters, content words usually have a minimum of three (see further under words). The extra e is of course dropped when it becomes a verb axing and axed, at which point its redundancy is obvious. (See further under -e section 1.)
axiom See under aphorism.
axis For the plural of this word, see -is.
aye or ay These two spellings represent two pronunciations and two different meanings. Ay, pronounced to rhyme with “day” (or sometimes “die”), is an old-fashioned adverb meaning “ever.” Aye, always pronounced to rhyme with “die,” is the formal expression of affirmation used in public meetings, institutionalized in the Navy response Aye Aye sir. In the British parliament aye becomes a noun meaning “one who votes in the affirmative,” as in: The ayes have it. In the US Congress the affirmative votes are the “yeas.” The shorter spelling ay is occasionally used for the parliamentary vote. But it then overlaps with the adverb, apart from challenging the principle that English content words generally have a minimum of three letters (see under words). All this makes aye much the better spelling for the affirmative word.
B -b/-bbWords ending in the letter -b often become -bbbefore adding a suffix beginning with a vowel sound. The doubling happens whenever the suffix begins with e, i or y; and with -le and -ly, which both involve the indeterminate vowel (see schwa). For example: ad-libbed bobble clubbed cobwebby crabby dubbing glibbest hobnobbed knobbly robber rubbed snobbish snubbed stabbing These spellings show the consonant-doubling used in English words of one syllable – or two, the second of which has an independent life as a monosyllable. (See further under doubling of final consonant.) Note that the vowel in all of them is short. When it’s long or a diphthong, the b stays single, as in booby and bribed. The doubling principle applies also in abbreviated words with short vowels such as confabbed and women’s libber. For them, the double b is a sign of being anglicized (from latinate originals: confabulation and liberation respectively).
woods makes babe naive and gender-neutral. On the baseball scene, babe can be used man to man: “You’re out of here, babe,” Perlozzo told his first baseman. Such usage is probably helped by the memory of Babe Ruth, whose legendary status allows his name to be used in surprising places, as in the Babe Ruth of conflict resolution. Baseball apart, babe can now be heard in casual reference to an attractive adult – and as a term of endearment – anywhere in the English-speaking world.
bacillus For the plural of this word, see under -us section 1.
backThis is a formative element in quite a few English compound words: backbench background backhand backlash backlog backslider backstroke backwash backwater Back- serves to indicate location or direction, and like other adverbs and particles it is normally set solid with the word it’s prefixed to. (See hyphens section 2b.) As the examples above show, it normally combines with ordinary English stems, whereas retro-, its classical equivalent, combines with scholarly words from Latin and Greek. See further under retro-.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com baby and babe
Both American and British English use baby as the ordinary, unmarked term for an infant, and to describe the offspring or offshoots of other animals and plants, as in baby rabbits, baby carrots. Brand and product names use baby to indicate the small of the species, e.g. babybel (for the smallest wax-packaged cheeses), and baby grand (for the miniature grand piano). With all these applications, baby is much more common than babe, the difference being about 15:1 in the US and 45:1 in the UK, by database evidence. In standard English, a babe is not usually an ordinary baby. Its use in the King James bible connects it with the Nativity, as in the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes. Idioms like newborn babe, babe-in-arms and sleeping like a babe are more often figurative than references to infants. Otherwise, babe in this sense survives mostly as an intimate word for the family or the neighborhood, as when the local newspaper hopes that both mum and babe will be problem-free. Meanwhile in British advertising, the babe is beginning to grow up, to become the Bovril Babe. An advertorial on the latest swimming fashions foreshadows what the nifty water babe will be wearing next year – playing on the title of Kingsley’s Water Babies. Other BNC citations suggest the “American” use of babe as a casual term of endearment is catching on, at least in British novels: Do you want a hand, babe? In American English, babe has long been both a term of endearment and a way of referring to female companions and sex symbols. In some examples from CCAE, babe has divine allure, as in babe of paradise; in others it has commodity value: a bankable star and a bit more of a babe. Yet the idiom political babe in the
back channels See under interjections.
back matter See endmatter.
back of, in back of and in back American English does without the in all these constructions, and so they may sound elliptical and alien to British ears. Yet back of is more than four centuries old, according to the Oxford Dictionary (1989), and known everywhere in the English-speaking world in the phrase back of beyond. Productive use of back of can be found in British fiction (Burchfield, 1996). In the US, Canada and Australia, it gets a lowish level of use in expressions like back of the range and back of the supermarket, drawing attention to what is in the hinterland or behind/beyond the immediately visible. It makes a useful paraphrase as in the following example from CCAE: Behind it is . . . Cannery Row Memorial Park . . . , and back of that, the site of the “Palace Flophouse.” Back of can also be used figuratively, as in: The party made gains but stayed well back of the Democrats in House seats. This parallels its quite frequent use in sports reporting: on the golfer, one stroke back of the leader, or
back-to-back the horse closing strongly, a half-length back of Mykawa. In back of is sometimes used in sports reports too, as of the athlete surprised at being 2.14 seconds in back of the winner. It can be used more abstractly, as in: One could even respond to a . . . voice in back of the speaker’s question . . . Most often in back of explains physical locations, as in: Buildings in back of the charred commercial structure were also damaged. Subway tracks ran in back of all the houses on her side of the street. As these examples from CCAE show, in back of usually means “beyond the back of ” (and outside it), so that it contrasts with in the back of, which locates something inside. In fact American use of in back of complements the common English use of in front of. It is relatively recent, however, according to Webster’s English Usage (1989), and potentially ambiguous outside the US. Curiously the use of in back of may be a response to ill-founded criticism of back of – not on grounds of ambiguity, but because it was thought colloquial. Webster’s English Usage affirms the place of both expressions in standard American English. The phrase in back is also an Americanism, often used of getting into or being in the rear seat of a vehicle. So the US headline: THIEF TAKES VAN WITH CHILD ASLEEP IN BACK corresponds exactly to the British: THIEVES DRIVE OFF MOTHER’S CAR WITH BABY IN BACK SEAT In British English, this headline would be paraphrased as “in the back seat” in the article itself, but not in American. Other CCAE citations from newsreports show that in back is the common phrase: as when the driver assumed that the passenger in back was Patrick; or when Wilson stays at the wheel; Elzie sits in back assembling the packages – the traveling cottage industry. In back is used to indicate other spatial relations, as in: women swinging their way down darkened streets with footsteps in back following them; and the hall open to concertgoers sitting on the lawn in back. In British English the phrase would be “behind” or “at the back” respectively. The three phrases of this entry all point to the fact that back retains more of its adverbial character in American idiom than in British.
donate edit enthuse extradite laze liaise reminisce resurrect scavenge sidle swindle televize Compound words also lend themselves to backformation, witness the following verbs: baby-sit day-dream dry-clean lip-read self-destruct spring-clean window-shop Most of the backformations just mentioned have become standard English, but many others are transient. More than half of those appearing in American and British glossaries of new words are not taken up in dictionaries, according to Ayto’s (1998) research. To some writers backformations of any kind are unacceptable, as if their unusual origin makes them illegitimate words. Some backformations seem rather superfluous, because they duplicate an existing verb. Thus orientate, backformed from orientation, means much the same as orient, and is cross-referenced to it in many dictionaries – though there are regional differences in their distribution (see further under orient and orientate). Other backformations like commentate (from commentator) are certainly earning their keep alongside the existing verb (comment), and cover different areas of meaning (see further under comment). It seems pedantic to deny their legitimacy on account of their origins. Their newness often attracts attention though even that is relative to people’s exposure to them. Some examples like remediate (1969) and surveil (1960) are older than they feel; revulse (as in I was revulsed by it) has been registered in American dictionaries since the 1930s, though not yet in Britain (in this passive sense). The motive for backforming revulse from revulsion is clear enough: the formally related verbs such as revolt and repel seem too remote. Note that the singular Aborigine was at one stage censured as a backformation from the plural aborigines, which was the only form used in Latin (see further under Aboriginal). For examples of other words derived in a similar way, see false plurals.
back slash See under slash.
backchannels See interjections.
backformation New words are most often developed from smaller, simple words, as rattler is from rattle and assassination from assassin. Just occasionally words (especially verbs) are formed in the opposite way, distilled out of pre-existing words which are construed as complex ones (see further under complex words). So burgle is from burglar, accrete from accretion, and electrocute from electrocution. Some other verbs derived in this way are:
backshifting See sequence of tenses.
backslash See under slash.
back-to-back Since World War II, back-to-back has been taken up increasingly as an adjective meaning “consecutive.” Busy people now have back-to-back meetings, sportsmen back-to-back games, and politicians back-to-back news conferences. Continuous time may be expressed as back-to-back weeks or back-to-back years. The intricacies of business deals are caught up in back-to-back purchases. These usages originated in the US according to the Oxford Dictionary (1989), but they also register in British English in examples such as back-to-back semi-finals, [phone] calls back-to-back, and back-to-back trading system, among examples from the BNC. In fact, the adjective back-to-back has long been used in the UK (since 1845) to refer to a kind of high-density suburban architecture: back-to-back houses (or just back-to-backs), associated with old industrial towns. This particular spatial sense appears not to have crossed the Atlantic, though
backward or backwards Americans certainly use back-to-back in reference to simple physical arrangements such as back-to-back seats in a railway car. Spatial uses of back-to-back are more or less transparent, but its temporal uses are also well established worldwide, recognized in Canadian and Australian dictionaries (Canadian Oxford, 1998, and the Macquarie Dictionary, 1997), as well as British and American.
backward or backwards See under -ward.
bacteria and bacterium To classicists and scientists, bacteria is unequivocally plural, and so These bacteria are dangerous is the only way to construe the word. The answer is less clear cut for others, especially in the US. Extensive data from nontechnical sources in CCAE show that the word is quite often construed as a collective or singular noun, as indicated by singular verb agreement: Make sure that all the bacteria was taken care of A bacteria called Listeria monocytogenes was found in icecream Singular examples like these and plural ones occur in the ratio of about 2:5 in the database. Singular agreement often shows up when a particular strain of bacteria is being identified for the public, as in the second example. British sources contained in the BNC also provide evidence of bacteria in singular constructions: Normal skin bacteria breaks down into irritating free-fatty acids. When a bacteria or a virus gets into us . . . Such examples are from nonscientific communication, but they confirm the use of bacteria as a collective or singular noun, which needs to be recognized in dictionaries. Bacteria is of course a Latin plural (see -a), whose singular is the rather rare bacterium. The ratio between them is 10:1 in British data from the BNC, and about 12:1 in American English from CCAE. The rarity of bacterium helps to explain why bacteria itself is increasingly used as a singular, at least in nonscientific writing.
polarized: in the earlier C20 it went with this use of bad, but turned to censure in the second half. Purist reactions from Bernstein (1958) and the Harper-Heritage usage panels (1969, 1975) promoted the idea that wants it badly is “correct” style. Evans and Evans (1957) nevertheless thought that the construction with bad would become standard. This view gains supports from CCAE data, where instances of want/wants/wanted it bad outnumber those with badly by 5:2. Although the majority of constructions with bad are from quoted speech rather than newspaper commentary/editorial, they appear – varying with badly – in both types of discourse: “Now everybody wants it bad.” It can be done if we want it bad enough. The forcefulness of the construction with bad no doubt recommends itself to columnists, and the boundary between spoken and written styles is not hard and fast. More debatable now in the US are intensive uses of bad with less common verbs such as hate, hurt, screw up (as in it hurts bad), though there are handfuls of each in CCAE. The database confirms that (be) bad off (i.e. “lacking money or resources”) is current American idiom, outnumbering (be) badly off by more than 3:1. For the British, even wants it bad is too informal to appear in standard prose, according to Burchfield (1996) – let alone it hurts bad or bad off. The limits of acceptability for bad are set with copular verbs involving states of being or becoming. Feel bad appears in both written and spoken texts in the BNC – and is in fact much more common than feel badly, by a factor of 5:1. But there’s no place for hates it bad. The frontiers for bad as adverb are thus different in the US and the UK, and still being negotiated. Highly charged attitudes to its use are not so surprising, given the emotive and evaluative word that it is.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com bad or badly No-one could dispute the fact that bad is first and foremost an adjective (a bad shot), and badly an adverb (He played badly). This division of labor was stressed by C18 and C19 grammarians, and as long as badly is a regular adverb of manner (as in behaving badly), it holds. But bad has adverbial roles of its own, sanctioned by idiom, which effectively make it a zero adverb (see further under that heading). What is the role of bad when combined with verbs like look, smell, sound, taste? Being copular verbs, they can combine with adjectives or adverbs, and bad could be either in the idioms it looks/sounds bad if . . . , or the meat smells/tastes bad. (See further under copular verbs.) But when the meat has gone bad, bad is clearly more an adverb: compare the meeting went well. Further down the track is We didn’t do too bad, did we? which is idiomatic in North America and Australia, but not generally accepted in Britain. American English allows bad with all the verbs mentioned so far, and others, according to Webster’s English Usage (1989). Needs it bad and wants it bad are standard idioms in which bad serves as an intensifier. American usage commentary has however become
baggage or luggage The first Oxford Dictionary (1884–1928) noted the American preference for baggage and British for luggage, remnants of which can still be found in the US terms baggage car and unclaimed baggage as opposed to luggage van and left luggage in the UK. But baggage and luggage are now used interchangeably in American and British English for the miscellany of bags, suitcases and odd-shaped objects which go with the traveler. Data from CCAE and the BNC show that luggage is the more common of the two – at least for American and British writers – although in airport signs, baggage is the word that strikes the eye, and it’s built into terms such as baggage systems, baggage handlers and excess baggage. Other, unrelated uses of baggage would help to explain why writers in both the US and the UK are increasingly inclined to use luggage. Since C17 baggage has been used to refer negatively to someone’s political, philosophical or psychological commitments, as in: dump their ideological baggage or the cold-war baggage of his predecessors In British English it’s possible to use luggage this way (as in their psychological luggage), according to New Oxford (1998). But there’s scant evidence of it in BNC, and all such predispositions are construed with baggage. This negative use of baggage is taken further in the phrase carry(ing) too much baggage,
balmy or barmy which makes any aspect of a political candidate’s past an impediment to his chances of success. For centuries baggage has also been used in allusive references to women. In C17 sources it was applied with relish, as in a saucy baggage, though this usage now seems dated or sexist. It may owe something to the notion of army baggage, helped by earlier French bagasse (“camp follower”), as suggested by Webster’s Third (1986). In current use baggage is most often an off-handed or derogatory term for the woman who wasn’t born yesterday: No-one could say the old baggage lacked for courage. She’s a talentless baggage who should keep her mouth shut. Baggage in this sense elaborates on the use of bag for “an unlikable woman.” Negative uses of baggage would help to explain why more writers are inclined to use luggage when referring to the traveler’s bags.
(and cricket), and assign bale to other uses, especially the verbs associated with taking emergency measures and/or helping someone out of difficulty. The following examples from the BNC and CCAE respectively show the contrast for both transitive and intransitive uses: He could perhaps bale uncle out of the difficulties. (tr.) Kennedy would bail out the intelligence agency if need be. (tr.) He ordered the crew to bale out. (intr.) The crew of a 12-foot skiff bail out after their boat capsized. (intr.) The same spellings are applied in the related noun/modifier, as in British a bale-out scheme and American a government bailout. Etymologists may shake their heads, but at least there’s consistency. Quite independent of all that is the bale in baleful. Its spelling never varies, because it reflects the Old Norse word bal, meaning “fate.”
bail or bale These two spellings have been interchanged in several contexts, leaving some doubt as to which now goes where, especially in figurative extensions of the essential words. The origin of bale as in bale of hay is the Old French word balle meaning “package”; while for bail(s) as in cricket, it’s the older English baile meaning “stick.” A more literal use of bail is found in agricultural contexts, for the wooden partitions or frames by which farmers separate or restrain large animals. In Australia and New Zealand this was figuratively extended in the verb bail up, used originally of the bushranger waylaying travelers for their valuables, and now of anyone who buttonholes another against his/her will. The legal uses of bail derive from another Old French word, the verb bailler meaning “keep in custody.” The expression bail (someone) out (“help [someone] out of difficulties”) originates in this legal context, hence its spelling in: . . . bail out the Northern line from a vast increase in traffic. In fact this spelling is little used in the UK for the extended verb, according to BNC evidence, but much used in the US, as well as Australia and New Zealand. In the UK bail is usually a noun, caught up in phrases such as on bail and grant/refuse bail. Nautical use of bail out was traditionally spelled the same way, but by coincidence, since the phrase embodies the Old French word for a bucket: baille. In the US it is still spelled bail out, but bale out was gaining ground in the UK during C19, according to the first Oxford Dictionary (1884–1928), and has become the preferred spelling of the second edition (1989). When it comes to airmen making a parachute jump from their aircraft, this too is bail out in American English. It is bale out in the Oxford Dictionary (1989), yet not because it’s regarded as an extension of the nautical usage (an emergency measure in / exit from a vehicle). Instead, the dictionary relates it to the noun bale, and sees the manoeuvre as one where the parachutist exits from the aircraft like a bale (of hay etc.) through a trapdoor. In all this we see two solutions to a dilemma. The American solution is to use bail for every meaning except the nonlegal noun (bale of hay, straw, wool). The British solution is to reserve bail for legal uses
balk or baulk The first spelling balk has much to recommend it. Apart from the analogy with common words like talk and walk, balk is the earlier spelling. In the US balk is standard for verb and noun uses, and the only spelling to be found in CCAE. Baulk is much more in evidence in the UK. Its use increased in the later C19, according to the Oxford Dictionary (1884–1928), and New Oxford (1998) makes it the primary spelling. Data from the BNC confirm the dominance of baulk for the noun referring to a large wooden beam, as in holed amidships by a baulk of timber. But baulk and balk are used equally for the verb, meaning “resist,” “stop short.” The divergent senses of verb and noun might explain the different spelling conventions in British English, although they are not differentiated elsewhere. Canadians – like Americans – prefer balk for both noun and verb, according to Canadian Oxford (1998), and Australians baulk, according to the Macquarie Dictionary (1997).
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com International English selection: The spelling balk is to be preferred for both noun and verb, given its wide distribution and etymological consistency. ♦ Compare caulk, calk or calque, where several meanings are involved.
ballot Should the t be doubled when this word has verb suffixes added to it? No is the answer, in terms of both practice and principle. Balloted/balloting are used in more than 95% of instances in both British and American databases (BNC and CCAE). The spellings conform to the common principles for doubling: see further under -t.
balmy or barmy The colloquial adjective for someone who’s losing their mind is spelled balmy in the US, and barmy in the UK. The first evidence of this sense (from the 1850s) is attached to balmy by the Oxford Dictionary (1989), as an extension of its rather vague use in expressions like balmy weather. This explains the continuing use of balmy in American English, whereas barmy is a British respelling of balmy
bandeau dating from the 1890s, now used regularly for the sense “crazy” as in gone barmy. So in the UK balmy is reserved for the climatic sense of “warm, benign,” and only rarely used to mean “crazy” (in less than 5% of all instances in BNC data). Barmy could hardly be substituted in the US, because the standard dialect is rhotic, i.e. pronounces the “r” after a vowel. Some dictionaries including New Oxford (1998) present barmy as derived independently from barm, a technical word for the froth on fermenting beer. Admittedly the Oxford Dictionary (1989) records figurative uses of barmy on isolated occasions from C17 on, but they refer to the creative brain in a ferment rather than suspected insanity. The two states of mind are of course proverbially close – though perhaps the barmy army of drunken hooligans at European football matches has provided a more direct link with barm.
bandeau For the plural of this word, see under -eau.
banjos or banjoes The word banjo has been in English long enough (since C18) to have acquired a plural with -es as well as just -s. But banjos is now the preferred spelling, endorsed by over 75% of those responding to the worldwide Langscape survey (1998–2001). Both Merriam-Webster (2000) and New Oxford (1998) put banjos ahead of banjoes for the plural. See further under -o section 1.
them was used by the Greeks to describe the speech of the neighboring nations, which they found unintelligible. Thus barbarians were originally people who spoke a different language; and the name given to the Berbers may have originated in this way also. In modern English the tables are turned in the idiom “It was all Greek to me.”
barbarism This word was once much less harsh as a comment on words and idioms (see previous entry). In C16 barbarism simply referred to a foreign word borrowed into English, though from C18 on, it served to stigmatize what were deemed mistakes in English words. Barbarisms were words malformed in terms of conventional usage or the usual patterns of word-formation, e.g. normalcy. They contrasted with solecisms, which were other kinds of error in syntax (see solecism). This technical application of barbarism makes it less heavy-handed, as Fowler (1926) noted. But commentators less scrupulous than Fowler have been known to deploy barbarism with all its primitive force to put down a particular usage. Barbarism then becomes a verbal weapon, often deployed in the face of popular support for the expression the writer/speaker wishes to expunge. It invokes social sanctions against it: no civilized person would utter it! See further under shibboleth.
barbecue or barbeque The first spelling is much more common. In American data from CCAE, barbecue outnumbers barbeque by 19:1, and in the BNC it’s just on 30:1. Barbecue has exclusive backing from the Oxford Dictionary (1989), being much closer to the original word in Haitian Creole: barbacoa (“a framework of sticks on which meat is smoked”). It first appears in C17 English as barbacue, sometimes referring to a makeshift bed, and by 1733 had acquired its sense of a form of entertainment involving alfresco cooking and dining. Its popularity in the southern hemisphere is reflected in the shortened form barbie, used in Australia and New Zealand. The second spelling barbeque seems at first sight to frenchify the word, although the French would pronounce such a word with just two syllables, to rhyme with “dalek.” In fact the -que probably represents the third syllable of various abbreviations for the word, as bar-b-que, Bar-B-Q and BBQ.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com On whether to double the t before verb suffixes are added, see under -t.
Within southern Africa, the connotations of this word have been more pejorative than elsewhere, due to its oppressive use as a racial designator in the Bantu Education Act of 1953. In the post-apartheid era, it has been somewhat rehabilitated, with nine Bantu languages recognized among the official languages of South Africa (see under South African English). For anthropologists and linguists, Bantu has always referred to a distinctive culture or language group, eminently worthy of attention.
bar For the use of this word as a preposition, as in bar none, see under barring.
barbaric, barbarous or barbarian These have all been used since C16 to express the civilized person’s distaste for savagery, and condemnation of it. There’s little to differentiate them, except that barbaric is the most frequent of the three as adjective, in data from the BNC, and barbarian has a parallel life as a noun for someone with savage or uncivilized ways. Note also that whereas barbarous always expresses condemnation, the judgement in barbaric varies with the phrase it appears in. In barbaric cruelty it’s clearly negative, while in barbaric splendor it connotes something which though primitive is impressive in its own way. In origin all three words represent a much less harsh judgement about those who stand outside our society and culture. The root barbar- embedded in
barrel In British English, the final l of barrel is doubled before adding verb suffixes, in American English it stays single. Compare double-barrelled surname with double-barreled shot gun. For further discussion, see -l-/-ll-.
barring and bar As prepositions identifying exceptions, these are both relatively uncommon and may raise questions of usage. Barring usually associates with negative events, as in barring accidents / a disaster / injuries / any last minute hitches. It commonly appears at the start of a sentence, raising suspicions that it may be a “dangling participle,” although its connections with the verb bar are now scarcely there (see dangling participles). For example:
bathos Barring coups, the four Southern Cone presidents will all still be in office in 1994. In fuller context, the phrase with barring has a good chance of being read absolutely, as intended: “Provided there are no coups d’´etat . . . ” (See absolute section 4.) Whether foregrounded in a sentence or set off in parentheses, it highlights a proviso to the statement being made. The preposition bar is a similarly efficient way of mentioning an exception to an implied set: closed to all bar buses and taxis everything bar the kitchen sink As in those cases, bar attaches itself to the pronoun that encompasses the whole set. The idiom bar none is attached to a superlative phrase, as in: the best young backs in the country bar none the sexiest actress in the world bar none The examples all show how bar is tied into formulas, whereas barring enjoys more flexible and productive use. When the two coincide, as in the following, barring seems to win out: Nothing barring a major disaster can prevent her from becoming a main attraction. (Why not Nothing bar a major disaster . . . ?) Examples like this from the BNC suggest that barring is gaining ground while bar is losing it. The same trend emerges in data from CCAE, where examples of barring run in to hundreds, and those that there are of bar are confined to the idiom bar none.
based on This argumentative phrase is sometimes felt to introduce a “dangling participle.” See further under dangling participles.
servant), it would support general conversation anywhere. The larger objectives of Basic (English) are reflected in its being an acronym for British American Scientific International Commercial, though it would need to be supplemented with scientific terms – not to mention the names of countries and currencies – to go any way towards international communication. Basic English was endorsed by both Churchill and Roosevelt in the 1940s, but did not achieve any formal status as an auxiliary language. The essential notion of a reduced but fully functional English vocabulary has nevertheless been taken up in the “defining vocabularies” of certain dictionaries, whose publishers aim to ensure that the dictionary definitions are intelligible to learners with limited English.
basically or basicly Basically is the standard way of spelling this adverb, on record since 1903. The eminently sensible basicly is not yet recognized in the major dictionaries, nor the BNC, and it makes only a single appearance in CCAE. As yet the word seems to be bound by the - ally convention for adjectives ending in -ic, though it would not be the first to break out. See further under -ic/-ical.
bassinet or bassinette See under -ette.
bathe or bath Ablutionary practices are culture-specific. But in the English-speaking world there’s added complexity from the fact that the verbs bath and bathe can connote different uses of water. The British use the verb bath to mean “take a bath” or “give a bath” (to a baby), while bathe normally refers to washing a wound. In addition bathe can mean “take a swim” in the sea, hence the bathing costume and the bathing boxes for changing one’s clothes at the edge of the beach. In American usage, bathe refers not only to swimming but also to washing the baby, or oneself, by means of a bath or shower, and the verb bath is reserved for technical applications. Canadians can use either bathe or bath for personal ablutions, according to the Canadian Oxford (1998). Australians distinguish between them much like the British (Macquarie Dictionary, 1997), but tend to use the verb shower for the cleansing activities in the bathroom. Note that when written down, bathing and bathed are ambiguous for readers familiar with both bath and bathe. Which verb do they relate to? Paraphrases such as having a bath/bathe and had a bath/bathe may be needed – unless the context (indoor/outdoor) settles it as one or other kind of encounter with water. Metaphorical expressions such as bathed in sunlight are also susceptible to misreading.
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What are the bases of power in this country? The reader may well puzzle over whether this is the plural of base or basis. It could be either, and though pronunciation would make it one or the other, the difference is masked in the spelling. Often the context helps to settle the issue, as in American bases overseas – but not always. As the first example showed, clarification may be needed. For more about the plurals of words like basis, see -is.
basic or basal Both these were derived from the word base in the earlier C19, basal in 1828 and basic in 1848, according to the Oxford Dictionary (1989). In spite of its slightly later start, basic makes a much greater impact on contemporary English, being frequent in both writing and speech, and outnumbering its rival by more than 20:1 in the BNC. The applications of basal are specialized and technical, confined to the fields of medicine, biology and geology except for the basal readers used in primary education.
Basic English To facilitate communication across language barriers, a reduced version of English, called Basic English was compiled by C. K. Ogden in 1930. Its inventory of 850 key words provides the wherewithal for discussing everyday things: 100 operations (mostly function words), 400 general and 200 picturable things (mostly nouns, a few verbs), 100 qualities and 50 opposites (= adjectives). Although some of the selections inevitably seem dated and culture-specific (e.g.
bathos This Greek word for “depth” is used in literary criticism to refer to an anticlimax, an abrupt shift from the elevated or sublime to the trivial or ridiculous. When bathos is deliberate, the effect may be funny, ironic or satirical. Unintentional bathos reflects negatively on the writer, as triteness or banality of style. Either way the effect is not one of pathos (see further under that heading).
baulk or balk
baulk or balk See balk.
bayonet Dictionaries in the UK, US, Canada and Australia all foreground bayoneted and bayoneting for the inflected verb forms. Merriam-Webster (2000) notes the spellings with two ts (bayonetted, bayonetting) as alternatives, which can be justified if the main stress falls on the third syllable (see doubling of final consonant). But with main stress on the first syllable, the spellings with one t are appropriate. It may as well be used if – as often – the pronunciation is unknowable or unimportant.
BC or BCE The letters BC (“before Christ”) remind us that our dating system has a religious foundation. Yet the fact that BC is an English phrase confirms its modern origins: it was coined in C18. Compare the Latin abbreviation AD (short for anno domini), which has been used in Christian annals and records since C6. The inescapably Christian connotations of BC have led some to prefer BCE, intended to represent “before the common era.” BCE seems to have originated in the US in the 1960s, as a way of embracing Jewish and Christian interests in the western historical calendar. However BCE can still be read as “before the Christian era,” so the problem remains – as well as the fact that the “common” calendar has no connection with the dating systems used in Islam or other Asian traditions. These problems also affect CE, the corresponding term intended to replace AD. BC and BCE are both placed after the date itself: 50 BC, 50 BCE. Compare the position of AD, discussed under AD or A.D. All these abbreviations can be written without stops. The fact that they consist of capitals is one reason for this (see further under abbreviations options 2 [c] and [d]). Another is the fact that they are usually accompanied by numbers, which make plain their dating function. ♦ For alternative ways of indicating dates, see dating systems.
Or it can be used as a copular verb, linking the subject of the clause with its complement: Their plan is a great leap forward. (See further under copular verbs.) The present forms of be are often contracted with their subject pronoun in the flow of conversation, as I’m, you’re, she’s, we’re, they’re. The third person singular is forms contractions with many kinds of nouns, both proper and common: Jane’s being taught the piano. Stalin’s dead. Dinner’s in the oven. For the use of these forms in writing, see contractions section 2. Note finally that be (and were) have residual roles as subjunctives in modern English. See further under subjunctive.
beThis prefix dates back to Old English, and is an inseparable element of verbs like become, begin, behave, believe. In modern English it serves mostly as a grammatical agent, turning intransitive verbs into transitive ones, as in belie, bemoan, bewail; or creating verbs from nouns and adjectives: becalm, befriend, bejewel, belittle, bewitch. Ad hoc words generated with be- are transparent enough to be understood on first encounter: They stood ready for the rodeo, leather-jacketed and bespurred. Words formed with be- (or any affix) are less likely to find a permanent place in dictionaries than other kinds of neologism, according to Ayto’s (1998) research.
be The verb be in its numerous forms is the most common in English. It has more distinct forms than any other verb, with three for the present: am, are, is; two for the past: was, were; and two participles: being, been as well as the infinitive be. In some regional dialects of English, be serves instead of am, are, is for all persons of the present tense. In Black English, be indicates repeated or habitual action: People be leapin’ outta their seats. The most essential role of be is as one of the primary auxiliary verbs of English, used to express continuous action (to grammarians, the imperfect aspect), and the passive voice, as in the following: you are asking (continuous action / imperfect) you are asked (passive) Compare you ask with no auxiliary, expressing simple action in the active voice. (See further under auxiliary verbs, aspect and voice.) The verb be can also be used as a main verb on its own, in an existential sense: I think therefore I am.
beat or beaten
While beat is standard for both present and past tense of this verb, it’s sometimes used instead of beaten for the past participle as well. In C18 this was ordinary written usage, and Merriam-Webster (2000) notes it as a current alternative for American English. However the use of beat as past participle is mostly found in particular idioms where the participle is passive, for example get/got beat and (can’t) be beat. Database evidence of this (from CCAE and the BNC) comes particularly from sports reporting in the US, and casual conversation in the UK: We got beat by a very good football team. If we get beat, it’s my fault. Can’t be beat (used of notional competition, as in a location that can’t be beat) is standard American idiom, according to Webster’s English Usage (1989). Almost all instances of it in CCAE had beat rather than beaten as the past participle, whereas they were very rare in the BNC. Written data from CCAE also show the use of beat (as past participle) in the phrasal verb beat up, referring to acts of violence: . . . took him out of the Bronx where he had been beat up In the same construction, writers represented in the BNC use beaten: He was beaten up by a gang of white boys . . . Yet the participial adjective beat-up is found in English everywhere, referring especially to battered vehicles, as well as furniture, clothes and other things rather the worse for wear, from the beat-up hotel to beat-up sneakers.
behalf of Although beat is built into various idioms as past participle, its appearance otherwise in that role connotes spoken rather than written style. Beaten is far more common as the past participle in active or passive verb phrases, and not seriously challenged by beat across the range of prose styles in the UK or the US (Peters, 1993b). The distinct past participle remains part of the writer’s repertoire.
beau ideal This phrase is often interpreted in reverse. In French le beau id´eal means “ideal (form of) beauty” or “the abstract idea of beauty.” Those who understand the French (where id´eal is an adjective following the noun) use it this way in aesthetic discussions in English. But without an accent, ideal looks like an English word, and so the phrase is often taken to mean “beautiful ideal,” and applied in many contexts to the perfect model of something: the beau ideal of the family.
beaus or beaux After centuries of use as an English noun meaning “boyfriend,” beau still poses the question as to whether its plural form should be French or English. In British English, beaux has the upper hand, being the preferred form of the Oxford Dictionary (1989), and dominant in the BNC, by about 4:1. American dictionaries allow either beaus or beaux, and the examples in CCAE are about equally divided. Both forms could be found in versions of the same story in the Atlanta Journal, and businesses may cash in on either: the Beaux Tie Grill was matched by Belles and Beaus Bridal and Formal Wear. Americans are perhaps more inclined to beaus because of the need to distinguish it from a very different use of beaux in architectural comments such as [that] giant beaux arts bath house (= Union Station), where Beaux Arts is decapitalized as often in American style.
another assertion or premise which effectively submerges it. The actual terms used in a discussion can beg the question, as recognized in the following: Some definitions of mental illness beg the question of what constitutes normal behavior. The problem with begged questions is that they compromise the scope of the discussion, preempting what the participants would need to focus on in order to gain a fresh perspective. The argumentative sabotage in begging the question is recognized by those who use it to mean “evade the issue.” This alternative use is acknowledged in Webster’s Third (1986), the Canadian Oxford (1998) and the Australian Macquarie Dictionary (1997). While this understanding of beg the question strains the meaning of beg, it’s pragmatically closer to the original sense of the phrase than when it simply means “raise the question,” as in: Doesn’t three guitarists in three albums beg the question that Chadwick might be just a little hard on his sidemen? This third use of beg the question is now the commonest of the three, according to New Oxford (1998).
begin (to) English allows two kinds of construction with begin: They began to feel relaxed after the meal. They began feeling relaxed after the meal. The -ing construction gained ground in American English since the 1960s, probably through news reporting, and is now a well-established alternative to the to construction. Meanwhile in British English the to construction is still strongly preferred, according to Mair’s (1998) research.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com bedevil Normal British practice is to double the final l before adding verb suffixes to words like this (see -l-/-ll-). However about 1 in 8 examples of bedevil(l)ed in the BNC keeps the l single, as in American English.
beet and beetroot The same vegetable goes by different names in North American and British English, according to its uses. In the US and Canada, beet is the culinary term for the garnet-colored vegetable used in mixed salads and Russian-style borscht. Its color becomes a simile for embarrassment in blushing like a beet. When used in agriculture as a source of sugar, it’s referred to as sugar beet. The British use sugar beet or just beet for the agricultural crop, as in productive acres of beet and potatoes. In the UK beetroot serves as the standard term for the vegetable on the table, as it does in Australia – but not in North America.
beg the question This phrase refers to a frustrating argumentative tactic, though it may be understood in one of three ways. Its curious wording reflects the fact that it translates the Latin phrase petitio principii (“begging the principle”), meaning that the speaker/writer assumes the fundamental premise or issue that ought to be discussed. Typically the issue is woven into
behalf of On behalf of is the standard collocation in English everywhere, though alternatives are around in both the US and the UK. In British data from the BNC, about two thirds of all instances were on behalf of X (or on X’s behalf). But the rest was a mix of in behalf of, of behalf of and just plain behalf of, as in the claims of NUS to speak behalf of individual students. Dictionaries note that Americans use in behalf of as well as on behalf of, but in data from CCAE the latter is much more common, by about 20:1. There’s no evidence that in behalf of is restricted to a single sense, as commentators have sometimes suggested. The two senses associated with on behalf of (“in defense of ” / “to the benefit of ” and “as agent/representative for”) are both to be found in the American corpus for in behalf of: efforts in behalf of corporate clients versus sent telegrams in behalf of their 10,000 members However as the examples show, the two senses are not clearly separable. An extension of the second sense into “on the part of ” is occasionally heard and seen: That was a great shot on behalf of the young winger. It smacks of running commentary and the desire to embellish the facts. In edited text, this use of on behalf of would probably amount to overwriting of the simple fact that “the young winger produced a good shot.” Examples of this newest use of on behalf of are nevertheless making their way into print, according
behavior or behaviour to Burchfield (1996), but it has yet to be registered in dictionaries. ♦ Compare on the part of, discussed at part of.
chemicals (see further under -ine). In fact benzene was originally benzine.
beseeched or besought behavior or behaviour See under -or/-our.
behove or behoove This verb is almost a fossil in British English, used only in impersonal constructions with it to express a duty, as in “it would behove xx to . . . ” Instances of its use in the BNC can be counted on the fingers of one hand, and all are from formal writing. Its spelling in UK is behove, whereas in the US it’s always behoove. In American English it enjoys a slightly more varied existence, appearing in more and less formal contexts, and in more interactive prose – witness the following from CCAE: It would behoove the Senate to act promptly. Would it behoove you to look at your duty roster? It didn’t behoove me financially to go overseas. In other examples, the verbs accompanying behoove were will, may and might, giving it a wider range of modality and shades of obligation, from a broad imperative to the individual’s sense of what is fitting. See further under modality.
Beijing See under China.
belie This word implies that things are not as they seem: These days her voice and lifestyle belie her upbringing. With belie, appearances mask something very different underneath, hence the fact that belie is sometimes confused with underlie. But while underlie refers to the actual structure of things physical or psychological, belie always implies a misrepresentation of them. Because belie is derived from the verb lie “tell lies,” its past tense is belied (not belay). For the past tense of underlie, see underlay.
Either of these can be used as the past form of beseech. The Oxford Dictionary (1989) retains a note from its first edition to say that beseeched is “regarded as incorrect,” but in BNC data it’s the preferred form, outnumbering besought by more than 10 times. American dictionaries register besought and beseeched (in that order) as equal alternatives, but again usage gives stronger backing to the second. Beseeched is more frequent than besought in CCAE, though by a lesser margin (2:1) than in the British data.
beside or besides Do these mean the same thing? The answer is yes and no. As a preposition beside has the more immediate and physical meanings “next to” and “in comparison with,” while besides covers the more detached and figurative ones “in addition to” and “apart from.” Compare: The ticket machine was beside the driver. There was no-one besides the driver in the bus. But beside is very occasionally used in a figurative sense like the one shown in that second sentence, according to the Oxford Dictionary (1989) and Webster’s English Usage (1989). As adverbs, beside and besides share the figurative role: He enjoyed a big salary, a company car, and everything else beside(s). Yet only beside can appear when the sense is that of physical proximity: The president was on the platform and his wife stood beside. Overall then, beside seems to be gaining on besides, at least in the roles of preposition and adverb. The preference for adverbs without s can be seen elsewhere: see -ward. Yet besides is unchallenged as the conjunct meaning “moreover”: Besides, he felt they owed it to him. In that role it cannot be replaced by beside.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com benefit Should you double the t before adding verbal suffixes? The answer from the great majority of writers, both American and British, is no. In American data from CCAE, benefited/benefiting outnumber benefitted/benefitting by about 8:1, and in BNC data the ratio is more than 10:1. Thus common usage supports the regular spelling, according to the principles discussed under -t.
besought or beseeched See beseeched.
bet or betted
See under Netherlands.
The past form of the verb bet can be either bet or betted, according to all major dictionaries. Bet is more than likely for the past participle: Being a mathematician, he bet(ted) for years by a random number table. She had bet her savings on that horse. See further under zero past tense.
benzine or benzene
bête noire
These two spellings are used to distinguish different chemical substances. Benzine is a mixture of hydrocarbons obtained in the distillation of petroleum. For Americans it is also a synonym for “gas.” Benzene is a single species of hydrocarbon molecule, with various industrial applications. Confusion of the two spellings by nonchemists is hardly surprising, given that -ine and -ene are interchangeable in the names of other household
Borrowed from French, this phrase allows us to refer discreetly to something or someone we can’t stand. In ˆ noire means “black beast,” or less reverse order bete literally “bugbear” – though with a touch of the sinister that puts it higher up the stylistic scale. The e ˆ of noire is there to agree with bete, which happens to be a feminine noun in French. So the e should remain, ˆ noire even if your difficult person is masculine: bete applies to either gender. Yet the phrase is sometimes
biseen in English as bˆete noir, a spelling which is registered in Webster’s Third (1986) as an alternative. American examples from CCAE showed it to be indifferent to gender, applied to men, political opponents and even one’s mother-in-law. Examples of bˆete noir are also to be found in the BNC, though the form is not recognized in British dictionaries. Dictionaries in the UK, US, Canada and Australia ˆ noire with its French circumflex, all crown bete though it’s not crucial to the identity of the phrase (see accents). The plural is shown as bˆetes noires, with plural marking on both words (noun and adjective), as in French. See further under plurals section 2.
better or bettor The spelling bettor for a person who lays bets undoubtedly helps to distinguish it from the adjective/adverb better. It would be indispensable if you had to write: He was a better bettor than his partner. Yet the juxtaposition of the two seems far-fetched. Bettor is less likely than punter in most contexts – you could bet on it. In fact the spelling better is used generally in the UK for the person who lays bets, and it had the backing of Fowler (1926). It is more natural than bettor as the agent noun from an English verb (see further under -er/-or). In the US however, bettor is the preferred form, as shown in Webster’s Third (1986).
better or more wellCompound adjectives with a built-in comparative can be constructed in two ways. Should it be a better known author or a more well-known author? See under well and well-.
between you and ???, both pronouns are objects of the preposition, and must therefore be accusative. This makes no difference for you but it demands me rather than I as the second pronoun. Of course, if it were between me and my dog, no-one would say or write otherwise. The use of me comes naturally then, because it is directly governed by between. The I probably gets into between you and I because it’s further away from the governing word. Other factors may help to foster the use of I, such as the fact that the phrase quite often comes immediately before the subject/nominative of a clause, as in: Between you and I, they won’t be here much longer. Using I may be a kind of hypercorrection, according to the Comprehensive Grammar (1985), based on oversensitivity about using me (see further under me). The vacillation over me/I is symptomatic of shifting case relations among pronouns generally (Wales, 1996). But because between you and I seems to have become a shibboleth (see under that heading), it’s to be avoided in writing. In fact a confidential between you and I/me is unlikely to occur to anyone writing a formal document, because of the impersonal character of the style that goes with it.
beveled or bevelled For the choice between these spellings, see -l-/-ll-.
biThis prefix comes from Latin with the meaning “two,” though in a handful of English words it means “twice.” Examples of the first meaning (“two”) are easily found in everyday and general words such as: bicentenary bicycle biennial bifocals bigamy binary binoculars bipartisan as well as scientific words such as: bicarbonate biceps bicuspid biped bisexual bivalve The second meaning (“twice”) is found only in biannual and sometimes in bimonthly and biweekly. It arose only in C20, and unfortunately makes for chronic difficulty in interpreting those words. None of the other number prefixes 1 to 10 has this duality of meaning (see number prefixes). The distinction between biennial and biannual is easiest to remember if you’re a gardener working with biennial asters which last for two years, or someone who attends biennial exhibitions which take place every two years. Without the support of such contexts, a reader may well be in doubt. Does a biannual meeting take place twice a year or every two years? Dictionaries which distinguish biennial (“every two years”) from biannual (“twice a year”), also note that biannual is sometimes used with the meaning of biennial. For a writer, there is always the risk of not being interpreted as you intend and it’s safer to use a paraphrase. One can replace biannual with “twice a year,” and biennial with “every two years.” Alternatively you could use the prefix semi- and semiannual instead of biannual, as Webster’s English Usage (1989) suggests. This works well enough for semimonthly and semiweekly also, because semicombines with both classical and English words (see semi-). Fortnightly is also useful as a paraphrase for “every two weeks / twice a month,” in something intended for British readers. But fortnight and fortnightly are unfamiliar to Americans. ♦ Compare the prefix di-.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com between or among
These words share more common ground than they used to. Between was formerly reserved for situations where just two things or people were being related – shared between husband and wife – and among complemented it when there were three or more: shared among the relatives. The restriction on the use of between has certainly gone by the board, and Gowers declared it to be “superstition” in Complete Plain Words (1954). It is not uncommon for between to be used in expressions referring to more than two groups or reference points, as in a balance between deference, quotation and his own critical comment. But among is still reserved for situations where there are at least three parties involved. One could not say “among husband and wife.” See further under amid(st) or among(st).
between you and me (or I) Those who always use between you and me have it easy, because it’s in line with what the traditional grammarians regard as correct use of pronouns. Yet between you and I is certainly used too, and for some people it is the usual formula to highlight a confidential point of conversation. The real issue is whether it should appear in writing. The phrase between you and I has a long history of both use and censure. Literary authors from Shakespeare on confirm its currency, yet it fell foul of C18 grammarians, and their zeal to preserve the remaining case distinctions (nominative/accusative) among the English pronouns. They argued that in
biannual or biennial
biannual or biennial See under bi-.
bias When bias becomes a verb, should its inflected forms be biased and biasing, or biassed and biassing? The spellings with one s were overwhelmingly preferred by 94% of respondents to the worldwide Langscape survey (1998–2001). They are the primary spellings in all the major dictionaries: New Oxford (1998), Webster’s Third (1986), Canadian Oxford (1998), the Australian Macquarie (1997). The forms with double s were evidently quite common in C19, but with both Fowler (1926) and the Oxford Dictionary (1884–1928) arguing against them, their currency has been greatly reduced. The single s spelling represents the more regular principle for verbs ending in a single consonant, though British and American English don’t always agree on this (see doubling of final consonant). The plural of the noun bias is not commented on in the dictionaries, which implies that it is the regular biases. It helps to reinforce the single s forms for the verb.
Bible or bible Does this word need to be capitalized when it refers to the volume of holy scriptures which is the cornerstone of Christianity? Half of all respondents to the Langscape survey (1998–2001) said yes “always,” but for a third it was “sometimes” and for the rest “never.” The survey produced markedly different results from the UK and the US: while 62% of British respondents said “always,” only 35% of Americans did. This divergence no doubt reflects their different orientation to the use of capitals generally (see capital letters), rather than any religious difference. In this book, bible is usually lower-cased because it appears in paraphrases of the formal title, e.g. the King James bible. Figurative uses of the word, such as the “cyclist’s bible” or “military planners’ bible,” naturally have the word without a capital.
What follows are token bibliographies to illustrate the different formats used to complement each of the main referencing systems: A. short-title references, in the text and footnotes/endnotes B. author–date references (also called the “Harvard” or name–year system) C. number system (with “Vancouver” style) For the forms of the references themselves, see referencing. A. Bibliography to go with short-title references Algeo, John “Desuetude among new English words.” International Journal of Lexicography 6:ii; 1993. Preston, Dennis R. “Where the worst English is spoken.” In Focus on the USA, edited by Edgar W. Schneider. Amsterdam, John Benjamins: 1996. Trudgill, Peter and Hannah, Jean. International English: a guide to the varieties of standard English. London, Edward Arnold: 1982. B. Bibligraphy to go with author–date references Algeo, J. 1993 Desuetude among new English words. International Journal of Lexicography, 6: ii. Preston, D. R. 1996 Where the worst English is spoken. In Focus on the USA, edited by E. W. Schneider. Amsterdam, John Benjamins. Trudgill, P. and Hannah, J. 1982 International English: a guide to the varieties of standard English. London, Edward Arnold. C. Bibliography to go with number system, using Vancouver style 1 Trudgill P, Hannah J. International English: a guide to the varieties of standard English. London, Edward Arnold: 1982. 2 Preston DR. Where the worst English is spoken. In Schneider EW ed., Focus on the USA. Amsterdam, J Benjamins: 1996. 3 Algeo J. Desuetude among new English words. Int. J of Lexicography 1993; 6:2. Points to note
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com bibliographies Bibliography is the general name for the consolidated list of works referred to by the author. Note that in some academic disciplines, it includes any item read or consulted in writing the book. Others prefer to restrict the list to items which are actually cited in the text, which makes it a “List of references” rather than “Works consulted.” The form of the bibliography varies with the chosen referencing system in matters such as the order of items, alphabetization, and the forms of names. There are also many small points of style in punctuation and abbreviations which vary with the publishing house, the journal and its editor, and a writer should always check for their particular preferences. Generic disciplinary guides are to be found for: ∗ humanities in the Chicago Manual of Style (2003) and the MLA (Modern Languages Association) Style Manual (2nd. ed. 1999) ∗ social sciences in the APA (American Psychological Association) Style Manual (5th. ed. 2001) ∗ natural sciences in the CBE (Council of Biology Editors) Manual (6th. ed. 1994 = Scientific Style and Format).
**Order of entries:
– The order of entries is alphabetical in A and B. In C the order is dictated by the numbers, which run in accordance with the appearance of each item within the text.
**Authors’ names and initials – In all three systems the names of all authors are inverted (Ritter, 2002). The practice of inverting the first author’s name but not the second or others is in abeyance. – Initials are occasionally used in A for the full first names of authors, usually in B, and always in C. In C the initials are written without stops, and the word and is omitted between the names of joint authors.
**Date of publication – The date is placed immediately after the name(s) of the author(s) in B, but not A or C.
**Titles of articles, chapters, books and journals – The use of capitals in titles and subtitles varies, though the minimal capitalization of librarians has much to recommend it. (See further under titles.) – The titles of articles or chapters of books have in the past been set in quotation marks. This practice is now rare in the natural sciences (see CBE Manual, 1994), and declining in the social sciences and humanities (Webster’s Style Manual, 1985). The Chicago Manual (2003) notes that quote marks are not
biennial or biannual used for the titles of articles and chapters in author– date style (B). Speaking for British practice, Butcher (1992) notes that they are not essential in bibliographies. – Italics are normally used in A and B to set off the title of the book or the name of the journal. – In Vancouver style (C) the generic parts of the names of journals are abbreviated. The recognized abbreviations for medicine and biomedical research are detailed each year in the January issue of the Index Medicus. Abbreviations for other fields of research may be found in Chemical Abstracts, World List of Scientific Periodicals, in British Standard BS 4148 and in American National Standard Z39.5 1985. – In references to chapters or parts of a book, the book’s title should appear before that of the editors, according to the Chicago Manual. However the Vancouver system gives the name(s) of the editor(s) first.
**Publishing details – In the publication details, the place of publication often precedes the name of the publisher. This was not always so, but it’s the practice of both Butcher’s Copy-editing and the Chicago Manual; and it makes good sense these days in the era of multinational publishing. If the place is subsumed in the actual name of the publisher, as for Melbourne University Press, there’s no need to repeat it. – In Vancouver Style (C), the publisher’s name may be abbreviated, for example with Univ Pr for “University Press.” See CBE Manual (1994) for further details. Ampersands should be used, as in Harper & Row, in both B and C styles.
seemed to put Fowler’s distinction in place. Yet the event was commonly referred to as the Bicentennial. Three factors help to explain this: ∗ the much reported American and French bicentennials of the same decade ∗ the fact that bicentennial in its attributive use (as in Bicentennial Authority) is easily understood as a noun, since nouns often take on that role in English, witness birthday celebration. ∗ the fact that many classical adjectives have evolved into independent nouns in English: see further under -al and -ary. The Australian Macquarie Dictionary (1997) and the Canadian Oxford (1998) both allow that bicentennial can be a noun as well as adjective – like bicentenary.
International English selection: Since bicentennial serves as an independent noun in American, Canadian and Australian English, there is no reason to replace it with bicentenary in that role.
biceps and forceps
See capital letters section 4.
The plural of biceps could be biceps, bicepses or even bicipites if you know your Latin. Most people choose between the first two, effectively using either the zero plural or the regular English -es plural. The use of just biceps as the plural is probably swelled by those who are unsure whether one or more rippling biceps is being referred to. With its final s biceps looks already like a plural, and it probably diverts the uncertain user from adding a further plural ending to it. In any case, it’s a perfectly acceptable form. Other muscles such as the triceps and quadriceps have the same alternative plurals. Forceps is both similar and a little different. The plural could be forceps, forcepses or forcipes. (The Latin plural of forceps differs because it derives from the verb capere [cip-] “take” rather than the noun caput [capit-] “head.”) With forceps there is a stronger incentive to settle on the zero plural, because of the analogy with pliers, scissors and other familiar tools with double blades or arms. On whether forceps takes a singular or plural verb, see agreement section 2.
bicentennial or bicentenary
bid, bade or bidden
The celebration of a national 200th birthday calls for extensive public use of either or both of these words, as nouns and adjectives. Americans celebrating their two centuries of independence called it the bicentennial. This usage came naturally, and it has the backing of the Oxford Dictionary (1989), because it builds in the Latin root for “years” (enn-). Yet Fowler (1926) argued that bicentenary was to be preferred for the noun, on grounds of analogy (see under centennial); and that bicentennial should be used only as adjective. British usage as represented in the BNC still goes along with this. Most instances of bicentenary were unequivocally nouns (i.e. non-attributive use), whereas most of those for bicentennial were adjectival – or at least attributive – as in bicentennial celebrations (see further under adjectives section 1). Australians celebrating their 200th birthday in 1988 faced the dilemma of knowing both American and British usage. The Australian Bicentennial Authority decided to call the event the Bicentenary, and thus
Two Old English verbs have coalesced into one in bid, one meaning “ask, demand” and the second “declare, command.” By C15 their meanings and past forms had become intertwined, and the tangled legacy is still with us in uncertainties as to which past forms to attach to which meaning. At auctions and in card games, both the past tense and the past participle are bid: They said he bid millions for the house. I’ve never bid three no trumps so often in one evening. But when the verb comes up in reference to commands and greetings, the usual past tense is bade, and the past participle bidden, as in She had bidden him a quick goodnight. These inflected forms now have a slightly old-fashioned flavor to them, and are sometimes replaced by bid. As a noun, the word shows up regularly in newspapers (see headline words).
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com **Punctuation
– The overall trend in punctuating bibliographical entries is to greater simplicity. Periods / full stops are preferred as the device between separate items, instead of the array of commas and parentheses used in the past. Within each component, commas and colons may be used, as shown above.
biennial or biannual See under bi-.
biker, bikie, cyclist or cycler
biker, bikie, cyclist or cycler Three different lifestyles and subcultures go with these words, though all denote persons devoted to two-wheeled vehicles, whether motorized or pedal-powered. The word biker is applied in both the US and the UK to recreational and mountain bike riders as well as members of motorcycle gangs, with their often violent and lawless activities. Biker gear (i.e. leather jackets) and biker movies are associated with the latter, although the scene is complicated in the US by the so-called “Rubbies” (Rich Urban Bikers) who scarcely fraternize with the conventional groupies. Australians meanwhile use bikie to designate the motorcycle gang members and distinguish them from recreational riders (= biker). Cyclist serves in both the UK and the US to refer to the independent recreational biker as well as the professional cycling champion. Again the collocations help to show which subculture is intended: mountain cyclists on the hiker–biker trail or the Olympic cyclist. Some dictionaries note cycler as a synonym for cyclist, but there is scant evidence of its use in British or American corpora. Though biker and cyclist overlap in their coverage of the cycling scene, the context normally clarifies which of the three subcultures is intended. Biker is less frequent than cyclist in either American or British databases, though the difference is more marked in British English. In CCAE they appear in the ratio of 2:3, whereas in the BNC it’s about 1:3. Constraints on biker are suggested by the label “informal” or “colloquial” found in British dictionaries. Yet the stylistic difference has nothing to do with their relative age, since both are on record from the 1880s. Rather it may correlate with word forms. Cyclist keeps the classical look of the word (based on Latin cyclus), whereas biker abbreviates and anglicizes it. Linguistic scruples like these are probably reinforced by the negative associations of biker with motorcycle gangs.
(1992) urge writers to spell out numerical values involving billions whenever they are critical. So however convenient it is to put £4 billion or £4 b. in the headline, or anywhere else, it’s more ambiguous than £4,000,000,000, or £4000 million. The meaning of billion affects the value of trillion, quadrillion, quintillion etc. Thus in the English-speaking world, the trillion is now 1012 , whereas for France and Germany it’s 1018 . And so on. The variable values for billion etc. have not been a problem for mathematicians and scientists, who routinely deal with very large numbers in terms of powers of ten. Astronomers measure the vast distances of the universe by means of light-years or parsecs (the distance equal to a heliocentric parallax of one second of arc). Geologists bypass billion by estimating past time in terms of the mega-annum (Ma) or millions of years (variously abbreviated as my, m.y., m.yr). In the North American system the most remote time is expressed with the one unit, e.g. 3400 Ma, whereas the European geologic system uses both mega-annum and giga-annum (CBE Manual, 1994). So 3400 Ma equals 3.4 Ga. ♦ For more on the standard numerical prefixes, see Appendix IV; and on geological eras, Appendix II.
bimonthly See under bi-.
binary multiples See bytes.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com -bility See -ability.
billet On whether to double the final -t when this word becomes a verb, see -t.
billion The value of billion is now 109 everywhere in the English-speaking world, even in the UK. British usage has changed during the last twenty years, bringing it into line with American on this crucial issue, and so a billion means “a thousand million” (Ritter, 2002), rather than “a million million.” The changeover was led by British financial institutions such as the Treasury, and has been reflected in reporting by the London Financial Times and The Economist for some time. It puts Britain out of step with the EU, where both France and Germany use the term milliard/Milliarde for “a thousand million,” and billion means “a million million.” But it is in step with the US, Canada (Canadian English Usage, 1997), and the Australian government Style Manual (2002). There is nevertheless some continuing danger within the UK of billion being understood in terms of the old value. British style guides such as Butcher’s
bingeing or binging See under -e section 1d.
bite or byte See under bytes.
bivouac English borrowed this from French which transliterated it from Swiss German beiwacht. In C18 its spelling varied from bivouac to bivouaq to bivouack, but the verb forms, more often than not, were bivouacked and bivouacking. Most respondents (69%) in the Langscape survey (1998–2001) preferred the -ck- spelling over just -c-, in line with English spelling conventions for verbs ending in -c. See -c/-ck-.
biweekly See under bi-.
black or Black This word has been used since C17 to translate the Spanish negro, and to refer to the dark-skinned people encountered by colonial settlers in Africa, Australia and elsewhere. In the US it chiefly referred to Africans transported as slaves and was a common designation until after the Civil War, when replaced by the older “colored” and then “Negro” (see further under colo(u)red). Black was revived by the Civil Rights Movement around 1970 as an affirmation of ethnic identity, and actively promoted in the slogan Black is beautiful. In expressions like Black Power and Black English it always carries a capital letter, but not in generic references. Data from both CCAE and BNC
blink show that black resists capitalization, even when paired with other ethnic descriptors, as in blacks and Mexicans. Newspaper coverage of events in South Africa also uses lower case: . . . acute shortage of housing for blacks in South Africa’s urban areas But Australian Aborigines use Black (with capital letter) in self-reference, paralleling the American Black Power movement, and affirming the general principle of capitalizing ethnic names (see capital letters section 1b). Compounds such as blackfella are not however capitalized. In the UK, black may refer to either Jamaican or Asian immigrants, and is not a solidarity name for the people concerned. Like any racial designator, the word black can be prejudicial to the peoples referred to, especially when used indiscriminately by whites. The fact that black/Black is used in self-reference by the people concerned does not license others to do the same. The dilemma prompted the late C20 search for alternatives which could be used in public communication, with some success in establishing geographic/national names, such as African American, African Canadian etc. They have the advantage of being in line with those for other immigrants, e.g. German-American, and of allowing for finer discriminations as in Nigerian Canadian (Jamaican, Trinidadian etc). See further under racist language.
Black English Recognition of ethnic varieties such as Black English is relatively recent, and represents acknowledgement of its status as one of the “English languages” (McArthur, 1998). American Black English probably developed out of the plantation creole used by African slaves and became then decreolized in contact with standard American English, although its relationship with white Southern dialects is still debated. In three decades it has been the most intensely researched form of American English (Schneider, 1996), its name revised several times, from Black English to Black English Vernacular (BEV) to African American English Vernacular (AAVE). In 1996 its status as a separate dialect or language, called Ebonics, was highlighted in the debate over the attempts of one California school district to obtain funding for disadvantaged students under a bilingualism support program. Most of the characteristics of AAVE are paralleled in regional dialects of English, although several features of its noun and verb morphology are unique (Wolfram and Schilling-Estes, 1998). They include the omission of -s from plural and possessive nouns; of -s from the third person singular present tense of verbs; and special uses of been and be, to indicate action done a long time ago, and habitual use (see under be). In other parts of the world, the term Black English continues to be used to designate the variety used by ethnic Africans. In Britain, the variety of English used by Caribbean immigrants in London is also referred to as Black English. In western and southern Africa, Black English as used by indigenous people distinguishes it from English used by European settlers and their descendants. (See further under South African English.) In Australia the variable forms of Aboriginal English are known to their users as blackfella talk.
blamable or blameable American English prefers blamable, as indicated by Webster’s Third (1986), whereas the British preference is blameable, according to the Oxford Dictionary (1989). The first spelling embodies the regular convention of dropping a final -e from the verb before adding a suffix that begins with a vowel (see -e).
blanch or blench Both these verbs connect with the French adjective blanc (“white”): blanch means “make something white,” and blench “become white or pale.” Blanch is often found in recipes for preparing food, as in: First blanch the almonds in boiling water. In constructions like these, blanch is always transitive. Contrast blench, which refers to a human reaction to stress and strain, and is intransitive: My handbag would make a strong man blench. Yet in both British and American English, blanch is now used intransitively in the same way as blench: Tough guys don’t blanch. Data from the BNC show blanch used in this sense is gaining ground over blench, outnumbering it by 2:1. In the US, blench is already obsolescent, by its absence from CCAE data. The Oxford Dictionary (1989) records the extinction of several senses of blench (“become pale”), under the impact of an identical Old English verb meaning “recoil or shy away.” In fearful situations a human being may (1) turn pale and/or (2) shy away, and blench could mean either or both. It can be important to know whether the protagonists stood their ground or not, and the ambiguity of blench lets a narrative down at the critical moment. With blanch it’s more straightforward: just a matter of turning white. ♦ Compare the use of blink to mean “flinch”: see under blink.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com blanket When used as a verb (in blanketed), this word conforms to regular spelling rules. See -t.
blends See portmanteau words.
blink New applications of this verb intersect with old, and with several different constructions. Its essential physical meaning, i.e. “close and open the eye,” is extended now to a range of devices that flash regularly, from distress signals to the cursor on your computer. See for example: Traffic signals blink yellow. The red light on his car phone began to blink. The emotional significance of blinking in showing surprise remains a not uncommon use, often in negative constructions as in: . . . doesn’t blink at the mess No-one should blink when (an Olympic site is converted to a prison) The reference librarian didn’t even blink. He gets requests like that everyday (for a book on the methodology of murder) Transitive constructions, such as didn’t blink an eye (or an eyelash) also embody this sense of (not) showing surprise. The physical and emotional aspects of blinking are of course a liability amid the continuous tension of
bloc or block competitive sport, whether it’s baseball or boxing. Hence the importance of not being the side to blink first. Spectators too must be provided with no-blink coverage of the game by the TV station (no responsibility if they doze off themselves). This metaphorical use of blink to mean “lose concentration” and so “give way” has leaped out of the sporting arena, at least in North American English, and can be applied to a backdown in politics. Among the various examples in CCAE, it becomes a question of which side will blink first (in talks with Israel). This usage is recognized in both Merriam-Webster (2000) and the Canadian Oxford (1998), but not yet in New Oxford (1998) or the Australian Macquarie Dictionary (1997). Blinking is everywhere used as a metaphor for having the eyes closed when one might be expected to notice something untoward. This too can be transitive or intransitive, as in the local problem of blink-your-eye deals, or the international one when nations blink at [another’s] political and human rights outrages. Both at and away appear in such constructions, witness blink the problem away for a year. Control of one’s own blinking is definitely imputed here, whereas in most other uses it is deemed involuntary, or at least subject to external forces. Modern blink seems to be the intersection of two different verbs. Its owes its spelling to the Scottish form of Old English blench “recoil”/“flinch” (see under blanch or blench) – which underpins its use with that sense in North America. Its association with the eyes is thought to come from the Middle Dutch verb blinken (“shine”; cf. German blinken, “sparkle”).
American and British English. Most citations in both CCAE and the BNC have blond and blonde applied on the basis of natural gender, whether speaking of a person, or the color of her/his hair: a stunning blonde, a blonde woman, blonde hair. Although references to a man as a blond were rare in both databases, blond hair was frequently associated with a male head: an idealised portrait of Jesus with blond hair and blue eyes. In both corpora, blond was associated with nonhuman color references, as in built of blond stone or the blond-dune area in Namibia. Yet for some writers, there’s a grammatical distinction to be made with blond and blonde, whereby blonde is reserved for the noun (the stereotyped female), and blond used as the general adjective in blond-haired, blond wood etc. This is illustrated in the juxtaposition of British Blondes with thanks to [whom] blond hair became a mark of feminine beauty, in a citation from the New York Times Book Review (1983) quoted in Webster’s English Usage (1989). The sense of a grammatical divide probably derives from the fact that blond is not often used as a noun in either British or American English: its frequency in that role is low in both the reference databases. By the same token, the two words appear freely as adjectives – the main difference being that blonde is more common as adjective in BNC data (in the ratio of about 3:2), whereas in CCAE, blond has a slight lead over blonde (a ratio of about 6:5). However the adjectival data from both databases confirm the strong tendency to use blonde in female references and blond in those to males, i.e. the natural gender principle. The clich´ed application of blond(e) to female and male hair color has meant a loss of specificity, hence the need to qualify it as ash/gray/silvery blond(e) among CCAE examples, and dark/strawberry/ platinum blonde from the BNC. Both databases provide evidence of peroxide blond(e). The ages of the persons referred to extends now from juveniles – a blue-eyed blond tot – to the cricketing idol – blond, handsome, with great charisma – to the follicularly challenged: his hair – blond, thinning on top. The sexist implications of blond(e) may be dwindling. ♦ Compare brunette or brunet.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com bloc or block
Borrowed from French bloc in C14, block is anglicized in spelling and supports an array of meanings both physical and figurative. In C20 it was for several decades used to refer to political groupings, for example when referring to the block vote of Welsh miners. The spelling bloc is a C20 reborrowing of the same French word, used only in the political sense. In English its earliest application (1903) was to political alignments in western Europe, but after World War II the most common collocations were communist bloc / Eastern bloc / Soviet bloc. It is now used freely of political groupings of any persuasion, anywhere in the world, whether supranational – e.g. imperial bloc, Islamic bloc, trading bloc – or intranational. In American data from CCAE, the malleable suburban voting bloc, or the bloc of white voters may be the key to the next election. Clearly bloc is taking over where block might previously have served, whenever it correlates with a power bloc. Hence the significance of a bloc of seats in the Serbian parliament, as opposed to the contiguous block of seats. It explains also the choice of spelling in a geographical bloc, off limits to Palestinian police, referring to a settlement in Gaza.
blond or blonde As often when there’s a choice of spellings, people assign different roles to them. The common practice with these is to use blond in reference to males, and blonde for females. This is rather like what French does with grammatical as well as natural gender (see gender), and the tendency can be seen in both
bloody Used as an intensifier, bloody was once a word to blush over. However the Oxford Dictionary (1989) records this use since 1785, and it has long been a feature of talk among men, though avoided (like other swear words) in mixed company. The former taboo and its association with casual and coarse communication still combine to limit its appearances in print. Among the examples in CCAE, some seem to exploit the literal connection with blood as well, and the ambiguity could no doubt be used in defence if necessary: bloody brutes like Rambo teach them a bloody lesson in betrayal and revenge SHEER BLOODY MURDER (reported from a Johannesburg newspaper) Other examples are unmistakably expletive, though put on the lips of sports trainers: “Unless you bust a bloody gut . . . you’ll never win a bloody race.” Or reviewers of movies, influenced as it were by the dialogue itself: . . . a bloody awful denouement.
bogy, bogey or bogie Or John Lennon: “They still use the bloody comparisons.” How common is it overall? In nonfiction, including journalism, quite rare. Less than 3% of all instances of bloody in CCAE were intensifiers (even if we include ambiguous examples like those above). In the BNC things appear on first sight to be the reverse: little use of bloody in its literal sense of “associated with blood,” and much of the intensifier (bloody idiot; waste of bloody time etc.). Yet almost all instances of intensifier use come from (i) transcribed speech, and (ii) fictional dialogue designed to communicate the intensity and rhythm of everyday speech. Writers who are not exercising novelist’s license are still pretty circumspect about using it in print.
blow, blew, blowed and blown The verb blow uses blew for its past tense and blown for the past participle as long as it refers to a moving stream of air. In earlier centuries the regular blowed was also used occasionally for both, but it survives with the general meaning only in dialect. No doubt this has something to do with the use of blowed (and blow) in imprecations such as Well I’ll be blowed or I’m blowed if I’m going to, on record since 1781 according to the Oxford Dictionary (1989). For most speakers, blowed is imbued with that colloquial color.
blue For the spelling of blu(e)ish and blu(e)ing, see under -e section 1h.
1 a score in golf (originally par; now one over par) 2 the wheel assembly under a railway/railroad wagon 3 a bugbear; something you dread A primary spelling for each has been evolving, though with considerable interplay between them as the secondary spellings show. The table below sets the order of spellings from the Oxford Dictionary (1989) and Webster’s Third (1986). 1 golf 2 wheel assembly 3 bugbear
Ox1, W1 Ox3, W2 Ox2, W1
Ox3, W3 Ox1, W1 Ox3, W3
Ox2, W2 Ox2, W3 Ox1, W2
The dictionaries agree on the preferred spelling for the golfing term (bogey), and that bogie should be used for “wheel assembly,” but diverge over the primary spelling for “bugbear.” Data from both CCAE and the BNC show that bogy is now very rare in the US as well as the UK, and that bogey is often used for this sense. The use of [old] Bogey in preemptive references to the Devil may have helped it along. Bogeyman now far outnumbers bogyman for the compound, by more than 3:1 in CCAE, and 50:1 in the BNC. Though bogey now spells the golfing term as well as “bugbear,” their contexts of use help keep the two senses apart – except perhaps for superstitious golfers. And though the plural bogies once served both bogy (“bugbear”) and bogie (“wheel assembly”), it’s now firmly attached to the latter. As a proper name, Bogie refers to the American movie star Humphrey Bogart (1899–1957), at least in the US; and Bogey to the British Colonel Bogey, who gave his name to the standard (par) score in golf (Brewer’s Dictionary, 1986), and a military march associated with two world wars. ♦ For other words which vary between -ie and -y or -ey and -y in spelling, see -ie/-y and -ey.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com blurb
This word has made it into standard English, despite its glutinous feel and jokey origins. Coined by American humorist Gelett Burgess in 1907, blurb remains the only simple way to refer to the remarks printed on the dust jacket of a book to promote sales. Since then it has consolidated its identity as a genre of advertising, with predictably glowing words (brilliant, extraordinary, masterly, outstanding) and often extravagant claims about the book’s contents. Blurb is now also applied to discursive promotional material used for various kinds of entertainment or infotainment, on movie flyers, concert programs, tourist pamphlets and software packaging. The blurb’s hyperbole no doubt raises skepticism in most readers, but the word itself has established its place in the English language. In North American English it can be used as a verb as well as a noun, according to Merriam-Webster (2000) and the Canadian Oxford (1998). Blurb appears in the BNC in a variety of text-types, and is given unqualified acceptance as a noun in New Oxford (1998), though it regards the verb as “informal.”
BNC See British National Corpus.
-body or -one For the choice between anybody and anyone etc., see -one.
bogey, bogie or bogy These spellings represent three different words, referring to:
boggle This curious verb seems to derive from the same Celtic word for “ghost” as bog(e)y (“bugbear”) and bug (“gremlin”) (see further under bogey and bug). The earliest use of boggle (C16) is of a horse starting in fright as if from “seeing a ghost.” A similar sense is embodied in the mind boggles, and this intransitive construction is the normal pattern for boggle in British English. In American English it’s turned around. It boggles the mind is much more common than the mind boggles, and transitive uses of boggle outnumber the intransitive by about 8:1, in data from CCAE. American usage allows some variation of the idiom, so that the object of boggling may be the imagination / my creativity or the most analytical mind – not to mention the White House as in Computer sabotage boggles the White House. Extended uses of the intransitive construction can be seen in BNC data, as in: the mind boggles at the potential the mind boggles at what might happen Apart from using at, the data show the occasional use of with instead of at when the complement is a noun phrase, and that when it’s a clause.
bogy, bogey or bogie See bogey.
bon mot or mot juste
bon mot or mot juste
book titles
These phrases, borrowed from French, are both idiomatic in English. Bon mot (literally “a good word”) refers to a memorable witticism or clever remark. The plural is bons mots if one aims to maintain the authentic French effect (but see plurals section 2). The mot juste (literally “the right word”) is “the well-chosen word,” one which suits the context perfectly.
For details about how to set out the titles of books, in bibliographies and elsewhere, see titles.
bon vivant or bon viveur The French phrase bon vivant has the longer history in English (from the end of C17), whereas bon viveur is a latter-day pseudo-French formation of C19. Bon vivant is still much more widely used to refer to one who enjoys the pleasures of good living, but the presence of the other has prompted some demarcation disputes over meaning. For some, the two phrases are synonymous. For others, the focus of bon vivant is especially on the epicurean delights of the table, whereas bon viveur implies the indulgences of the trendy man-about-town (and the “Don Juan”). The connotations of the phrases vary with people’s attitudes to such codes of behavior, some finding them redolent with sophistication, others with reprehensible self-indulgence. ♦ See also gourmet or gourmand.
bona fides and bona fide These are two forms of the same Latin phrase with different applications. Bona fides is used in English to mean “good faith or honest intention,” and agrees with a singular verb as in: The litigant’s bona fides was queried by the judge. A shortage of Latin outside the court of law has it often understood as a plural (see false plurals for other examples). Verb agreements in both American and British databases confirmed this, and there were no instances with a singular verb. This shift in agreement is probably fostered by extended applications, so that it can now mean “proof(s) of being genuine” or “credentials,” as in: . . . unidentified sources whose bona fides have not been established These extensions of bona fides showed up first in the context of intelligence operations, according to Webster’s English Usage (1989); then diplomatic contexts, as in the following from the BNC and CCAE: Mr de Klerk’s bona fides remain unproven. South Africa’s bona fides are now accepted. In American English bona fides may be acknowledged in almost any field of endeavor, political, professional or personal: egalitarian bona fides; literary bona fides; the home-ec. teacher’s bona fides; bona fides as a spokesman for black rage. Bona fide is the ablative of bona fides, meaning “in good faith” (see further under ablative). It serves as an adverb-cum-adjective in expressions like bona fide offer and bona fide traveler, where the nouns themselves have strong verb connections.
bored with or bored of In both American and British English, bored with is the standard collocation, at least for writers. In data from CCAE and the BNC, most instances of bored of were confined to quoted or transcribed speech. Perhaps bored of owes something to the “Our Gang” film Bored of Education, whose maker Hal Roach won an Academy Award for it in 1936 and again in 1984. The title has been a springboard for others, as in chairman of the bored of International Dull Folks Unlimited.
born or borne Though identical in pronunciation, the spelling of these words marks their different domains of meaning. Born is only used in expressions which refer to coming into the world, whether it is an actual birth (born on Christmas Day) or a figurative use (not born yesterday). Borne serves as the all-purpose past participle of the verb bear, as in: The oil slick was borne away by the tide. Both born and borne are related to the verb bear, and there was no systematic difference in their spelling until the last quarter of C18. Earlier editions of Samuel Johnson’s dictionary (up to 1773) gave the past participle of bear as either “bore or born.” But borne had been widely used in C16 and C17, and it gradually replaced the other two as the general past participle, leaving born with its restricted role.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com Bosnia Herzegovina See under Yugoslavia.
bosom or bosoms
The singular form bosom (“human breast”) has a long history, reflected in idioms such as bosom pals, welcomed to the bosom of the family and religious phrases such as the bosom of Abraham, in the bosom of the Father. It occurs much more often than bosoms, in both BNC and CCAE, in the ratio of more than 6:1 and about 4:1. In references to female anatomy bosom is not intrinsically erotic, though on the pages of a romantic novel it may become so. It may be explicitly anerotic, an element of pity, as in all her poor sad bosom, or satire: heaving bosom appropriately cantilevered for the occasion. The plural bosoms is a recent development, as of 1959, according to the Oxford Dictionary (1989). It draws attention to the twinness of the female bosom, and appears naturally enough in titillating contexts (or commentaries on them), as in the movie moment at which bosoms heaved and manhood stirred. Its association with seduction sometimes makes for unintended comedy, as in the attempt to avoid a scandal in the bosoms of the Church; or the unskilled historical novelist whose knights smote their armored bosoms in a gesture of fealty.
bossa nova bonus For the plural of this word, see -us section 1.
bony or boney See under -y/-ey.
Not Italian for “new manageress” but the name of a lively dance rather like a tango, with a jerky rhythm. The phrase is actually Brazilian slang for a new style or approach, and is not to be interpreted literally in terms of its Portuguese components, which mean “new bump.”
botanic or botanical Both words are adjectives associated with botany, though botanic has had little general use since C18. It mostly survives in long-established titles/names such as the Royal Botanic Society, the Botanic Lexicon and Botanic Garden(s) from Cambridge to Edinburgh and Brooklyn to Santa Barbara. More recent foundations are Botanical Gardens, and botanical is the usual form for other adjectival uses, as in botanical specimens/illustrations/guidebooks. The two spellings contrast in: Dr Short . . . is the Australian botanical liaison officer for the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew. Botanical is thus much the more productive form of the word, outnumbering botanic by almost 2:1 in BNC data and 6:1 in CCAE. ♦ For other pairs of words like this, see under -ic/-ical.
both or both of
chronological system based on radiocarbon dating, used increasingly by archeologists, historians and scientists. The BP system relies on measuring the radio-isotopes of remains from a particular culture or era, and deducing their age from the relative decay of carbon atoms in them. The dates derived this way are not particularly exact, and a plus or minus factor has to be proposed. Scientists note the laboratory used as their reference point for BP, according to the CBE Manual (1994), using P for Philadelphia, Q for Cambridge, UK, and so on. For example: 950 ± 100 BP (P1234) Like other dating abbreviations, BP is left unstopped, and can be set either in full or small caps. See under AD or A.D.; and further under dating systems.
bracket When bracket is used as a verb, there’s no reason to double the t before suffixes (-ed and -ing): see -t.
See under of.
bourgeois The implications of bourgeois (“citizen”) are rarely neutral, though the precise nature of the judgement it passes, whether political, social or aesthetic, is relative to context. When first used in C17 English, it brought its French reference to those who earned their living in the city (e.g. by mercantile means) and incurred some contempt by so doing from landed gentry. Following the industrial revolution, and in Marxist thinking, bourgeois correlated with the privileged managerial class and exploiters of the proletariat. Contemporary expressions of the model are to be found in statements like the following from the BNC: The notion of thrift carried little meaning; it was essentially part of a bourgeois economic outlook largely incompatible with proletarian living conditions. From both political angles, bourgeois has the negative vibes associated with “middle class.” In C20 English bourgeois acquired a further critical meaning as in bourgeois taste, implying aesthetic or social values which are conventional, mediocre and even philistine. This seems to be a democratized extension of the original political sense, as in: Free verse has been exposed as decadent, and modern art as the shopworn property of the bourgeois masses. Sometimes the word seems to serve simply as a putdown, as in That’s a terribly bourgeois view. In such cases, the person challenged might well riposte by asking whether the speaker’s use of bourgeois was revisionist or not!
brackets The role of brackets is to separate a string of words or characters from those on either side. They come in five different shapes each with its own functions which are detailed below. The punctuation problems which arise with parentheses in particular are also discussed below, sections 2 and 3. 1 Types of brackets a) Parentheses ( ), sometimes called “round brackets,” often enclose a parenthetical comment or parenthesis within a carrier sentence: Angkor (the ancient capital of the Khmer empire) is situated hundreds of miles upstream from Phnom Penh. In such a sentence the parenthetical words could also be set off with either commas, em rules / dashes or spaced en rules / dashes (see dashes section 1). The three types of punctuation are also used by some to represent different degrees of separation. Commas are felt to make the least separation between the parenthesis and the rest of the sentence, then parentheses, and then dashes. Yet whether all three levels can be usefully exploited in the same sentence is doubtful. Practice and principle vary even for indicating two levels of parenthesis. Some authorities allow a combination of dashes with parentheses – with dashes on the outside, according to the Chicago Manual (2003), or on the inside, following The Right Word at the Right Time (1985). When nested brackets are needed, American style combines square brackets with parentheses (the brackets on the inside). British style as expressed in the Oxford Guide to Style (2002) warns against doing this, because of the convention of using square brackets for editorial interpolations (see section 1b below). Instead it recommends using parentheses within parentheses, taking care to close each set in turn. Other uses of parentheses are to: ∗ enclose optional additions to a word, when the author wants to allow for alternative interpretations or applications of a statement. For example: Students will take their additional subject(s) in their own time. ∗ enclose numbers or enumerative letters in a list. If they are in continuous text it’s usual to put
bow or bows Whether in the bow or the bows, the action is at the front of the ship. For sailors, the plural bows is the usual expression because there is both a port and a starboard bow which meet at the stem in front. But landlubbers see only “the pointed end” of the ship, and are more inclined to use bow.
BP These letters, when preceded by an approximate date 5000 BP, stand for “before the present” (i.e. before AD 1950, the reference date). The abbreviation refers to a
Brahmin, Brahman and Brahm(a) brackets on either side: (i), (ii) etc., but when they stand at the margin in a list (as in this entry), the second bracket alone is enough. ∗ enclose a whole sentence which forms a parenthesis within a paragraph. ∗ provide a locus for author–date references (see referencing). b) Square brackets [ ] are conventionally used in prose to indicate editorial additions to the text, whether they explain, correct, or just comment on it in the form of [sic]. Other examples are: . . . went home [to New Zealand] and died shortly after. . . . [cont. p. 166] In mathematics, square brackets are used in a hierarchy with parentheses and braces, but there the convention runs counter to that mentioned in (1a), and parentheses are to be dealt with before square brackets, according to both Chicago and the CBE Manual (1994). In linguistics, square brackets are used to enclose phonetic (as opposed to phonemic) symbols. Cf. (1d) below. c) Braces { }, sometimes called “curly brackets,” are used as distinguishing brackets in mathematics, after parentheses and square brackets. The conventional order for enclosures is thus {[( )]}, working from the inside out. In linguistics braces identify the morphemes of a language. (See under morphology.) d) Slash brackets / /, also called diagonal brackets or “slashes,” serve to separate the numbers in a date, as in 11/11/88. In Britain they were used in sums of money to separate pounds from the smaller denominations (see further under solidus). In linguistics, slash brackets mark phonetic symbols which have phonemic status for the language concerned. The phonemes of English are listed in Appendix I, using the symbols of the International Phonetic Alphabet. e) Angle brackets are used in mathematics as the outermost set in the hierarchy {[( )]}. In linguistics they show the graphemes of a particular writing system, for instance the gh in ghost. As printed they are sometimes identical with paired chevrons (see further under that heading). 2 Use of stops with brackets/parentheses. Punctuation outside any pair of parentheses, and especially after the parenthesis, is determined by the structure of the host sentence. Compare the following sentences: Their last act was passable (no unexpected mishaps), and so the show earned a modicum of applause. The last act of the show was passable (no unexpected mishaps) and amusing. Without its parenthesis, the second sentence would certainly not have had a comma, so there’s no reason to add one with the parenthesis. Within the brackets themselves there is minimal punctuation: only exclamation or question marks if required, unless the parenthesis stands as an independent sentence. Compare: He said (no-one would have predicted it) that he would run for president. He said he would run for president. (No-one would have predicted it.) Note in the first of these sentences, the absence of initial capital and full stop in the parenthesis, because
it is embraced within another sentence. Only when the parenthesis contains a title, or some stock saying, would capitals be introduced: Tomorrow’s lecture (Language and Social Life) has been cancelled. Their grandmother’s imperative (Waste not want not) had them saving every plastic bag that came into the house. 3 The final stop/period: inside or outside a parenthetical bracket? When a sentence ends with a parenthesis, the point to check is whether the parenthesis forms part or all of the sentence. If it is the whole sentence, the stop goes inside; if the parenthesis is only the last part of the sentence, the stop goes outside. Compare: He said she was guilty. (No-one believed him.) He said that she was guilty (in spite of appearances). Note that this rule for the placement of the final period is the same throughout the English-speaking world, whereas the ones relating to stops and quotation marks are variable. See quotation marks section 3c.
Brahmin, Brahman and Brahm(a) Several applications need to be distinguished in deciding between these spellings. Either Brahmin or Brahman may be used for: 1 a member of the highest or priestly caste among the Hindus 2 a breed of Indian cattle used in crossbreeding animals for warmer latitudes. The Oxford Dictionary (1989) gives priority to Brahmin while Webster’s Third (1986) makes it Brahman. However data from British and American corpora show that Brahmin is actually the commoner spelling for sense 1 and Brahman for sense 2. Brahmin is essentially the older spelling, according to the Oxford, which helps to explain why it’s also the spelling used for the Boston Brahmins (members of the old established families of New England, highly cultivated and aloof), and elsewhere in American English for individuals of the same type. The concept is applied in Australia in references to the Adelaide brahmin (lower case). The few examples of brahmin (lower case) in the BNC were used in reference to the Hindu caste, but otherwise upper case prevailed in the British and the American evidence. One further use of Brahman emerged from the databases. Both CCAE and the BNC yielded several instances in which Brahman referred to the pervasive world spirit or oneness of all things in Buddhist philosophy. This seems to be C20 innovation. The Oxford Dictionary gives Brahm and Brahma as the distinctive spellings for this, but there are no citations for it after mid-C19.
breach, breech or broach Breach is the hinge in the interplay between these, since it sounds exactly like breech, and comes close to broach in meaning. Breech is the least common of them, once a general word for “trousers” (cf breeches), but now mostly found referring to the rear end of something, and used in association with childbirth (breech birth) and a style of guns (breech loaders). Breach comes from the same root as the word break, though its applications are much more limited. It can refer to a physical break, as in a breach in the
British English dike (or in the defences of the football team), but more often it connotes a figurative rupture, in law or in personal relations: a breach of the peace, a breach of promise. As a verb breach also appears in both figurative and physical senses. Its figurative use in breach the agreement is uncomplicated, whereas the physical sense in breach the dike is at some risk of overlapping with broach. The effect of breaching a dike is not unlike that of broaching a keg: in either case liquid pours through the hole. Still there’s a difference, in that breaching is normally the work of nature and broaching a human act. Broach is a term from joinery and carpentry for a tapered spike used to enlarge a hole. The more figurative use of broach in broaching a subject is again a matter of opening something up, this time a reservoir of discussion. Note also brooch (“a piece of jewellery”), pronounced exactly like broach. The two words come from the same French source and were spelled alike until about 1600.
Breathalyzer or breathalyser The trademark Breathalyzer dates from the 1960s, and in North American usage the word is still capitalized more often than not. In data from CCAE the upper-case form (as in Breathalyzer test) outnumbers the lower-case one by more than 2:1, though the verb breathalyze is accepted without a capital letter. Elsewhere both noun and verb appear freely in lower case. In the UK the spelling breathalyser is used from the first Oxford Dictionary (1989) citation, and this dominates in BNC data, along with breathalyse for the verb. The lower-case spellings with -yse also prevail in Australia, according to the Macquarie Dictionary (1997). For those conscious that analyse is blended into the latter part of the word, -yse(r) seems preferable, but there are counter arguments. See analyze or analyse.
6:1 in CCAE. Briar is used whether it’s a simple reference to the plant, or caught up in compounds such as briar patch (full of thorn bushes), or briar pipe (made from the root of the white heath). Placenames real and fictional (the Briar Patch of Joel Harris’s “Uncle Remus” stories) have probably reinforced the use of briar.
brilliance or brillancy See under -nce/-ncy.
briquet or briquette See under -ette.
Britain, British, Briton, Britisher and Brit The term Britain is familiar shorthand for Great Britain, the island which geographically contains England, Wales and Scotland; or else the United Kingdom, a political entity comprising Great Britain and Northern Ireland (see UK); or else the British Isles, including Great Britain, the whole of Ireland, and all the offshore islands. The adjective British is used in reference to many aspects of the culture of Great Britain, yet there’s no straightforward general term for its inhabitants. Britisher is an Americanism which the British do not warm to, and Americans themselves make relatively litte use of it, by the evidence of CCAE. The abbreviation Brit has gained popularity since World War II, though it seems to be more freely used in the US than the UK. In BNC data it mostly appears in newspaper headlines, and in breezy reporting on sport and popular music. But American writers use it in a wider variety of contexts, and in more discursive writing – witness examples from CCAE such as a founding sister of Brit feminism and a Brit’s eye view of American youth. Such uses on both sides of the Atlantic show that it has shed the disparaging overtones once attributed to it. Briton has advantages over both Britisher and Brit. In spite of historical overtones, it seems to be regaining ground as a general appellation, and is almost twice as frequent as Brit in both CCAE and BNC. It doesn’t smack of headlinese, and is not restricted to sports / pop music reporting. Yet the identification of an individual Briton is still very much associated with journalism in the BNC, as in A Briton will command and direct NATO troops or the first Briton to climb Everest without oxygen. The plural Britons does however appear in a wider range of nonfiction writing. None of the British labels (Britisher, Brit, Briton) are relished by the non-English inhabitants of UK, who naturally prefer to be identified as Welsh, Scottish, Irish (see further under Ireland and Irish). In using those more specific names, as well as English, there are gains in precision for all.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com breech, breach or broach See breach.
brethren or brothers Brethren was the ordinary plural of brother until the late C16, when it gave place to brothers. The King James bible nevertheless keeps brethren all through, and it survives in more conservative religious discourse. Protestant evangelical groups such as the Plymouth Brethren preserve the older plural, where Catholic orders use the modern one, as in Christian Brothers. See further under plurals section 1c.
briar or brier Two different shrubs may be indicated by these two spellings, but they have never been distinguished by them. Both briar and brier have been used for: (1) the wild rose and the thorny bush that bears it (2) white heath Brier is the older spelling for the wild rose, originally Old English but challenged by the variant briar from C16 on. The Oxford Dictionary (1989) puts brier first, while noting briar as “now more common.” The two spellings appear in the same order for the white heath from southern France, first mentioned in the later C19. Webster’s Third (1986) also makes brier the primary spelling for both plants. Yet briar is strongly preferred in both British and American databases, outnumbering brier by more than 3:1 in the BNC and
British English The expression British English is generally used to distinguish the standard form of English used in Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the varieties used in other parts of the world. British pronunciations as shown in most dictionaries are in fact those associated with southern and eastern dialects (and with speakers from the middle and upper classes). The grammar and core vocabulary of “standard English” are also from southeastern
British National Corpus (BNC) England, yet they are the staple of written English from anywhere in the UK – if it aims to reach readers beyond its place of origin. The term British English as used in this book refers to the common written language, which through various media and styles communicates to a wide reading public. Contemporary British English is not of course the same as the pre-standardized variety of English that crossed to America from 1600 on, or the mix of dialects that was transported to colonies in other parts of the world in C18 and C19. (See under American English, Australian English, Canadian English, New Zealand English, for the particular dialects concerned.) British English has itself evolved during the last four centuries. The pre-Renaissance vernacular was expanded with thousands of classical loanwords, often in alternative forms (e.g. barbarian/barbaric/ barbarous; tragic/tragical). Cultural connections with France, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands fostered the adoption of words from modern European languages, from ballet to bullet, scherzo to stiletto. The huge volume of borrowings also supplied the formative elements for neo-classical terms – combining forms such as electro-/geo-/hydroand -graphy/-logy/-lysis. It prompted some fine-tuning of the appearance of English words (see for example the entries on check and quay, and spelling section 1). The interplay between classical and French models for spelling is still with us in alternatives such as -or/-our and -ize/-ise. The characteristic written features of British English owe much to C18 and C19 linguistic movements, which were not felt so strongly elsewhere. A plethora of grammars and dictionaries appeared to fill the void left by unsuccessful attempts to establish an English language academy in C17 and C18 (see language academy). Some of these publications held more authority than others, most notably Samuel Johnson’s A Dictionary of the English Language (1755), reprinted with very few changes for 75 years, and Lindley Murray’s A Grammar adapted to different Classes of Learners (1795). They symbolize the collective desire to codify the language and put bounds on unruly variation. The industrial revolution stimulated scientific inquiry on all fronts, including the English language, and the Oxford English Dictionary (published 1884–1928) is a monument to it. Its Scottish-born editor, James Murray, inspired the collection of 1.8 million citations of English usage, to provide a history of the English lexicon century by century from the Norman Conquest on. In keeping with its historical stance, the dictionary is strictly descriptive and avoids judgements about style or usage which would be at risk of anachronism (see further under descriptive or prescriptive). Work on the dictionary began more than two decades before the publication of the first volume. In its shadow, controversy raged over what was or was not good English. The Dean of Canterbury (Henry Alford) published his “Plea for the Queen’s English” in 1863, which drew a fierce critique titled “The Dean’s English” (1864) from Washington Moon, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature. The two jousted publicly over many points of usage, and Moon’s work, with excerpts from Alford, ran to several editions. The prescriptive tradition was thus maintained by individual authors through C19, and launched into C20 by The King’s English (1906)
compiled by the brothers Fowler. The Dictionary of Modern English Usage (1926) by H. W. Fowler is likewise famous for its stoutly worded prescriptions, though they are mitigated by extensive use of citations. This gives “Fowler” more weight than his imitators, and successive reprintings of his work into C21 have kept his judgements in circulation. His influence is stronger in the UK than elsewhere (Peters and Delbridge, 1997) in terms of detail. But his use of the word usage has been claimed in the titles of works on American, Canadian and Australian English. The grammar of British English owes much to the work of European scholars, most notably Otto Jespersen, whose A Modern English Grammar on Historical Principles (7 vols. 1909–49) is in the descriptive tradition of the Oxford Dictionary. The Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language (1985) distinguishes British from American grammatical usage from time to time, using data from the Survey of English Usage begun in 1959 at University College London. The Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English (1999) makes systematic use of database evidence to describe common usage, to show how it varies in different genres of writing, and to contrast British and American patterns of speech. Against this backdrop of description and prescription, written British English remains in some ways more pluralistic than other varieties, for example in allowing -t as well as -ed for the past tense of verbs such as leap. It tolerates both -ize and -ise, -able and -eable, where North American English prefers the first in each case. It embraces more exceptions to the general spelling rules, as in the exemption of l from the spelling conventions associated with final consonants (see doubling of final consonant). In punctuation the British conventions often create subcategories of style which are not observed elsewhere, e.g. in punctuating abbreviations (see contractions section 1); and the positioning of stops relative to quote marks (see quotation marks section 3). Yet typically one or other British convention overlaps with the American, providing common ground for “international English.”
British National Corpus (BNC) A most important source on contemporary British usage is the British National Corpus (BNC). Compiled in the early 1990s, the database consists of over 100 million words from 4124 texts in computerized form. It includes 10 million words of (transcribed) spoken British English and 90 million words of printed or written material, of which 75% is nonfiction and 25% imaginative or creative prose. The written material was published from 1975 on, apart from a small number of slightly earlier fictional texts, which were included on grounds of their continuing popularity. The range of genres and audiences included is large and diverse, from mass-circulating newspapers and magazines and monographs by major publishers to the products of small local presses, as well as e-mail and scripts and autocues for television. The spoken data was collected from the contexts of business, education, religion and politics, as well as radio phone-ins and the everyday conversation of citizens from 4 socio-economic groups in 38 different locations throughout Britain. With this wide range of computerized source material, the BNC provides empirical and
buffet quantifiable evidence on current usage. It shows what is common English idiom, used in many genres of communication, as well as which forms of expression are relatively uncommon – either older ones becoming obsolescent or totally new arrivals. Usage can be correlated with particular corpus genres, such as journalism or academic prose, and with broader communicative styles, such as the formal or the interactive. The BNC represents the current state of the language comprehensively. It avoids the problems of bias and selective taste that are inherent in the comments of individuals and committees on usage. The BNC was compiled by a consortium involving major publishers: Oxford University Press, Longman (now Pearson Education) and Chambers (now Chambers Harrap), as well as Oxford University Computing Services, the Lancaster University Centre for Computational Research on the English Language, and the British Library Research and Innovation Centre. Collateral funding was provided through the Department of Trade and Industry, under the Joint Framework for Information Technology, the Science and Engineering Council and the British Academy. Further details on use of the corpus can be obtained via the internet address: http://info.ox.ac.uk/bnc.
broach, breach or breech See breach.
broadcast or broadcasted The past form of the verb broadcast is usually identical with the present: Iliescu broadcast a further plea for ethnic tolerance. Weather forecasts are broadcast incessantly. British writers hardly use broadcasted at all, by its very slight showing in BNC data. Among American writers it’s relatively more common, and used for the past form as well as the participial adjective, in data from CCAE: . . . radio station that broadcasted anti-Tutsi propaganda “Today” has broadcasted live from the Vatican. . . . a man who matched the broadcasted description. These -ed forms are in line with the more general American preference for regular verb inflections (see further under -ed).
brooch or broach See under breach.
brother-in-law See in-laws.
brothers or brethren See brethren.
Brown corpus See under English language databases.
brunette or brunet The first is the older and much more common word internationally. Brunette dates from 1713, while brunet (from 1887) is rare, at least in British English (it registers not at all in the BNC). In American English brunet is seen a little more often, though still brunette outnumbers it in CCAE by about 20:1. Surprisingly perhaps, the instances of brunet were almost all references to women, in examples like catty brunet, the now-brunet Madonna, and there was scant evidence of its being the “male” counterpart to brunette. For some American writers, it seems that brunet is simply a shorter equivalent to brunette, to be used just as one might prefer omelet to omelette (see further under -ette). In both CCAE and BNC, brunette is almost always a noun. When modified, the accompanying adjectives are mostly approving, though often sexist, ranging from pretty, shapely, stunning, vivacious in BNC to slinky and drop-dead-gorgeous in CCAE. Compare blond or blonde.
broke As an adjective for a person or company without monetary resources, broke is more than 300 years old. In C17 it was an alternative past participle of the verb break, alongside broken. By 1716 it was a synonym for “bankrupt,” and losing respectability as a past participle for the other senses of break. Samuel Johnson threw his weight behind broken with the comment that “a distinct past participle is more proper and elegant.” Johnson’s censure seems to have cast a long shadow over broke even in this specialized sense as a paraphrase for “bankrupt”; and British usage commentators are still inclined to dub it “informal” or “slang.” While broke (“bankrupt”) hardly appears in the BNC, it makes a modest showing in CCAE and seems to belong to standard American usage, as noted by Webster’s English Usage (1989). ♦ Compare gone bust, under bust.
bucketfuls or bucketsful See under -ful.
budget On how to spell this word when verb suffixes are added to it, see under -t.
buffalo, buffalos or buffaloes The Oxford Dictionary (1989) and Webster’s Third (1986) give buffaloes as the plural of buffalo – except when it stays as buffalo, in the discourse of hunters and environmentalists (see zero plurals). But buffalos was endorsed by the majority of respondents to the Langscape survey (1998–2001). For British respondents it was a small majority (53%), whereas for the Americans it was 76%. Continental respondents (69%) were also much more inclined towards the regular spelling buffalos. See further under -o.
buffet This string of letters represents two different words, both of which raise spelling queries when used as verbs. The older buffet has been a verb meaning “strike with repeated blows” since C13. It keeps a single t when suffixes are added: buffeted, buffeting. The other buffet, associated with a flat-topped piece of furniture on which food can be displayed (as for a buffet lunch), is a C18 borrowing from French. In English it’s still pronounced in the French fashion, so that it half rhymes with “caf´e.” Very occasionally it works as a verb (in the same way as banquet). It then takes the standard suffixes and is written in exactly the same way as the older word (buffeted, buffeting),
bug even though still pronounced as if the t were not there. See further under -t.
bug For Americans bug is a household word, with several applications developed over the last 150 years. Few would question their stylistic status, according to Webster’s English Usage (1989). The British also make good use of bug, with hundreds of examples in the BNC. It lends itself to casual discussion of things that upset the equilibrium of body, mind or machine – which works against it on the scale of stylistic precision. The Oxford Dictionary (1989) and New Oxford (1998) query some uses of bug with the labels “slang” and “informal,” though all can be found across a range of spoken and everyday written texts in the BNC. In formal discourse the word might still seem out of place, but it’s otherwise well assimilated. In current usage, bug can refer to: 1. an insect 2. a surveillance device 3. a germ or infection 4. an enthusiasm 5. a computer problem Attached to the first three senses are verbs, whose stylistic status in British English is much like that of the noun, as discussed below. 1 bug “insect.” This is the oldest sense, recorded since C17, and standard in the US for any kind of six-legged creature, and so it naturally appears in compounds such as bug repellent, and also in more specific names such as bedbug, ladybug, June bug. The generic use of the word is labeled “dialect or US” in the Oxford Dictionary (1989), but becomes the primary sense in New Oxford (1998), with no restrictive labels. Its increasingly standard use in the UK is confirmed in BNC citations such as bug spray and water placed around the room to attract the bugs. The use of the adjective bug-eyed “(with bulging eyes [like an insect])” – listed without comment in New Oxford – also suggests that the British are not unfamiliar with the generic use of bug. However there’s little sign in the UK of the American verb bug out, used of eyes that “stand out on stalks,” as in: He clasped his head and his eyes bugged out. 2 bug “a microphone concealed for surveillance.” As a noun this was first recorded after World War II (1947). It must have been around earlier, by the fact that it was already on record as a verb (meaning “plant a surveillance device”) at the end of World War I. Webster’s English Usage affirms that these uses of bug are standard American idiom, and they are listed without restrictive labels by New Oxford, where the Oxford Dictionary labeled them “slang.” Both noun and verb are well represented in the British and American databases. Bugging can be carried out within buildings, on vehicles or a telephone line: . . . harassed by the KGB. My telephone and apartment are bugged. In keeping with the secretive process, bugging is usually expressed in the passive. The further reaches of the word are the political campaign bugged and parties bugged for blackmail. 3 bug ``germ/infection.” Bug has been used to refer to an infection-causing micro-organism since 1919, according to the Oxford Dictionary. New Oxford labels it “informal,” and examples such as flu/stomach bug turn up more often in spoken than written data in the
BNC. The related verb bug “annoy” as in it really bugged me is also associated with speech rather than writing. Webster’s English Usage notes that the noun has escaped censure in the US; and there’s no doubt that the verb is used more freely in print. It carries more shades of meaning, especially the sense “pester,” as in: . . . the sort of side dish your mother always bugged you to finish In CCAE data, the scope for word play with bug (“insect”) is also enjoyed: Iowans bugged by pesky fruit flies . . . bugged by X’s gnat-picking 4 bug “enthusiasm.” Both Americans and the British use the noun bug to refer offhandedly or self-deprecatingly to an enthusiasm: the acting/ spring-cleaning bug or the motorcycle/triathlon bug. This again is “informal” according to New Oxford, but unobjectionable as far as Webster’s English Usage is concerned. In CCAE data it appears in the same kinds of prose as the other uses of bug. 5 bug “computer problem.” This most recent use of bug – to refer to a “gremlin” in the computer (an unexplained problem with software or hardware) – is accepted worldwide. It owes something to C19 use of bug to refer to a mechanical defect, but also seems to hark back to the ultimate origins of bug in a Celtic word for “ghost” or “devil.” (Compare boggle and bogey.) A connection with bug as “insect” can also be found, with the help of Ambrose Bierce’s (1906) definition of the fly as “a monster of the air owing allegiance to Beelzebub.” Though the Oxford Dictionary decided to keep bug meaning “ghost” separate from the other senses, they seem to have plenty in common. ♦ For the verbs bug off and bug out meaning “leave,” see under bugger.
bugger Like most words with taboo connections, bugger has a substantial history, going back to 1598, according to the Oxford Dictionary (1989), and no doubt earlier. Its colloquial meanings are also well established. Bugger as a rough equivalent to “chap” dates from early C18, and this is still its most frequent use in contemporary written English, by the evidence of BNC and CCAE. It mostly appears in quoted speech, and always it’s rich in attitude. Its tone is offhanded, which often seems to intensify the reference, whether to persons: Some bugger is wearing it! Then you’re a sillier bugger than I thought. I can’t keep up with the old bugger. Or to objects: a multipurpose little bugger (said of a word) . . . lift the little gold bugger (of winning the World Cup) . . . gnawing little bugger at the back of my mind Bugger has a role in imprecations, paraphrasing damn. The verbal formula bugger it/him/her/them is on record from late C18, though the first recorded case of a bugger (as in no-one gives a bugger) is from C20. Other phrasal verbs including bugger off (“go away”) and bugger up (“make a mess of ”) are also C20 additions to the repertoire. Most recent are the curtailed forms bug off and bug out (“leave quickly”), which mask the key word lest it offend. Unabbreviated verb uses nevertheless appear quite freely in the spoken material from the BNC, and constitute about
burned or burnt 40% of all instances of the word. In CCAE by contrast, there’s only small evidence of bugger as a noun, and hardly any as a verb, only Bugger it all. The evidence suggests that bugger is more freely used in the UK than the US, a conclusion also reached by Webster’s English Usage (1989), and by Burchfield (1996) on the basis of dictionary evidence. The word bugger is very occasionally an agent noun associated with the verb bug, meaning “one who plants/operates surveillance devices,” or the device itself. See bug section 2.
bullets These are the newest addition to the punctuation repertoire, though different in that they precede the strings of words that they mark off, rather than following them. Bullets differ also in taking on a variety of graphic shapes. They can be rendered as dashes or asterisks within the standard set of punctuation marks; or as small black circles, hollow circles, lozenges, arrows, stylized hands etc., as the software provides. The chief function of bullets is to itemize the components of a vertical list, when there’s no need for more specific enumeration with numbers or letters (see lists section 2). Because they highlight sets of information that can be scanned by the eye, they facilitate reading on screen, and are therefore recommended in the structure and styling of digital documents. See digital style.
bunch of For some, the feel of this phrase depends on its complement. In a bunch of grapes/flowers or a bunch of keys, it’s quite neutral and stylistically unremarkable anywhere in the English-speaking world. In the US, bunch of is also a general collective, as in a bunch of colleges or (more figuratively) a bunch of ideas; and it’s freely applied to people. These seem to have developed during C20 and established themselves, according to Webster’s English Usage (1989). Canadians also use them, but might find the application of bunch of to people somewhat “informal,” and/or derogatory, given the gloss “a group, a gang” in the Canadian Oxford (1998). New Oxford (1998) uses the same label (“informal”) for British English, yet it’s the disparaging aspect of bunch of which stands out of its appearances in the BNC. Whether “they” are a bunch of amateurs/second-raters or cocooned scientists, extremist Freemasons or individualistic head-in-the-sand poseurs – the writer has no time for them. Constructions like these are hardly colloquial or casual, and suggest that bunch of is less neutral in the UK than the US when applied to a group of people.
bureau For the plural of this word, see -eau.
burgle or burglarize These two verbs appeared on opposite sides of the Atlantic within a year of each other, burglarize in 1871 and burgle in 1872. Still burglarize is very much the American choice, outnumbering burgle by almost 20:1 in CCAE. But burglarize has no support in the UK, and is absent from the BNC. Instead burgle serves the purpose, and examples appear in a variety of British sources. For both speakers and writers, burgle projects the meaning of “break and enter” more efficiently than the legal phrase, and it’s indispensable when (as usually) a passive construction is needed: In 1990 nearly a million homes were burgled. Burgle seems to have surmounted the hurdle of being a backformation (see further under that heading).
burka, burkha or burqa This Arabic word refers to the all-covering dress worn by certain Muslim women that masks their faces apart from a slot for the eyes. The Oxford Dictionary (1989) has it on record since the 1830s, with a variety of spellings. It makes burka the primary spelling, as does Webster’s Third (1986), with burqa and burkha as alternatives. An internet search (Google, 2003) confirms that burka is the commonest spelling worldwide, outnumbering burqa by 5:3, and burkha by 7:1. Yet together, burqa and burkha come close to matching the numbers for burka. Their considerable presence shows the active respelling of Arabic loanwords at the turn of the millennium, affirming their foreign origins. See further under q/k.
bungee, bungy or bungie For the ultimate adrenalin rush, bungee jumping rather than bungy jumping is preferred overwhelmingly as the spelling in American data from CCAE. Bungee also has a clear majority of 2:1 in the BNC. But the word predates the sport: as bungy it’s recorded in the 1930s as the term for the elasticized cord used in launching a glider, and for tying up bundles, the bulging suitcase etc. It shares its pronunciation and probably its past with bungie, a word for india rubber, which could well be Hindi. The Indian connection might explain why bungee is now the most popular spelling: compare suttee, and see -ee.
Burma or Myanmar Within the United Nations, the Burmese nation is represented as Myanmar, the name decreed in 1989 by the Law and Order Restoration Council of the military government. It was intended to replace Burma, the English colonial name, as a symbol of the nation’s new identity. However within Burma the use of Myanmar has been shelved because the National League for Democracy, who won the 1990 election by a huge majority, has not yet been allowed by the military to assume its place in government.
burned or burnt These alternative past forms of burn raise questions. Are they interchangeable, or is there some crucial distinction? American English uses burned regularly within the verb phrase, and overall in more than 85% of examples in CCAE. Burnt is reserved for special attributive uses as in burnt cork, burnt almond, and burnt-out, used of vehicles and buildings as well as persons. In British English, the two are about equally used. Burned has a very slight edge over burnt (53% to 46%), which goes with the fact that burnt can appear in ordinary verb constructions such as Their fire burnt low and The house was burnt down. The use of burnt is sustained partly by its being often pronounced with “t,” according to the Comprehensive Grammar (1985), though this is unprovable. Others explain the choice of burned or burnt as depending on the grammar of the verb:
burqa, burkha or burka ∗ burned = continuous action (i.e. imperfect); burnt = completed (perfect) The fire burned low v. The fire had burnt through acres of forest ∗ burned = intransitive; burnt = transitive The fire burned low v. She burnt her hand on the stove ∗ burned = active; burnt = passive The fire had burned through v. Her hand had been burnt Because these principles overlap, they produce conflicting outcomes. This problem – and/or the lack of grammar – would explain why burned and burnt seem to be used interchangeably in BNC data. Compare the intransitive uses in: The flame burnt steadily towards the light Lights still burned in the bookshop. That said, the data show British writers to be generally more inclined towards burned for the simple past (the spirit burned her throat), whereas they use burned and burnt about equally for the past participle. Like their American counterparts, they do prefer burnt for attributive uses as in burnt toast.
International English selections: Against divergent practices, it makes sense to standardize on the regular form burned for the past tense and participle of the verb, rather than assuming that any systematic or meaningful distinction can be made with the two spellings. For the adjective, burnt is clearly supported worldwide.
bust and busted The verb bust has no connection with an identical noun bust referring to the upper portion of a person’s anatomy. Rather bust(ed) has split off from the verb burst, and developed its own identity and meanings. It has acquired a regular past tense busted alongside the zero past tense bust: compare busted an arm with bust their way in. Bust is then a synonym for break/broke/broken, and it supports an array of more figurative meanings, as when its object is a union or “infrastructure.” In other collocations the object implies being caught red-handed as in cadets busted for cheating or busted for possession of illegal substances. Other examples in CCAE show busted meaning “framed” (i.e. charged with a crime one didn’t commit). The hundreds of examples of busted in CCAE confirm its widespread use in the US, in line with its rising status (Webster’s English Usage, 1989). In British English, busted is used in much the same ways as in the US, to mean “broken,” as in wheezing like a busted old fan, and “raided by police,” as in the party was busted by the Vice Squad. The BNC’s examples come from everyday writing or speech, confirming that such usage is still “informal,” as noted by New Oxford (1998). However Burchfield (1996) found the expression busted his leg “entirely neutral.” The status of busted in British English is clearly changing from “nonstandard,” as it was dubbed by the Comprehensive Grammar (1985). The use of bust in gone bust “gone bankrupt” is quite well represented in BNC data from both reported conversation and financial comments intended for nonspecialists. It appears more frequently in the British database than the American, although CCAE data have it in a wider range of applications, beyond the strictly financial to marriages and ideas. ♦ Compare broke.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com ♦ For other verbs with the same alternative past forms, see -ed.
burqa, burkha or burka See burka.
but burst This verb is exactly the same for past and present tense. For other examples, see zero past tense.
bus The standard plural for bus is buses, as dictionaries indicate; and there’s little sign of busses as plural in either American or British databases. But what about the inflected forms of bus as a verb: should they be buses (bused, busing), or busses (bussed, bussing)? Larger dictionaries present them as alternatives, in that order, yet database evidence suggests opposite trends in the US and the UK. The British preference for double s spellings is clear in BNC data, with twice as many examples of bussed as of bused. But in American data from CCAE, instances of bused outnumber bussed by about 8:1. In Canada, bused and busing are also the usual spellings, according to Canadian English Usage (1997). The forms with double s are more regular for a single-syllabled verb of this kind (see further under doubling of final consonant). The American preference for single s may however reflect the influence of the noun bus, and/or the need to distinguish the verb bus from the colloquial word buss (“kiss”). Thus when a president bussed his photograph, there’s no doubt about what actually happened!
The fact that but is a conjunction does not prevent it from being used at the beginning of a sentence. The point is that it then becomes a conjunct (see conjunctions and conjuncts section 1). Generations of young writers have been taught not to begin sentences with but, yet their professional counterparts seem relatively unconcerned. More than 20% of the uses of but in the BNC were sentence-initial, not including those from transcripts of speech. In conversation but is quite often heard at the beginning of an utterance as the speaker alerts listeners to an imminent change of tack in the topic under discussion. Signaling this to one’s audience (or readers) may be vital, if they are to follow new developments in an argument. Still it is counterproductive to use but or any other discourse marker repeatedly (see further under that heading.) For alternative devices that express contrast, see conjunctions section 3.
buzz words See vogue words.
by, by-, bye- and bye The English particle by appears as a prefix meaning “near to” or “beside” in words like: bypass byroad bystander byway
bytes It appears with the less physical meaning “associated with” or “derivative from” in others such as: byname byplay byproduct byword The trend is to set these words solid, though dictionaries differ as to which particular words from the second set are still to be hyphenated. All give a hyphen to the most recent word of this type by(-)line (“indication of authorship at the head of a newspaper article”), although those in the newspaper business are less inclined to do so. The fact that the word is increasingly used as a verb bylined is another factor that fosters the set-solid form. When it comes to by(e)law, you may choose between by and bye. The spelling with bye hints at the word’s history in Old Norse byr meaning “town”; while by looks like a reinterpretation of the first syllable as the English prefix by-. North American dictionaries prefer bylaw set solid, and this is the dominant form in American English, judging from CCAE data. New Oxford (1998) and the Australian Macquarie Dictionary (1997) prefer by-law, although actual usage is more variable. Data from the BNC yields examples of bylaw, by-law, byelaw and bye-law, among which the last was the most frequent. The instances of bye-law were mostly embedded in juridical statements and legal reports, whereas byelaw and by-law were more frequent in nonlegal writing. Bylaw appeared only a handful of times. By(e)-election is allowed the same options as by(e)(-)law by some, though it really is based on the prefix by-, and there’s no historical justification for bye-. In BNC data, by-election is the commonest form by far, with hundreds of examples whereas byelection and bye-election had less than a score each. By-election is the only spelling in American data from CCAE. By/bye also appears in a few places as an independent noun. In Canada, Australia and the UK, it’s used in various sports for the round in a competition when a team is conceded a pass, because of the lack of a competitor. In cricket a bye or leg bye is a run gained on the side, i.e. not from contact between bat and ball. In by the bye, bye is again a noun meaning “something aside,” though it’s often written as by the by, as if it had something in common with by and by (which is correctly written with two bys). Note
also the informal bye-bye, a telescoping of “(God) be with you,” said twice over. ♦ Contrast the English prefix by- with the Latin bi-, discussed under bi-.
by reference to or with reference to See reference to.
bytes The computer term byte was coined in the 1960s as a companion to bit – not any small piece but a blend of “binary digit,” i.e. a unit of computerized information, coded as 1 or 0. A byte equals 8 bits in most operating systems. With the rapid growth of computer capacity, kilobytes have given way to megabytes, gigabytes etc., yet being based on a binary system, the computer terms don’t match up exactly with those of the SI system, whose decimal prefixes they use (see Appendix IV). To distinguish the two, a fresh set of symbols and names embodying bi was established in 1998 by the International Electrotechnical Commission, associated with NIST (National Institute for Science and Technology). These are shown in the table below, and contrasted with the values of the common terms with their metric prefixes.
1 kibibyte
official name/ symbol kibi Ki
1 mebibyte
1 gibibyte
bits value in bits 210 bits = 1024 bits (1 kilobyte = 1000 bits) 220 B = 1,048,576 B (1 megabyte = 1,000,000 B) 230 B = 1,073,741,824 B (I gigabyte = 1,000,000,000 B)
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com The symbol B for bytes is standard; however, there’s a plethora of existing symbols for the megabyte, originating from different manufacturers (see megabyte). As visual and sound information converge, the megabyte of information is more easily confused with the soundbite beloved of radio broadcasters, which gives a punchline. The bite of soundbite is directly related to the common verb (“sink your teeth into”).
C c., ca. or ca See under circa.
-c/-ckEnglish spelling sometimes demands that we double the last letter of a word before adding -ed, -ing and other suffixes (see under doubling of final consonant). Normally this means repeating the letter, as with beg > begged etc., but when the last letter is c, it’s “doubled” by making it ck. See for example: bivouac bivouacked bivouacking bivouacker frolic frolicked frolicking frolicker mimic mimicked mimicking mimicker panic panicked panicking panicker picnic picnicked picnicking picnicker traffic trafficked trafficking trafficker The same happens when -y is added, witness panicky and colicky. This special treatment for a final c is necessary to ensure that it keeps its “k” sound before the suffix. When followed by e, i or y, a c usually sounds as “s,” as in racer, racing and racy (see -ce/-ge). Adding the k into panicked etc. looks strange partly because the inflected forms are much less used than the simple form panic. A variable k is also somewhat unusual. Much more often it’s fixed into the spelling, as in thousands of words like deck, derrick and rickshaw, not to mention kite, knee, leek, plankton. In fact k has come and gone from some of the words listed above: spellings such as logick, musick and physick were used in early modern English (up to C18), until it was felt that the k in them was superfluous. But the k reappears before the suffix in panicked and the rest, like a ghost from the past. Some technical words ending in c are exceptions, and do not add in a k before suffixes beginning with e or i. Engineers and scientists prefer arced/arcing to arcked/arcking. Technical words derived from zinc are written zincic, zinciferous, zincify and zincite. The less technical zincky follows the general rule. ♦ For the inflected forms of sync, talc and tarmac, see individual headings.
it fully. The k-spellings enjoyed some currency in C19, but a hundred years later, those with c seem to have prevailed. ♦ For other examples of similar spelling variation, see under k/c and single for double.
cabanossi or kabanossi See under k/c.
cabby or cabbie See under -ie/-y.
cactus Most respondents to the Langscape survey (1998–2001) preferred cacti for the plural of this word: see -us section 1.
caddy or caddie Caddy is the only spelling for the container of tea – which may also be the obvious place to hide the household keys. The word is derived from Malay kati, where it refers to a particular measure of weight, approximately 600 grams. When it comes to golf, the spelling varies a little. Caddie is more usual and given preference over caddy in the major British and American dictionaries – at least for the noun. For the verb the Oxford Dictionary (1989) has caddy as the preferred spelling, and its use is illustrated in several BNC examples, such as arranged for him to caddy at the LC Club. Webster’s Third (1986) keeps caddie as the primary spelling for both verb and noun. The word is believed to have come from Scottish English in C19. Originally it was the French cadet, but you may hear the informal Scots laddie in it also. That apart, the -ie suffix serves as a familiarity marker on other English nouns: see -ie/-y.
cabala, cabbala, kabala, kabbala or qabbalah All these refer to an esoteric Jewish tradition, or, more broadly, to any mystical doctrine. Choosing among the spellings is a matter of regional preferences, and whether you want to stress the Hebrew origins of the word. Merriam-Webster (2000) gives priority to the forms with one b, while New Oxford (1998), Canadian Oxford (1998) and the Australian Macquarie (1997) prefer those with two bs. The spellings with one b are in line with antecedents in medieval French and Latin (and other related words such as cabal). Those with two bs reflect the spelling of the Hebrew original, although other adjustments as in qabbalah are needed to hebraicize
Caesarean, Caesarian, Cesarean or Cesarian Add in the choice between capitalized and uncapitalized forms of the word, and you have eight possible spellings. Yet database evidence from the US and the UK shows that forms with capitals are a good deal more common than those without. Historical uses of the word are almost always capitalized; whereas references to the obstetrical procedure are lower-cased occasionally in CCAE, and quite often in BNC data (caesarean/caesarian appeared in more than 50% of instances of the word). Given the choice between ae and just e in the first syllable, historians everywhere use the first. The adjective Caesarean/Caesarian is tied to the name Caesar, and so keeps the classical ae spelling even in the US (see further under ae/e). When referring to obstetrics, British writers maintain the ae in both general and medical publications. Americans writing for a general audience tend to do the same, though the
calix and calyx medical preference for cesarean shows up occasionally in data from CCAE. The choice between -ean and -ian is relatively clear cut, and both British and American writers tend to use -ean in Caesarean (cesarean) section. In CCAE data spellings with -ean outnumber those with -ian by more than 15:1. The two are more equally represented in the BNC, though Caesarean has the edge (4:3) in terms of the number of texts in which it appears. Among historians however the preferred spelling seems to be Caesarian. Despite the careful maintenance of Julius Caesar’s name in the spelling of the obstetrical procedure, it seems very unlikely that he himself was born by C(a)esarean section – as legend has it. Only in the last hundred years have surgical births become a regular procedure, and safe enough to ensure the survival of both mother and child. In earlier times surgical deliveries like this were indeed performed, but only to release an unborn child from a dying mother. Julius Caesar’s mother bore two more children after him, so she can scarcely have had a C(a)esarean performed on her. The tradition probably arose from the fact that the name Caesar seems to embody the Latin stem caesmeaning “cut.” The name was however borne by several of Julius Caesar’s ancestors. See further under folk etymology.
caesura or cesura The first is the primary spelling in Merriam-Webster (2000), and the only one as far as New Oxford (1998) is concerned. For the plural, see -a section 1.
calculus In Latin this meant “pebble, stone,” and the sense continues in renal calculi (kidney stones), vesical calculi (in the bladder) and medical terms for other concretions of the older human body. The plural calculi is straight Latin (see further under -us). But when calculus refers to one of a set of subdisciplines of mathematics such as differential calculus or integral calculus, their plural is the regular English calculuses.
caldron or cauldron See cauldron.
calendar or calender The spelling of the last syllable makes a difference. With calendar you have the word for a system by which time is calculated, whereas calender refers to machinery used in manufacturing cloth or paper. Calendar is the commoner of the two words by far. Its -ar ending is an integral part of the stem of its Latin forebear calendarium (“account book”). The Roman account book took its name from the fact that accounts were tallied on the first day of each month, known in Latin as the calendae (or kalendae). So time and money were reckoned together. The other word calender refers to the machine whose rollers put a smooth finish on paper or cloth as it passes through. The word originates as a medieval spelling for the word “cylinder” which helps to explain the -er.
caliber or calibre
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com café, cafe or caffe
In French cafe´ is both the coffee shop and the beverage. Only the first sense has been fully anglicized, but now so much a suburban institution that it freely appears without the French accent in shop signs and in print – hence the jokey pronunciation with one syllable. Both New Oxford (1998) and the Australian Macquarie Dictionary (1997) list the accentless form cafe as the primary spelling, whereas Merriam-Webster (2000) and the Canadian ´ Actual database evidence Oxford (1998) prioritize cafe. is hard to obtain because accents tend to be filtered out by the software. Yet there may still be some cachet in the foreign accent, whether or not the place serves haute cuisine. The phrases referring to what you drink at a cafe, e.g. caf´e au lait or caf´e-filtre, often carry the acute accent. Where Italian coffee-making practices prevail in the English-speaking world, the beverage becomes caffe, but not often with the grave accent it would carry in standard Italian. Its foreignness is still underscored in the italianate phrases caffe crema or caffe latte in which it typically appears.
caftan or kaftan See under k/c.
cagey or cagy Less than a century old, this word still varies in spelling, and the more regular cagy has yet to prevail. Both Merriam-Webster (2000) and New Oxford (1998) make cagey the primary spelling, and in the Langscape survey (1998–2001) it was preferred by the majority of respondents worldwide. See further under -y/-ey.
See under -re/-er.
For the plural of this word, see under -o.
caliper or calliper Dictionaries everywhere prefer caliper(s) for the measuring instrument and other mechanical devices that go by this name. In American data from CCAE caliper is the only spelling, whereas in the BNC it shares the field with calliper. The spelling caliper keeps the word closer to its only English relative caliber/calibre, of which it’s a C16 variant.
caliph, calif, khalif or kaliph Modern dictionaries give preference to caliph for spelling this word for an Arab ruler. Arabic scholars prefer khalif, it being closer to the original form of the word. On the variation between caliph and calif, see f/ph; and for caliph v. kaliph, see k/c.
calisthenics or callisthenics See callisthenics.
calix and calyx The i and y make a significant difference with these. Calix is the ancient Latin word for the chalice used in the Catholic Church. It maintains its Latin plural calices. The second word calyx refers to the protective covering of a flower bud (and collectively to the sepals). At bottom it’s a neoclassical use of the Greek calux (“shell”). Its plural in scientific discourse is always calyces, but in general use it would be calyxes. See -x section 3.
calk or caulk
calk or caulk
can or may
See caulk.
There is no simple division of labor between these, and like any well-worked words they have shades of meaning which are sometimes hard to pin down. In interactive contexts, can vacillates between: be able to (ability) be allowed to (permission) be possible that (possibility) The meaning often depends on context, and the status of the speakers. So can could express ability or permission in I can come with you, depending on whether the speaker (“I”) is allowed to exercise his or her discretion in such matters. In a similar way, circumstances would decide whether in It can make things hard for you can expresses ability or possibility. In written discourse can is less equivocal, and only rarely expresses permission in academic prose, according to the Longman Grammar (1999). The Grammar shows that academic writers commonly use can to express ability as well as logical possibility – just like may. Can and may have similar frequencies overall in academic writing, whereas in other kinds of discourse (written and spoken) can is very much more common. The most common use of may nowadays is to express the sense of possibility, as in It may decide the future. This is true even in conversation according to the Longman Grammar, although may can still embody a sense of permission, depending on the circumstances and the status of the interlocutors. The point of They may leave by the first train could be either permission (if the speaker enjoys lofty status), or else possibility (with neutral status). When expressing permission, may seems more conspicuously polite than can. Compare statements such as: You may go if you wish. You can go if you wish. And the requests: May I open the window? Can I open the window? The higher level of politeness and deference in may is a commonplace of usage books, often made categorical and without reference to its other grammatical functions. Data from the Longman corpus show that may is relatively rare in conversation, where it’s outnumbered by can more than 20 times over. This, and the fact that may is now strongly associated with academic writing, support the feeling that it expresses things more formally. ♦ See further under could or might; may or might; and under modality.
calliper or caliper See caliper.
callisthenics or calisthenics This C19 word for graceful gymnastic exercises combines the Greek elements kallos (“beauty”) and sthenos (“strength”). In Britain callisthenics is the primary spelling according to New Oxford (1998), and it prevails among a small set of examples in the BNC. But in North America calisthenics is presented as the primary spelling in both Merriam-Webster (2000) and Canadian Oxford (1998), and it’s the only spelling to be found in data from CCAE.
callous or callus and calloused or callused In theory, these complement each other as adjective and noun referring to a thickened patch of skin, the latter illustrated in the callus on his index finger. (For other pairs of this kind, see under -ous.) In practice the adjective callous gets used figuratively, in the sense of “having a thick skin,” i.e. hard-hearted or brutal, witness callous murder or callous dismantling of the welfare state. Amid scores of examples in the BNC, the figurative sense dominates. All this explains the need for the adjectival derivative calloused, which in BNC data almost always expresses physical hardening of the skin, as in a big, strong hand, roughly calloused from field work. It presupposes a verb “to make or become callous” which is registered in both the Oxford Dictionary (1989) and Webster’s Third (1986), though it appears only as past and present participle. The spelling callused is much rarer and implies a derivation directly from the noun (see further under -ed section 2). It therefore serves as a way of emphasizing the physical meaning, in citations such as heels can become callused. Yet the figurative sense seems to haunt it too in the callused offspring of earth.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com calque See under caulk.
Cambodia The name Cambodia has been reinstated for the Southeast Asian republic. It replaces Kampuchea, promoted during the Khmer revolution as the proper noncolonial name, and proclaimed in the official name People’s Republic of Kampuchea in 1979. The name has since become notorious, and Cambodia continues as the name registered at United Nations.
camomile or chamomile The spelling chamomile reflects the Latin chamomilla and its putative origin in the Greek chamaimelon (“earth apple”). It dominates in pharmacy and herbal recipes, whereas the French-derived camomile prevails in literary and nontechnical contexts. So the camomile lawn and camomile tea (as a social rather than therapeutic drink) help to make camomile the commoner spelling of the two in the UK, by the evidence of the BNC. In the US, chamomile is still the preferred spelling, according to Merriam-Webster (2000) and in data from CCAE.
Canadian English Outside North America, Canadians are sometimes mistaken for Americans, but the Canadian variety of English is its own unique blend of British and American English. The foundations were laid by American Loyalists in C18, who moved into Canada from the eastern seaboard of the US, and were subsequently joined in C19 by new immigrants from Britain, especially Scotland. The Canadian English vocabulary includes loanwords from Canadian Indians, such as caribou, kayak, toboggan and totem, which have become part of English worldwide. The same goes for certain French words such as anglophone, francophone, which were first assimilated
cantaloupe, cantaloup, cantalope or cantelope into English in Canada through contact with French speakers in Quebec. From east to west in Canada, there are considerable differences in vocabulary; and regional dictionaries of provincial vocabulary, such as that of Newfoundland English (1984) and of Prince Edward Island English (1988) appeared before any comprehensive national dictionary such as the Canadian Oxford Dictionary (1998). When written or printed, Canadian English varies in the extent to which it reflects American or British usage. Generally speaking, newspapers and magazines use American spellings such as color, center and anemic, in line with the Canadian Press Stylebook; whereas Canadian book publishers tend to use the British alternatives (colour, centre, anaemic etc.). Research by Ireland (1979) highlighted some regional differences, in that those resident in Ontario were more likely to use -our spellings than those in the provinces east or west of them. The punctuation of Canadian English again shows both American and British tendencies, but American practices prevail in the preference for double quote marks in many book publishers, as well as newspapers and magazines. Notable exceptions are the University of Toronto Press and the Canadian branches of Macmillan and Oxford University Press, which all prefer British style. In the absence of a specifically Canadian style guide, Canadian editors work with British or American style according to the task and its intended readers, as is clear from Editing Canadian English (2000). A large endowment to support and promote standard Canadian English was vested by J.R. Strathy in the Strathy Language Unit, established in 1981 at Queen’s University, Kingston Ontario. The Strathy Corpus of Canadian English was planned and developed there by the Unit’s first directors (W.C. Lougheed, followed by M. Fee); and the corpus provided extensive data for the Canadian Guide to English Usage (1997).
singular and then create an English plural for it: candelabras. Though candelabras is frowned on by some, bothWebster’s Third (1986) and the Oxford Dictionary (1989) acknowledge it, as well as candelabrums. Contemporary databases provide no support for candelabrums, but candelabras is clearly in use in both the US and the UK. If it matters that there was more than one branching candlestick to light the room, candelabras says it.
candidacy or candidature Both mean the “status or standing of a candidate,” and date from mid-C19. Webster’s Third (1986) labels candidature as “chiefly Brit.,” suggesting that Americans are more accustomed to candidacy, and evidence from CCAE bears this out, with examples of candidacy by the thousand, and only one of candidature. In Britain both words are current, but candidacy is again more common than candidature, outnumbering it by more than 2:1 in data from the BNC. In many contexts the two words seem to be interchangeable, whether they involve candidates for political parties, for local government or for head of state. Perhaps the only context in which candidature prevails is that of academic qualifications, where Ph.D. candidature etc. seems to be conventional.
cannon or canon What’s in a letter? In these divergent words, guns and missiles contrast with the laws and standards of the Church. The spelling cannon is reserved for a large gun, formerly mounted on a carriage, and for the shot fired by it (the cannon ball). It also refers to particular shots made in billiards and croquet. Canon is the spelling for two kinds of meaning, both originally associated with the Church: ∗ for a member of a religious group living under canon law, or a clergyman attached to a cathedral ∗ for the body of laws associated with a church, or other formulated practices, as in the canon of the Mass. Outside the Church it has come to mean any law or standard, or a reference list of items which are deemed authentic, e.g. the canon of Shakespeare plays. The canon of saints comprises those officially recognized by the Catholic Church. Both aspects of canon go back to a Latin word meaning “rule or measuring line.” Ultimately it was the Greek kanon, a derivative of kan(n)e meaning “a rod or reed.” This, strangely enough, is also the ultimate source of cannon. The hollowness of the reed and its usefulness as a firing tube gave rise to cannon, whereas the straightness of the rod is the semantic basis of canon. Other words derived from the same Greek source are the English cane and Italian cannelloni.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com canceled or cancelled See under -l-/-ll-.
candelabra By origin candelabra is a Latin plural, like bacteria and data, and so its Latin singular is candelabrum. But candelabrum is not much used in contemporary English, judging by its low frequency in British and American databases; and its role as singular is often subsumed by candelabra, as in a massive candelabra or just a candelabra. This singular use of candelabra is noted in all regional dictionaries, American, Canadian, British and Australian, without censure except in New Oxford (1998). Of course candelabra also serves as plural (a pair of candelabra, matching candelabra), and in many contexts where its grammar is indeterminate, as in the title Behind the candelabra: my life with Liberace. Plural uses of candelabra (and instances of candelabrum) occur in writing concerned with antiques or ceremonial uses of the branching candlestick. Meanwhile the unmistakably singular use tends to turn up in narrative contexts, where the candelabra is a token of showiness or showmanship. In botanical names such as candelabra primula, candelabra tree (Euphorbia ingenuus), candelabra again seems to be singular. Current uses of candelabra thus tend to mask its plural identity, so it’s not unnatural to take it as
canoe Should it be canoeing or canoing? See under -e section 1g.
cantaloupe, cantaloup, cantalope or cantelope In references to this freshly luscious melon, the first spelling dominates citations from both British and American databases, and it’s rightly given preference in major dictionaries. Yet all highlight the second as an alternative (not in the databases); and the third and
Canton fourth, noted in Webster’s Third (1986) as well as the Oxford Dictionary (1989), connect with a not uncommon pronunciation which rhymes with antelope, and creates a spurious etymology for an inscrutable word (see further under folk etymology). Cantaloupe in fact enshrines the name of a quite different animal. The origins of the word are in Cantalupo (“song of the wolf,”) the name of one of the Pope’s former estates near Rome on which the fruit (brought from Armenia) was first developed. This explains why the vowel of the middle syllable should be a rather than e, but leaves us with the option of French loup (“wolf ”) or the anglicized -loupe for the last syllable.
Canton See under China.
canvas or canvass Dictionaries give the spelling canvas to the noun referring to a heavy fabric with a variety of applications from art to camping; and canvass to the verb meaning “solicit votes or voting support,” and its associated noun. But the spelling distinction is only about a century old, and unabridged dictionaries such as Webster’s Third (1986) and the Oxford Dictionary (1989) show that either spelling has been and is possible. Database evidence suggests that this interchange is uncommon in current British English, given that the BNC’s examples (e.g. paintings on oil and canvass) are mostly in transcriptions of speech. In American data from CCAE it’s a little more common, and the interchange goes both ways: compare translating vision to canvass with a canvas of investment opportunities. As the second example shows, the noun canvas(s) is freely used in the US of investigations or surveys that have nothing to do with the electoral process. A canvass may or may not be carried out face to face, witness the telephone canvass, and can be associated with neighborhood detective work (the police canvass) or implementation of local regulations: a door-to-door canvass to confiscate home-grown fruit. In the UK canvass (as noun) is mostly associated with securing votes or surveying public attitudes, whereas the verb can also be used to mean “ascertain” (canvass the views of members) and “discuss” (canvassing the future), as in the US. The noun canvas comes from cannabis (“hemp”), and so a single s is all that etymology can justify. The verb canvass apparently derives from it, though authorities disagree on how. Dr. Johnson believed it originated in the practice of sifting flour through a piece of canvas, which is figuratively extended to the sifting through of ideas, one of the earliest recorded meanings. The Oxford Dictionary however relates canvass to canvas through a jolly practice alluded to by Shakespeare: that of tossing someone in a large canvas sheet, which could be figuratively extended to mean the public thrashing and airing of ideas. Yet neither explanation accounts for the sense of soliciting votes – the key to its most important modern uses. Spelled as canvass, the verb presents no problems when suffixes are added: canvassed, canvassing. As canvas it would raise the question as to whether to leave the s single as in canvased, canvasing. (See further under doubling of final consonant.) The
plural of the noun canvas is simply canvases, on the analogy of atlas(es).
capacity to, capacity for and capacity of These are several ways of coupling capacity with a following verb, all current and with scant differences in meaning. Capacity to takes an infinitive, as in capacity to learn, capacity to muddle through, and it’s the most frequent of the three constructions in both the US and the UK, by the evidence of CCAE and the BNC. The alternatives capacity for and capacity of take a verbal noun (-ing form), as in capacity for getting around and capacity of evoking quieter forms of heroism. The construction with for is a good deal commoner than the one with of, especially in American data. Both are occasionally also used with abstract nouns as in capacity for fun, capacity of observation.
capital or capitol Both Capitol Hill, the seat of federal government in the US, and the building which houses the American Congress are spelled Capitol (with an upper case initial). It was the name of the temple of Jupiter in ancient Rome. The same word capitol (usually with lower case) is given to the headquarters of any of the US state assemblies, such as the Texas state capitol. Various Capitol theatres scattered throughout the world also use the name, as does the Capitol recording company. The chief city in any state or country is its capital, in lower case. Note that the Australian federal parliament is housed on Capital Hill, within the ACT (Australian Capital Territory).
capital letters
These are so named because they “head” the beginning of a sentence, or a word or expression of special significance. (Capital embodies the Latin word caput, “head.”) Capital letters are larger than ordinary letters, and often different in shape – angular rather than rounded, as is evident in the differences between F and f, H and h, and M and m. Printers refer to them as “upper case” letters because they were stored in the upper section of the tray containing the units of typeface, while the ordinary letters (“lower case” letters) were kept in the lower and larger section of the tray. (For the use of small capital letters, see small caps.) Fewer initial capitals are now used in writing English than in earlier centuries. In C18 they were used not just for proper names, but also for any words of special note in a sentence, especially the noun or nouns under discussion. This practice survives to some extent in legal documents, which still use more capital letters than any other texts, partly perhaps to provide a focus for the reader in long legal sentences. Elsewhere the use of capitals has contracted to the items mentioned in the following sections (1a) to (1f). The use of capitals in abbreviated references (section 3) is more variable, as in the writing of book titles (see under titles; see also Bible). The gradual disappearance of capital letters from proper names which become generic words is discussed in section 2. Capital letters are a matter of regional difference. British writers and editors are more inclined to use capital letters where Americans would dispense with them. This divergence may well owe something to the
capital letters fact that the original Oxford Dictionary (1884–1928) put a capital letter on every headword, whereas Webster’s Third (1986) has them all in lower case, and adds a note to say whether each is usually or often seen with a capital. The traditions thus established no doubt underlie the semantic and aesthetic values writers invest in capital letters, though logic doesn’t always support their conclusions. “When in doubt use lower case” is the pragmatic advice of the Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors (1986). 1 Capitals for proper names a) The distinguishing names and designations given to a person are always given initial capitals. In some cases, e.g. Patience Strong, the capitals serve to confirm that the common words do indeed form a personal name, but most personal names (e.g. James Simpson) consist of elements that have no place in the common language. Capitals are used with names whether they are true given names, pseudonyms like Dorothy Dix, or nicknames such as the Iron Duke. The names of fictitious persons like John Doe and fictional characters like Sherlock Holmes are capitalized. Literary personifications (e.g. Truth) are also conventionally marked by their special capital letter: see personification. References to the Deity are regularly capitalized, and, in some ecclesiastical traditions, the attendant personal pronouns Him etc. as well. See further under God. Extra capital letters are often given in English to foreign names involving articles and prepositions, though they would not be capitalized in the language from which they come. So words like da, de, della, le, la, van and von quickly acquire capitals, as a glance at the telephone book would show. A Dutch personal name like van der Meer becomes Van Der Meer, and eventually Vandermeer. Celebrated names of this kind, such as da Vinci, de Gaulle, della Robbia and van Gogh, do resist this capitalization more strongly. Yet they too acquire a capital letter when used at the beginning of a sentence. On the use of one or two capital letters in names such as FitzGerald/ Fitzgerald and McLeod/Macleod, see under Fitz- and Mac. b) National and ethnic names are regularly capitalized, whether they refer to nations, races, tribes, or religious or linguistic groups. Hence: Altaic Aztec Caucasian Christian Danish Hausa Hindu Japanese Muslim Navaho Semitic Tartar Tongan Tutsi Ugric References to the Canadian First Nations and to Australian Aborigines and an Aboriginal people are always capitalized for this reason. See also black or Black and colo(u)red. c) The names of organizations and institutions are to be capitalized, whenever they are set out in full. (For abbreviated references, see below, section 3.) Most institutional names consist of a generic element e.g. department and another word or words that particularize it e.g. education; finance and administration. When cited in full, both generic and particularizing words are capitalized, but not any small function words linking them (prepositions, articles, conjunctions). See for example: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs IBM Global Services
Museum of Contemporary Art Printing and Allied Trades Union Returned Services League of Australia Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals The names of vehicles of transport are capitalized, whether they are brand names such as Boeing 747 or Ford Falcon, or unique names such as the Orient Express or HMS Dreadnought. Individual vehicle names are normally italicized as well. d) Official titles and offices are capitalized whenever they are used to name a particular holder or incumbent, e.g. Cardinal Newman Chancellor Kohl Lieutenant James Varley Lord Denning President Ronald Reagan Secretary of State Henry Kissinger Senator John Harridene When the title or office is used in apposition to the individual’s name, capitalization practices vary. American English is not inclined to capitalize, whether the title follows the name, or precedes it without being part of it: Fiorello La Guardia, mayor of New York the mayor of New York, La Guardia French president De Gaulle Charles De Gaulle, president of France In British English such titles carry capital letters when they come before the individual’s name, but not if they follow, according to Ritter (2002). So a reference to French President De Gaulle would be fully capitalized. Older British style put capitals on titles used on their own, as in the Bishop of London was in attendance (Hart’s Rules, 1983). But this is no longer necessary except to prevent ambiguity (Ritter); and Americans just would not, according to the Chicago Manual (2003). Neither would put a capital on generic or plural references to an office: when he became king; the prime ministers of England. British and American practices also coincide on using upper case / capitals in honorific titles and forms of address such as His Grace, Her Majesty, Your Excellency. Senior title- and office-holders in institutions other than church and state are not regularly capitalized. In newspapers and other general publications, references to chief executive officers in business and industry are typically lower-cased, as in: chairman of Kraft Foods managing director of Reader’s Digest In-house company publications and prospectuses may nevertheless capitalize all references to their executives. e) Geographical names and designations are capitalized whenever they appear in full. In some cases this helps to distinguish them from phrases consisting of identical common words e.g. Snowy Mountains, Northwest Territory, but in most cases the capitals simply help to highlight unique placenames for countries and cities e.g. India, Delhi, as well as local and street names e.g. Park Avenue, Times Square. They are also used for individual topographical names such as the Mississippi River and the South Downs. The names of special buildings and public structures are also capitalized whenever they are given in full form, as with the Eiffel Tower or the Statue of Liberty.
capital letters When two or more geographical names are combined in a single expression, the generic part of the names is usually pluralized and kept in lower case if it follows rather than precedes: the Hudson and Mississippi rivers the Atlantic and Southern oceans Cf. Mounts Egmont and Hutt This practice is established in many parts of the English-speaking world, and detailed in the CBE Manual (1994), the Australian government Style Manual (2002), and the Chicago Manual (2003). But whether the generic word precedes or follows in the official form of the name can be difficult to ascertain. (See further under geographical names section 1). Compass directions are capitalized when abbreviated – S, SW, SSW – but lower-cased when written out in full: south, southwest, southsouthwest. f ) References to unique historical events and periods are capitalized if they are the standard designation: Black Hole of Calcutta Bronze Age the Reformation Roaring Twenties World War II However ones which are paralleled in different places at different times do not need capitals: gold rush, industrial revolution. Special feast days, holidays and public events are given initial capitals: the Adelaide Festival Bay to Breakers Boxing Day Fourth of July Good Friday Yom Kippur While the regular names of days and months are capitalized (Saturday, September), those for less well-known points in the calendar are left in lower case: solstice, equinox. g) Scientific nomenclature for animals, plants, fungi, bacteria, viruses and diseases have a capital letter for the genus, but not for the species name: Larus pacificus Begonia semperflorens Both parts of the expression are normally italicized. However the common English names for flora and fauna are not capitalized or italicized, when they coincide with the genus name. Hence: acacia capsicum citrus herpes octopus pterodactyl (See further under scientific names.) Astronomical names for the stars, planets, asteroids etc. are capitalized: the Great Bear the Milky Way the Southern Cross However when the name consists of both a particular and a generic element e.g. the Crab nebula, only the particular part bears a capital. h) Commercial names, including trademarks, brandnames and proprietary references should be capitalized as long as their registration is current. Those which become household words steadily lose the initial capital – witness cellophane, escalator, nylon, thermos – and many a trademark has lapsed in the course of time. An added problem in international English is that a commodity such as aspirin is now
free of trademark restrictions in the UK and the US, Australia and New Zealand, but not Canada. Dictionaries usually indicate when a particular word originated as a trademark, and their use of upper or lower case for the headword is some indication of their judgement on its current status as a proprietorial or generic item. Thus the Oxford Dictionary (1989) lists aqualung, jeep and caterpillar with lower case, but Frigidaire, Hoover and Levis with upper case, choices which seem to be largely based on the accompanying citations. This correlates with its disclaimer to the effect that there is no legal significance in the use or nonuse of a capital letter on such names. But Webster’s Third (1986) lists all such words with upper case (a departure from its standard practice for all other headwords), and thus presumably avoids litigation. Even large dictionaries are retrospective in their coverage, and cannot perhaps be expected to be up to date with the changing status of words coined as trademarks. The ultimate reference on their status is the registry of patents in each English-speaking country. (See further under trademarks.) The proprietary names of drugs require a capital, whereas generic ones may be lower-cased. Thus hydrocortisone (Celestone-V). For general purposes, i.e. when not concerned with the trialing of a proprietary drug, the writer would naturally use generic names. For up-to-date information on non-proprietary names, consult the twice-yearly British National Formulary or the annual Dictionary of Drug Names of USAN (United States Adopted Names Council) and USPC (United States Pharmacopeial Convention). In computer terminology, the names of computer languages and proprietary programs and systems are usually given full caps: CD-ROM FORTRAN HTML JAVA PC UNIX This is in line with common practice for acronyms (see acronyms), though not all computer terms are strictly that, as the mix of examples shows. The names of newspapers, magazines and serials always bear initial capital letters: Christian Science Monitor Daily Telegraph English Today New Scientist The definite article/determiner (the) is not normally capitalized (or italicized) in such references. (See further under the section 4.) 2 When capital letters disappear from proper names. Since a capital letter marks the fact that a name is unique (or at least relatively so, in the case of “common” personal names such as Anne, James etc.), we might expect them to disappear when the name becomes the byword for something. This has certainly happened to words such as sandwich and wellington, where the meaning of the common noun is far removed from the person concerned. Eponymic words like those are most likely to be lower-cased when they take on a derivational suffix, as for example in machiavellian, pasteurize, spoonerism. (See further under eponyms and suffixes section 2.) Capital letters disappear more slowly from geographical and national names which have become the byword for something. No doubt this is because the regular geographical/national use of the word (with a capital) is current, and some writers flinch at french polish (with lower case) because they are so
cappuccino accustomed to French exports. Dictionary makers are also reluctant to decapitalize such words because of the inconsistencies they seem to create in a column of compound expressions. Yet Fowler (1926) and others since have recommended lower-casing expressions like french windows and venetian blinds, because the geographical/cultural connection is tenuous and scarcely felt. We might all agree to delete the capital letter in phrases such as dutch courage, french leave and chinese burn, which owe more to Anglo-Saxon prejudice than anything else (see further under throwaway terms). Many people would remove the capital from geographically named fruits and vegetables like brussels sprout, french bean, swiss chard, because they are grown all over the world. This was clear in responses to the Langscape survey (1998–2001), and the majority also resisted routine capitalization of alsatian and siamese. The names of animal breeds like these continue to be capitalized in publications produced by official breeder organizations, yet the trend away from capitals is evident in newspapers and books for the general market. Wine regulators encourage the use of capitals for grape varieties (but not for wine names), so that it should be Chardonnay, Riesling and Shiraz, but champagne, moselle and sauterne. Yet uncertainty in the general public about that distinction, and the unfamiliarity of the places embodied in some of the wine names, means that many people simply lower-case them all. The town names enshrined in the names of cheeses – cheddar, edam and stilton – are not universally known, and again most respondents to Langscape resisted capitalizing Stilton. Overall then capital letters tend to disappear from common nouns derived from place names, though the trend is retarded in certain contexts. 3 Capital letters in abbreviated designations and titles. After introducing a name or the title in full, most writers abbreviate it for subsequent appearances – it would be cumbersome otherwise. The word retained is often lower-cased. So the Amazon River becomes the river, Brigadier R. Sande becomes the brigadier, and the National Gallery becomes the gallery. The practice is set out in the Oxford Guide to Style (2002) and extensively illustrated in the Chicago Manual ch. 8. It was endorsed worldwide by a majority of respondents to the Langscape survey (1998–2001). The use of lower case helps to show that it is not the official name/title, and avoids drawing unnecessary attention to it once it is a “given” rather than “new” item in the stream of information. (See further under given and new.) Some established abbreviations do nevertheless retain the capital: a) the Channel (for the English Channel ); the Keys (for the Florida Keys); the Reef (for Great Barrier Reef ) b) abbreviated names of organizations continue to bear capitals when they consist of the particular, rather than the generic part of the name, as in a new look for Veterans Affairs; the budget for Health c) many organizational names are abbreviated as an initialism or acronym in full caps: AMA, BBC, GATT, HMSO, NAACP Other exceptions to the general principle are the tendency mentioned above in section 1d, to capitalize even abbreviated references to the chief executive roles, e.g. the Prime Minister, the Chancellor, and the tendency to retain capitals in in-house publications,
when referring to company or organization personnel, e.g. the Human Resources Manager, the Directors. In British style the word Government often carries a capital letter even in shorthand references to a particular government (Ritter, 2002). But in American, Canadian and Australian style, government is lower-cased except when the word appears within the official title: see the Chicago Manual (2003), Editing Canadian English (2000) and the Australian government Style Manual (2002). The danger of overcapitalizing is noted in Copy-editing (1992), once exceptions begin to be admitted. 4 The use of mid-capitals (also called bicaps, incaps and intercaps). Some organizations and businesses go by compound names with a capital letter in the middle, e.g. AusInfo, HarperCollins. The mid-capital is thus part of their trademark or business identity, and it defies the general practice of using a hyphen before a capital letter in mid-word (see hyphens section 1c). The practice is established in personal names such as FitzGerald and McIvor: see under Fitz- and Mac or Mc. 5 Capital letters in crossreferences to chapters, figures, tables etc. Editorial practices vary over whether words such as chapter should carry an initial capital in textual references to other chapters, as in: See chapter 4 for further discussion. The contrasting data are presented in figures 6 and 7. The Chicago Manual uses lower case whether the word is given in full, as in these examples, or abbreviated to ch., fig. etc. British authorities diverge: the Oxford Guide to Style (2000) has them in capitals, whereas Copy-editing (1992) explicitly allows either style – so long as it’s used consistently. Copy-editing notes that table is never abbreviated, and recommends against using the other abbreviations except in parentheses and footnotes. 6 The use of capital letters in book titles and other compositions. Capital letters may be used minimally, moderately or maximally in the titles of books and articles, as well as other published or broadcast works. See further under titles. ♦ For using capitals to mark individual letters as words, see letters as words. ♦ For making use of capitals for typographical effect, see under headings and subheadings (layout and typography).
capital punishment See under corporal.
capitol or capital See capital.
cappuccino Dictionaries present cappuccino as the standard spelling for Italian-style coffee made with a topping of frothy steamed milk, now fully assimilated in the English-speaking world. The phrase cappuccino cowboys makes its point in American cities. Cappuccino is the dominant spelling in data from CCAE and the BNC, yet the databases also contain a sprinkling of the variants capuccino and cappucino, in around 10% of all instances of the word. They can also be seen on menus and restaurant blackboards – evidence of the English tendency to drop a consonant or two from loanwords (see further under single for
capsize double). Cappuccino is the only legitimate spelling for those who wish to connect it with its origins in the Italian word cappuccio meaning “hood.” The hood gave a name to the Capuchin order of friars, a French form of the name, which again shows the loss of one of the two ps. There is another connection with the Capuchins, because the Capuchin friar (in Italian cappuccino) wore a chestnut-colored robe, whose hue was then called cappuccino, according to the Grande Dizionario della Lingua Italiana (1962). Thus cappuccino describes the color of the coffee beneath the foam – neither black nor white but brindle. In English the plural of cap(p)uc(c)ino is normally cappuccinos, though in an Italian ristorante or trattoria, it could well be cappuccini. See further under Italian plurals.
capsize This is the one word (of more than one syllable) which must always be spelled -ize, even by writers who prefer to use -ise in organise, recognise etc. (see further under -ize/-ise). The second syllable is not something added to the root, but an integral part of its source – in the Spanish verb cabezar (“sink by the head”).
carat, karat or caret Both carat and karat are used in assessing the value of gold, though the first is much more common than the second. In American English the two spellings sometimes correspond with different measures, carat being a unit of weight (about 200 milligrams), and karat a measure of its purity. (Pure gold is 24 karats.) Yet carat often serves for both, according to the major American dictionaries, and in Britain this is standard practice. The abbreviation for carat is ct. or car., and for karat it is kt. Both karat and carat seem to have developed from the same source, though neither comes very close to the Arabic qirat. Rather they reflect the mediating languages: Greek keration and Italian carato. Both meanings (weight, and purity) were current in C16 English, and the fact that the second one is sometimes spelled caract suggests that it may have developed under the influence of the Middle English word caracter, which was later used to mean both “sign, symbol” and “worth, value.” Different altogether is the word caret, a technical word used by editors and printers for the omission mark ∧. Borrowed from Latin in C17, it means literally “(something) is lacking” – whatever is supplied.
French suffix -uret. The same compounds are nowadays christened with -ide.
carcass or carcase Dr. Johnson’s preference for the first spelling seems to be winning out. In the US carcass dominates in data from CCAE, and it’s the more popular of the two in BNC data, by more than 3:1. The Oxford Dictionary (1884-1928) noted that carcase was about as common as carcass in C19, but since then its use has declined. Canadians, like the Americans, prefer carcass, according to the Canadian Oxford (1998); whereas Australian usage is more mixed (Peters, 1995), like the British. Carcass is a C16 respelling of the word modeled on French carcasse (in Middle English it had been carcays or carkeis). Those earlier forms seem to be reflected in the spelling carcase, though the spelling of the second syllable could equally be folk etymology, an attempt to inject meaning into an opaque word (see further under folk etymology).
cardinal or ordinal See under ordinary.
careen or career The era of sailing ships made careen (“tilt a vessel on its side”) a familiar nautical term, used to describe the ship’s motion under sail as well as when beached for repair and maintenance. New modes of transportation in C20 have seen the verb applied to other vehicles, so that cars, trucks, buses and planes can now careen, but the emphasis is on fast and uncontrolled movement: a hit-and-run driver careened into his car Careen can also be used figuratively, as in careened from one crisis to another. All these uses are at home in the US, by the evidence of CCAE. They are still quite rare in British data from the BNC, where the verb career serves much the same purpose: a fully-laden truck careered through the traffic lights . . . even as these thoughts careered through B’s troubled mind. British commentators have in the past been inclined to treat extended uses of careen as mistaken uses of career. But New Oxford (1998) recognizes them without censure, as does the Canadian Oxford (1998) and Australian Macquarie Dictionary (1997).
carburetor or carburettor The spelling with one t is preferred in the US, whereas in the UK it has two in keeping with regional differences over the treatment of the last consonant before suffixes when the stress comes late in the word. (See further under doubling of final consonant.) Representative databases (CCAE, BNC) and dictionaries (Webster’s Third, 1986 and the Oxford Dictionary, 1989) confirm the American/British preferences. The dictionaries register other spellings with -er (carbureter/carburetter), but neither of these appears in database evidence. They nevertheless show the derivation of the word from a little-known verb/noun carburet, coined at a time when chemical compounds were named with the addition of the
cargoes or cargos Dictionaries everywhere put cargoes ahead of cargos as the plural form, and British and American databases show that writers are much more inclined to use the first. Yet respondents to the Langscape survey (1998–2001) showed less commitment to cargoes. British respondents were almost equally divided between the two plurals, while 70% of European respondents and 85% of Americans preferred cargos. These results suggest ongoing change, as for other words of this kind: see -o.
caroled or carolled See under -l-/-ll-.
case See in case, in case of, and in the case of.
cases Nouns and pronouns play various roles in clauses, and their particular function in a given sentence is known as their case. Grammatical cases are in many languages associated with a particular ending or inflection. English nouns show it for the genitive or possessive, with the apostrophe “s,” as in: cat’s breakfast, today’s program. English pronouns adjust their forms for the accusative as well as the genitive: nominative I he she we they who accusative me him her us them whom genitive my his her our their whose Yet the nominative/accusative distinction for English pronouns is increasingly neutralized in certain contexts (see for example me, and whom) – which suggests evolution towards a “common case” (Wales, 1996). Case distinctions are much more visible in languages such as German, with its separate accusative and dative forms for many nouns. Latin had them for the ablative and vocative cases as well. (See further under accusative, ablative, dative and vocative.) Aboriginal languages in Canada and Australia use other cases which are rare in European languages, such as instrumental, locative and privative (expressing the lack of something). Because English nouns lack distinctive inflections for subject and object, traditional grammars identify their case in terms of their function relative to the verb or other constituents of the clause. So the subject noun (or noun phrase) is said to be in the nominative (or subjective) case, and the object noun / noun phrase to be accusative (or objective) in its case. The dative case would be found in a name or noun phrase that served as indirect object (see further under dative and object). Modern English case grammar has stimulated fresh analysis of the system of cases, in terms of the so-called arguments of the verb and its valency. It allows (Cambridge Grammar of English, 2002) that verbs may take one or more arguments: ∗ one argument
used in making perfumes, both being associated with the beaver (in Greek kastor). The -or spelling also goes with castor oil extracted from the castor-oil plant (Ricinus communis) or the castor bean as it’s called in the US and Canada. Castor-oil politics are of course analogous to medicinal use of the extract – and unpalatable, whatever their purgative value. The spelling caster derives from the English verb cast, and refers naturally enough to one who or that which casts. Both human and nonhuman applications are to be found in the context of fishing, since caster refers to the flycasting fisherman, as well as his choice of caster rather than maggot or worm as bait. A different kind of casting takes place when making movies or staging plays, but there again the role of caster is spelled so as to reflect its origins. In more remote applications of the word, caster varies with castor as the spelling for: 1 containers that dispense sugar, pepper or some other condiment 2 swiveling wheels attached underneath movable furniture 3 pivoting device connecting the axle of a vehicle with the front wheels In American data from CCAE, these senses are usually spelled caster, although Webster’s Third (1986) registers both spellings for them. In British English the spelling is often castor, judging by BNC evidence and dictionary variants, and the same is true in Australia and Canada. The connection with the verb cast has evidently not been obvious enough to regularize the spelling everywhere – apart from the overlap between -er and -or generally, which must also be a factor in the confusion. (See further under -er.) In Britain the fine grade of sugar is increasingly spelled caster, in keeping with the fact that it’s the type for the sugar caster. Yet this connection has also been masked by the spelling castor in the past, and there are still a few examples of castor sugar to be found in the BNC. In American usage it generally goes by the name superfine sugar, .and the spelling is unambiguous. None of the above connects with Castor of Castor and Pollux, the twin sons of Zeus and Leda, whose stars (the Gemini) have traditionally been coupled together – though radio astronomers now believe they are light years apart.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com (monovalent: subject only; = intransitive) they agreed ∗ two arguments (bivalent: subject + direct object; = monotransitive) they thanked him ∗ three arguments (trivalent: subject + indirect object + direct object : = ditransitive) they sent him a fresh proposal (See further under transitive.) Though the nomenclature varies, this approach helps to explain the flexible wording of English clauses, and the different roles of the grammatical subject for active and passive verbs: the active subject is typically the verb’s agent or senser, while the passive one is the verb’s goal (Halliday, 1994).
caster, castor or Castor These spellings cover a range of meanings between them, and are interchangeable for some but not others. The spelling castor is standard when referring to (1) a particular type of fur hat, or (2) an oil
cata-/cat-/cathThese all represent a Greek prefix meaning “down or down to the end,” and so also “complete.” It appears in a number of loanwords, such as: cataclysm catalepsy catalogue catapult cataract catarrh catastrophe catechism catheter cathode catholic The examples show how cath- appears instead of cata- before words that began in Greek with an h, and cat- before other vowels. In some neoclassical words, the prefix has a negative meaning (“wrongly”), as in catatonic and catachresis.
catachresis Usage critics sometimes deliver their judgements with this obscure Greek word, literally “a misuse.” It implies that the wrong word has been chosen for the context, as when credible is used for creditable or martial for marital, where the amusement value of the mistake is not salient. (Compare malapropisms.)
catalogue or catalog Gowers (1954) makes the nice point that catachresis is itself misused from time to time, by writers who apply it to an expression which is stylistically flawed, but hardly “wrong.”
catalogue or catalog The idea that catalogue is British and catalog American shortcircuits the facts. Webster’s Third (1986) gives equal status to the two spellings, and in CCAE’s written texts they are equally current. Catalog is however prominent in libraries, filing systems and mail-order flyers. British usage is much more focused on catalogue, and it’s the standard spelling as far as New Oxford (1998) is concerned. In BNC data, catalog appears only in specialized documents for library professionals, who are more familiar than most with the Library of Congress Catalog. The duality of American usage entails two sets of spellings for the verb, and Merriam-Webster (2000) notes catalogued, cataloguing as well as cataloged, cataloging. The latter are rather uncomfortable in terms of common spelling rules (see -e, and -ce/-ge). Other -gue/-g words are discussed under that heading.
implies catastrophy as singular, an alternative form recorded during C17 but not since, according to the Oxford Dictionary (1989). Google searches of the internet carried out in 2002 found thousands of examples of both catastrophy and catastrophies, though they represent less than 2% of all instances of the word. In standard English, catastrophe resists anglicization of that last syllable and retains its classical look. Compare the anglicized trophy (“prize won in war or competition”) from Greek trophe.
catchup, catsup or ketchup See under ketchup.
This is the only spelling recognized for this word, and some dictionaries recognize only one pronunciation for it (with the last syllable pronounced like the first one in ultimate). A little attention to what people say shows that there are several pronunciations for the last syllable, one of which makes it sound like the first syllable in poultry. Since this is a diphthong, it’s not surprising that an alternative spelling catapault has been sighted several times over in a highly respected newspaper (Weiner, 1984) without being subedited out. It appears on the internet, in just over 1% of the thousands of examples of the word found by a Google search in 2002. The word is one to keep your eye on.
These resemble and yet differ from auxiliary verbs. Common examples are: He seems to think the same way. We began planning the Christmas party. They remembered leaving the keys under the mat. You love to surprise your family. Like auxiliaries, catenatives forge links with other nonfinite verbs, though with to infinitives or -ing forms, not “bare” infinitives. The catenatives also differ from auxiliaries in the meanings they express. Instead of paraphrasing the modals like other semi-auxiliaries (see auxiliary verbs section 3), they qualify the action of the following verb (as do seem, begin), or else set up a mental perspective on it (as do remember, love). Other examples like seem are: appear cease chance continue fail finish get happen help keep manage stop tend Others like remember are: attempt consider detest endeavor expect forget hate hope intend like prefer regret resent risk strive try want Note that some catenatives can take either to-infinitives or -ing constructions as their complement, others only one of them. Catenatives are relatively new in the classification of English verbs, and grammarians still debate which belong to the class. The Comprehensive Grammar (1985) admits only the first group mentioned above, whereas the Introduction to the Grammar of English (1984) allows both. The latter questions whether a third group of verbs could also belong, ones whose complement is a to-infinitive but which require a noun phrase in between: He advised her parents to come. Other examples of this type are: ask entreat invite oblige remind request teach tell urge These verbs typically express some kind of speech act. The Longman Grammar (1999) groups the three types together with those which take a content clause as complement (see content clause), and uses the term “controlling verbs” for all.
cater for or to
The plural of this word is still usually catastrophes, despite the occasional appearance of catastrophies, at least in American English. It is not acknowledged in Webster’s Third (1986) though Webster’s English Usage (1989) reports that its editors were aware of it, and there are a few instances in CCAE. Such a plural
Database evidence confirms that cater is usually construed with for in British English and to in American English. Compare cater for all tastes, cater for exceptional persons (from the BNC) with cater to a specialized clientele, cater to our every whim (CCAE). There are however counter examples in each corpus,
International English selection: Catalogue is well established in both American and British English, and linguistically regular as a base for the verb forms catalogued and cataloguing. On both counts it seems preferable.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com catalyze or catalyse
British and American English diverge on these. In the US, catalyze is the primary spelling, according to Merriam-Webster (2000), and it’s the only spelling in data from CCAE. But catalyse is strongly preferred in the UK, as indicated in New Oxford (1998), although catalyze appears in a few, mostly technical examples in the BNC. For other -yse/-yze pairs, see -yze/-yse.
cataphoric and cataphora See under anaphora, and coherence or cohesion (section 2).
caulk, calk or calque witness cater to the frat pack (BNC), and cater for the black community (CCAE), suggesting that some American/British writers are already embracing the other construction. In American English (but not British) cater can be used transitively: cater meals, cater three more wedding receptions, cater various events at the White House; and absolutely, as in we will cater.
cater(-)corner, cater(-)cornered, catty-corner or kitty-corner All these variants and more are used in North America to refer to the direction diagonally opposite across a space, outdoors or inside: . . . an abandoned house catercorner to the church Two women sat catty-corner from each other, chatting. The family lived kitty-corner across the fields from my grandfather. He sat at the end of the defense table, turned catercorner toward the jury. The forms shown in these examples: catercorner, catty-corner and kitty-corner, are about equally represented in CCAE data, but cater(-)cornered makes little showing. American English generally makes less use of -ed in compound words (see inflectional extras). Merriam-Webster (2000) settles on the widely used catercorner for its headword, though DARE also notes the prevalence of kitty-corner in northern areas of the US, as in Canada (Canadian English Usage, 1997). As often, unsettled spellings reflect the opaqueness of the word – for all but gamblers, who might know cater as the term for “four” on the dice (from the French quatre). Across the face of the dice the dots are catercorner to each other.
prefer to be called just Catholics. The term Catholic is usefully inclusive in North America, where Spanish, Italian and Irish church traditions are all well established; and in Australia, with both Irish and Italian traditions. ♦ Compare Protestant.
caucus This term for the group who develop political strategies for a particular party probably comes from the Algonquian word for “elder, adviser.” It owes nothing to Latin, and so the plural is caucuses. Caucus can be used of a meeting of that political executive group, and it also serves as a verb: Party members caucused last week over the issue.
cauldron or caldron Whatever the brew, cauldron is the standard spelling in the UK. The Oxford Dictionary (1989) gives it priority, and it dominates in data from the BNC. In the US the field is more evenly divided: both spellings are well represented in CCAE, but instances of cauldron still outnumber those of caldron in the ratio of 7:3. Caldron nevertheless takes precedence in Webster’s Third (1986), hence the fact that it’s often thought of as the American spelling. Cauldron is given as the primary spelling in Canadian Oxford (1998) and the Australian Macquarie Dictionary (1997). Cauldron and caldron are both respellings of the original loanword caudron from medieval French, designed to show its connection with the Latin caldarium (“hot bath”). The spelling caldron is the earlier of the two, dating from the Middle Ages, whereas cauldron is a Renaissance respelling. Dr. Johnson’s dictionary put its weight behind caldron.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com cathode or kathode See under k/c.
Catholic or catholic What’s in a capital letter? Written without it, catholic implies “universal, all-embracing” and is uncontroversial and unfettered in meaning: Since her taste was catholic she enjoyed almost any of the videos people brought her. With a capital, Catholic becomes the focus of theological argument. Technically it might then refer to the whole Christian Church, the Church universal, irrespective of orthodoxies and denominations. In practice Catholic frequently refers to the Catholic Church based in Rome, when the point is simply to distinguish it from the Protestant and Orthodox churches (Greek and Russian). Examples such as a Catholic country, Spain’s Catholic kings and Catholic primary schools all illustrate this use of Catholic to mean Roman Catholic, as do references to the Catholic-Nationalists of Northern Ireland. But in England one needs to distinguish between Roman Catholic and Anglo-Catholic (the “high” movement within the Church of England), and thus the term Catholic is often qualified one way or the other. Some Protestants and Anglo-Catholics use Roman Catholic (as adjective/noun) to insist that the referents cannot lay claim to the Church universal. Yet theological contentions are not necessarily uppermost in the minds of ordinary members of the Roman Church who
International English selection: Though it’s a compromise spelling, cauldron currently has the broader base of usage, in North America as well as Australia and Britain.
caulk, calk or calque These three spellings represent several developments from the Latin verb calcare (“tread”). 1 To caulk (a boat or anything else) is to press a filler substance into the spaces between the pieces of wood, tile etc. of which it’s made, in order to make it water- or air-tight. The spelling caulk is given preference for this over calk in British, Canadian and Australian dictionaries, whereas in American dictionaries it is the other way round. 2 Calk is the primary spelling for (i) the small projection on a horseshoe designed to prevent slipping, and (ii) the spiked plate on the soles of shoes worn by loggers. The same spelling also applies to the industrial process in which a design is transferred by pressure from one sheet to another. This usage is occasionally spelled in the French way as calque. 3 Calque is the regular spelling for a “loan translation,” the linguistic analogue of the industrial process of calking, but pronounced in the French way so as to rhyme with “talc” rather than “talk.” A calque is an expression created in one language to parallel a particular word or phrase in another. It matches the original expression in structure, but slots into it words from the borrowing language. For an
caveat emptor English example of a calque, think of commonwealth coined in C16 to represent the Latin “res publica.” They are equivalent apart from the different sequences of adjective and noun in the two expressions. See further under commonwealth.
caveat emptor This Latin phrase, borrowed into English in C16, means “let the buyer beware.” In law it expresses the principle that the seller of goods is not responsible for the quality of the goods, unless the goods are under warranty. In more general usage it urges buyers to subject purchases to close scrutiny.
caviar or caviare The first is the authentic French spelling, the second an anglicized form from C18. Dictionaries make them equal alternatives, though the Oxford Dictionary (1989) gives priority to caviare and Webster’s Third (1986) to caviar. In fact caviar prevails in both British and American databases. Citations in the BNC run 2:1 in favor of caviar; and amid hundreds of American examples of the word in CCAE, caviare is not to be found. So caviar dominates in edited English texts, whatever else happens on menus and product labels. ♦ Other French loanwords to acquire an extra e are discussed under -e section 3.
c.c. or cc, CC or C.C. This abbreviation found at the foot of business and institutional letters stands for “carbon copy.” The Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors (1981) allowed only c.c. (with stops), to differentiate it from the abbreviation cc for “cubic centimetre.” But the use of cc for “carbon copy” is acknowledged in most dictionaries, British and American. British correspondents definitely prefer to put the abbreviation in lower case, where their American counterparts may use upper-case forms. Webster’s Third (1986) presents it without stops as CC, whereas the Random House Dictionary (1987) has it as C.C. The function of c.c./cc is to tell the letter’s addressee that an exact copy has been sent to those people named/listed alongside, a convention which serves two rather different purposes. It undoubtedly saves the addressee the effort of sending further copies to the other people named. Effectively it also warns the addressee that others have been informed about the contents of the letter. For more about commercial letter writing conventions, see under commercialese. ♦ Note that the abbreviation c.c./cc (“cubic centimetre(s)”), once used in measurements of liquid volume and engine capacity, has been superseded among SI units by cm3 and L. See Appendix IV.
CD-ROM This is code for “compact disk read-only memory,” where CD distinguishes it from other computer memory systems such as hard or floppy disk, and ROM from the computer’s RAM (“random access memory”), which can be both read and written to. With these two significant parts CD-ROM is always hyphened and normally capitalized, like other computer abbreviations (see capital letters, section 1h). While CD-ROM is now the common name for the electronic commercial product, computer specialists work with CD-Rs, which can be written on once, and CD-RWs, which can be written to, erased and rewritten.
CE This abbreviation coming after a date means “Common Era.” See further under BC.
-ce/-cy For alternative spellings like permanence/permanency, see -nce/-ncy.
-ce/-ge Words ending in -ce or -ge need special attention when suffixes are added to them. Most words ending in -e drop it before adding any suffix beginning with a vowel. (Think of move, moving and movable; and see further under -e.) But words with -ce and -ge vary according to the first vowel of the suffix. If it begins with a (as in -able, -age, -al, -an) or o (as in -ose, -ous, -osity), the word remains unchanged and keeps its e. See for instance: replaceable manageable outrageous In words like these, the e serves a vital purpose in preserving the c or g as a “soft” sound: compare replaceable with implacable, and outrageous with analogous. But if the suffix begins with e (as in -ed or-er), i (as in -ing, -ism, -ist) or y, words ending in -ce or -ge can drop their e. Think of the following words based on race: raced racer racing racism racist racy The “s” sound is maintained in each of them through the vowel of the suffix. Alternative means of preserving the “soft” “c”/“g” sounds can be seen in the spellings of forcible and unenforceable, of tangible and changeable. The words ending in -ible came direct from Latin, while those with -eable have been formed in English. See further under -able/-ible, and also -eable.
CCAE The Cambridge International Corpus of American English, abbreviated as CCAE, has supplied the data on American usage for many entries in this book. The database consists of approximately 140 million words, of which approximately 120 million come from written sources such as newspapers and monographs, fiction and nonfiction published between 1986 and 2000. It also contains about 22 million words transcribed from spoken sources.
-ce/-se In pairs such as advice/advise and device/devise, the -ce and -se have complementary roles, with -ce marking the noun and -se the verb. The -ce is of course pronounced “s,” and the -se “z.” In Britain and Australia this spelling convention also affects licence and practice, so that license and practise must be verbs, while licence and practice are nouns. This makes no difference to their pronunciation, but demands a modicum of grammar to get each spelling in its rightful place. In American English one spelling serves for each word, whatever its grammatical role (see further under license and practice). Regional differences also emerge in the American spelling of defense, offense and pretense, as opposed to
Celtic or Keltic British defence, offence and pretence. The -ce spellings commit British (and Australian) writers to inconsistencies such as defence/defensive, offence/offensive and pretence/pretension, which Americans are spared. Canadians labor with both systems, according to the Canadian Oxford (1998), using the -ce spelling for defence/offence and -se for pretense. The spellings defense, offense and pretense are not only more straightforward, but just as old as the spellings with -ce. Anglo-Norman scribes introduced c into the spellings of both native and borrowed words of English, some of which have become the standard form, e.g. once (earlier “ones”) and grocery (earlier “grossier”).
International English selection: The -se spellings for defense, offense and pretense have the great advantage of consistency with their derivative forms defensive, offensive, pretension.
-cede/-ceed Why should words like exceed, proceed and succeed be spelled one way, and concede, intercede, precede, recede and secede in another? All these words go back to the Latin verb cedere (“yield or move”), but the second group are much more recent arrivals in English, mostly post-Renaissance, whereas the first set were actively used in C14 and C15. Middle English scribes turned the Latin ced- into -ceed to bring those words into line with native English ones such as feed and need, which were pronounced the same way. The words ending in -cede came into English from written sources during the Renaissance, hence both their bookish flavor and their classical spelling. The divergent spellings of proceed and precede, and of proceeding(s) and procedure, can be explained in the same way. The classical spelling of procedure confirms that it was borrowed later into English (in C17). Its -ced- spelling goes with the foreign suffix -ure, whereas the -ceed goes with the English -ing ending. ♦ For the spelling of supersede, see supersede or supercede.
celebrant and celebrator The first of these is associated primarily with religious services, in phrases such as chief celebrant and preacher or principal celebrant at the funeral mass. In American English, celebrant also has its secular and democratic uses, as an artful way of referring to participants and revelers at public festivities: a celebrant holds his beer mug at the German-American festival, and no anti-celebrant is safe on the streets [of New York] from breakfast [on St Patrick’s Day]. In British English, celebrant is occasionally used of the protagonist for a particular cause or point of view, seen in BNC examples such as celebrant of the English country station and celebrant of the mystique of the public school. American examples of these more abstract uses can be found in CCAE examples such as celebrant of the life of Whitman and a John Ford-like celebrant of the American West. The alternative celebrator is little used, despite being closer in form to the essential verb celebrate, and recommended by American usage writers of the 1950s to avoid secularization of celebrant. In fact celebrator appears only a handful of times in CCAE: in references to the reveler, as in New Year’s celebrator, and to the protagonist, as in celebrator of diversity. The BNC contains a solitary example of its use in narrator and celebrator of these blisses, suggesting ad hoc formation from the verb rather than the establishment of the noun in British English.
Celsius or centigrade Celsius is the official name for the centigrade scale of temperature used within the metric system. The scale was devised by the Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius (1701–44), using the freezing and boiling points of pure water as its reference points. They establish a scale from 0 degrees to 100 degrees. The Celsius scale dovetails with the Kelvin scale of temperature, which offers an “absolute zero” temperature of 273 degrees, the theoretical temperature at which gas molecules have zero kinetic energy. Celsius temperatures have been gradually adopted in Britain (and more quickly in Australia) to replace the Fahrenheit system. Older kitchen stoves, and cookery books, are of course calibrated in degrees Fahrenheit. In the US, temperature is still generally measured on the Fahrenheit scale. (See further under Fahrenheit and metrication.) The name Celsius is preferred to the metric name centigrade as a way of highlighting the names of famous scientists – part of the naming policy of the Bureau International de Poids et Mesures. Like other scientific eponyms celsius can appear without an initial capital letter (see under eponyms), though in BNC data it’s still capitalized more often than not. For centigrade, the ratio of capitalized to non-capitalized forms is about 50/50.
cedilla This is one of the less familiar foreign accents to come into English, and the only one to be written beneath the letter it affects. It comes with a handful of loanwords from French such as fac¸ade and garc¸on, and with the Portuguese curac¸ao. In both languages the cedilla keeps a c sounding like “s” before a, o and u. Before e and i, it’s not needed because those vowels keep the c soft anyway. The cedilla comes and goes in the spelling of French verbs, depending on the following vowel: nous annonc¸ons “we announce” vous annoncez “you announce” vous recevez “you receive” ils rec¸oivent “they receive” In English the cedilla on loanwords is often left out because of its absence from many keyboards and wordprocessors. The name cedilla comes from the Spanish zedilla. It means “little z,” a rough way of describing its shape. But it was first used in writing French words in C16, as an alternative for cz in faczade or for ce in receoivent.
Celtic or Keltic The name Celtic (pronounced “keltic”) is used to refer collectively to the peoples of Wales, Scotland and Ireland, who emigrated across Europe more than 2000 years ago. Thus the term Anglo-Celtic used in Canada and Australia refers collectively to immigrants from all parts of the British Isles, as opposed to those who emigrated from Continental Europe and elsewhere.
cement or concrete The original Celts left traces of their civilization in various places across Continental Europe, in Switzerland, Spain and in France. The people of present-day Brittany still speak a Celtic language, Breton, which is closely related to Welsh. Together, Breton- and Welsh-speakers make up a larger Celtic-speaking population (over 1 million) than the speakers of Scottish and Irish Gaelic (between 100,000 and 200,000, according to estimates in the Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, 1987). Celtic (pronounced “seltic”) is nevertheless the rallying cry for the Scottish football team based in Glasgow (as well as that of the Boston-based basketball team). Keltic reflects the original Greek name for the Celts: Keltoi. It has been more used by scholars than writers at large, and serves to distinguish the ancient nomadic people from their modern descendants.
sesquicentenary (150 years). In BNC data centenary outnumbers centennial by about 25:1, and it’s freely applied to the hundredth anniversary of persons (Prokofiev, Mondrian, James Joyce) as well as institutions large and small (Science Museum, Birmingham’s Book Room). Comparable American data from CCAE shows extensive use of centennial (adjective or noun) for the 100-year celebrations of anything from the transcontinental railroad to the Statue of Liberty, and it appears – more permanently – in the names of high schools, tennis competitions, city parks and a range of mountains, among other things. Thus centennial is the dominant term, outnumbering centenary in CCAE by about 10:1. Canadians and New Zealanders share the American preference, while Australians are ambivalent. See further under bicentennial.
cement or concrete
In their physical applications, these words are sometimes interchanged, as when a concrete mixer is referred to as a cement mixer. Cement is of course the bonding agent in concrete, although concrete’s strength comes from the other ingredients, i.e. the steel reinforcing or crushed stones. The substitution of cement for concrete is therefore an everyday instance of meronymy (see under synechdoche). Figurative uses of cement pick up the sense of bonding as in social cement, and the sense is extended in BNC examples of its use as a verb, as in cement a relationship, cement his authority, cement that deep family loyalty to the institution. The figurative uses of concrete are typically adjectival, as the opposite of abstract in concrete terms, concrete social consequences and the concrete world of experience.
This prefix means “one hundredth,” as in centimetre, centisecond and other words of measurement used within the metric system (see further under metrication and number prefixes). Yet centi- is derived from the Latin word centum meaning “one hundred,” and this is its meaning in words like centenary and century, borrowed direct from Latin. Note by way of curiosity that most centipedes do not actually have 100 feet or legs (50 pairs), but anywhere between 15 and 170 pairs. (Compare millipede: see under milli-.)
centigrade or Celsius See under Celsius.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com censor or censure
As verbs these seem to overlap because both involve strong negative judgements. They differ in that censor implies official control of information which is deemed dangerous for the public, and results in the proscription or banning of such things as books, movies or news items. It is a preventive measure, whereas censure voices public criticism of things already done, as when members of government are censured in a formal parliamentary motion. As nouns the two words go their separate ways, censor as an agent word “one who censors,” and censure as the abstract noun for “strongly voiced criticism.”
centennial or centenary These are registered as both adjective and noun in most dictionaries, and there’s no controversy over their being “adjectives.” However it becomes debatable when they act as qualifiers, as in Elgar’s birthday centenary celebrations, where they might equally be regarded as nouns in attributive roles. Both centennial and centenary look like Latin adjectives, so there is more room for doubt about their role as nouns, especially if they are relatively rare. Database evidence shows that centenary is a rarity for Americans, whereas centennial is little used by the British. British use of centennial (as adjective or noun) has probably been constrained by Fowler’s express preference for centenary, because it matched up better with bicentenary, tercentenary etc. and
centre/center on or around
Just which particle should be used with the verb centre/center is sometimes debated, though the major dictionaries are accommodating. Webster’s Third (1986) makes it clear that any of a number of particles is possible (in, at, on, upon, about, (a)round); and the Oxford Dictionary (1989) shows both shift from in to on, and the acceptability of (a)round. So why the fuss about using centre/center around? Webster’s English Usage (1989) traces it to American college composition books of the 1920s, whose authors found it “illogical,” apparently because they were thinking in strictly geometrical terms. In fact mathematicians tend to use centre/center at. American and British databases show that center/centre on constructions are a good deal more frequent than center/centre around, by about 5:1, but both serve to identify a focus or topic of interest: . . . an economy centered on agriculture The debate should not centre on cost. Antiwhaling could centre around alternatives to whale products. Speculation centered around such companies as T-C Inc. As in these examples, there’s some tendency to use around with a plural topic, though both CCAE and BNC could provide counter examples. The writer may be pinpointing a focus of attention, or the “circle” of interest around it, but either way it works without any strict spatial analogy. New Oxford (1998) accepts this use of centre/center around, as being well established and idiomatic. Its meaning may be less focused than the one assumed by its critics, but it clearly indicates the starting point for discussion.
chacun à son goût ♦ For the choice between centre and center, see -re/-er.
centuries In the Anglo-Saxon historical tradition, we number centuries by thinking ahead to the boundary with the next one. So the nineteenth century includes any dates from 1801 to 1900; and the twentieth century, all those from 1901 to 2000. The tradition is based on the fact that the first century of the Christian era dates from AD 1 to AD 100, and could not be otherwise since there was no AD 0. Whatever the justification, this system of reckoning seems rather perverse. For one thing, it runs counter to the ordinary numerical system, in which we think of decimal sets running from 0 to 9 in each “ten,” or 00 to 99 in each “hundred.” We might reasonably expect the last century to include dates from 1900 to 1999: at least they would all have the number 19.. in common. But no, it’s 1901 to 2000, with the present century starting on 1 January 2001. That was also the first day of the twenty-first century, again somewhat perversely, since all but the last year in it will begin with 20 . . . (2010, 2020 etc.). Yet the convention of referring to the years of one century by the next one on is thoroughly established in English, and in other (north) European languages including French, Dutch and German. In both Italian and Spanish however, a reference to a century such as the Quattrocento or el Siglo XIV means “the 1400s” (the famous century of Renaissance painters). In formal English quattrocento would be translated as “the fifteenth century,” though expressions such as the 1400s recommend themselves as clearer and more direct. Abbreviations for indicating particular centuries are not standardized and include the following: 15th century XV century XVth century 15th cent. 15th c. 15C C15 The first set provide little compacting, and reflect the general reluctance to use abbreviations in the humanities. The Chicago Manual (1993) proposes rather that any references to centuries should be spelled out in full, as fifteenth century etc. Others endorse the use of roman numerals in them as a gesture towards abbreviation, though it may be counterproductive in terms of ease of reading. Those more accustomed to abbreviation accept that the word century can be reduced without impairing communication. Among those in the second set above, the pair with lower case are British style (Ritter, 2002), whereas those with upper case are American. Their compactness is an asset in texts where they occur often (such as this book). C15 has some advantage over 15C in that it could never be mistaken for a reference to temperature reading in degrees Celsius (15 ◦C ). ♦ For indicating dates that span the turn of the century, see under dates.
ceremonial dress. Ceremonious is both a synonym for ceremonial and a value-laden word which suggests an emphasis on ceremony for its own sake, or as a mask in strained interaction: he took a relieved and ceremonious farewell. The latter is its only distinctive sense, but it’s in the eye of the beholder and not always clearly separable from the other. Ceremonious is actually quite rare in both British and American databases (BNC and CCAE), and ceremonial evidently satisfies writers’ needs most of the time.
certified or certificated Certified, borrowed from French in C14 is older by far, and has many applications in terms of guaranteeing public safety (certified building/food/seed/wines) and professional standards (certified accountant / timber infestation surveyor). The procedures of certifying persons as dead or insane are other major uses of the word, as in the following examples from the BNC: A police surgeon later certified Mr Heddle dead. He fantasized about having her certified and getting a lot of sympathy. The rarer and more cumbersome certificated is a C19 backformation from certificate, implying that the object or person has qualified according to a set of standards. In both British and American English it’s used in relation to aircraft and ships, and to particular professions, such as teachers, nurses, librarians, notaries. But in Britain its use is boosted in eduspeak, where particular skills and training programs are certificated, as in certificated foundation course in art and design; all core skills will be certificated on the Record of Education and Training.
ceramic or keramic
cesarean or caesarian See Caesarean.
c'est à dire Borrowed from French, it means “that is to say.” The Latin abbreviation i.e. says the same in fewer letters, and its efficiency is important in documentary writing. In more discursive writing the bulkier French phrase may serve to underscore a reformulation of ideas which the author is about to offer.
ceteris paribus Borrowed from Latin, this phrase means “all other things being equal.” It is used in argument to limit a conclusion or generalization on which writers feel they may be challenged. It provides academic protection for their claim, since it is usually impossible to show whether all other things are equal or not.
cf. In English scholarly writing this stands for the Latin confer meaning “compare.” In Latin it would be a bald imperative, but in English it invites the reader to look elsewhere for a revealing comparison.
See under k/c.
ceremonial or ceremonious Both words relate to the noun ceremony, and ceremonial even substitutes for it occasionally, as in court ceremonial and ceremonials committee. But as an adjective ceremonial simply means “used in, or as of a ceremony,” for example ceremonial sword,
chacun à son goût Drinking habits and gout are not really uppermost in this phrase borrowed from French, which means “each one to his own taste.” In French the word chacun is masculine, though the phrase is intended as a general observation: everyone has their own tastes. It often serves to preempt debate based on differences
chairman in taste, and therefore functions in the same way as the older Latin maxim: de gustibus non est disputandum (“concerning matters of taste there can be no argument”). Both the French and Latin sayings can also be used more offhandedly, to say “There’s no accounting for taste.”
chairman Some women who chair meetings are quite content to be called chairman. They see it simply as a functional title, like that of secretary and treasurer, which indicate a person’s official role in an organization. Others relish the challenge that the word has sustained from the feminist movement, amid pressures to promote nonsexist language. Yet the problem with chairman is seen differently by different people, and so the solutions vary. Critics of the word chairman are sometimes concerned that it seems to make women in that role invisible. The alternatives they suggest are chairwoman or lady chairman, which draw attention to the sex of the person concerned, as do terms of address such as Madam Chairman and Madam Chair. More often the concern is that chairman seems to foster the expectation that only a man could fulfil the role. They propose nonexclusive, gender-free alternatives, such as chairperson or chair. Neither of these solutions seems wholly satisfactory, because: ∗ chair combines awkwardly with any verb implying human action – even though it has done this since C17, according to the Oxford Dictionary (1989), as in a Royal Society minute on a matter referred to me by this Honourable Chair. ∗ chairperson suffers from the fact that it more often substitutes for chairwoman than for chairman, and thus tends to have female connotations. This could change, given a steady increase in the proportion of male chairpersons mentioned in current data from the BNC and CCAE. But until then the best solution is to seek an independent, gender-free term, such as convener, coordinator, moderator or president. ♦ For further discussion of these issues, see nonsexist language. ♦ For other compounds like chairman, see under man, man- and -man.
common in CCAE; and the corpus shows that chaise lounge is usually a piece of outdoor patio furniture – except when it’s a Scottish oak chaise lounge. The outdoor/indoor distinction created some angst for journalists reporting on a murder in which the body was found under a chaise lounge/longue inside the enclosed porch [of the house]. The chaise longue meanwhile is often mentioned among collections of antiques (the Empire-style chaise longue), or as an objet d’art, like the chaise longue of hammered scrap metal too hard to lie on. If it is a chaise lounge, the French order of words still helps to distinguish it from the lounge chair, the general term for an “easy chair” – not obviously designed for lounging in but rather for the lounge (room), which in both Britain and Australia is the sitting room of a private house. For the plural of chaise longue, Merriam-Webster (2000) indicates chaise longues and chaises longues, in that order. The first treats it like an ordinary English compound (see under plurals), while the second is fully French. With the anglicized chaise lounge, we may expect chaise lounges.
chalky or chalkie The endings serve to distinguish the adjective chalky (“covered with or consisting of chalk”) from the noun chalkie, used informally in Australia and New Zealand to refer to a teacher or, before computerization, a stock exchange assistant.
challenged In the contexts of equal opportunity or political correctness, depending on your point of view, this word has taken off as a formative of compounds. American examples from the domain of education are developmentally challenged and physically challenged, where teachers grapple with the unequal genetic endowments of their students. Unfortunately the cumbersome phrases are themselves a challenge, and now often parodied in ad hoc formations such as: vertically challenged (“short” or sometimes “very tall”) follicularly challenged (“bald”) sartorially challenged (“showing bad taste in dress”) circumferentially challenged (“overweight”) Alternative ways of referring to those with disabilities are discussed under disabled.
chaise longue or chaise lounge This French expression meaning “long chair” is applied in English to that eminently relaxing piece of furniture which supports the legs in a resting position, and keeps the upper body at a sufficient angle to allow us to keep up a conversation. Because of the comfort it offers, the chaise longue is sometimes referred to as a chaise lounge – with just a slight rearrangement of the letters of the second word. It is after all a chair in which you lounge about, and it shows folk etymology in action, trying to make sense of an obscure foreignism (see folk etymology). Chaise lounge was first recorded well over a century ago in Ogilvie’s Imperial Dictionary (1855), and its use is widely recognized outside Britain (in American, Canadian and Australian dictionaries), though the New Oxford (1998) simply labels it “US.” Webster’s English Usage (1989) noted its frequent use in the furniture trade and advertising, and that it also appears occasionally in general and literary writing. Chaise lounge and chaise longue are about equally
chamois, chammy or shammy Chamois is the French name for the European antelope from whose skin a soft leather was originally prepared. Similar leathers prepared from the skins of goats or sheep are also called chamois, and even chammy or shammy, reflecting the sound of the word in English. However both New Oxford (1998) and Merriam-Webster (2000) associate the spelling shammy with the soft polishing cloth made of imitation leather – sham chamois, as you might say.
chamomile or camomile See camomile.
chancy or chancey See -y/-ey.
check or cheque, and checker or chequer
channeled or channelled The choice between these spellings is discussed at -l-/-ll-.
Chanukah or Hanukkah See Hanukkah.
chaperon or chaperone These two spellings are very evenly matched in their appearances in American and British databases, for both noun and verb. Chaperon is the standard French form, given priority in Merriam-Webster (2000), whereas New Oxford (1998) puts chaperone first, in keeping with the fact that English-speakers typically pronounce it to rhyme with “tone.” Historically the chaperon(e) was female, and the gratuitous -e may reflect this perception – though sex is no impediment to being a chaperon(e) nowadays. The data from the BNC and CCAE have it applied to men who act as team managers for junior sportspersons, and male teachers who supervise students on excursions. ♦ For other examples of French words given a feminine -e, see under -e section 3.
charted or chartered These past forms of the verbs chart and charter can be mistaken for each in spoken English, and hence are sometimes interchanged in print. They sound alike in dialects of English which are non-rhotic, i.e. ones in which r is silent after a vowel. So as pronounced by many Britons from southern and eastern areas, and by Antipodeans, the two words are indistinguishable, whereas for most American and Canadian speakers, the r of the second syllable of chartered sets them apart. Note also that most British speakers use different vowels in the second syllables of charted and chartered, which further help to distinguish them. The verb chart is a matter of cartography or mapping, either literally or figuratively. During C18, the coasts of New Zealand and eastern Australia were finally charted; but in C21, it’s outer space that remains to be charted, and areas of social and political behavior that are uncharted territory. As a verb charter means “set up by charter,” and so institutions may be chartered to fulfill public functions; and individuals such as chartered accountants or chartered engineers have obtained the right to engage in professional practice. The idea of being hired under a specialized contract underlies the chartering of a vehicle (a bus, ship, helicopter etc.), but the fact that it means contracting to cover a particular geographical distance brings it close to chart.
if your policy is to use -ise spellings wherever the -ise/-ize options appear: see further under -ize/-ise. But if your policy is to use -ize spellings, chastise and a number of others should still be spelled with -ise on grounds of etymology, according to Fowler (1926) and American commentators such as Copperud (1980). A sprinkling of examples spelled chastize (about 3% of all instances of the word) was nevertheless found in a Google search of the internet in 2002.
chateaus or chateaux For the choice of plurals, see -eau. In French the word has a circumflex, but it is now rarely reproduced in English.
chauvinism This word has always represented extreme attitudes: bigoted devotion to one’s own nation, race or sex, and a corresponding contempt for those who do not belong to it. The word enshrines the name of Nicolas Chauvin, an old soldier of Napoleon I whose blind devotion to his leader was dramatized in popular plays of the 1820s and 30s. The chauvinists of C21 are those who assume the superiority of their own country or race, and close their minds to the value of others. (See further under racist language.) The phrase male chauvinism, popularized in the 1970s, is the attitude which assumes the superiority of men over women. See further under female.
cheap and cheaply At one level of analysis, these are simply adjective and adverb respectively, as in: He bought a cheap jacket at the market. Their support was bought quite cheaply. But as the second example shows, the regular adverb cheaply tends to carry the abstract sense of “at low cost,” rather than “at a low price.” The latter meaning is often expressed simply by cheap, as in: The jacket was going cheap at the market. In copular constructions like that, it’s debatable whether cheap is really an adverb or an adjective (see further under copular verbs). Whatever the grammar, it is perfectly idiomatic, and does not need to be corrected to cheaply. ♦ For other adverbs of this type, see zero adverbs.
chassis In the plural this French loanword is usually left unchanged: A pile of rusty automobile chassis lay at the foot of the cliff. However an English plural chassises is recognized in Webster’s Third (1986).
chastise or chastize Despite appearances, this word was not formed with the -ise/-ize suffix. It originates as a mutant form of the verb chasten, which was chastien in Middle English. Against this background there’s no case for spelling it chastize, as if it went back to Greek – and no problem
check or cheque, and checker or chequer The English-speaking world at large uses the first spelling for many applications of the verb check meaning “stop, restrain, verify, tick,” and the corresponding nouns. And at supermarkets, workshops, cloakrooms and luggage offices, the person who checks out the goods is called in nonsexist terms a checker. Only when it comes to money is there a great divide, with Americans continuing to use check for a personal bank note, while cheque is preferred by Canadians, Australians and the British. Cheque is very much a latter-day spelling, first appearing at the beginning of C18. It was used by the Bank of England to refer to the counterfoil issued for a money order – literally a way of checking each one and preventing forgery. Cheque soon became the name for the money order itself in Britain. The system was adopted somewhat later in the US, though the spelling has remained check. In the same way C18 British English adopted the spelling chequer for a pattern of squares, as in the
chef d’oeuvre game chequers and the chequerboard, as well as the figurative chequered career. It replaced the longer-established checker which continues in American and Canadian English. North American motoring writers are therefore spared the anomaly that confronts their British and Australian counterparts, of referring to a chequered flag which has black and white checks on it.
chef d’oeuvre Borrowed from C17 French, this phrase means “masterpiece.” More literally, it means “the culmination of the work.” It can be used of an outstanding work in any artistic field: literature, music, opera, painting, sculpture and even gastronomy. But when your hired caterer produces hors d’oeuvres which are a chef d’oeuvre, that is a lucky coincidence. ♦ Compare hors d’oeuvre, and magnum opus.
chemist, pharmacist or druggist See under pharmacist.
cheque and chequer See under check.
cherubs or cherubim See under -im.
chevrons The chevron is a V-shaped bar. One or more chevrons, set on the sleeves of military and police uniforms, show the rank of the wearer. In mathematics and statistics, a chevron-shaped mark turned horizontally has a specific meaning depending on its direction: < before a number means “is less than,” and > means “is greater than.” Computer programmers attach other functions to the same signs: > means “direct output to” < means “take input from” In computer programming, chevrons are also used in pairs like angle brackets to frame special codes and commands (see brackets section 1). Note however the angle brackets used in mathematics have a broader span, , as opposed to < > , where full type resources are available. ♦ For the use of chevrons in citing internet addresses, see URL.
regularized. It provides elegant variation on the standard patterns of clause and phrase.
chicano, Chicano and Chicana As a noun this word is always capitalized, though Webster’s Third (1986) notes the lower-case chicano as an alternative for the adjective. Both forms are registered in the Oxford Dictionary (1989), but in the New Oxford (1998) only Chicano. The editorial convention of capitalizing ethnic and national designations would require Chicano, whatever its grammar (see under capital letters section 1). Chicana is the strictly feminine form for a female Mexican American, used only as a noun. The word is a clipping of the Mexican Spanish adjective mejicano/mejicana, i.e. “Mexican.” Its earliest American use in the 1940s was to refer to militant groups of Mexican immigrants. This gave it strong political overtones that linger, even though the word is now applied more generally to US citizens of Mexican origin. The word Hispanic provides a less emotively charged way of referring to the Mexican-American, though it is also less specific because it includes other Spanish-speaking immigrants, e.g. those from the Caribbean. As often, the straight geographical name Mexican-American is both specific and neutral. See further under racist language. ♦ Compare Hispanic and Latino.
chilli, chili, chile or chilly The first three are alternative spellings for a pepper or a peppery vegetable discovered in the New World. In Britain and Australia the primary spelling is chilli, which is believed to render the original Mexican Indian word most exactly. But in American and Canadian English, the spelling chili is given preference and often featured in the spicy Mexican dish chili con carne. The actual Spanish form of the word is chile, hence its use in chile con carne, in parts of the US where Spanish is better known. The fourth spelling above is a separate word meaning “rather cold” in all varieties of English. But in British English it’s yet another possible spelling for the pepper, according to the Oxford Dictionary (1989).
chiasmus This word, borrowed from classical Greek, refers to an elegant figure of speech. It expresses a contrast or paradox in two parallel statements, the second of which reverses the order of items in the first: Martyrs create faith, faith does not create martyrs. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace towards men. As the examples show, the second statement may play on the words and/or the structure of the first. Both are played on in the following newspaper headline, highlighting the opening up of the Berlin Wall in 1989: TUMBLING WALL SENDS WALL STREET SOARING The chiasmus has a pleasing symmetry in which the contrasting statements are balanced. It draws attention to word order, which we tend to take for granted in English prose because it is largely
China The division of China into two political entities in 1949 makes it important to distinguish them: Chinese People’s Republic = Mainland China (capital: Beijing) Chinese Nationalist Republic = Taiwan (capital: Taipei) The estimated population of Mainland China in 1990 was over 1 billion, that of Taiwan about 20 million. In Mainland China the communist revolution led to far-reaching linguistic reforms, including the development of a standard form of Chinese, Putonghua, which involved the modifying and streamlining of more than 2000 traditional characters of the Chinese system. Like “Mandarin” it’s based on the Beijing dialect, but serves as the native language of more than half the people. Other major dialects are clustered in the south of the country: ∗ Wu in Shanghai and on the Yangzi valley ∗ Yue in Guangzhou and Guandong ∗ Min in Taiwan and adjoining provinces on the mainland
chrom(o)- and chron(o)∗ Hakka used by small groups within the other southern dialect areas A phonetic alphabet Pinyin has been used to develop romanized scripts for minority language groups, and for children beginning their education. It also has public uses on street signs and the railway system. Pinyin was officially adopted in 1938, though it was far from the first attempt to romanize Chinese characters. Earlier systems include the Wade-Giles, developed by British scholars in C19; Gwoyeu Romatzyh, designed by Chinese scholars in the 1920s; and Latinxua devised by Russians in the 1930s. Pinyin’s roots are in the third, but it differs in the spelling of certain consonants. Some which strike westerners as unusual are the use of: q for pre-palatal “ch” x for pre-palatal “sh” zh for retroflex “j” c for alveolar “ts” Amid this linguistic evolution, many Chinese placenames have changed, at least in the forms now reaching the western world. Some of the most dramatic are the substitution of Beijing for “Peking,” Guangzhou for “Canton,” and Tianjin for “Tientsin.” Others less revolutionary are Xian for “Sian,” Shandong for “Shantung,” Chong Qing for “Chungking” and Nanjing for “Nanking.” The changes of consonants in these examples show which letters are typically affected, but it’s a good idea to check Chinese names in a large up-to-date atlas.
Chinaman or Chinese The word Chinaman is generally felt to have derogatory overtones, probably going back to popular prejudice against Chinese immigrants amid the American goldrush, where the word originated. In American English it’s not helped by John Chinaman, the derisively named stereotype who didn’t stand a Chinaman’s chance of making it. Such connotations make Chinaman dangerous, and public apology was needed in 1990 for a joking reference to a (black) footballer surnamed Rice – as “a Chinaman whose feet never touch the ground.” Even in an ethnically neutral situation, Chinaman is unsafe for ethnic reference. In Britain Chinaman was apparently a neutral term for Fowler in the 1920s, when he presented it as the ordinary term for an individual from China, and perhaps for two or three of them (Chinamen). But Gowers revising Fowler in post-imperial Britain (1965) found Chinaman derogatory, and this opinion is echoed in later dictionaries such as Collins (1991) and the New Oxford (1998), though it can scarcely be as derogatory as Chink (see further under racist language). British dictionaries also comment that Chinaman now sounds oldfashioned – smacking too much of imperialism in a post-imperial era, perhaps. Its historical quality is certainly borne out in a number of retrospective citations among the BNC data. A neutral substitute for Chinaman can be found in using Chinese as a noun, although some people find it unsatisfactory for the singular, as in a Chinese. If so, Chinese person or Chinese citizen would serve as a paraphrase. Cricketers use chinaman (definitely lower case) to refer to a tricky kind of delivery by a left-handed spin bowler to a right-handed batsman. It may have originated as an oblique reference to a Chinese player
on the West Indies side between the wars. At any rate it’s first attributed to a Yorkshire cricketer in 1937. It is known also in Australian cricket, but applied to a ball which breaks in the opposite direction – a matter of semantics rather than physics.
chiseled or chiselled For the choice between these, see under -l-/-ll-.
chlorophyll or chlorophyl Dictionaries everywhere give preference to chlorophyll, and it recommends itself on grounds of etymology. The word is a modern compound of the Greek chloro- (“green”) and phyllon (“leaf ”). The alternative spelling chlorophyl is recognized in North American dictionaries, though it makes no showing in CCAE (against some 50 instances of chlorophyll). For etymologists, the spelling chlorophyl has the disadvantage of connecting it with a different Greek word, phyle meaning “tribe”; but for whatever reason users everywhere seem to have settled on chlorophyll, the longer and etymologically preferable form. The final double ls seem to have stabilized better than in some other English words (see single for double).
choosy or choosey See under -y/-ey.
chord or cord Is it vocal chords or vocal cords? In contemporary American English vocal cords is more common than vocal chords, by a factor of 2:1 in CCAE – and Webster’s Third (1986) put its weight behind it. The Oxford Dictionary (1989) uses chords as the reference point for the word (at chord and under “vocal”). The two spellings are about equally represented in the BNC, but cords is preferred in technical contexts of writing, and chords in a variety of others. No doubt the popularity of chords connects with the fact that the vocal cords are so often mentioned in connection with sounds and singing. Both chord and cord derive from a Greek and then Latin word spelled chorda, which meant both “gut” and “string of a musical instrument.” In the Middle Ages it was just cord, and this is still the spelling for plain ordinary string etc., and for anatomical uses of the word, as in spinal cord and umbilical. The vocal cords are however not cord-like in shape, and are more accurately described as “vocal folds.” The spelling chord in mathematics results from the “touching up” of cord during the English Renaissance, when many words with classical ancestors were respelled according to their ancient form. The musical chord was also respelled, as if it came from the same source. In fact it is a clipped form of accord (“a set of sounds which agree together”). Of all the cases of cord mentioned so far, it least deserves to have an h in its spelling.
Christian name See first name.
chrom(o)- and chron(o)Chromo- is a Greek root meaning “color.” In English it occurs as the first part of modern compounds such as chromosome, and as the second part in others such
chute, shute or shoot as monochrome. It also occurs by itself as chrome, the nontechnical equivalent of the element chromium. Chrono-, also a Greek root, means “time.” It is embodied in words such as chronology and chronometer as well as diachronic and isochronous. In almost all cases, the prefixes and suffixes help to make the distinction between the two roots. Only in chromic and chronic does the difference depend entirely on their respective roots.
chute, shute or shoot These are alternative spellings for the channel used to convey wet or dry substances to a lower level, as in down the chute. By origin chute is the French word for a fall of water, whereas shoot shows folk etymology at work, emphasizing the rapid flow within it (see further under folk etymology). Chute is the primary spelling in both Merriam-Webster (2000) and New Oxford (1998), and it dominates in data from CCAE and the BNC. There are very few examples of shoot, and shute is extremely rare.
cicada For the plural of this word, see under -a section 1.
cider or cyder, and cipher or cypher See under i/y.
circa This prefix meaning “around” comes direct from Latin. Historians use it with dates that cannot be given exactly and should be interpreted with some latitude. For example Chaucer was born circa 1340. When spelled out in full as in that example, circa is often italicized. When abbreviated as c. or ca. it is now usually set in roman (see further under Latin abbreviations). On whether or not to put a stop on ca., see abbreviations section 2. In the antiques business, the abbreviation helps to protect the vendor against too literal interpretation of the dating of items in the catalogue: Chippendale chair c.1760
In French the circumflex often marks the disappearance of a letter (such as s) from the spelling of the word, as is clear when we compare chateau ˆ with castle, fˆete with feast, and hotel ˆ with hostel. Circumflexes have also marked the loss of vowels from particular words, or the fact that the vowel was once long. But from its first appearance in C16 French, the applications of the circumflex have been various and inconsistent. Unlike the acute and grave accents, it does not correspond to a particular pronunciation of the vowel it surmounts. The etymological information it provides is less important to English than French users of the word (though even in France there have been concerted efforts recently to do away with the circumflex, on the grounds of its redundancy). This further reduces the incentive to keep the circumflexes on French loanwords in English.
cissy or sissy See sissy.
citation-sequence referencing This is an alternative name for the referencing system that identifies sources by a continuous set of numbers. See Vancouver style.
citrus or citrous Though dictionaries keep citrous “on the books” as the adjectival form of citrus, it never appears in data from either CCAE or the BNC. Instead citrus is used freely as the attributive in citrus aromas, citrus fruits etc. (see adjectives section 1). The word citrus is a C19 addition to English, and it takes an English plural: citruses. Dictionaries recommend citrusy for the informal adjective.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com circumThis prefix meaning “around” appears in a number of Latin loanwords in English: circumambulate circumcision circumference circumnavigate circumscribe circumspect circumstantial It has generated few new words in modern English, perhaps because of its ponderousness, which the examples demonstrate.
circumflex This is an accent which has come into English with ˆ quite a few French loanwords, such as chateau, ˆ and fˆete, as well as in phrases borrowed from entrecote French: ˆ chacun a` son gout raison d’ˆetre tˆete a` tˆete The absence of the circumflex from most English typewriters and wordprocessors means that it is quickly lost and forgotten once the loanword becomes assimilated. Those unacquainted with French are unlikely to know that there might ever have been a circumflex on words like: baton chassis crepe depot hotel role
civil or civic
Both these adjectives relate ultimately to the city and its citizens, but they differ in their range of meaning. Civic enters into expressions which are strongly associated with a city, such as civic centre and civic pride; whereas civil often relates to the citizens of the country at large, as in civil service and civil war. Civil is the older of the two, appearing first C14, and developing a wide range of meanings in the following centuries. The different kinds of antonyms it has developed are revealing: civil as opposed to uncouth, rude civil ” ” military civil ” ” ecclesiastical Civic meanwhile dates from C16, is still narrow in its range, and occurs much less often, according to the evidence of language databases.
-ck/-cq These provide alternative spellings in pairs such as racket/racquet, lackey/lacquey and lacquer/lacker. See further under those headings.
clad or clothed These are now mostly complementary in their roles rather than interchangeable. Only clothed works nowadays as the past tense of the verb clothe: She clothed the children in home-made and hand-me-down items. Clothed also serves as the active past participle (she had clothed the children. . . ). In either of these verbal roles clad would sound old-fashioned or literary. Yet
clauses clad is definitely the strong contender in current British and American English for the passive past participle and the adjective: He was clad only in a short towelling robe. . . Clad in waterproofs and wellies, we walked along the river. It readily forms compound adjectives, such as khaki-clad men; a blue-clad figure; Gucci-clad Latinos; a youthful, jeans-and-leather-clad operative. Figurative extensions also abound, as in tree-clad slope, a granite-clad sixties block, not to mention the iron-clad guarantee, excuse or alibi. Clothed is no substitute in these more figurative and technical usages. The technical verb clad meaning “be/provide cladding for” (usually a building structure) has developed alongside, with applications in architecture as well as nuclear technology.
clamor or clamour See under -or/-our.
classic or classical The relationship between these words is changing. Both imply that something is in a special class, and in their three centuries of use there has been a great deal of overlap between them, as with other -ic/-ical pairs (see further that heading). Both words relate things to the classics of high culture, and especially to the civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome – hence the phrase to study the classics. But since the late C19, classic has been widening its frontiers and associating itself with all sorts of everyday things, not just matters of culture. The noun classic was applied to important horse races last century, and to motor races this century. With a capital letter, Classic now typically refers to a golf or tennis tournament. Elsewhere the word classic may be applied to anything from a familiar political ploy to the less outrageous types of fashion. The criteria for using the word may or may not be obvious to others, only that it’s intended to express approval and to commend. The original Oxford Dictionary observed it, commenting that such usage was “burlesque, humorous.” A century later it seems perfectly standard and straightforward. While classic has become a more popular and subjective word, classical maintains the higher ground. It is suffused with a sense of history and great artistic traditions: classical music is associated with a period of outstanding music in western Europe in C18 and C19; and classical ballet embodies what for many is still the acme of balletic technique, developed last century. Occasionally classical is used in the freer ways now enjoyed by classic. There is however another rival for that informal terrain: classy. Its links with the word class (“high class”) are still quite strong, but it is acquiring overtones of “stylish,” “superior,” which bring it close to the attitudinal uses of classic. Classy is more direct and down-to-earth however, so it can probably coexist with classic for some time to come.
communicate. At its bare minimum, a clause consists of two elements: ∗ a subject (S) (whatever is being identified for comment), and ∗ a predicate (P) (whatever is stated about the subject) For example: The dollar is rising. S P A dreamy expression came over her face. S P The predicate always contains a finite verb, e.g. is rising, came in these examples. But often there are other elements such as objects, complements, adverbs or adverbial adjuncts (such as over her face). See further under predicate. With their subject/predicate structure, clauses are clearly different from phrases (which revolve around a single head: see phrases). Note however that modern grammarians also recognize nonfinite clauses (usually without a subject or finite verb) in subordinate constructions. (see below, section 3, for subordination, and also nonfinite clause.) The number of clauses in a sentence, and the relationship between them, is the basis of distinguishing several different types of sentence: simple, compound and complex. 1 Simple sentences consist of a single clause, like the two examples above. They may however embody extra adverbials and dependent phrases: After months of decline, the dollar is rising. (adv. phr.) S P The dollar finally began to rise, despite economic anxiety. S (adv.) P (v. phr.) (adv. phr.) Thus simple sentences may have several phrases in them. 2 In compound sentences, two or more clauses are coordinated, i.e. linked in such a way as to have equal status as statements. (Hence coordination as the name for this relationship, or alternatively parataxis.) The coordinates are usually joined by conjunctions such as and, but, or or nor, though a semicolon or occasionally a comma can also serve to coordinate. For example: a) They came and they brought their dog. b) They came; their dog came with them. c) I came, I saw, I conquered. d) She didn’t answer or show any emotion. Compound sentences that are coordinated with punctuation rather than conjunctions (as in [c]) are said to have asyndetic coordination. (See asyndeton and comma splice.) When the same subject appears in two clauses coordinated by a conjunction, it’s often omitted from the second clause, as in (d). In sentence (a) however, the subject is repeated in the second clause to draw extra attention to it. (See further under ellipsis section 1.) 3 In complex sentences the clauses are linked so as to give one of them superior status. The superior one is known as the main clause (or principal clause), while the other is subordinated to it and so is called the subordinate (or dependent) clause. The relationship is thus one of subordination or hypotaxis. The differentiation of roles is marked by the use of particular conjunctions, sometimes called subordinating conjunctions (see further under conjunctions). The following are complex sentences:
clauses The clause is the basic grammatical unit in any sentence. Whether they know it or not, people produce many more clauses than sentences whenever they
clear and clearly He pleaded insanity so that the charge would be dropped. main clause subordinate clause Because he pleaded insanity, the charge was dropped. subordinate clause main clause Notice the different effect of the subordinate clause in these sentences. In the first it simply acts as a coda to the main clause; in the second it draws attention to both the main clause and itself, because of its prime position. (See further under information focus.) 4 Types of subordinate clause. In traditional grammar the three types distinguished are: relative (or adjectival) noun (or content) adverbial (or adjunct) As their names suggest, they function as adjectives, nouns and adverbs respectively, in relation to the main clause. a) Relative clauses attach further information to nouns or pronouns in the main clause: The book which I had in my hand had once been banned. The book was written by someone who mocked conventional values. The examples show how relative clauses serve to define or further describe the noun or pronoun which they modify. (See further under relative clauses section 4.) b) Noun clauses take the place of a noun or noun phrase in the main clause: They explained what was going on. What was going on took some explaining. The noun clause works as either subject, object or complement of the main clause. In the first example it is the object: in the second, the subject. (See further under noun clause.) c) Adverbial clauses attach further information to the verb of the main clause, detailing how, when, where or why the action or event took place: Her eyes lit up as if the sun had risen. (HOW) His eyes lit up when he heard the news. (WHEN) She would venture where others had failed. (WHERE) He would venture because the time was ripe. (WHY) She would succeed although they weren’t yet out of the woods. (CONCESSION) He would succeed if only he could raise the capital. (CONDITION) They worked on it as no-one ever had before. (COMPARISON) The project would work so that no-one would doubt its value. (RESULT) Modern grammars such as the Comprehensive Grammar (1985) distinguish adverbial clauses of similarity/comparison like the one above from comparative clauses proper. The latter have a comparative or equative element in the main clause (eg. more, -er), which connects with than or as in the subordinate clause: He liked a bigger house than I did. Comparative clauses are thus regarded as an additional type of subordinate clause.
But clear also serves as adverb: Stand clear of the doors They kept clear of townships by day. In expressions like these, clear is idiomatic and could not be replaced by the regular -ly form. Other examples of uninflected adverbs are discussed under zero adverbs.
cleave This word is really two words, both verbs, meaning: 1 “be attached (to),” “stick (to),” as in the 24-hour sleep–wake cycle to which humans cleave 2 “split,” “cut through,” as in gritty pioneers driving oxen to cleave the soil. . . Neither is common in English nowadays, though the second is better represented than the first in both American and British databases. While cleave (1) often expresses an attachment to things past (he cleave[s] to the antique idea of the library), cleave (2) has found a new technical use with microbiologists who cleave enzymes etc. in genetic engineering. But cleave (2) has provided us with cleavage, the butcher’s cleaver, and a number of expressions such as cloven-footed, cloven hoof, cleft palate and cleft stick. These fossils show the earlier confusion between the two verbs as to their past forms. The form cloven belongs only to cleave (2), while cleft was originally part of cleave (1), but eventually annexed by cleave (2).
cleft sentences A cleft sentence is one in which the normal sequence of subject/verb/object is interrupted and even rearranged, so as to spotlight one of them in particular. Compare: Jane noticed the unusual signature. with its cleft counterparts: It was Jane who noticed the unusual signature. It was the unusual signature that Jane noticed. The it was (or it is) of cleft sentences draws special attention to whatever follows, underscoring it as the topic of the sentence (see further under topic). A similar rearranging of the basic sentence elements (known as the pseudo-cleft sentence) helps to foreground the action of the verb, as in: What Jane noticed was the signature. Both cleft and pseudo-cleft sentences help to sharpen the information focus in a sentence, and to signal a change of focus when necessary. (See further under information focus.) Cleft sentences raise several questions of grammatical agreement: ∗ Can the verb in the clause after it is / it was be plural? Yes, and in fact it should be, if its subject is plural: It is her relatives who have insisted on it. ∗ What happens with the pronouns? In formal style one uses the subject (nominative) form of pronouns: I, he, she, we, you, they. The verb agrees with that pronoun: It is I who am unsure. It is s/he who is unsure. It is we/you/they who are unsure. However informal usage allows the object pronouns: me, him, her, us, them. The third person singular verb is then used for either first or second person singular (as well as third): It’s me who is unsure. It’s you who is in need of help.
clear and clearly These two appear as you might expect in a clear voice and speak clearly, as adjective and adverb respectively. Clearly also has adverbial roles as an intensifier, as in: He clearly wanted a decision, and Clearly not!
climax ∗ What other conjunctions apart from who can be used? The relative that is often used in cleft sentences, in references to people as well as objects. That is also preferred to when and where by some, who would correct It was on Sunday when I saw him to It was on Sunday that I saw him. The basis of their objection is not explained, and when/where are certainly used as relative pronouns in cleft constructions. In speech, intonation makes their relative role clear, whereas in writing it may be ambiguous until you reach the end of the sentence. As often, our control of written language has to be tighter for reliable communication.
clench or clinch These words both suggest an intense grip. Fists may be clenched, and a bargain may be clinched. Clinch really derives from clench, with the vowel changing under the influence of the following n. In earlier centuries they shared some meanings, especially in carpentry (clenching or clinching nails) and in nautical usage. Clench now has limited uses, collocating mostly with an individual’s hands, teeth, jaw and stomach, while clinch has new physical meanings in the hold used by boxers or wrestlers on each other, and the passionate clinch of people in noncombative encounters. In commonplace sports reporting, clinch collocates with the title, or victory, or just a place in the semi-finals. The competitive connotations of clinch lend themselves to business, as in clinch part of the Malaysian order for frigates; or politics, as in clinch up to 500 of the 577 National Assembly seats. These various uses of clinch make it now much more frequent than clench in both British and American English databases.
though traces of variability (in the use of clew for clue) could still be found in American English in the1940s and 50s, according to Webster’s English Usage (1989). CCAE yields no evidence of it in the 1990s, however.
clichés These are tired, overworked turns of phrase like the one in the sign on a certain news editor’s desk which read: All clich´es should be avoided like the plague. The advice of Spike Milligan on the same subject did succeed in avoiding cliche´ itself: Clich´es are the handrails of an infirm mind. ´ are a particularly tempting resource if you Cliches have to write a lot in a short time. For journalists it’s a ´ can be harvested way of life, and a crop of cliches from the pages of most daily papers, predictable phrases which readers can skim over: “Urgent – – held behind closed – – .” Fill in the blanks! The word clich´e is French for “stereotype(d),” and once referred to the stereotype block cast from an engraving, from which ´ multiple copies could be printed. Linguistic cliches recast unique events in hackneyed terms. Resisting ´ takes mental energy, and for mass media cliches communicators there is the depressing prospect that today’s striking thought is tomorrow’s platitude, ´ as Bernard Levin (1986) put and next week’s cliche, it. ´ deliberately as a way Writers sometimes use cliches of parodying a style, and the parody itself controls and ´ limits their use. There’s more danger of cliches getting out of hand when writers use them to make things effortless for the reader, a danger of losing the reader altogether. Information theory reminds us that readers need at least a modicum of stimulation from the unexpected, to keep them reading. When the content of a text is itself predictable, the language has to provide the stimulation. Writing the word cliché. Cliche´ comes to us from French with an acute accent, showing that the final e is a separate syllable. Like many other accents, it’s often left off in English, though without it cliche just could be a one-syllabled word like creche, cache etc. Those who know the word would never pronounce it with one syllable – hence the Tory jibe about the British prime minister whose speeches consisted of “clitch after clitch after clitch.” When cliche becomes a verb in English, its past participle or adjective can be written in several ways: clich´ed clich´e’d clich´eed cliche’d cliched The first three depend on having the acute accent in your typing or printing facilities. If it’s not available, the fourth style helps the reader more than the fifth. For more about adding -ed to words ending in a syllabic vowel, see -ed section 3.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com cleptomania(c) or kleptomania(c) See under k/c.
clerk The occupational status of this word has declined over the centuries. In Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales (c. 1387) the Clerk of Oxenford was an academic, and highly literate, fit to be a cleric or member of the clergy (all three words are closely related). By C16 the word clerk had become secularized, and could refer to the person responsible for the records of an institution, as in clerk of the court. In current British and Australian English it now refers to the rather lowly office role of keeping accounts, filing documents, photocopying etc. The connection with paper documentation is less central in North America, where the clerk may be employed in retailing as a sales clerk, or in hotel reception as a desk clerk. In American English, clerk also serves as a verb, referring to more and less clerical roles. Compare: . . . clerking for a federal circuit court judge. He clerked in his father’s Atlanta store. ♦ For other occupational terms whose application varies around the world, see chemist (under pharmacist), engineer, lawyer, optician.
clew or clue The detective’s clue and the carpenter’s clew (originally “a ball of string”) come from one and the same root, and were spelled either way in early modern English. During C17 the two spellings were increasingly attached to the meanings they hold today,
climax In Greek this meant “ladder,” and in rhetoric it implied an ascending series of steps, each one more impressive than the one before. Nowadays we apply the word only to the last step in the series, the point which is the culmination of all that has gone before. Developing a climax is the core of narrative art, whether the composition is as long as a novel or as brief as a fable. A build-up is achieved by many writers through the space they devote to setting the scene and developing characters. All such detail helps
clinch or clench to involve the reader, to raise the level of tension gradually, and to build the climax. In argumentative writing also, one needs to plan to develop the discussion step by step towards a climax, in order to convince the reader. Many writers make their strongest argument the last one in the series, to ensure the impact and prevent anticlimax – that sense of let-down – creeping in at the end. Even when drafting sentences, it pays to work up to the weightiest item when you have a series to present. Compare Next across the line were an Olympic athlete, a wheelchair victim pushed by his red-hot companion, an army recruit in full battle gear, and a footballer with Next across the line were a footballer, an Olympic athlete, an army recruit in full battle gear, and a wheelchair victim pushed by his red-hot companion. Assuming that the order in which the competitors finished is unimportant, the second version is more effective because it exploits the escalating amount of detail in each item to engage the reader. The first version simply has one thing after another, like a jumbled catalogue. In the second version the items have all been harnessed to create a mini-climax. ♦ See also rhythm section 2, and bathos.
clinch or clench See clench.
Formations like these are particularly frequent in Australian English, less so in American and Canadian English. Australians also make use of clippings formed with the suffix -o, such as arvo (afternoon), compo (compensation), rego (registration). See further under -ie/-y and -o.
cliquey or cliquy See under -y/-ey.
closures to letters For the use of yours sincerely etc., see Yours faithfully. The position of the complimentary close is shown in examples in Appendix VII.
clothed or clad See clad.
cloven See cleave.
clue or clew See under clew.
coThe prefix co- implies joint activity in a particular role: co-author co-editor co-pilot co-sponsor co-star This meaning is relatively new, extrapolated from the meaning “together” which it has in older formations such as: coaxial coeducation coequal coexist cohabit coincide co(-)operate co(-)ordinate These older words show how co- was originally used with words beginning with a vowel or h, and as a variant of the Latin prefix con- or com-. Co- is the only one of them which is productive in modern English, and since C17 it has increasingly been used with words beginning with any letter of the alphabet. A number of mathematical words show this development: coplanar coset cosine cotangent covalence Co- has in fact replaced the earlier con- in coterminous, and C17 English raised cotemporary as a variant for contemporary. It seems to stress the historical sense of that word (living in the same period; see further under contemporary). A perennial question with co- is whether or not to use the hyphen with it. As the examples show, the ad hoc words in which it means “joint” are often given hyphens, but the hyphen is left out of the established ones, except those which are liable to be misread and perhaps misunderstood, e.g. co-worker. The debate usually centres on those in which co- precedes an o, such as co(-)operate and co(-)ordinate. In the US they are set solid like the rest, though usage in the UK is still somewhat divided. BNC data show substantial support for both forms, weighted towards the hyphened forms, but New Oxford (1998) prioritizes the solid setting, which must be the way of the future. In Canada, Australia and New Zealand, the major dictionaries and editorial references all support the solid setting. If you follow suit, there can be no misunderstanding because no other words look remotely like them, and the problem of misreading becomes trivial.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com cling, clung and clang
The English verb cling (“hold tightly on to”) originally had clang as its past tense, but by C15 it had been superseded by clung, at least in standard southern English. (See further under irregular verbs section 3.) It left room for the Latin verb clang (“sound noisily”), first recorded in C16.
clipping New words are sometimes formed from older ones by a process of cutting back or clipping. The clipped form may consist of the end, the beginning, or the middle of the full word, as with the following: bus (from omnibus) exam (from examination) flu (from influenza) Of the three types, the ones which are clipped back to the first syllable(s), like exam, are the most common. Some other common examples are: ad bra deb deli gym lab memo mike photo pram pro taxi telly zoo Many such clippings are now the standard word, displacing the original word/phrase entirely – as with brassiere, perambulator, taximeter cab – or else nudging it into the more formal styles of writing – as with advertisement, gymnasium, memorandum. Those involving spelling adjustments, such as mike and telly, tend to retain their informality. As if brief was not really beautiful, Englishspeakers sometimes extend their clippings with the addition of informal suffixes such as -ie/-y. This is of course the source of colloquialisms such as: bookie cabby chappie druggy footie hanky junkie
coherence or cohesion, coherent or cohesive Co- words which remain bones of contention are clippings or backformations such as co-ed, co-op and co-opt. On these, British writers are totally in favor of the hyphen, and their American counterparts more divided. Coed outnumbers co-ed by more than 2:1 in CCAE data, but co-op and co-opt prevail over coop and coopt. The solid settings are thus beyond the frontier for most. Again we might ask how essential the hyphen is. Could the words be misread and misunderstood without it? (What could they be mistaken for?) Without a capital letter a coed school can scarcely be misread in terms of Coed, the Welsh placename element. Does the University Coop really suggest chickens coming home to roost? Homographic words are usually disambiguated by their context (see homonyms), and the hyphen becomes redundant. But there’s no harm in a little redundancy!
cocotte or coquette Both these French loanwords are about women and sexuality, but if the coquette makes men her victims, men have the advantage over the cocotte. Cocotte is colloquial French for prostitute, while grande cocotte is the expression for the upmarket type kept in luxury by her lover. Alternatively, she is a poule de luxe (roughly “a luxury bird”). The coquette differs in the flirtatious independence she maintains while exploiting the affections of her admirers. Both words are ultimately derived from coc, the Old French word for “rooster.”
and cohesive lack established negatives – a sign that they are more recent arrivals (from late C17 and C18), whereas coherence/coherent are from C16. 1 Coherence in writing. Communication of any kind needs to be both coherent and cohesive: to be integrated and logical in its development, as well as effectively bonded in its expression. The coherence comes from thinking about the sequence and integration of ideas, whether you are writing or speaking. Even a fiction world has to be imaginatively consistent and provide plausible dramatic development. In nonfiction it’s vital that the statements made are somehow related, as being matched or deliberately contrasted, or linked as general/particular, problem/solution or cause/effect. Some underlying logic of development, e.g. deduction or induction, is needed, though it may not be spelled out as such. (See further under deduction, induction and argument.) 2 Cohesion in writing is the network of verbal connections on the surface of the text, which link one reference with another and mark the continuity of ideas. In fiction, the pronouns he and she help to keep tabs on the protagonists, as in the following extract from Cliff Hardy’s Heroin Annie: When she came out at twenty to six she was recognisable from her walk; she still moved well, but there was something not proud about the way she carried her head. Her hair had darkened to a honey colour and she wore it short. In a lumpy cardigan and old jeans she headed across the pavement to a battered Datsun standing at the kerb; no-one stood aside for her. This “portrait of a lady” keeps its focus on Annie with the unobtrusive aid of she and her in successive sentences. Cohesion is also provided by the sequence of references to her appearance, and then the street phenomena, pavements, car, the crowd, as reminders of the dramatic context. In nonfiction, the pronouns (especially it, this and that) and the as well, are again important in ensuring continuity of reference. Other cohesive aids in informative and argumentative writing are the conjunctions, which forge links between one statement and another, and make explicit the underlying relationship (of similarity, contrast, cause and effect, etc.; see further under conjunctions). The links between clauses or phrases can also be made by ellipsis (see under that heading). Yet much of the cohesion still comes through the words that express the subject matter, and through synonyms and antonyms which maintain the same meaning. (See further under synonyms, antonyms, hyponyms and synedoche.) Note that most cohesive links work anaphorically, i.e. by reference back to an antecedent. Yet it is possible to forge a forward-looking cohesive link, as in narratives which begin: It was the most delightful of occasions – an alfresco lunch in relaxed company. This cataphoric form of cohesion is however much less common than the anaphoric. See further under anaphora. Most writers succeed in maintaining enough cohesive links in the texts they compose. But the conjunctions deserve extra thought, to ensure that those chosen underscore the logical links between statements (see conjunctions section 3); and it pays to
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com For the plural of this word, see -x section 3.
coed or co-ed See under co-.
cogito ergo sum This Latin phrase meaning “I think therefore I am” is surprisingly well known in the English-speaking world. The seminal utterance was that of French philosopher Descartes in 1637, which has been mediated through British philosophers of C19 and C20. The words seem to express the essence of existentialism, and the ultimate syllogism (see deduction). Descartes himself insisted that the statement was simply a way of asserting the involvement of self in any act of thinking. He was concerned about the basis of knowledge, and how far intuition plays a part in it.
coherence or cohesion, coherent or cohesive There are broad differences between coherence/cohesion and coherent/cohesive, even though all four are related to the verb cohere (“stick together”). None of them retain the literal meaning of the verb itself, but the second word in each pair still carries a sense of bonding together, as in the cohesion within the party or a cohesive defense force. The first word in each pair has moved further away, and implies a consecutive and logical linkage from one thing to the next, as in the coherence of his argument or a coherent plan. This extended meaning is underscored in the negatives incoherence and incoherent. Cohesion
cohort check any sequences of pronouns, in case ambiguity has crept in. See for example: He waited until the boss had finished reading his letter. (Whose letter was it?) Such problems are always more obvious when you come back to edit at a later stage. 3 Noncohesive texts. In fact, it takes effort to write something which is totally lacking in coherence and cohesion. One author who tried was hailed as a great poet, in a notorious Australian literary hoax. This was “Ern Malley,” the pseudonym adopted by James McAuley and Harold Stewart when they offered for publication a set of verses concocted out of bits and pieces from the books that happened to be on their desks at the time. “We opened books at random, choosing a word or phrase haphazardly. We made lists of these and wove them into nonsensical sentences.” A sample of the result, from the poem “Egyptian register,” begins: The hand that burns resinous in the sky Which is a lake of roses, perfumes, idylls Breathed from the wastes of the Tartarean heart The skull gathers darkness like an inept mountain That broods on its aeons of self-injury . . . Knowing the intention behind it, you are unlikely to look for coherence or meaningful connections in it. But Max Harris who published the poems in 1944 certainly did. It shows how ready we are to assume that printed text is coherent and cohesive, though it’s as well to maintain a little skepticism. ♦ Compare gobbledygook.
“colleague” in the majority of citations from the current Oxford Reading Programme; and a handful of instances are to be found in the BNC, typically in media and business reporting: But what of Chloe’s Playaway cohort, Brian Cant? He left Allied Dunbar last October, at the same time as chief executive Mike Wilson, a 20-year cohort who was viewed as his successor, and sales director Keith Carby. Citations like these do not support the New Oxford’s label “derogatory,” however unpopular the word is with some in Britain, as a newish Americanism.
cole(-)slaw or cold(-)slaw Both names say something about this salad of raw cabbage, though coleslaw is closer to its origins in Dutch koolsla. The first part is cognate with the English word kale, and the second, a Dutch colloquial abbreviation of salade. Cold slaw is folk etymology making sense of the unfamiliar first element – and perhaps registering English protest at uncooked cabbage. Its record from 1794 is half a century earlier than the first instance of coleslaw, and four out of the five Oxford Dictionary (1989) citations for C19 are for cold slaw. This early start helps to explain why coldslaw is still known in American usage, and registered in Webster’s Third (1986). However it makes little showing in CCAE, where cole(-)slaw is the dominant form. In terms of setting, coleslaw outnumbers cole slaw by about 5:2, and cole-slaw is very rare. Data from the BNC shows that coleslaw is also the most popular form in the UK, and there’s no sign of any of the others.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com How many people does it take to make a cohort? One or many? Originally the cohort was a unit of the Roman army (about 600 men), and this meaning, as well as the more loosely defined “retinue,” are still around at the turn of the second millennium: He moved out of the studio, followed by his cohort of technicians and production assistants, who thumped him on the back . . . But the commonest meaning in current British English is its application to a notional experimental, educational or sociological group, as in a birth cohort, dropouts from a primary school cohort 1980–5, or an ageing cohort of teachers. This technical application has quickly become commonplace, as in the following from BNC and CCAE the cohort for the minibus gathered a new cohort of frank but liberal commentators on race Since World War II, usage originating in North America has cohort as a synonym for a single “colleague,” “partner,” “accomplice” or “companion,” and this is its meaning in about half of its appearances in CCAE. Examples include: a distinguished cohort, his cohort in the Cimarosa concerto [for Two Flutes], a cohort in crime, his cohort in drug dealing. In American English cohort can also be used figuratively, as for the tennis player who looked as if frustration were her cohort. The cohort as human companion was first recognized and challenged by American usage writers in the 1950s, but is now accepted by Webster’s Third (1986) and Merriam-Webster (2000). In Britain the usage is also quite widespread, despite the Oxford Dictionary’s (1989) label “chiefly US.” A usage note in New Oxford (1998) comments that cohort was used to mean
Coliseum or Colosseum
Any place of entertainment which calls itself a coliseum or colosseum invokes the famous Colosseum of Rome, the huge amphitheatre built by Vespasian in the first century AD. Its name expresses all that we know in the word colossal, and it was evidently the ultimate entertainment centre. Smaller amphitheatres and stadiums, built on the same model elsewhere in the Roman Empire, turned it into a generic word, and it comes to us through medieval Latin (and Italian) as coliseum. This form of the word is used by Byron in reference to Vespasian’s original, when he declares (through Childe Harold): While stands the Coliseum, Rome shall stand . . . The neo-Latin form Coliseum is the one taken up by C20 entertainment centres in London and its suburbs; and especially for large, covered or partly covered sporting venues across the American continent from New York to Los Angeles. In generic and familiar references to such structures, it appears as coliseum, without a capital letter. The name Colosseum is now mostly reserved for Rome’s magnificent ruin, apart from the Colosseum Theatre in Johannesburg, and the Tokyo Ariake Colosseum, a sports stadium. Others who have capitalized on the classical form of the name are the jazz-rock bands Colosseum I and Colosseum II. The word is still portentous, despite changes in public sports and entertainments.
collapsible or collapsable The first spelling is given priority in both Webster’s Third (1986) and the Oxford Dictionary (1989), though they make the second an acceptable alternative. The spelling collapsible would connect it with its Latin
collocations antecedents, while collapsable represents the fact that it originated in C19 English, and is based on the English verb collapse. Collapsible is the only one to appear in data from CCAE and the BNC. See further under -able/-ible.
colleague and collegial See collegial.
collectable or collectible These spellings present a regional divide, though they are equally acceptable. Collectable is the simple English formation based on the verb collect, and preferred by the British according to the Oxford Dictionary (1989); whereas Webster’s Third (1986) gives priority to the latinate form collectible. Data from BNC shows that collectable is much preferred in Britain for all adjectival uses, ranging from the most literal (a collectable tax, a car collectable on your arrival ) to the now common sense of “being a collector’s item,” as in Chinese art is still collectable. The few BNC citations for collectible all converge on the latter meaning. By contrast CCAE confirms the strong American preference for collectible for all meanings of the word, from the collectible amount for lawsuits to rare and collectible comic artworks. The use of collectible as a noun (a collectible) is more evident in the American data. The very few American examples of collectable are all adjectives, but with hundreds spelled collectible, it doesn’t add up to grammatical division of labor (collectable for the adjective and collectible for the noun). Americans prefer the neoclassical here, but not always. See further under -able/-ible.
references to particular human groups, such as the haggle of vendors and the decorum of deans (or the decanter of deans). Among the many others created for amusement are: a column of accountants a consternation of mothers a goggle of tourists a guess of diagnosticians a quaver of coloraturas a recession of economists a slumber of old guard The danger of libel looms larger, the further you go with such phrases – which probably explains why their use is limited.
collegial This is still the only the spelling registered in dictionaries for the adjective referring to the attributes of a colleague. But the alternative pronunciation with a hard “g” sound, registered in Webster’s Third (1986) and Merriam-Webster’s (2000), shows the mental link with colleague – and scope for spellings such as “collegual,” “collegal,” “colleagual,” “colleagal.” All four (in descending order of frequency) could be found by a Google search of the internet in 2002. Though collectively they make up only 1 in 1000 instances of the word, they highlight the problem of deriving an adjective from colleague, which is an English respelling of the French coll`egue. “Collegual” reconnects with this – and avoids the distracting connections with college which go with collegial, in its spelling and standard pronunciation.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com collective nouns
A collective noun is a singular term which designates a group of people, animals or objects. Those referring to people usually connote some kind of organization or structure: audience class committee congregation council crew crowd family government mob orchestra parliament squad staff team tribe Such words raise questions of grammatical agreement, since they can be used to represent either the collective body or its individual members (see agreement section 1). Collective nouns for animals often appear as the head of a noun phrase, e.g. herd of elephants, flock of sheep, swarm of bees. Many are not species-specific (cf. herd of cows, flock of crows,) and so the exact type of animals must be specified, at least on first reference. As complex phrases they usually take singular agreement; but when reduced to herd they can be construed in the plural, like human collective nouns, at least in British and Australian English. Collective terms for objects behave rather like the animal terms, in taking singular agreement when they indicate the configuration of a set of items, e.g. a bunch of keys, a crop of plums, a pile of logs. However when these terms are used as general quantifiers, as in a bunch of losers, a crop of winners, they often take plural agreement (see agreement section 5). The term collective noun is also associated with some very traditional collective words applied to one species only, such as covey of partridges, gaggle of geese, pride of lions. They are models for facetious
Collocation is the tendency of words to go with particular others in a sequence. There may be only one word which can go with a particular verb, as in the mind boggles or with lips pursed. Why this is so is not obvious, any more than the reason why we speak of melted butter and molten lead. They are just some of the conventional collocations of English. Collocations of another kind are to be found in phrasal verbs: bear up, browned off, butt in, carry out etc., where distinctive meanings are latent in the combinations of verb and particle. Compare carry out a plan with carry out the rubbish. Knowing which particle to use in the non-literal collocation is a challenge for the second-language learner. Even native speakers may puzzle over the slightly different collocations used in speech and writing. In written documents, wait for (someone) is the standard collocation, whereas in conversation it’s often expressed as wait on. Thus some collocations vary according to context, and/or the structure of the sentence. The choice of particle after different has a lot to do with both: see different from, different to, and different than. Collocations differ from idioms in that their meaning is never so far removed from the literal value of their components, or anything like a figure of speech. Compare expressions such as a red herring and shoot (oneself ) in the foot (= true idioms) with any of the examples in the previous paragraph; and see further under idiom. Collocations differ from clich´es in that they have an accepted place in the language, and are not thought of as hackneyed expressions in need of replacement. See ´ further under cliches.
colloquialisms These are expressions used in casual conversation. They smack of easy-going exchanges between people, where there’s no need to dot the is and cross the ts: Hang on a tick, we’ll get the cabbie to put the bike on top, and be there in time to have a bite. The colloquialisms of spoken discourse are often short or shortened words like tick, bike and cabbie, familiar abbreviations which reduce demands on the listener, and telescope the less essential syllables. Contractions such as we’ll work in the same way to communicate more (or at least as much) with less. Colloquial idioms like hang on and have a bite also contribute to an allusive style which relies on the context and other knowledge shared by the speaker, e.g. what the time frame is. When conversing we take a lot for granted to ensure the ready exchange of words. Colloquialisms express basic rather than precise meanings, and the speaker’s desire to minimize verbal barriers. The communicative value of colloquialisms is thus almost the antithesis of formal writing. Where verbal precision is paramount, they would be counterproductive. Yet in more interactive styles of writing, a sprinkling of colloquialisms helps to lighten the discourse. The main issue then is to ensure that their currency is as wide as the likely readership. See further under dialect.
colloquium For the plural of this word, see under -um.
Colombia or Columbia
a comma was the standard punctuation. The use of commas with quotations is increasingly confined to literary fiction. (See quotation marks section 3.) Other uses of colons: ∗ to separate the headings in memos from the specific details: MEMO TO: Leslie Smith, Manager FROM: Robin Jones SUBJECT: Uniforms for staff In the US, business letters also have a colon following the salutation, as in: Dear Mr Smith: Your letter (3/9/03) arrived too late for the order to be modified . . . ∗ to separate the main title from the subtitle of a book (see under titles) ∗ to separate elements in literary and biblical citations Romeo and Juliet Act V:ii Revelation 12:20 ∗ to separate elements in bibliographical references, such as the publisher from the place of publication, or the date of publication from the page numbers (see referencing sections 2 and 3) ∗ to indicate ratios in mathematics, as in 3:1 A further use of the colon in the US and Canada is to space the hours from the minutes in expressions of time, e.g. 5:30 pm. In Britain and Australia, a stop is used, as in 5.30 pm.
color or colour See under -or/-our.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com See Columbia.
The colon is a handy punctuation mark for showing that examples or specific details are about to come. The examples may continue the line of the sentence, as in the following: Most of their publications are technical: textbooks for students of economics and law; manuals for computer users and specialist dictionaries. Alternatively, the examples after the colon may be set out on the line(s) below, as in countless entries in this book. The colon reassures readers that what follows will give them the specifics, and that they are not simply being offered an empty generalization. It allows the writer to detail something or give a set of examples without overloading the introductory part of the sentence. Note that what comes after the colon is not usually a sentence itself – a point on which colons differ from semicolons (see under semicolon). Style manuals agree (Chicago Manual, 2003; Oxford Guide to Style, 2002) that the word following the colon stays in lower case, unless it’s a formal quotation, slogan or motto. For example: On the laboratory door was a new sign: Trespassers prosecuted. The word following a colon in the subtitle of a book or article may be capitalized (see further under titles). A colon is quite often used these days before presenting an extended quotation from a printed source (whereas the combination of colon plus dash [:–] for this is obsolescent). Direct quotations from someone’s speech are now also prefaced by a colon, especially in newspapers and magazines, where once
The meaning of colo(u)red in racial identification depends on the country in which it’s used. In South Africa it refers to persons of mixed descent, and was used (with or without capital letter) in apartheid laws to define such a group. (See further under miscegenation.) In the US, colored has a long history dating back to C18, and remains an alternative term for people of African-American background. Its essence has recently been reaffirmed through the phrase people of color (sometimes construed to include Latinos as well, but not Asians). In British usage, coloured is a dated term, applied to non-whites of any race. Like many which express racial discrimination, it may give offense.
Colosseum or Coliseum See Coliseum.
Columbia or Colombia Both names honor Christopher Columbus, as does ´ The different forms of his name result from its Colon. being differently written in Italian, Spanish and Latin. Columbus was of course an Italian by birth, and his name stands in its Italian form (Colombo) for the chief city of Sri Lanka. In South America it’s written into the mountainous state Colombia and the Colombian Basin to the north of it. When Columbus ´ settled in Spain, he adopted the name Cristobal Colon, ´ lives on as the name of cities in Argentina, and Colon Panama and Cuba. Columbus, the form most familiar to Englishspeakers, is the Latin version of the explorer’s name. In North America it becomes Columbia in the several towns that bear the name, as well as the District of
comma Columbia (which spells out the abbreviation DC), Columbia University and the Canadian state of British Columbia.
combated or combatted, combating or combatting Contemporary dictionaries suggest that the spellings with one t are now preferred in the US, Britain and Australia, and evidence from CCAE and the BNC puts combated/combating ahead. But Canadians prefer to spell them with two ts, according to the Canadian Oxford (1998).The Oxford Dictionary (1989) shows that the spellings combatted/combatting were once more common, no doubt when the word’s second syllable was stressed. (See further under doubling of final consonant.) The older spelling survives in the heraldic word combattant, whereas its modern military counterpart is combatant.
come and See try and.
comic or comical The first of these adjectives is more closely linked with comedy, as in comic opera and a comic character. Comical is more loosely used of anything that generates laughter, as in a comical expression. But the boundaries between them are not too sharply drawn, as with other pairs of this kind. See further under -ic/-ical.
2 Pairs of commas in mid-sentence help to set off any string of words which is either a parenthesis or in apposition to whatever went before. The ancient trees, oaks and elms, were sprouting new leaves. (apposition) Dead canyons, all nature in them reduced to desiccation, came alive with the sound of rain. (parenthesis) Note that a pair of dashes could have been used instead of commas with the parenthesis, in both formal and informal writing. 3 Sets of commas separate serial items, such as: a) strings of predicative adjectives, as in: It looks big, bold, enticing. Note that strings of attributive adjectives do not necessarily need to be separated: She was driving a flashy red sports car. The adjectives in sequences like those are of several different types (evaluative, descriptive, definitive), and are in no danger of misreading. Where they belong to the same type, as in a long, turgid, boring lecture, commas are useful separators. (See further under adjectives.) b) a series of nouns or noun phrases, as in: Drinking at the waterhole were cockatoos, emus, budgerigars and kangaroos of several kinds. Whether there should or should not be a comma between the two last items (the so-called serial comma or series comma) is sometimes hotly debated. American editorial practice, as described in the Chicago Manual (2003) insists on a comma before the and, although Webster’s Standard American Style Manual (1985) admits that the serial comma is as often absent as present in its citation files. In British practice there’s an Oxford/Cambridge divide. The serial comma has always been part of “Oxford” style, according to Ritter (2002), whereas Butcher (Copy-editing, 1992) notes both practices and the need to observe either consistently. In Canada and Australia the serial comma is recommended only to prevent ambiguity or misreading, according to Editing Canadian English (2000) and the Australian government Style Manual (2002). In a sentence like the one shown above, a serial comma is not needed to disambiguate the items. However it’s a different matter with the following: Drinking at the waterhole were cockatoos, emus, flocks of budgerigars and kangaroos. Since the word flock does not collocate with kangaroos, a comma before and, to separate flocks of budgerigars from kangaroos is desirable. Note that once there are commas within individual items in a series, semicolons must be used to separate each item from the next: Drinking at the waterhole were white cockatoos, jostling each other for position; a mob of kangaroos, large and small; and a surprisingly tentative group of emus. 4 The disappearing comma ∗ with numbers (see numbers section 1) ∗ with dates. Depending on the order (day, month and year, or month, day and year), the comma may or may not be necessary. See under dates. ∗ with addresses on envelopes. To ensure accurate reading by the electronic scanners, postal authorities now recommend the omission of commas (and all punctuation) from addresses on envelopes. (See further in Appendix VIII.) ♦ For the decimal comma, see numbers section 1. ♦ For inverted commas, see quotation marks.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com comma
Commas are an underused punctuation mark, the chief casualty of the trend towards open punctuation (see punctuation section 1). They have a vital role to play in longer sentences, separating information into readable units, and guiding the reader as to the relationship between phrases and items in a series. 1 A single comma ensures correct reading of sentences which start with a longish introductory element: a) Before the close of the season, you should see this stimulating new play. b) Before the season closes, you should see this stimulating new play. Whether the sentence begins with a phrase as in (a), or a clause as in (b), it benefits by having a comma to show where the introductory element ends and the main statement begins. The comma allows the reader to pause between the two parts, and to absorb each one properly. Introductory strings of words often express the ongoing theme of a paragraph, or serve to highlight a change or adjustment to the theme (see further under information focus). When the introductory string is short (just two or three words), the separating comma may not be necessary – except to prevent misreading. In a case like the following, the comma is essential: Down below the bridge deck was half submerged in the river. A comma following “down below” will prevent the reader having to go over the sentence twice to get its structure. Commas can also make a difference to the reading of a sentence with a relative clause (see relative clauses section 4), and those with negatives in them (see negatives section 2).
comma splice
comma splice In novice writing, the use of comma splice, as in the following, is usually treated as a grammatical fault: These are all new kinds of international problem not envisaged by the founders of United Nations, its terms of reference are not well suited for intervening in civil wars. That “sentence” is in fact two sentences, joined only by a comma, and the relationship between them is unclear. Ideally there would be either (a) heavier punctuation (a semicolon or full stop / period) at the junction; or (b) an appropriate conjunction, such as since or (in this case) the relative pronoun whose instead of its. The two statements would come across better with any of those adjustments. The degree of fault in comma splices is nevertheless relative to the length of the components and how well integrated they are. Patterned examples such as I came, I saw, I conquered and Man proposes, God disposes are clear, rhetorically effective, and stand uncensured. In fact they provide examples of asyndetic coordination. See further under clauses and asyndeton.
commands In English, commands are most directly expressed through what grammarians call imperatives. They are the short, sharp forms of verbs which are used on the parade ground, or in written instructions: Squad, march! Switch on the automatic control to the oven. Set the clock to the desired starting and finishing times. Select the temperature . . . In instructions and recipes imperatives are regularly found at the start of sentences. Other, less direct ways of expressing commands are also available in English, particularly if you want to soften the abruptness of the imperative, and to adopt the role of counselor rather than commander in the document you’re writing. The following sentences illustrate the range from direct command to oblique instruction: Switch on the oven. You must first switch on the oven. Make sure you switch on the oven. The oven should be switched on. In face-to-face situations, the command can be rephrased as a question: Could you switch on the oven? This seems to allow more discretion to the other party, turning the instruction into a kind of collaboration. See further under imperative.
as official media representatives. Anyone can comment, i.e. make ad hoc remarks about something. Yet commentate is sometimes disparaged, as a clumsy and unnecessary extension of comment (which it isn’t); or else as a backformation from commentator (which hasn’t stood in the way of other useful words). See further under backformation.
commercialese Letter writing has its conventions, and letters written in the name of business can be the most stylized of all. The routine nature of many business letters fostered the growth of jargon and formulaic language, in phrases such as: further to your letter of the 12 inst. re your order of the 27 ult. your communication to hand please find enclosed for your perusal at your earliest convenience Clich´es such as these sound increasingly stilted, and business firms these days generally encourage their letter writers to avoid them. Better to use direct, fresh language, and to communicate in friendly terms if possible. (See letter writing.) ♦ For the conventional layout of letters, see Appendix VII.
commitment or committal Both words are of course from the verb commit and provide an abstract noun for it. Some dictionaries seem to say that they are interchangeable, yet they differ in their breadth and frequency of use. Commitment is much more common and widely used for committing oneself to anything, be it a religion, amateur sport, or reducing the consumption of paper. The statement “I have another commitment” can mean almost any activity. Committal by contrast has been particularly associated with legal processes, the committal hearing and committal proceedings, which involve the examination of evidence before a full trial. The formal burial of a body is also referred to as a committal. So there are ritual and legal overtones to committal which commitment is free of.
comme il faut Borrowed from French, this phrase means “as it should be.” It was adopted into English in the courtly C18, to refer to matters of etiquette and correct social behavior. It commends as proper conduct whatever it is attached to. The phrase allows more freedom of choice than certain other French phrases which refer to etiquette. De r`egle means “required by rule or convention”; and de rigueur (roughly “in strictness”) suggests that the whole weight of social opinion is behind it, to make it an absolute necessity.
comment or commentate Those who commentate usually do so to earn a living, providing continuous commentary on events
common or mutual Common has numerous meanings, but it contrasts with mutual in emphasizing sharing rather than reciprocation in a relationship, as in common origin or common interest. Mutual involves reciprocity. Mutual satisfaction implies the satisfaction which two people give to each other, and mutual agreement emphasizes the fact that something is agreed to by both parties (assuming there is no tautology). Reciprocity is carried to excess in a mutual admiration society. Mutual has also long been used to refer to a reciprocal relationship which is enjoyed by more than one other person, as in the title of Charles Dickens’s Our Mutual Friend, published in 1865. Yet for some reason this usage was censured in later C19, as the Oxford Dictionary (1989) notes. The dictionary also noted that mutual was the only possible word in expressions like Dickens’s title. (When class distinctions were so important, who would take the risk of referring to “our common friend”!) The linguistic propriety of using mutual has never bothered insurance companies, which offer thousands of “mutual insurance” policies, and many
competence or competency build the word Mutual into their company titles, as in Colonial Mutual.
common gender See under gender.
common nouns These contrast with proper nouns: see under nouns.
commonwealth and Commonwealth The word commonwealth has always been a political football. It was first used by social reformers of early C16, who wanted to express in English the notion of the ideal republic, existing for the common good, and not advantaging the rich and powerful. (Weal[th] then meant “welfare” rather than “affluence,” and common was to match public.) Several of the original American states, including Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Virginia, are commonwealths by charter, and the word expressed republican and antimonarchic ideals which were popular in C19 America. The notion is institutionalized in titles such as Virginia Commonwealth University, Commonwealth Transportation Board and Commonwealth (or Commonwealth’s) Attorney. The ideals embedded in commonwealth appealed to Australian federationists for similar reasons, and it was set into the nation’s official title (the Commonwealth of Australia) at the Federal Convention held in Sydney in 1891. Other former British colonies such as Canada and New Zealand adopted the title Dominion. The republican associations of commonwealth were presumably not strongly felt by the British government when it renamed what had been the British Empire as the British Commonwealth, with the king or queen as its head. At the same time the Imperial Institute became the Commonwealth Institute, and the Imperial Games the Commonwealth Games. The adoption of the word for this post-imperial purpose led successive Australian prime ministers in the 1960s to declare publicly their preference for “Australian Government” rather than Commonwealth of Australia. At the turn of the millennium the term “Commonwealth style” is still used by some for editorial practices associated with federal government documents, but longer-term uses of Commonwealth are caught up in the debate over Australia becoming a republic. The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), consisting of 12 former Soviet nations, is the newest political grouping to embrace the word. See further under Russia.
Dictionary (1989) both suggest that compared with is used when the comparison is part of a broad analysis, and compared to when it’s a matter of specifically likening one thing to another. But the distinction is probably more honored in the breach than the observance. Webster’s English Usage (1989) found little correlation between the two particles and the two meanings, and that the two meanings were not necessarily separable anyway. It concluded that any tendency to choose compared to for the meaning “liken” could only be demonstrated for the active verb, not when it was passive or just a past participle. The very similar frequencies of compared to and compared with in data from CCAE also suggest that the two constructions are used indifferently in American English. In British English compared with is a good deal more frequent than compared to: the ratio is about 2:1 in BNC data. Also noteworthy is the fact that compared to appears more often than compared with among spoken data and scripted dialogue. This suggests that it’s the more informal of the two constructions, the one you use when speaking off the cuff, rather than when crafting your prose. The preference for compared with was once underpinned by the latinist’s insistence that with was the only possible particle, because the prefix in compare is the Latin cum “with.” Like other Latin-derived principles of usage, its influence has been more pervasive in Britain, and helped to underscore the use of compared with. Yet even there, compared is increasingly construed with to, on the analogy of similar words and structures such as likened to and similar to. The regional preferences for construing compared apply also to the adjective comparable. In British usage comparable to and comparable with are both freely used, appearing in the ratio 4:3 in BNC data. American usage meanwhile is strongly inclined to comparable to, by the evidence of CCAE. ♦ Compare averse to, discussed under adverse or averse.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com comparison of adjectives and adverbs For their degrees of comparison (comparative, superlative), see adjectives section 2 and adverbs section 3.
compendium For the plural of this word, see under -um.
compensable or compensatable
♦ For comparative forms of adjectives, see under adjectives. ♦ For comparative clauses, see under clauses section 4c. See also than.
Unabridged dictionaries such as Webster’s Third (1986) and the Oxford Dictionary (1989) recognize both these as adjectives to the verb compensate. Smaller dictionaries have only compensable, and it’s the only one to register its presence in data from the BNC and CCAE.
compared with or compared to
competence or competency
Do the following mean the same? a net loss of 8 compared with the 1990 result. . . a net loss of 8 compared to the 1990 result. . . What difference there may seem to be is probably affected by one’s regional background (American or British) – despite the fact that the major English dictionaries give separate definitions to the two structures. Webster’s Third (1986) and the Oxford
Dictionaries often give these as alternatives, and in some contexts they are synonymous in their now dominant sense of “sufficient capability or skills.” But English databases show that competence occurs much more often than competency in general applications, by a factor of more than 10:1. Apart from that, both words have their special domains. Newly developed meanings in linguistics, biology and
complacent or complaisant geology are attached to competence; while competency prevails in education and vocational training, where competency-based training insists that students take away identifiable skills. The two words have shared a number of meanings. When first recorded in English competence/ competency connected with the verb compete (“contest”), expressing meanings which are now attached to competition. But in Latin and in Renaissance English, compete also meant “come together” and figuratively “be convenient or fitting.” The present-day meanings of competence/ competency (“fitness or adequacy”) are fossils of this now extinct sense of compete, preserved in legal usage and largely confined there until C18. In C20 English, competency has acquired a plural form, often found in the phrase core/key competencies. This makes it a countable noun, while competence remains a mass noun only. Such grammatical differentiation is not uncommon among -nce/-ncy pairs. See further under that heading, and under nouns.
complacent or complaisant Complacent has been making inroads into the domain of complaisant during the last two centuries. Both words ultimately derive from the Latin verb complacere (“please”), though the meaning is more evident in complaisant, the form borrowed from French. In English complaisant has meant “eager to please” or “obliging” in a positive sense, while complacent, the regular Latin form, usually means “pleased with oneself and with the status quo.” Its overtones now are somewhat negative, suggesting uncritical self-satisfaction and a reluctance to improve things. Complaisant is now a rare word, greatly outnumbered by complacent in both American and British databases, and suffering from convergence with it. Examples such as a complaisant House of Commons and his apparently complaisant wife show complaisant meaning not just “eager to please” but “overready to condone,” i.e. much the same as complacent. It looks like the final stage in this verbal encounter, with no distinct or neutral identity for complaisant. Writers wishing to use it in the sense of “willing to please” should be advised that the paraphrase is a more reliable means of making their point. For complacent there have been two abstract nouns: complacence and complacency. The first (and older) form with -ce is now giving way to the second with -cy. For other examples of this, see -nce/-ncy.
The spelling compliment which we use to mean “a commendatory remark” comes through Italian and French. This extension of meaning can be explained in terms of etiquette, where a compliment is that which completes or rounds off an act of courtesy. Until C17, the spelling complement represented this sense also, but it has since been taken over by compliment. In everyday writing, compliment is more often needed than complement, and sometimes mistakenly used for it, in both British and American databases. The adjective complementary correlates with complement, meaning “that which goes with something else to make a whole.” It typically occurs in analytical writing, as in complementary colors, or two vitally important and complementary goals. By contrast complimentary is an everyday word, correlating with compliment as in the directors were complimentary to us. Complimentary is also the spelling for referring to something given free of charge, such as complimentary tickets to an exhibition, performance or sporting event, or the complimentary bottle of wine from the restaurant which wants you to think well of it, despite a small problem with the main course. The complimentary close at the end of a letter is likewise used to oil the social wheels when corresponding (see Appendix VII). Again complimentary is sometimes used mistakenly for complementary. There’s a particular challenge for American sports reporters in dealing with complementary players as well as complimentary passes (for the game). But the two spellings cause visible problems for other writers represented in CCAE and the BNC, as in complimentary colours and the complimentary hot sauce designed to go with avocados. The databases also show complementary being used for complimentary, as in complementary glass of champagne, or the complementary camera with every travel booking of $1000 or more. This is the more common direction of the mistake, according to New Oxford (1998), which would reflect the fact that complementary is more than twice as common as complimentary, in data from the BNC. But the opposite holds in American English, with complimentary about twice as common as complementary in data from CCAE.
complement or compliment, and complementary or complimentary These identical-sounding words represent earlier and later developments of the same Latin word complementum (“something which completes”). The spelling complement still corresponds to that kind of meaning, as in: His creativity and her business sense are the perfect complement for running the gallery. A similar meaning is the one used by grammarians when they speak of the complement to the verb/noun/adjective/preposition. See further under complementation.
complementation In the context of modern English grammar, the notion of complementation begins with whatever serves to complement the verb and complete the verb phrase. This will depend on the verb itself, whether it is copular, intransitive or transitive (monotransitive or ditransitive): see further under those headings. (For complement clauses, see content clause.) Not all items found complementing the verb are its complement, strictly speaking. Some grammarians reserve the term complement as far as possible for those items which are required to complete the verb phrase, including: ∗ subject complement, as in She is the apple of his eye ∗ object complement, as in She thinks him a genius ∗ certain obligatory adverbs, as in It costs five pounds; They walked five miles This use of complement, to mean something obligatory in a given grammatical construction, makes it contrast with the optional adjunct. See further under adverbs, section 1, and under predicate.
compounds On the analogy of its use in the verb phrase, the term complementation is now also applied to complementary structures within the noun phrase, adjective phrase and prepositional phrase. Here again the term complement is reserved for obligatory elements, as in 1 (noun complement): their reliance on the family 2 (adjectival complement): fond of country walks 3 (prepositional complement): without the rhetoric For more detail on the structure of the noun phrase and its postmodification, see under noun phrase.
complex sentences See clauses section 3.
complex words A complex word embodies more than one distinct component but only one which can stand alone. See for example: children denigrated evolutionary remodel watering The independent (or free-standing element) has been italicized in each case. In cases such as hungriest, racism and trafficking, the italicized part should still be regarded as the free-standing element, since there’s no doubt that hungry, race and traffic can stand alone. The alternative forms they take in complex words are simply dictated by the following suffix and certain basic rules of English spelling. (See under -y > -i-, -e, and -c/-ck- for the three involved in those cases.) Complex words have either prefixes, suffixes or both attached to their free-standing element, signaling aspects of grammar and meaning. See further under prefixes and suffixes, and individual examples such as ante-/ anti-, -al, -ate, be- etc. ♦ Compare complex words with compounds.
frenchification, though the motive is less clear than in other cases. See frenchification.
compos mentis See non compos mentis.
composed of or comprised (of) See comprise.
compound sentences See clauses section 2.
compound verbs Grammarians have applied this phrase to several kinds of verbs which consist of more than one word: ∗ Those which embrace one or more auxiliary verbs, such as: was going am being taken would have liked (See further under auxiliary verbs.) ∗ Those which combine with particular particles to express a meaning, such as: compare with differ from give up protest against (See further under phrasal and prepositional verbs.) ∗ Those which are compound formations, such as downgrade and shortlist. See under compounds.
compounds These are expressions which consist of two (or more) separable parts, each of which can stand as a word in its own right. English has very many of them, of which the following are only tokens: ∗nouns audiotape car park daylight-saving takeover ∗adjectives airborne home-made icy-cold keen-eyed ∗verbs baby-sit blackball blue-pencil overturn ∗adverbs downtown overseas upmarket worldwide Although four examples have been given in each group, there are infinitely more noun compounds overall. Note the variation in each group (except the adverbs) over the use of hyphens, and spaced or solid setting. Compounds are sometimes said to progress from being spaced as separate words, to being hyphened, and then set solid, but the pattern is far from universal. In American English they may skip the hyphened stage (see hyphens section 1d); and some, especially longer ones like daylight-saving, may never progress beyond the hyphenated stage (in British English, or spaced, in American), however well established they are. Compound adjectives and verbs often go straight to the hyphened or set-solid stage, which ensures that they are read as a single grammatical unit. Noun compounds actually need it less because their structure is underpinned by that of the noun phrase itself. (See further under noun phrases and hyphens.) Whatever the setting, the two parts of a compound come together in terms of meaning, and this special integration of meaning makes it more than the sum of its parts. A car park is unlike a national park in almost every way, in spite of the common element park, because both are compounds. For the plurals of compound nouns, see plurals section 2.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com compliment or complement See complement.
complimentary or complementary See under complement or compliment.
complimentary close/closing See under letter writing and Yours faithfully, and Appendix VII.
compline or complin The name for the last church service of the day has been growing with the centuries. Its regular French antecedent had neither n nor e, being compli (“completed”). However on English soil it began to be called compelin, and it was complin in C16 when Cranmer removed it as a separate service from the English Prayer Book. In scattered references over the next three centuries it appears as compline, and when the service was reinstated by the Anglican Church in 1928, the spelling with e was used. In the current English Prayer Book, and in Catholic liturgical books, the spelling is compline. The second edition of the Oxford Dictionary (1989), unlike the first, gave priority to compline, and it’s preferred in all modern dictionaries including the New Westminster Dictionary of Liturgy and Worship (1986). However the standard pronunciation still seems to go with the older spelling complin. The addition of the unhistorical -e may be an instance of
comprehensible or comprehensive Compounds differ from complex words in that the latter have only one part which can stand alone. Compare football with footing, machine gun with machinery, worldwide with worldly and so on. (See further under complex words.) ♦ For blends such as brunch, electrocute and telecast, see portmanteau words.
comprehensible or comprehensive
Readers take their cue from that. The second edition of the Oxford Dictionary (1989) recognizes all three uses of comprise, as does Webster’s Third (1986). None of them can now be considered incorrect. American dictionaries allow comprize as an alternative spelling to comprise, but there’s scant evidence of its use in CCAE. See further under -ize/-ise.
concensus or consensus
These words are both related to the verb comprehend, which in Latin (and earlier English) meant “take a grip on”; and the sense of holding or including (many things) is still the most common one for comprehensive nowadays. A comprehensive approach (to a problem) takes in almost every aspect of it, just as a comprehensive school is intended to teach subjects right across the educational curriculum, not just the academic or technical strand. But the verb comprehend has for centuries also meant “have a mental grasp of or understand.” The Oxford Dictionary (1989) shows that this is actually the first recorded meaning in C14 English, though the more classical meaning was in use then too. The notion of understanding is the primary meaning for comprehensible (“able to be understood”). Just occasionally comprehensive also shows this development of meaning as well, when used in the sense of “having understanding”: They were not fully comprehensive of the corruption within their ranks. Though recorded from time to time over the last three centuries, this usage is not common nowadays – mostly confined to formal style and deliberately lofty writing.
These both serve as the abstract noun for the adjective concise, and are about equally current in American English, by the evidence of CCAE. But British English seems to prefer conciseness, which is much the more common of the two in data from the BNC. Concision actually appears much earlier, as a C14 loanword according to the Oxford Dictionary (1989). But it was never so widely used as to inhibit the formation of the English word conciseness in C17. The parity of concise with precise probably adds an element of uncertainty to the choice between conciseness and concision. ♦ Compare precision or preciseness, and see further under -ness.
comprise, composed of or comprised of
concomitance or concomitancy
Comprise is a verb over which many people pause, and three constructions are now acceptable with it. Traditionally it meant “include,” “contain,” as in: The show comprises lesser known Spanish artists. This construction, still current, provides an alternative to the passive of compose, as in: The show is composed of lesser known Spanish artists. Between them they offer a stylistic choice between more compact expression (with comprise) or something less dense (with composed of ). But the two seem to be blended in other uses of comprise. ∗ comprised of meaning “made up of,” as in: The show is comprised of lesser known Spanish artists This construction occurs more freely in American than British English in database evidence. The ratio of comprised of to composed of is about 1:5 in CCAE and 1:11 in the BNC. ∗ comprise meaning “combine to make up,” “constitute”: Lesser known Spanish artists comprise the show This third construction is the mirror-image of the traditional use of comprise. It begins with the parts that make up the whole, rather than the whole which consists of certain parts. Approximately 25% of BNC examples, and more than 75% of CCAE examples use comprise this way, especially for numerical statements, as in: Blacks comprise 60% of the department’s employees. The verb comprise is clearly polysemous. Its particular meaning depends on whatever the writer puts as subject of the verb (the whole, or its parts).
See under -nce/-ncy.
See consensus.
concerto For the plural of this word, see under Italian plurals.
concessional clause This type of adverbial clause is disussed under clauses section 4c.
conciseness or concision
concord See under agreement.
concrete or cement See cement.
concrete nouns These contrast with abstract nouns. They refer to visible, tangible things such as apple, bridge, ceiling, house, student, water, as well as observable aspects of behavior such as laughing, running, shouting, typing, and natural phenomena which have some measurable correlate, such as electricity, heat, humidity and wind. They may be either mass nouns like flesh and water, or count nouns like apple and student. See further under count and mass nouns.
concurrence or concurrency See -nce/-ncy.
conditional In languages such as French and Italian, the conditional is a special form of the verb which shows that an event or action may take place, not that it will. The conditional suffixes resemble those of the future tense, though they are distinctive: ∗French je viendrais (conditional ) je viendrai ( future) ∗Italian (io) verrei (conditional ) (io) verro` ( future)
conform to or conform with English verbs have no conditional forms, and instead the modal verb would is commonly used to translate conditionals from French and Italian. The conditional expresses the writer’s judgement that the fulfillment of the verb’s action depends on something else. For example: Je viendrais mais je n’ai pas d’auto. (I would come but I don’t have a car.) Si j’avais un auto, je viendrais. (If I had a car, I would come.) As the last example shows, conditional statements in English are often attached to a conditional clause, prefaced by if, unless or provided that, which are a type of adverbial clause. (See further under clauses section 4c.) Conditional clauses are sometimes divided into (a) open and (b) impossible (“unreal,” hypothetical ) conditions. The first is illustrated in the last example above, the second in sentences such as If I were a driver, I would take you with me. See further under subjunctive section 2.
condominium and condo The origins of condominium in C18 international law are now totally eclipsed by its domestic use, yet both involve joint management (of another country, or of the premises in which an apartment or unit may be individually owned, bought and sold). The domestic use of condominium began in C20 American English, and is now well established in Canada and increasingly familiar in Australia. It just registers its presence in the UK, in BNC references to a holiday condominium on the Riviera and the superbly presented condominium. . .above Flatts inlet. The plural of condominium is condominiums (see under -um). The abbreviation condo appeared first in the 1960s, according to an Oxford Dictionary (1989) quotation, and it’s current in Canada and Australia, according to the Canadian Oxford (1998) and the Macquarie Dictionary (1997). For Australians, condo is a natural member of the set of informal words ending in -o: see under -o section 1.
such as the United Daughters of the Confederacy help to keep it in the public consciousness. The word can also be used generically, as in A confederacy of dunces, the Pulitzer-prize-winning novel by John Kennedy Toole, but the novel’s southern setting makes the connection with the Confederacy more than coincidental. Apart from its inescapable connection with the South, confederacy has a few other historical uses, in references to C18 alliances with American Indians (e.g. the Iroquois confederacy) and early baseball organizations (the Iowa Baseball confederacy). Confederation meanwhile shoulders a burden of generic references to trade, industry and professional groups, as in the national confederation of publishers, a loose confederation of ranchers, miners, loggers, and that electronic confederation called the Internet. In CCAE data, it occasionally appears as part of an institutional title, but much less often than in the BNC. Overall confederation seems to enjoy more general usage in American English than in British. In Canadian English, confederation is frequently used as a generic term in place of federation. For Canadians, Confederation has historical significance in refering to the original (1867) federation of the four eastern provinces (Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick). The Confederation now connotes all ten provinces.
confident or confidant(e) These both relate to confidence: confident (adjective) means “having confidence in oneself,” whereas a confidant or confidante (noun) is one who receives the confidences of others. Originally (up to C18) confident was the spelling for both noun and adjective. Although confidante looks like a French loanword, the French themselves use confidente. Their word referred to a conventional stage character who was privy to the secrets of the chief characters. The English spelling of confidant(e) with a is conceivably a way of representing French pronunciation of the last syllable (with stress and a nasal vowel); at any rate it distinguishes it visibly from confident. The presence or absence of e on confidant(e) might be expected to correlate with the sex of the person in whom one confided (with confidante for a woman, and confidant for the man). In practice confidant is used for both men and women, as dictionaries and databases confirm. And though confidante is more often used of women in the BNC and CCAE, there’s no lack of counter examples among the British/American data: he was a confidante of Mr Honecker; writer Gus B., the confidante of the New York social set. Some usage writers, e.g. Burchfield (1996), Canadian English Usage (1997), Garner (1998), emphasize the need to use confidante for women only. We scarcely need it at all, given that confidant covers both men and women.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com confederation and confederacy In British English, official uses of confederation give it a high profile. It is of course extensively used in reference to trade union organizations (e.g. Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions) and also employer groups such as the Building Employers Confederation. Trade union and employer groups in other countries are also designated this way, witness Confederation of Czechoslovak Trade Unions and Swedish Employers’ Confederation. References to political alliances, real or hypothetical, are also expressed via confederation. All these applications make confederation much more familiar and contemporary in Britain than confederacy, whose uses are mostly historical, as in a confederacy of peoples. . .in the region of the lower Rhine; or the confederacy associated with the Roman Empire. In American English, confederacy or rather Confederacy has the high profile in its very specific geo-historical meaning from the Civil War, when the Southern States of the Confederacy (south of the Mason–Dixon line and east of the Mississippi) took on the Union in the north. Those 11 southern states (the Confederacy) still form an identifiable subset of the US in terms of cultural politics, and community groups
conform to or conform with Of these two possibilities, Fowler (1926) commented that “idiom demands conform to,” and in both American and British English it’s much the more common of the two. In data from CCAE as well as the BNC, conform to outnumbers conform with by about 5:1. This may seem to vindicate Fowler’s judgement at the turn of the millennium, or rather his influence! But conform with continues to be used, perhaps under the influence of the phrase in
conjugations conformity with where with is the standard collocation. There is nevertheless no requirement that the two constructions should match up, as is sometimes argued with different/differ. (See under different). ♦ See also compared with or compared to.
conjugations The verbs of a language often fall into distinct classes or conjugations according to their patterns of inflection and characteristic vowels. In Latin there were five major conjugations, the most distinctive of which was the first with a as its stem vowel. Its descendants in English are the many words ending in -ate, -ator, -ate, -ation and -ative. Most modern European languages have many more than five different classes of verbs, with numerous subgroups created by changes to word forms over the centuries. The Old English conjugations involved seven types of “strong” verb as well as the so-called “weak” conjugation, both of which have fractured into small subgroups. Remnants of the strong conjugations still alter their vowels to indicate the past tense and past participle, and often add (e)n to the latter. They include: sing sang sung cf. ring, swim ride rode ridden drive, write bear bore borne tear, wear break broke broken speak take took taken forsake Verbs of the weak conjugation simply add -(e)d or -t for both the past forms, though some also show vowel changes and spelling changes developed in Middle/ early modern English: live lived lived cf. love, move keep kept kept creep, meet, sleep sell sold sold tell say said said pay Strong and weak elements are now mixed in verbs such as: do did done shear sheared shorn show showed shown See further under irregular verbs.
Marion came and (she) demolished the cheesecake. Others saw her at it yet (they) didn’t comment. Conjunctions like these can appear at the start of a sentence: Others saw her at it. Yet they didn’t comment. The “conjunction” thus becomes a conjunct, forging a cohesive link with the previous sentence while being grammatically unconnected. (Conjuncts are further discussed under adverbs section 1; and exemplified in section 3 below.) Grammarians and some teachers have in the past objected to the use of but or and at the start of a sentence, presumably because they recognized them only as conjunctions, not as conjuncts (see further under and and but). 2 Subordinating conjunctions serve to link a subordinate clause with the main clause on which it depends (see clauses sections 3 and 4). They include: how when where whether why while since as before after once till until (al)though if because for whereas than Complex subordinating conjunctions include: as if as though as soon as as far as in case in order that provided that so that Many subordinating conjunctions also introduce nonfinite clauses e.g. while dancing, once announced, if chosen. New subordinating conjunctions can evolve out of adverbs, and are indeed in use. (For the status of directly, however, likewise, plus, so, therefore, thus as conjunctions, see under individual headings.) 3 The logic of conjunctions and conjuncts. Apart from their role in sentence grammar, conjunctions/ conjuncts relate ideas to each other, helping to show the logic behind the information offered. In fact they express a number of logical relationships – addition, contrast, causation or circumstance (especially time). These logical meanings are embodied in both coordinating and subordinating conjunctions, and in conjuncts and their paraphrases, as shown in the following table. Conjunctions whose status is marginal are shown in parentheses.
conjunctions and conjuncts Though both conjuncts and conjunctions serve to join words together, only the second term is well known. The common conjunctions link words belonging to the same phrase or clause: bread and butter white or black coffee The passengers were tired but happy. Conjunctions also link whole clauses together, as in: The baker had bread rolls but there were no bagels left. When linking clauses, conjunctions serve either to coordinate them as equals, as in the examples above, or to subordinate one to the other. There are different sets of conjunctions for each type. 1 The major coordinating conjunctions are: and but or nor yet In grammatical terms they link together main clauses (see further under clauses). They appear at the head of a clause, and allow the subject following them to be deleted if it’s the same as the one just mentioned. See for example:
conjunctions: and nor (plus) conjuncts: additionally alternatively furthermore moreover similarly phrases: as well in the same way
conjunctions: although (however) whereas conjuncts: however nevertheless rather phrases: against this on the contrary
conjunctions: as because for since (so) (therefore) (thus)
(likewise) or also besides likewise plus too in addition
but though yet instead otherwise by contrast
connotation conjuncts: consequently so therefore phrases: as a result for this reason to this end
hence then thus because of this on account of this
conjunctions: although as (directly) since though when conjuncts: granted meanwhile next now soon still then phrases: at this point despite this even so in that case in the meantime that being so under the up till now circumstances The table shows that the same word may signal more than one kind of logical meaning. Either temporal or causal relations can be expressed by as, since, then, depending on the statements they are coupled with. Because they are ambiguous in some contexts, writers need a repertoire of conjunctions and conjuncts from which to choose ones which clarify and underscore logical relations within the argument. Variety itself is important. If thus appears three times on the same page, its use begins to seem decorative rather than logical.
connector or connecter These spellings with the Latin and the English suffix are juxtaposed as equals in many dictionaries including Webster’s Third (1986) and the Oxford Dictionary (1989). Connector is always put first, which is fully vindicated by data from BNC and CCAE. In fact connecter makes no showing at all in either corpus, suggesting that it may be time for dictionaries to demote it from the headword. Yet connecter is still the natural English formation from connect, as it was for Faraday, pioneering electrical systems in early C19. Modern technical usage nevertheless has connector, perhaps on the analogy of conductor, resistor and other electrical terms. (See further under -er/-or.)
connotation The connotations of words are the associations which they raise in the minds of people using them. These associations would be the same for most users: think of holiday or holidays which generally connote pleasure and relaxation – a day out of the regular week, or time out of the regular year for students and many working people. Yet the same word may hold special connotations for individuals and subgroups in the population. For working mothers, the school holidays or vacation raise mixed feelings because the words connote a time when life is actually more complicated. One needs to arrange care and entertainment for the children (and relax with them as far as possible), as well as continue one’s normal working routine. The connotation of words may thus be rather different for speaker and listener, or writer and reader. The connotations of words may also change over the course of time, as with enthusiasm, which is positively valued nowadays, though in C17 and C18 it was a derogatory word – associated with extreme religious emotion. The fact that connotations vary and change shows how unstable they are. By contrast, the denotations of words (whatever they refer to or identify) are relatively stable. So holidays or vacation denote a period of days which makes a break in the normal schedules of work or study. Both students and working mothers would agree on that as the core meaning. Yet some words and especially slang have relatively little denotation, and their chief force is in their connotation. The slang uses of screw as a noun denoting “prison warder” or a verb meaning “have sexual intercourse” are heavy with contempt. The connotations serve your purpose if your aim is to insult, but make them unusable for neutral communication. Apart from their positive or negative values, words often have stylistic connotations. Compare read with peruse. Read is the ordinary word for the skill which literate people take for granted; while peruse is the rather rare and formal word used mostly when asking your superior to read or scrutinize a document. Peruse turns reading into a superior activity, commensurate with the boss’s status. A stylistic value is thus also a part of the connotation of a word, and something which can change or become neutralized. Rather formal words (like vacation) and colloquial ones (like flu) now merge with other elements of the standard language.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com See under adverbs section 1, and conjunctions.
conjurer or conjuror
Both spellings are acceptable, and Webster’s Third (1986) and the Oxford Dictionary (1989) both give preference to conjurer. Certainly conjurer was recorded earlier, in C14 English, while conjuror first appeared a century later. In Britain it gained ground over conjurer in C19, and now outnumbers it in the BNC by more than 2:1. In American English conjurer still prevails, by the evidence of CCAE data. The spelling with -or suggests some confusion with juror, and analogy with other “role words” derived direct from French. Conjurer makes it a simple English formation based on the verb conjure. See further under -er/-or.
conk or konk See under k/c.
connectible or connectable Both spellings are acceptable, and connectable can be justified on the grounds that the word is a C18 English formation, based on the verb connect. Yet the pressure to spell it connectible on the analogy of other Latin-derived adjectives such as perfectible is quite strong, and the Oxford Dictionary (1989) makes connectible its first spelling. The complete absence of the word from Webster’s Third (1989) would nevertheless lead readers to expect it to be spelled in the regular English way (connectable), as with any undocumented word. See further under -able/-ible.
connection or connexion See under -ction/-xion.
consensus or concensus
consensus or concensus
Dictionaries all agree that the word should be spelled consensus, because like consent it goes back to the Latin verb consentire (“agree”). Yet the spelling concensus persists. The Oxford Dictionary (1989) registers it as an obsolete variant of consensus, though without citations to demonstrate its use. Current use of concensus in both the UK and the US is confirmed by a number of examples in both BNC and CCAE, though they pale into insignificance beside the thousands of instances of consensus. A Google search of the internet in 2002 nevertheless found concensus in about 1.5% of all instances of the word. The numbers are thus small but pervasive, and the reason for their occurrence is not far to seek – in confusion with census, which is about public information if not public attitudes. The spurious link makes the spelling concensus a folk etymology (see further under that heading). Like other latinisms which are obscure to many in C21, consensus may eventually be (re)credited with an alternative spelling. ♦ Compare idiosyncrasy or idiosyncracy, and supersede or supercede.
See under vowels.
consequent or consequential These adjectives share some common ground in referring to that which follows as a result of something else, as in . . . a statement explaining the overbooking policy and the consequent risk to “reservations.” The consequential shock almost paralysed him. Consequential in this sense is often a legal term, in BNC examples such as indirect or consequential damages, and the consequential costs or losses mentioned in accounting. But it also means “important,” “weighty,” in a consequential congressional leader or a country more consequential than Granada, among various examples from CCAE. With its extra syllable, consequential thus seems to have official or portentous overtones. The briefer consequent has a wider variety of uses in economic, scientific and social analysis.
consortium For the plural of this word, see under -um.
constitutionist or constitutionalist See under -ist.
contact clause This is a grammatical term for the relative clause without relative pronoun, such as The video you get with the appliance explains how to use it. In speech it is often the way relative clauses are expressed, where intonation makes very clear which noun they are attached to. The term was coined by Jespersen (1909–49), but is not used by the authors of the Comprehensive Grammar (1985) or the Longman Grammar (1999). See further under relative clauses section 1.
contagious or infectious These both imply that something spreads from person to person, and provided it is not an identifiable disease, you could use either. Both have been used figuratively since C18. At first they mostly coupled with words implying negative social phenomena, such as folly and panic, but C19 saw contagious associated with vigor, and infectious with good humor, as well as other positive collocations of this kind. In medical usage, it is important to distinguish them. Contagious there has the quite specific meaning of being spread from person to person by physical contact, while infectious simply means “communicable or capable of being spread by any means,” making it the broader term. An Infectious Diseases hospital is concerned with those which are spread by water, moist air, insects etc., not just human contact.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com consist of or consist in In current English, consist of enjoys much more widespread use than consist in, outnumbering it by 20:1 in BNC data, and 75:1 in data from CCAE. Still some writers make a point of using consist in when identifying an abstract principle, and consist of when specifying the several (usually physical) components of something. The distinction is exemplified in the following: True education does not consist in being taught just anything. The kit consists of scissors, thread and sewing cards. In fact this distinction emerged only in C20, and is more often observed in formal style than in impromptu speech. The verb consist actually has a trail of obsolete collocations behind it. Once upon a time it was consist on and consist by.
consistence or consistency See under -nce/-ncy.
consonance or consonancy See under -nce/-ncy.
contemporary or contemporaneous As adjectives, both can mean “occurring at the same point or period in time,” and both collocate with with: Shakespeare was contemporary with Queen Elizabeth I. The use of cast iron in China was almost contemporaneous with that of forged iron in Europe. Some have suggested that contemporaneous usually couples with inanimates and contemporary with human beings, as these examples happen to show. But if there is any such tendency, it probably results as much from the fact that contemporary is an everyday word, while contemporaneous appears most often in academic and abstract discourse. Only in C20 has contemporary (as adjective) developed the meaning “modern” or “of our times,” which it does not share with contemporaneous. It appears in expressions such as contemporary theatre, as a substitute for the word modern, which by now sounds a bit old hat. This newer meaning of contemporary occasionally lends ambiguity to statements in which the older meaning could also apply: Dickens shares with contemporary novelists a concern with social issues.
continual or continuous, and continually or continuously Without further information the reader cannot tell whether C19 or C20/21 novelists are being invoked for comparison. Are they Dickens’s contemporaries, or those of the writer/reader? Note that the noun contemporary is free of this ambiguity, and that, unlike the adjective, it is followed by of: Dickens was a contemporary of Thackeray. Other points to note: ∗ Contemporary has no adverb, but relies on contemporaneous for it: (contemporaneously) ∗ The variants co-temporary and cotemporary enjoyed considerable use in C17 and C18, but are now rare. They make no showing in CCAE, and there’s only one example in the BNC. See further under co-.
contemptible or contemptuous These adjectives are complementary in meaning. Contemptuous is the attitude of those who hold something (or someone) in contempt. Whatever they hold in contempt is contemptible – for them at least. Behind both words is the lost verb contemn, which was used by Shakespeare and in the King James bible. By C19 it survived only in literary usage: when uttered it could scarcely be distinguished from condemn. The judgement in both verbs is extremely negative, and still reinforced in the case of condemn by its use in law and religion.
content clause Several kinds of subordinate clause which complement the main clause are grouped together as content clauses. Most common and familiar among the content clauses are the noun clause, as in: They think he likes it They asked if I liked it. They realized what was needed. . . Less common are the content clauses which conceptualize an abstract noun or pronoun, as in: That he should retire had not occurred to him. The suggestion that he should retire came as a surprise. Recent grammars such as the Cambridge Grammar (2002) include also clauses with a mandative subjunctive (see under subjunctive section 1): They suggested that he retire immediately. The Longman Grammar (1999) uses the term complement clause to cover all these finite constructions, as well as nonfinite constructions with -ing or the to-infinitive which perform the same function. Compare: We hope to come again. We hope that they’ll come again. The finite that-clause allows a different subject, whereas the infinitive does not. A different subject is however possible with -ing complements: I remember that he signed the cheque. I remember him signing the cheque. I must remember to sign the next cheque. As the examples show, the to-infinitive expresses potential action rather than enactment of it.
as continental shelf, continental drift, continental plate, continental lithosphere. But for the British, the capitalized form Continental (and the Continent) always means Continental Europe. This usage predates Britain’s membership of the European Union, yet there are hundreds of examples in the BNC to suggest continuing ambivalence about belonging to the European continent. The English Channel is still the watery frontier for touring the Continent and partaking of Continental dishes. The continental breakfast is so well established in English idiom that hotels worldwide use it to identify the quick/inexpensive fast-breaker minus eggs, bacon and all the trimmings of the “full English breakfast.” As that example shows, some lower-case uses of continental also mean “mainland European.” ♦ Compare subcontinental.
continual or continuous, and continually or continuously The line of demarcation between continual and continuous is no longer so sharp. Dictionary definitions in North America, Britain and Australia show that both are now used in the sense of “nonstop,” the meaning which used to belong to continuous. Their interchangeability on this is evident in BNC examples such as continual stream of persons beside continuous torrential rain. The once distinctive use of continual (“occurring repeatedly, regularly or persistently”) is also increasingly shared by continuous. Even if we put down to hyperbole examples such as continuous criticism from the left of politics, there’s the unmistakable fact that continuous assessment is now standard educational jargon. (In practice, it is continual assessment – luckily for the students concerned. To be assessed repeatedly is bad enough, but to be assessed nonstop would be intolerable.) This and other institutional uses of continuous (continuous monitoring, continuous period of employment, continuous compounding) help to account for the fact that it is much more frequent than continual in BNC data (by more than 4:1). Note also that continuous (but not continual) can refer to the spatial dimension, as in continuous tapering of the blade. As adverbs, continually and continuously also have much in common, though their relative frequencies in the BNC are reversed. Again there are examples of continually meaning “nonstop,” as well as “happening regularly.” Compare: Payments through the year are not continually accrued with . . . fingers running continually through tousled blonde hair. . . And there’s continuously meaning “happening regularly” as well as “nonstop.” Compare: New species arrive continuously with I’ve lived in London continuously since 1975. Spatial uses are again exclusive to continuously, as in: The zone extends more or less continuously around the margins of the Pacific Ocean. But the meaning of both continuous(ly) and continual(ly) now depends to a large extent on the phenomena to which they are applied.
continental, Continental and the Continent In geography and geology, continental can refer to any of the five continents on earth. The noncapitalized form appears in more and less familiar concepts such
continuance, continuation or continuity ♦ For the grammatical use of continuous in relation to verb forms, see under aspect.
continuance, continuation or continuity Dictionaries in the US, UK and Australia indicate that continuance and continuation may be substitutes for each other, though each has its own centre of gravity. Continuance maintains stronger links with the verb continue, implying an unbroken operation or provision (e.g. continuance of the publishing agreement), or an uninterrupted stay in the same place or position (continuance in office). Continuation often implies resumption after a break, whether in the dimensions of space or time: . . . the team’s pathetic continuation of form from the previous season. . . Go up Church Road, then Hollyhome Lane, the continuation of it. . . The second example shows how continuation comes to mean the physical extension of something. Its capacity to take on more concrete meanings helps to make it much more frequent than continuance in present-day English (by more than 4:1 in the BNC). Continuity emphasizes the lack of breaks or disjunctions in something, as for example in continuity of service. The word has assumed particular importance in the audiovisual mass media, where continuity of communication is a point of professional pride. Job titles such as continuity girl and continuity man identify the person who checks that there are no abrupt changes, inconsistencies, or unexplained pauses in the output. The continuity itself is the comprehensive script (for a broadcast) or scenario (for a movie) which details the words, music, sound effects (and camera work) which are going on simultaneously.
contractions In writing and editing, this term is applied to two kinds of abbreviation, detailed below. Punctuation for the first type is much less uniform than for the second. 1. Contractions as shortened forms of single words from which the middle is omitted – e.g. Mr, Dr – as opposed to those in which the end is omitted e.g. Prof., Rev. This difference entails special punctuation practices for some writers and editors, who use a full stop/period with the second type but not the first (as just shown). They also treat foreign abbreviations such as no (“numero”), viz (“videlicet”), vs (“versus”) this way (see No(.)/no(.), versus and vide). An older practice for marking contractions was to use an internal apostrophe to show where the word was condensed, as in C’tee for “Committee,” and especially when it helped to show that the duplicated letter was intended, as in A’asia for “Australasia” (Style Manual, 2002). The distinction between contractions and abbreviations was articulated for English by Fowler (1926), though he did not use the word contraction, and it seems to have developed as part of the British editorial tradition after World War II. The Authors’ and Printers’ Dictionary (1938) does not mention it; yet it is acknowledged as common practice in Copy-editing (1975), and shown in copious examples in the Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors (1981). Ritter (2002) notes the tradition as well as various inconsistencies that undermine it. Successive editions of the Australian government Style Manual (1966–2002) have maintained it, despite research showing the opposite trend (Style on the Move, 1993). In North America such contractions are known as suspensions, but the practice of punctuating them differently is not widespread. Chicago Manual (2003) mentions it only in passing, and associates it with the British and the French. In Canada the practice is mostly observed in government documents, according to Canadian English Usage (1997). Its anomalous consequences as well as its importance in French editorial practice are noted in Editing Canadian English (2000). So the English-speaking world is far from united over whether to distinguish contractions from other abbreviations by omitting the stop. Second-language users of English canvassed in the Langscape survey (1998–2001) were clearly more inclined than the British to use stops in contractions as well as abbreviations. ♦ For a full discussion of the options, see abbreviations section 2. 2. Contractions as telescoped phrases such as don’t, I’ll, there’s, we’ve. In all such cases the apostrophe marks the place where a letter or letters have been omitted. Note that with shan’t and won’t, a single apostrophe is all that is used, even though they have shed letters in more than one place. (In C19 English they appeared with two, as sha’n’t, wo’n’t.) Contractions like these affect one of two elements in the verb phrase: ∗ the word not, when it follows any of the auxiliaries: isn’t wasn’t can’t couldn’t doesn’t don’t didn’t hasn’t haven’t hadn’t mustn’t etc. ∗ the auxiliary itself, especially following a personal pronoun:
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For the plural of this word, see -um.
contraThis prefix originated in Latin as an adverb meaning “against or opposed to.” It appears in Latin loanwords such as contradiction and contravene, and in a few modern English creations, such as: contraception contradistinction contraindication The prefix is the same in modern Italian and Spanish, and from there we derive contraband, contralto and contrapuntal. The so-called Contras in Nicaragua were right-wing guerrillas who enjoyed some support from the US government in their struggle against the left-wing regime of President Ortega. In this case contra is a clipped form of the Spanish contrarevolucionario (“counterrevolutionary”). As that example shows, English often prefers to use the prefix counter- instead of contra-. See further under counter-.
contractable or contractible Both may turn up in discussions of medicine and health, but they have different applications. Contractable refers to something you may contract, such as a disease: HIV-AIDS is contractable via shared needles. Contractible refers to the capacity of a muscle or other organ to contract, as in: The eyelid works by a contractible muscle. See further under -able/-ible.
I’m I’ve I’d
you’re s/he’s we’re they’re (be, present only) you’ve s/he’s we’ve they’ve (have, present only) you’d s/he’d we’d they’d (have, past)
cookie or cooky I’d you’d s/he’d we’d they’d (would ) I’ll you’ll s/he’ll we’ll they’ll (will ) The last set are sometimes said to be contractions of shall, but this is very unlikely. (See under shall section 2.) As the list shows, the contractions from different auxiliaries are sometimes identical, e.g. I’d, s/he’s. But the following verb helps to show whether I d stands for I had or I would. When that verb is an infinitive, as in I’d keep, I’d must be “I would”; whereas with a past participle as in I’d kept, it is “I had.” (See further under auxiliary verb). In conversation and informal writing, auxiliary verbs can be telescoped with almost any kind of word or phrase which serves as the subject: a personal pronoun, a demonstrative or interrogative, a noun or noun phrase, and so on: That’s going too far. There’s a lot more rain coming. Who’d want a thing like that? The word’s getting around. The king of Spain’s on his way here. In just one instance the pronoun itself is contracted: let’s. There were of course others like that in older English, e.g. ’tis, ’twas, ’twere, which now survive as dialectal expression, as in the title of McCourt’s novel ’Tis (1999). Contractions like those mentioned above are very common in speech, and appear increasingly in writing, in newspaper columns and magazines across the range from popular to quality press. Contracted forms such as don’t, won’t, it’s and that’s appeared quite often in Westergren-Axelsson’s (1998) study of British publications of the 1990s. In the past they were felt to be too colloquial for the written medium, and editors of academic journals are still inclined to edit them out. The writers of formal documents may feel that they undermine the authority and dignity of their words. But the interactive quality that contractions lend to a style is these days often sought, in business and elsewhere. They facilitate reading by reducing the space taken up by predictable elements of the verb phrase, and help to establish the underlying rhythms of prose. For all these reasons, contractions are used from time to time in this book.
conversationalist or conversationist British preference for the longer form is well known. Conversationalist is given priority in the Oxford Dictionary (1989), and it outnumbers conversationist by 17:1 in BNC data. Current American usage goes the same way: conversationalist is the only form to be found in CCAE, though Webster’s Third (1986) registers conversationist as equal alternative. ♦ For other similar pairs, see under -ist.
conversion This term (or zero derivation) is used by grammarians to refer to the word-forming process described under transfers.
conveyer or conveyor Conveyer is the older form, and the one for ad hoc agentive uses such as a conveyer of good news (see further under -er/-or). But conveyor has established itself in the fields of law and engineering, and is the spelling normally used for any mechanical carrying device.
convince or persuade The infinitive construction convince X to. . . provides an alternative to the clausal convince X that. . . See further under persuade.
cookie or cooky Both spellings have been used for the gastronomic meanings of this word, though the Scottish bun was originally cooky, and the crisp American sweetmeat is almost always cookie. The American use is also familiar to the British, judging by its frequency in the BNC, though in the form of chocolate chip cookies rather than the frozen yogurt cookie sandwich. (The gastronomic potential of the cookie defies imagination!) Canadians and Australians tend to distinguish the cookie from other kinds of sweet biscuit by their shape, which is irregular on top from the fruit, nuts or chocolate chips added to the mixture. Colloquial usage has added human dimensions to cookie itself, as: 1 a familiar or endearing term for a woman or girl 2 a man or person of a specified character, such as smart cookie, tough cookie 3 a cook or the cook’s assistant at a camp. This is also spelled cooky or cookee. Both human and gastronomic senses are at play in the slogan Smart cookies don’t burn, used by pharmacists in Northern Ireland to publicize a campaign against sunburn. In American English, cookie is a productive element in a variety of compounds, such as cookie-pusher (a term for someone in an unproductive service job, whether as a counter attendant or the diplomat who seems to devote disproportionate attention to social events) or the adjective cookie-cutter as in cookie-cutter houses or a cookie-cutter movie (i.e. something which seems stereotypical when it ought to be individual and original). The most recent addition to cookie’s range of meanings is as an element of computer jargon. Computer programmers developing interactive software for the internet create a cookie to collect information about the users, which can be stored and read back for further applications.
contralto For the plural of this word, see Italian plurals.
convener or convenor The spelling convener is older and better supported in the Oxford Dictionary’s (1989) citations, and the first preference in New Oxford (1998), Merriam-Webster (2000) and the Australian Macquarie Dictionary (1997) – all except the Canadian Oxford (1998), which prioritizes convenor. Data from CCAE puts convener ahead of convenor in American English by a factor of 2:1. But in Britain, convenor enjoys considerable support and is almost equally well represented in the BNC, as if the latinate -or suffix gives it a formal status that the common -er of English cannot. See further under -er/-or.
convergence or convergency See under -nce/-ncy.
co-op or coop
co-op or coop See under co-.
cooperate or co-operate See under co-.
coopt or co-opt See under co-.
co(-)ordinate, co(-)ordinator and co(-)ordination On whether to use the hyphen with these, see under co-. For the grammarians’ use of the term co(-)ordination, see further under clauses section 2.
copular verbs Some languages do without them, but English always links the subject and subject complement of a clause with a copular verb (see under complementation). The verb be is the all-purpose copula which simply forges an existential link, whereas others indicate that the complement is a current or resulting state of affairs: ∗ current appear feel keep look remain seem smell sound taste ∗ resulting become come fall get go grow prove run turn Modern grammars recognize that the subject complements of copular verbs can be either adjectives / adjectival phrases, noun phrases, or adverbs / adjuncts / adverbial phrases. Compare the following: The reception was (very) successful. The reception was a successful event. The reception went well. Obligatory adverbs of time and place (the reception is here / at 6 pm) often go with copular verbs (Longman Grammar, 1999). Alternative names for copular verbs are copulative or linking verbs.
coronial court or conducting a coronial inquiry into the causes of death – in which coronal or coronary may also come up.
corporeal or corporal As adjectives, both relate to the Latin word for “body” (see next entry), but their applications are quite distinct. Corporeal has the wider range of uses: in theological dialectic where man has both a corporeal and a spiritual; in law (corporeal moveables, corporeal hereditament); in philosophical discussions about the human condition. It finds its way into commentaries on higher and lower forms of art, from Coleridge lamenting that there was a something corporeal in his [Wordsworth’s] poetry, to Jed’s group being on the point of bringing Satan into corporeal existence. Corporal leads a much more restricted life, now almost always bound up in the phrase corporal punishment (the striking of another person’s body, usually with an instrument such as a stick or whip, to induce that person to mend his or her ways). Once common as a form of discipline in schools, its use has declined since the 1980s. But its punitive function lingers in the public mind, and because corporal punishment is so similar to capital punishment (“legal execution”) the two get confused – as presumably in the mind of the caller to community radio, who urged that schools reintroduce capital punishment for those who daub graffiti on public walls. From malapropism to folk etymology: the noun corporal (“noncommissioned officer”) results from the misspelling of Old French caporal from Italian caporale (a derivative of capo [“head”]), no doubt under the influence of corps (“body of troops”).
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com coquette or cocotte See cocotte.
cord or chord See chord.
cornea For the plural of this word, see under -a.
cornerways or cornerwise For the choice between these, see -wise.
coronary, coronal and coronial Though all three adjectives are ultimately connected with the Latin corona (“crown”), their applications in English make them quite distinct. The first two are both used in the description of anatomy: coronary to the crown-like structures of blood vessels, nerves or ligatures around a body organ or part; coronal to the upper section or “crown” of a body structure, such as the head. When used as nouns, coronary stands for coronary thrombosis, and coronal for coronal suture, the serrated line half-way up the sides of the skull. The third adjective is a legal development of the Latin root, originating in Australia. Coronial connects with the Coroner, whose name makes him an agent of the Crown. His duties include holding a
corps, corpse or corpus
These are, respectively, the French, English and Latin word for “body,” though none of them nowadays refers to the living human form. The oldest of the three in English is corpse, going back to C14. It was earlier spelled corse and corps, and until about 1700 could refer to bodies either living or dead. Only since C18 has it been confined to the dead body, and only in C19 did the final e become a regular part of the spelling. Some explain the e as a backformation from corpses, the English plural of corps; yet many English words were spelled both with and without a final e in the early modern era. Corps came from French in C18 with the silent ps of its French pronunciation. It survives in references to organized bodies of people, especially the corps de ballet, the corps diplomatique, and the military unit which consists of two or more divisions. Esprit de corps implies the “common spirit” of a group of people engaged in the same enterprise. Corpus is the Latin form which appears only as a specialized word, in law, medicine and scholarship. Its legal use in phrases such as corpus delicti and habeas corpus is discussed under those headings. In medical and anatomical usage it appears in reference to complex structures such as the corpus callosum in the human brain. For scholars, a corpus may be either a collection of works by selected groups of authors, or a database of language material, sometimes homogeneous, sometimes heterogeneous. (See further under English language databases.) The word corpus is usually pluralized in English as corpora (its Latin plural form) at least when it
cosy or cozy appears in scholarly documents. However the native English plural corpuses is often said and occasionally written. See -us section 3.
the regular spelling in US dictionaries. For Webster’s Third (1986) this is in keeping with its normal practice for longer words formed with co-.
corpus delicti
corrigenda and corrigendum
This legal phrase, borrowed straight from Latin, means “the body of the crime.” Lawyers use it in an abstract way to refer to the various elements which make up a criminal offence. But it’s often (mis)applied by nonlawyers to material objects associated with a crime, and to the victim in a murder case. More lightheartedly, it’s occasionally used to refer to a shapely female figure, as if the Latin delicti were somehow related to the English words delicious and delight. The phrase (in) flagrante delicto (“as the crime was being committed”) employs the same Latin word delictum (“crime”). It too is subject to some ambiguity, partly because of flagrante. See further under flagrant or fragrant.
See under -um.
corralled or corraled, corralling or corraling Though redolent of American westerns and C19 frontiers of settlement, corral(l)ed and corral(l)ing find figurative applications in contemporary politics on both sides of the Atlantic, in securing votes, support and compliance. The stress on the second syllable of corral would lead you to expect double l in the inflected forms, and all British writers represented in the BNC use corralled and corralling.The Oxford Dictionary (1989) makes no comment on the verb inflections, curiously, since this usually implies that they are simple and regular. Paradoxically Webster’s Third (1986) gives -lled and -lling as the only inflected forms, yet both spellings are in current American use. They are amply illustrated in CCAE: among 81 instances, the forms corraled/corraling are about 1 in every 3. Their use might be a routine application of the American practice of not doubling final l − except that there’s no hint that Americans stress the word differently, i.e. on the first syllable. (See further under -l-/-ll-.) On this word then, American spelling proves more variable and less regular than the British.
corrupter or corruptor Unabridged dictionaries (Oxford, 1989, and Webster’s Third, 1986) present corrupter and corruptor as equal alternatives. Yet database evidence on both sides of the Atlantic runs strongly in favor of the first. Corrupter is the only one to appear in the BNC, and it dominates 13:1 in CCAE. It is of course the natural spelling for an English derivative of the verb corrupt, though citations in the Oxford suggest that it varied with the latinate corruptor in previous centuries.
cortex The plural of this word is discussed under -x.
cosh or kosh See under k/c.
cosher or kosher See kosher.
cosseted or cossetted This curious word has come a long way from its origins down on the farm. It begins as the noun cosset, referring to a hand-reared lamb. The later verb adds the senses of petting and pampering, which allow human objects: ∗ a child (her mother had cosseted her with supper in bed as a child) ∗ a woman (women of the ruling race were especially cosseted at [Indian] stations) ∗ a media personality (today he would sit in a think-tank, cosseted by secretaries and flattered by calls from talk-show producers) Figurative uses have it applied to physical comforts (occupants are cosseted in a very spacious cabin), and to economic commodities (oil has for decades been cosseted with tax breaks). BNC examples like these show that the word is frequently used in the passive, and almost always spelled cosseted, in keeping with the stress being on the first syllable. See further under -t.
correspond to or correspond with In earlier usage, a clear distinction was made: correspond with meant “exchange letters with,” and correspond to meant “have a similar function or shape,” when two items were being compared. Nowadays correspond with is freely used in comparisons of function and shape, though still outnumbered by correspond to in data from both BNC and CCAE. The fact that the construction correspond with is gaining ground makes interesting comparison with compare with, which is losing ground to its rival. See compared with or compared to.
correspondent or co(-)respondent A correspondent is a person who regularly writes letters or dispatches. Co(-)respondent is the legal term for the third party in a divorce suit. The hyphenated spelling used in Britain, Canada and Australia helps to prevent confusion between the two words. But to prove it’s redundant, corespondent is
cost The past tense of this verb depends on its meaning. In ordinary use, when it means “be priced at,” the past is the same as the present: Don’t miss a bargain. Yesterday they cost twenty francs. Today they cost fifteen. But in business usage, when cost means “estimate the monetary costs of doing or producing (something),” its past tense has the regular -ed inflection: They costed the publication quite conservatively. ♦ For other verbs without a distinct past form, see zero past tense.
cosy or cozy This homely adjective for feeling warm and comfortable came into English via northern UK dialects, probably from Scandinavian sources (it seems to be related to the Norwegian verb kosa, “be comfortable”). As a noun it’s used for the knitted or
co(-)temporary padded cover used to keep the teapot warm. For both uses the British prefer cosy, and there are few examples of cozy in the BNC. Australians share their preference, according to the Macquarie Dictionary (1997); whereas North Americans prefer cozy, and it dominates the data from CCAE. The American spelling accords with their general preference for z rather than s in such options. See under -ize/-ise and -yze/-yse.
co(-)temporary See under contemporary.
cotyledon This Greek word for the embryonic seed leaf takes an English plural cotyledons. Other botanical terms based on it do the same, witness monocotyledons and dicotyledons. See further under -on.
could or might These two modal auxiliaries share some uses, most notably that of expressing possibility. Both can express the writer’s opinion about the likelihood of a fact or event – that it was or is possible, or that it may occur in the future: They could have They might have been there. been there. It could be a negative It might be a indicator. negative indicator. In formal writing, could and might are used this way about equally, according to the Longman Grammar (1999). British writers appeared slightly more inclined to use might, and Americans to use could, in Collins’s (1988) research. But in the Longman Grammar’s conversational data, might is much less used than could in the possibility sense everywhere. Might once had a role in requesting permission in polite questions, though this now sounds very self-effacing. Compare: Might I have the keys please? with Could I have the keys please? Both might and could are less direct than may or can in questions (see further under can or may). For the use of may have instead of might have in subordinate clauses, as in They said he may have been there, see may or might. In conversation could is commonly used to express ability, a role that connects with its origins as the past tense of can: When he was younger, he could sing like Caruso. This is about twice as frequent as its use to express permission, according to the Longman Grammar. However the ability sense sometimes shades into the other, as in: Until then, researchers could do surreptitious recording. With its several uses, could is more versatile than might, and far more frequent overall. (See further under modality and modal verbs.) A curious detail of could is the l in its spelling, which is never pronounced, and only began to be part of its written form from 1525 on. The l was added to bring it into line with other modals should and would, where there are ls for good historical reasons. By a further irony, the l later disappeared from the pronunciation of should and would, so that they now rhyme with could.
could of See under have.
councilor or councillor, and counselor or counsellor Americans consistently prefer councilor and counselor, which have a large majority over the spellings with double l in data from CCAE. For councilor the ratio is 2:1, and for counselor it’s more than 60:1. The single l spellings accord with the general American practice for final consonants before a suffix (see -l-/-ll-). The different ratios no doubt reflect the less consistent indications of Merriam-Webster (2000), which gives priority to councillor over councilor, but puts counselor ahead of counsellor. For the British, councillor and counsellor are standard according to New Oxford (1998), and they are overwhelmingly preferred in the BNC. Australian English is like British on this, whereas Canadian English positions itself between the British and American. Canadians prefer councillor, but use both counsellor and counselor, according to the Canadian Oxford (1998). The two words go back to quite separate terms in Latin: concilium (“assembly or meeting”), and consilium (“consultation, plan or advice”). The older meanings are still more or less there in council of war, and wise counsel. But the two words were often mistaken for each other in Middle English, especially with the interchanging of c and s by Anglo-Norman scribes (see under -ce/-se). The idea of consultation passed from the second to the first word, so that a council became not just a meeting, but a consultative and deliberative body constituted to meet at certain intervals. And counsel gained a collective sense, being used for “a group of legal advisers” from C14 on. Yet the old distinction between public meeting and private consultation seems to persist in the work of council(l)or and counsel(l)or, and helps to distinguish them. The council(l)or is a member of a publicly constituted body, whereas the counsel(l)or is usually consulted privately for his or her advice.
counseled or counselled For the choice between these, see under -l-/-ll-.
count and mass nouns Many nouns refer to things which can be counted, and so they can be pluralized, witness: answers books doctors fences offices telescopes They contrast with mass nouns (also known as noncount nouns). These are almost always used in the singular because they refer to concepts, substances or qualities with no clear-cut boundaries. For example: butter education honesty information keenness mud In the singular, count nouns can be prefaced by either a or the, whereas mass nouns permit only the. Compare the/an answer with the information. As the examples show, mass nouns may be either concrete or abstract (see further under nouns). Some mass nouns can be used as count nouns under special circumstances. While butter is usually a mass noun, both cooks and supermarket assistants may speak of “all the butters in the fridge,” meaning the various types of butter – salted, unsalted and
court martial or court-martial, and courts(-)martial or court(-)martials cultured. This countable use of a noun shows that the count/mass distinction is not inherent in the word itself, but in its use. Quite a few nouns are regularly used both ways, sometimes with different meanings. Compare: The lambs suffered in the late frosts. The butcher has no more lamb. Knowing which words and meanings are normally construed as mass nouns and as count nouns in British/American English is one of the more difficult points for non-native speakers. Regional varieties of English in Africa and Southeast Asia often permit countable uses of words which would be mass nouns in native-speaker varieties, for example: Please put your luggages over there. (Malaysian English) Thank you for your advices. (Nigerian English) Linguists (Quirk, 1978; Wong, 1982) have pleaded for greater tolerance by native-speakers on this issue.
counterThis prefix meaning “against” was borrowed from French. It came into English with loanwords such as countermand and counterpoint. In modern English words formed with it, it has developed other shades of meaning, suggesting opposition, retaliation or complementary action: counterattack counterbalance counterfactual counterinsurgency counterintelligence counteroffensive counterproductive countersign countersink counterweight In the US counter- substitutes for anti- in counterclockwise, but this is the only instance. Counter- is normally set solid with the word it prefixes, though some British writers would insert a hyphen before a following r, as in counter-revolutionary. The more important point to note is that counter should have space after it in compounds such as counter lunch and counter service, where it represents the word counter (“bench or table at which goods are sold”), not the prefix counter-.
it appears most often on menus in the names of desserts – coupe de fruits etc. for a sweet, colorful concoction served in a glass dish. ´ literally “cut back,” refers to a road vehicle. Coupe, Originally a type of carriage, it now means a luxury car which seats only two people, with a long, sloping back aerodynamically designed for speed. However the distinguishing accent is not necessarily there when the word is printed in English texts, and this has fostered a pronunciation of the word with one syllable. It makes it identical with the word used on menus. Even stranger, confusion between the two words means that the coupe featured on English menus is sometimes given an accent – just to assure you of haute cuisine. To those aware of the difference, a coup´e de fruits then suggests the ultimate cornucopia: a luxury sports car used to transport a harvest festival supply of glorious fruits to your table!
couple (of) American and British English differ slightly on the use of couple in quantitative expressions. For the British, it’s always a couple of as in a couple of beers or a couple of weeks later. Americans use both a couple of and just a couple, the latter well represented in CCAE data such as: just a couple years later, a couple dozen boys, and a couple hundred fellow deputies. The Oxford Dictionary (1989) records it from the1920s, and Webster’s English Usage (1989) concludes that it has a place in ordinary prose, i.e. prose that does not have pretensions. The briefer American form brings the expression into line with other complex determiners such as a few, and removes it from the open-ended set such as a pair of, in which pair becomes the head of the noun phrase. (See further under noun phrase and determiners.)
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com coup de The French word coup, literally “stroke,” appears in several phrases which have become naturalized in English. To translate it as “act” (rather than “stroke”) gets closer to the meaning generally, but it develops a special character in each of the following phrases: coup d’´etat sudden political move, one which overthrows an existing government coup de foudre a thunder bolt, or love at first sight ˆ coup de grace blow or shot which finishes off someone in the throes of death coup d’oeil a quick glance which takes in a whole scene at once ˆ coup de th´eatre dramatic act designed to draw attention to itself Clearly it’s what goes with coup de that dictates its meaning. However when coup is used on its own in English, it always means coup d’´etat.
coupe or coupé In French the accent always serves to distinguish these two, but in English it is capricious. Coupe without an accent is really the French for “cup,” and
court martial or court-martial, and courts(-)martial or court(-)martials This is one of the few words that Americans are more inclined to hyphenate than the British. The fact that Webster’s Third (1986) puts a hyphen in both the noun and verb forms may well account for court-martial being almost 7 times as frequent as court martial in data from CCAE. The Oxford Dictionary (1989) meanwhile makes court martial the form for the noun and court-martial the verb. However British writers do not necessarily toe the Oxford line, and in the BNC, court-martial appears in about 1 in every 2 instances of the word used as a noun. The components of court(-)martial are in French word order rather than English, which is the reason for its traditional plural courts-martial or courts martial (see plurals section 2). In BNC data, almost all of the handful of plurals are courts martial.There is 1 example of the anglicized plural court-martials,which would be “incorrect” according to the Oxford. Both plurals are acceptable in American English according to Webster’s, which registers them as alternatives. Courts-martial is still the preferred form in CCAE data, outnumbering court-martials by 16:1. The inflected forms of the verb may be court-martialled or court-martialed, and court-martialling or court-martialing, in keeping with the normal British/American divergence on the doubling of final l. See further under -l-/-ll-.
cousins Are they my second cousins, or my first cousins once removed? Strictly speaking, they cannot be both. To sort it out, the question to ask is whether they share one set of the grandparents with you. If the answer is yes, then you must be first cousins. If the closest common ancestors are your greatgrandparents, then you’re second cousins. greatgrandparents |
| grandparents A | | | parents parents A1 A2 etc | | children children A1a/b A2a/b
| grandparents B | | | parents parents B1 B2 etc. | | children children B1a/b B2a/b
The children of parents A1 and A2 are all first cousins, but they are second cousins of the children of parents B1 and B2. The word removed means being a generation apart, in either the first or second cousin line of descendants. So A1a/b and A2a/b are the first cousins once removed of B1 and B2 (because B1/B2 have the same grandparents as A1/A2). And if life and time permit, the children of A1a/b and A2a/b would be first cousins twice removed from B1 and B2. But when the generations don’t line up exactly (as often), the terms second/third cousin are sometimes loosely applied to a first cousin once/twice removed. Note also cousin(s)-german, an old legal term for first cousin(s).
effectively folk etymology, attempts to render the Middle French loanword crevis into meaningful English elements. English transliterations from C15 on make fish out of the second syllable, while trying to capture the sound of the first by anything from crea- to crey- to kre- to cray-. The variant crawfish from C17 finds an English explanation for the first syllable, though craw is usually associated with birds. Both forms of the word survive in the UK, though crayfish is much more common in BNC data, outnumbering crawfish by about 3:1. In the US, crawfish is the more widely known term, and outnumbers crayfish by about 3:2 in data from CCAE. Crawfish nevertheless has strong associations with Louisiana, so that crawfish e´ touf´e (“stuffed crawfish”) comes with New Orleans jazz, so to speak. The greater use of crawfish in American English has very little to do with its colloquial use there as a verb, meaning “back out (of a political position or action).” For example: Do we crawfish? Or do we help? – asked amid discussion of whether to intervene in support of an endangered African leader, fighting for his country’s independence. But examples of this in CCAE can be counted on the fingers of one hand.
credible or creditable These words sometimes overlap in modern usage, because of the newer, colloquial use of credible. Essentially credible means “believable,” as in a credible account of the accident. From this it is extended colloquially to mean “convincing,” and applied to anything from a politician’s words, to the performance by an artist or sports figure: In this last race before the Derby, he’s looking very credible. The corresponding adverb can also be found with this extended meaning: Hughes played very credibly in B-grade last season. If they were rare, these usages might be explained as slips of the tongue for creditable (“deserving credit or respect”) and its counterpart creditably. Yet creditable (and creditably) are less common and more formal words, ones more often written than said, so they seem unlikely targets in impromptu speaking or commentary. This colloquial extension of credible as “convincing, impressive” brings it remarkably close to meaning the same as incredible in its colloquial sense,“amazing, impressive.” Not often do a word and its opposite coincide. To borrow the name of a popular TV program: That’s incredible!
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com cozy or cosy See cosy.
-cracy This Greek element meaning “rule (by)” is used in both ancient and modern formations to identify specific kinds of government. We find it in purely Greek words such as democracy, plutocracy and theocracy, as well as contemporary hybrids such as bureaucracy, mobocracy and squattocracy. While -cracy forms abstract nouns, its counterpart -crat makes the corresponding agent noun “one who participates in rule by,” for both older and newer formations. Thus democrat stands beside democracy, bureaucrat beside bureaucracy etc. Note that idiosyncrasy doesn’t belong to this set, despite increasing use of the spelling idiosyncracy. See further under idiosyncrasy or idiosyncracy.
cranium The plural of this Latin word depends on whether it serves as a technical term in anatomy, or as a jokey reference to the head. Thus a discussion of the crania of Neanderthal man would use the Latin plural; and an off-handed comment about getting something into the thick craniums of politicians would be the natural context for the English. See further under -um.
crayfish or crawfish Piscatorial specialists know these as different species, but in general usage they are used synonymously to refer to the increasingly rare edible freshwater lobster. In some parts of the world, crayfish is also used for the marine spiny lobster. Both spellings are
credulity or credibility These words mostly complement each other, credulity meaning “a willingness to believe” and credibility meaning “quality of being believable.” But the negative tones of the adjective credulous (“being too willing to believe”) seem to impinge on credulity, and make us uncomfortable about saying that something strains my/your credulity. Increasingly the phrase we hear uttered is strains my/your credibility, and dictionaries now add the meaning “capacity to believe” to credibility. Meanwhile credulousness is available if we want to stress the fact of being too willing to believe something.
criterion and criteria
crevasse or crevice
For the plural of this word, see -um.
These words are in fact from the same source, the medieval French crevace, but centuries of separation have helped their spellings and meanings to diverge. Crevice meaning “fissure or crack” came into English in C14, as a variant spelling of the original French word. Crevasse entered English only in C19, with different meanings on either side of the Atlantic. In the Deep South (probably on loan from Louisiana French), it’s recorded from 1814 on to mean a “breach in the bank of a river.” A little later than that, British alpine explorers brought back from Switzerland the same word as meaning “deep chasm in a glacier,” and this meaning has spread with crevasse to other parts of the English-speaking world.
crème de la crème To be the cream of society is not enough. You have to ` ` be creme de la creme (“cream of the cream”). The elitist symbolism of cream goes back at least four centuries in English, to when Mulcaster (1581) described “gentlemen” as “creame of the common” (= community). Yet having floated to the top (in those days before milk was homogenized) it could be difficult to maintain your distinctive position except ` ` by cultivating things French, and creme de la creme makes its appearance in C19, to satisfy that need. To enhance the phrase even further in English, some writers replace the proper grave accents with circumflexes: crˆeme de la crˆeme! The French themselves distinguish carefully between cr`eme (“cream”) and chrˆeme (“oil used for anointing”). Both words actually derive from the same medieval French word chresme (“oil for anointing”). But in standard French they have always had different accents, reflecting the belief that they had separate origins.
cri de coeur This French phrase means “a cry from the heart,” a plea which is spontaneous, intense and free of affectation. A cry de profundis (Latin for “out of the depths”) is less personal but more desperate. The words come from the Vulgate version of the beginning of Psalm 130: “Out of the depths have I cried unto thee.”
crenellated, crenelated and crenulated
crier or cryer
All these go back to Late Latin crena (“a notch”), which is the source of French crenel or crenelle (“little notch”) and of neo-Latin crenula. The French words underlie architectural uses of crenel(l)ated, while the neo-Latin word becomes crenulated or crenulate in botany. The shapes referred to also diverge: crenel(l)ated normally implies the squarish pattern of projections associated with castle battlements, whereas crenulate(d) applies to a pattern with rounded projections and narrow notches (as of certain leaves). The spelling alternatives for crenel(l)ated correlate with the usual American/British divide over single and double l (see -l-/-ll-). Only crenellated appears in the BNC, and in CCAE the data runs strongly in favor of crenelated.
The spelling crier obeys the general rule for verbs ending in y (see -y>-i-); and it’s overwhelmingly preferred in both American and British databases. It appears in newspaper mastheads, such as the CROFTON NEWS-CRIER, and other conventional phrases such as town crier / market crier, which help to support more generic uses: I am not a crier (=“I did not sit and cry”). Cryer meanwhile is almost always a proper name, as in Don Cryer etc. ♦ Compare flyer or flier.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com creoles See under pidgins.
crescendo This Italian musical term for a rise in pitch is so well established in standard English as to take an English plural. Both crescendos and crescendoes are recognized in Webster’s Third (1986) and the Oxford Dictionary (1989), but database evidence from the US and the UK shows that crescendos is now much the more common of the two. (See further under -o.) New Oxford (1998) also lists crescendi, allowing for the musical cognoscenti (see Italian plurals). Becoming standard English has also meant extensions to the meaning of crescendo. In the familar idiom reach a crescendo it effectively means “climax,” despite musicians and others who would insist that it only means “ascent towards a climax.” This meaning is registered as acceptable in both the New Oxford and Merriam-Webster’s (2000), and database evidence has it in various constructions, including build to a crescendo and rise to a crescendo. As often, technical terms borrowed from specialized areas acquire new meanings in common usage, and these are not under the specialists’ control.
crime passionnel This French phrase meaning “crime of passion” is not an official legal term, yet it highlights the different treatment given under French and English law to crimes (especially murder) prompted by sexual jealousy. The Encyclopaedia Britannica of 1910 explains it thus: “French juries almost invariably find extenuating circumstances” by which to acquit the murderer. This coincides with an English stereotype of the French: as people for whom the affairs of the heart are paramount. The principle for “crimes of passion” seems to be there in the French Code P´enal, article 324, which allows husbands finding their wives in flagrante delicto to shoot them. Whatever the legal issues, English spelling of the phrase is often erratic. Instead of the French spelling (as above), it may appear as crime passionel, crime passionelle and crime passionnelle.
criterion and criteria Dictionaries all present these as the standard singular and plural forms for this Greek loanword (see further under -on). Criterion is in fact the less common of the two, outnumbered by criteria by more than 1:3 in the BNC and almost 1:4 in CCAE. Thus criteria is far more familiar for many, a fact which helps to explain its increasing use as a collective or singular noun. This grammatical development has probably gone further outside Britain than within, but the BNC itself contains examples such as capability should be the
Croatia main criteria and the Government [should] adopt value for money as its criteria. In CCAE data, juxtapositions of the one criteria and the only criteria is clearly show the singular interpretation of the word. In other examples it’s quite ambiguous. How many criteria are at stake in That is a substantial increase by any criteria? For public speakers such ambiguity may well provide rhetorical inflation of what is strictly speaking only one criterion. Criteria not uncommonly serves for the singular in conversation, and in research among young Australian adults by Collins (1979), more than 85% treated it as a singular. Webster’s English Usage (1986) has citations for it from the 1940s, from a variety of sources including the advertising flyers of certain well-known educational publishers, mass-circulating magazines and academic journals. It notes also the use of the analogical plural criterias in speech, though not captured in print. Webster’s Third (1986) and the Oxford Dictionary (1989) also offer criterions as an alternative, but it occurs only once in transcribed speech in the BNC, and not at all in data from CCAE. Though the use of criteria as a collective or singular belies its Greek origins, it would not be the first classical loanword to undergo this shift in modern English. Compare data, media and other Latin loanwords, whose classical plurals also end in -a, and which are also now construed in collective and singular senses. (See further under -a section 2.) The key issue for writers and communicators is to decide whether they want their audience to be aware of one or many criteria – and to spell it out if it is just one. The latinized criterium is recognized as a common noun by unabridged dictionaries, and appears in the names of racing competitions from France. Being a latter-day formation, its plural is criteriums as in motor cycle criteriums. See further under -um.
crocus The most familiar flower of spring takes an English plural crocuses (not the Latin croci). Dictionaries agree on this, and database evidence points almost entirely the same way. For the plurals of similar Latin botanical words, see under -us.
crossThis prefix-cum-combining form with its several meanings (“across,” “counter,” “in the shape of a cross”) has generated an extraordinary mass of compounds, some hyphened, some set solid and some spaced. Compare: cross-institutional crossword cross stitch Dictionaries often diverge on whether to hyphenate them, and all three settings may be found with a few such as cross talk. Where they differ, the Oxford Dictionary (1989) is usually inclined to hyphenate cross-breed, cross-section etc., where Webster’s Third (1986) either sets the two elements solid as in crossbreed, or spaces them as in cross section. See further under hyphens.
crossways or crosswise See under -wise.
crudité or crudity ´ (raw vegetables served with a dip at The crudites cocktail parties) are certainly not intended to be seen as evidence of crudity. They remind us that crude has come a long way in English from meaning “uncooked, raw, unprepared,” which its counterpart in French (cru) still does. This meaning was overtaken in C18 English by figurative senses such as “lacking in maturity and polish” and “lacking in good character and manners,” and these are now dominant in crude and crudity. The only fossil of the earlier meaning of crude is in crude oil, but that will scarcely help you to ´ put before you. appreciate the delights of the crudites
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com Croatia Once a part of Yugoslavia, Croatia declared its independence in 1992 and is recognized by United Nations as a separate state. See Yugoslavia.
crochet, crotchet and crotchety Both these ultimately connect with the French diminutive crochet (“little hook”). Crotchet was borrowed much earlier, and from C15 had its distinctive English spelling for the musical note which is a quarter semi-breve – though not drawn with a hook like the quaver. In this, the English seem to have misapplied the word croche used by the French for the quaver. The term crotchet persists in the UK and Australia, but has been replaced by quarter note in North America. By C16 a figurative use of crotchet, having crotchets in the head (i.e. bees in one’s bonnet) had added the sense of “whimsical idea” to the word. This sense deteriorated into “perverse, contrary notion,” whence the adjective crotchety (“irritable, contrary, cranky”). The craft of crochet seems to have come into English in the middle C19, and the word appears as both noun and verb. Its French-style pronunciation raises the question of how to spell the inflected verb forms, and whether the t should be doubled or not. Dictionaries all propose the regular crocheted and crocheting. For other French loanwords which raise the same issue, see -t.
crueler or crueller, cruelest or cruellest American writers go for crueler/cruelest, which are strongly preferred in data from CCAE, although Webster’s Third (1986) allows both forms as alternatives. The Oxford Dictionary (1989) is silent on the matter, which normally means that the inflected forms are expected to be regular (i.e. crueler/cruelest). Spellings with one l are the only ones to appear in its citations after 1700 (as the absolute form of the word became cruel rather than cruell ). But British editorial preference for the spellings with double l is visible in T. S. Eliot’s Waste Land, which in the Faber and Faber edition (1944 and later) begins: April is the cruellest month The spellings crueller and cruellest dominate in data from the BNC, in keeping with the British convention of doubling the final l. See further under -l-/-ll-.
crumby or crummy Those who wish to draw attention to the crumbs on the tablecloth would naturally use crumby. Dictionaries all distinguish it from the disparaging word crummy (“of poor quality”), as in a crummy second-hand car – though it’s a C19 variant of crumby (presumably a reference to the crumbs on the floor, brushed off the rich man’s table). This disparaging sense and the spelling crummy dominate in
cum laude American and British databases, and seem to take over even when crumby could be appropriate, as when referring to the children’s crummy eating habits or the crummy cafeteria lunch. ♦ Compare balmy or barmy.
crystallized, crystalized and crystallised This derivative of crystal is the only one to present spelling options. In American English, it could be crystallized or crystalized, according to Merriam-Webster (2000), but the first spelling outnumbers the second by about 6:1 in data from CCAE. New Oxford (1998) puts crystallized ahead of crystallised, though British writers use them in almost equal numbers, by the evidence of the BNC. Canadians follow the American first preference, according to Canadian Oxford (1998), whereas Australians are more likely than any to use crystallised, by the Macquarie Dictionary (1997). The divergent regional preferences for single or double l are discussed at -l-/-ll-, and for -ise/-ize at -ize/-ise. Other derivatives of crystal such as crystalline, crystallography are always spelled with double l, on both sides of the Atlantic, because of their antecedents in French, Latin or Greek.
-ctic/-xic These endings create variant forms: anorectic/anorexic and dyslectic/dyslexic for the adjectives associated with anorexia and dyslexia. In both cases, the form with -ctic is the older one, dating (in the case of anorectic) from C19. The spellings with -xic have been current since the 1960s, and dominate in contemporary data from both American and British databases. They forge a more visible and audible link with the name of the disorder – though this has not prevented them from being stretched in conversation to cover conditions that are hardly pathological (as when dyslexic means “forgetful,” and anorexic, that someone has lost a little weight). The C16 adjective apoplectic (relating to apoplexy, “a stroke”) has no alternative in “apoplexic” – as yet. Its current use (since the 1960s) to mean “enraged” may change that.
cui bono This rather elusive Latin phrase asks the question “for whom (is/was) the benefit?” or, less literally, “who gains (or gained) by it?” It was originally used by Cicero when defending his clients in court, as a way of querying the motivation for committing a crime. But since its first appearance in English in C17, it has also been taken to mean “to what end?” Several citations in the Oxford Dictionary (1989) have it questioning whether something is of practical utility, and being used to express utilitarian values.
cuisine minceur See under nouvelle cuisine.
cul-de-sac Translated word for word, this unlikely French phrase means “bottom of the bag.” In English it has become the byword for a “dead-end” of some kind – structures and situations from which one can only exit the way one came in. In anatomy the cul-de-sac is a bodily organ like the appendix which is not a passage through to another, and can become dangerously blocked. In military manoeuvres, a cul-de-sac is the difficult position of a force which finds itself checked in front and on both sides, so that the only way out is backwards. In suburban terrain however, the cul-de-sac means a quiet street with no through traffic, the kind of street that urban planners try to build into new subdivisions. In French the plural is culs-de-sac, but the hyphens encourage writers to treat it as a compound, and to pluralize it as cul-de-sacs. See further under plurals section 2.
-ction/-xion These have been alternative spellings for a small group of nouns: connection or connexion deflection or deflexion genuflection or genuflexion inflection or inflexion reflection or reflexion Current usage everywhere nowadays prefers -ction, and -xion seems increasingly old-fashioned. The forms with -xion were borrowed straight from Latin, and reinforced by common knowledge of Latin. With declining knowledge of Latin, the words have been adapted under the influence of the related verb (connect, deflect etc.). The only word like these which steadfastly remains as -xion is complexion – no doubt because of the lack of a related verb. The choice of -ction or -xion doesn’t affect the meaning of the nouns that still allow it. Note by way of contrast that the adjectives reflective and reflexive have quite separate realms of meaning, and cannot be interchanged: see reflective or reflexive.
cum The Latin preposition for “with” works conjunctively in English, as in Christmas-cum-birthday present, to join nouns which identify something or someone with a dual function. It lends itself to ad hoc formations, such as imitation-cum-spoof, boutique cum museum, economist-cum-strategist, rock star-cum-prodigal son, among hundreds of examples from both British and American databases.As the examples show, hyphens may or may not be there, and the tendency is to restrict them to either side of cum itself, rather than go for a hyphen extravaganza, as in insurance-magnate-cum-art-collector.
cum laude This phrase, borrowed from Latin, means “with praise.” It is found in connection with American college degrees, to distinguish four levels of honors: cum laude distinction magna cum laude with great distinction summa cum laude with the greatest distinction maxima cum laude ” ” ” ” These phrases all refer to degrees achieved competitively through the examination process. The degree honoris causa is acquired without examination, and given as a personal accolade – by universities anywhere in the world. Other Latin expressions used in connection with exam results are aeq., an abbreviation for aequalis (“equal”); and proxime accessit (or prox. acc.) (“s/he came next”). The latter is some consolation to the
cumin or cummin person who was the runner-up for a special award or prize.
cumin or cummin
The word currant is also applied to quite different plants of the family Ribes, the redcurrant and the blackcurrant, which are shrubs not vines. Their spelling is also insecure, witness the supermarket product labeled redcurrent jelly – an electrifying dish!
The first spelling is preferred overwhelmingly in contemporary English, by the evidence of British and American databases. Cumin with a single m also maintains the spelling of its Latin and Greek antecedents.
cumquat or kumquat
See under k/c.
cupfuls or cupsful
See Appendix IX for the names of currencies in different countries.
The plural of this word is discussed under -um.
curriculum vitae
curly brackets
The curriculum vitae or CV assumes great significance in the UK as the passport to a new job. The portentous Latin suggests a document on “the course of one’s life,” something you might present on Judgement Day. But strategically what’s needed is an outline of your working career so far, not a complete autobiography – a resum´e as Americans would call it. A curriculum vitae begins with a few personal facts, such as age, nationality, marital status, and highest level of education achieved; and then lists the positions you have held, in chronological order but starting with the present. It may help to provide notes on the duties and responsibilities attached to each, if the job titles are less than self-explanatory. Curriculum vitae is usually abbreviated as CV without stops. The lower case form c.v. is occasionally used, but always with stops. See further under abbreviations section 2. To conform with its Latin origins, the plural of curriculum vitae should be curricula vitae (or curricula vitarum). But most people when speaking would pluralize it as “curriculum vitaes,” as for other foreign compounds in English, and the BNC contains a few examples from edited documents. See plurals section 2.
This is an alternative name for braces. See brackets section 1c.
curtsy or curtsey
See under -ful.
curb or kerb In British and Australian English the spelling curb serves for the verb “restrain,” the noun “restraint,” and various restraining devices; while kerb is for the concrete or stone step that divides the roadway from the footpath. In American and Canadian English, all are spelled curb. The source of all those meanings is the French word courbe, literally “curve.” The idea of restraint comes from the curb, i.e. curved bit in a horse’s harness. The kerb on the street evolved from the curb which was originally a curved frame or framework around wells and barrels, and then extended to square or rectangular frameworks, including those around trapdoors and along the roof. The spelling for these extensions of the word varied from curb to kirb and kerb – hence the latter for the stone edge that marked the carriageway of improved London streets in C19. But like other late developments in British spelling, it has never caught on in American English.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com currant or current Getting -ent and -ant in the right places is a problem with a number of English words (see under -ant/-ent); and with current and currant it has meaningful consequences. Most of the time writers want current, which has many more uses in English, as a noun for running water and electricity, as well as an adjective meaning “happening now.” All those senses derive from the Old French word for “running” – corant – though the word was respelled in English according to its Latin antecedent. The spelling of currant, the small dried fruit which is the staple of Christmas cakes, has a bizarre history. Currants were originally named as “raisins of Corinth” (the Greek place with which they were associated), and some medieval recipes give their name in full, as raisins de corauntz. Many recipes then reduce the phrase to the last element corauntz, which reflected French pronunciation of the placename. The spelling corauntz had quite a vogue in C15 England, but English cooks often interpreted it as a plural word, as we see from respellings of it as corantes, currants and even currence. (See under false plurals for other examples.) From these, singular forms were derived in C16 and C17, including coren, coran, curran, current and currant.
In most dictionaries curtsy and curtsey are presented in that order. This accords with current usage in Britain, where curtsy appears more often than curtsey. The ratio is just on 3:2 in data from the BNC. But in American English curtsy almost stands alone, judging by the evidence of CCAE, and has become the standard form. Through the centuries when curts(e)ying was an important social gesture, its spelling was curiously unstable, even for celebrated writers such as Jane Austen. In fact the word has been steadily distancing itself from its origins in courtesy, and the interim stages are marked in earlier spellings such as court’sy, curtesy and curt’sy. However the spelling curtsey also reflects the common fluctuation between -y and -ey at the ends of some traditional words. For other examples, see under -y/-ey. The two spellings support two plurals – curtsies and curtseys – as well as alternative past forms for the verb: curtsied or curtseyed.
CV or c.v. See curriculum vitae.
cyberThis 1990s prefix / combining form for anything associated with computers and digital communication
Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic has been extracted from cybernetics (the science of automatic control systems, both mechanical and biological). The same root finds expression in “governor.” In spite of its technical origins, cyber- has proved extremely popular as a means of verbalizing the various responses to the computer age. They range from that of the cyberphobic to the cyberkids, cyberhippies, cyberpunks, cyberchicks/cyberfeminists among the Cyberians who are at home in cyberspace. Cyber-based institutions such as the cyber-cafe are readily identified, and the new frontiers of cyberart, cyberlaw and cybersex can at least be talked about.
cyclist See biker.
cyclone, hurricane, tornado or typhoon Though all of these refer to a huge destructive whirlwind, each one has its association with particular parts of the world. Cyclone is the term normally used of whirlwinds which affect lands on the rim of the Indian or south Pacific Ocean. It is a meteorologist’s word borrowed straight from Greek. In the northwest Pacific and China Sea, typhoon is the usual term. Its etymology is much disputed, though it probably owes something to the Chinese tai fung (“big wind”), as well as the Greek monster god Typhon and the Greek word typhon (“whirlwind”). The Greek word is pervasive and seems to have found its way into Portuguese, as well as Arabic, Persian and Hindi; and it is clear that it could easily have been superimposed on the Chinese expression by Europeans who reached the west Pacific. In and around the Atlantic, Spanish-derived words for whirlwind are the ones used. Hurricane is the standard term in the West Indies and the Caribbean ´ mimics a coastline, and the Spanish word huracan West Indian one for it. Under American influence, hurricane has also spread to the northeastern Pacific and Hawaii. Tornado is a purely Spanish concoction out of their words for “thunder” (tronador ) and “turn” (tornar). It is used by meteorologists of whirlwinds across the Atlantic from Central America to West Africa, but more generally of those that occur within the US, from Tennessee to Ohio. Dictionaries confirm that tornado serves both as a synonym for hurricane, and as a more specific word for the whirlwind that develops over land and cuts a much narrower path of destruction.
The compromise spelling tzar is very rare in both databases, though listed in some dictionaries. All three spellings attempt to transliterate the word from the Russian to the Roman alphabet, whose symbols do not correspond exactly. (See under alphabets.) Regional preferences apart, the spelling czar recommends itself to many because it’s closer than tsar to the common pronunciation of the word (with a “z” as the first sound). It also seems to reflect the word’s ultimate origin in Caesar. The argument for tsar rests on the fact that it’s closer to the Russian spelling of the word; and even in the US, scholars in Slavic studies prefer to use it. Yet American English is also the matrix for new developments of the word czar, which are beginning to impact on British English. From late C19, czar became the American byword for a tycoon. Contemporary examples from CCAE include references to media czar Rupert Murdoch, the billionnaire real estate czar, and the well-placed daughter of a cosmetics mogul and fashion-industry czar – not to mention the tall bald-eagle monetary czar who could move international financial markets with the flick of a cigar! But the latter day czar can also be an executive public servant with a very specific brief. Such is the federal or state drug czar (also known as the antidrug czar), the energy czar, and the California water czar. And with ad hoc czars also in recreational areas, e.g. the czar of college basketball or of Maryland racing, the American scene begins to be crowded with them. There must be more than a touch of parody in being called the czar of prime-time television soap opera. The Oxford Dictionary records generic use of czar in Britain since World War II, though its connotations in examples such as kitchen czar and the BNC’s decency czar are definitely negative – more like “petty dictator.” None of these semantic developments are associated with tsar. The alternatives czar/tsar for referring to the Russian imperial head are paralleled in other derivative words: czardom or tsardom czarevna or tsarevna (in Russian, the daughter-in-law of the czar; in English, the daughter of a czar) czarina or tsarina (term for the wife of a czar used in west European languages) czaritza or tsaritsa (Russian term for the wife of a czar; the empress).
cyder or cider, cypher or cipher See under i/y.
czar, tzar or tsar Regional tendencies run strongly in favor of either the first or third of these. Czar is preferred in the US, according to Webster’s Third (1986), and it outnumbers tsar in CCAE data, by more than 10:1. In the UK, tsar became the primary spelling during late C19, according to the Oxford Dictionary (1989), and it prevails over czar in the BNC by more than 12:1. The word is capitalized in detailed primary references to the tsars, as in Tsar Nicholas I etc. But it appears without a capital in secondary and generic references.
Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic This central European state was formed after World War I, a combination of Bohemia, Moravia and Slovakia. Strictly speaking, only the Bohemians are Czechs, but the term Czech was often extended to the Moravians and the Slovaks. However the Slovaks maintained their separate identity within Czechoslovakia, and negotiated a secession which took effect in January 1993, establishing two new states: the Slovak Republic with its capital in Bratislava, and the Czech Republic, whose capital is Prague.
D da, dal, dalla or Da, Dal, Dalla These particles are part of various Italian surnames, such as da Vinci / Da Vinci, dalla Vecchia / Dalla Vecchia etc. On whether they should be capitalized in English, see capital letters section 1a. For indexing purposes they are best alphabetized by the particle itself. ♦ Compare van and von.
dais Thinking of “daisy” helps to secure the spelling of this word, and to underscore the pronunciation preferred by dictionaries everywhere. The alternative pronunciation which has it rhyming with “bias” is acknowledged in Webster’s Third (1986), and it correlates with the occasional use of dias for the spelling in both American and British databases (CCAE and BNC). Yet another, older pronunciation (making it one syllable rhyming with “pace”) is mentioned in Webster’s and the first edition of the Oxford Dictionary (1884–1928), but declared extinct in the second (1989). The presence of two syllables is sometimes marked by the use of a dieresis in the spelling: da¨ıs. (See further under dieresis.) The meaning of dais has also shifted in the course of time. It is a derivative of the Latin discus, which is the rather surprising antecedent for a number of words for furniture: desco (in Italian) which becomes desk in English, and Tisch (the standard German word for “table”). In Middle English and up to 1600, deis was the term for a “high table” in a hall, and sometimes by association it referred to the platform the table stood on. The word then disappeared, to be revived by antiquarian writers after 1800, with the meaning “platform” alone.
Wondering irresolutely what to do, the clock struck twelve. Having said that, it would be a pity to do it too often. Now damaged in the stern, the captain ordered the ship back to port. Technically there are dangling participles in all three sentences – an opening phrase in each is not meant to be attached to the subject of the following clause, though the grammar may seem to push it that way. In the first example the effect is probably distracting, but hardly noticeable in the second (and third). There are semantic and grammatical reasons for this: the contents of the second example are more abstract; and the opening phrase in the third does relate to the object of the sentence. Castigation of “dangling” constructions almost always focuses on sentences taken out of context. In their proper context of discourse, there may be no problem. The dangling participle of the second example (having said that) would have a dual function: to draw preceding arguments together, and to alert readers to an imminent change in the argument. It works as an extended conjunctive phrase (see further under conjunctions). The third example would sound natural enough in the context of narrative: The bows of the vessel had been scarred by pack ice. Now damaged in the stern, the captain ordered the ship back to port . . . The narrative keeps the ship in the spotlight – in the topic position in both sentences (see further under topic). Even the first example would be less obvious amid a narrative which puts the hero/heroine up front in successive sentences. In their respective writing contexts the opening phrase in all three of these examples would have a discourse function beyond the sentence itself. If we rewrite the sentences to eliminate the dangling participles we lose the topicalizing effect they have. Any sentence in which they create a bizarre distraction should of course be recast. But if the phrase works in the context of discourse and draws no attention to itself, there’s no reason to treat it like a cancer in need of excision. 2 Established dangling participles. Note finally that some kinds of dangling modifiers are actually the standard phrases of reports and documentary writing. For example: Assuming that . . . Based on . . . Concerning the matter of . . . Considering how . . . Excepting that . . . Given that . . . Judging by . . . Provided that . . . Regarding your . . . Seeing that . . .
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com Dame For the conventional form of names with this title, see under Sir.
dangling participles Depending on how and where they were educated, people may be highly sensitive or indifferent to dangling participles (also known as unattached or misrelated participles, where dangling participle was too much of a stimulus to the imagination). Yet another name for the same peccadillo was dangling modifier. 1 The dangling/unattached problem. Whatever term is used, the grammatical problem is how an independent introductory phrase stands in relation to the rest of the sentence. In Latin grammar it’s no problem because inflections mark the independence of such phrases (see under ablative, and absolute section 4). English lacks inflections to do this, and so the introductory phrase will seem to modify the subject that follows it, with strange consequences for the meaning sometimes:
dashes Phrases like these are a commonplace way of indicating the ongoing theme or topic of discussion. (See further under information focus and discourse markers.) Even the strictest grammarian is unlikely to insist that the substance of those carrier phrases must be attached to the nearest subject noun – any more than with stock phrases such as barring accidents or failing that.
danse macabre or dance macabre This phrase, borrowed from French, refers to the traditional “dance of death” which so fascinated the medieval imagination – the dance in which a skeletal figure leads all kinds of people to their doom. Its power in medieval times derived from the ever-present threat of plague, but the motif showed itself as forceful as ever in Australian “Grim Reaper” advertisements concerning the potential spread of AIDS. Earlier forms of the phrase in English, such as daunce of Machabree, show that it was once the dance associated with Maccabeus, the Jewish patriot who led a revolt against Graeco-Roman colonialism in the second century BC. Some suggest that there was a medieval miracle play about the slaughter associated with the revolt. The Dutch Makkabeusdans confirms that the tradition was known elsewhere in Europe. But the name Maccabeus was no longer recognizable in Machabree or macabr´e, and instead became confounded with macabre, a word probably of Arabic origin, associated with the gravedigger (maqabrey) and graves (maqabir). The confusion led to the dropping of the acute accent from the word macabre, and to the spelling macaber once found in American English (see further under -re/-er). The phrase is sometimes anglicized as dance macabre (but still with the French word order) according to Oxford Dictionary (1989) citations, and a few in American data from CCAE. It often appears in translation, as dance of death. The danse/dance macabre expresses the threat of death in the form of frenzied energy, contrasting with the cold symbolism of the skull, the memento mori (“reminder of death”) which was a subject for Renaissance painters. A third expression of mortality is the Latin phrase dies irae (“day of wrath,” or Judgement Day), from the opening lines of the Requiem Mass.
idioms such as I dare say. The decline of the infinitive construction correlates with increasing use of do periphrasis, as in I don’t dare, especially in American English. Meanwhile British speakers and fiction writers in the Longman corpus can still make negative statements using dare without do support, as in I dare not. The American preference for do with dare correlates with their greater use of do constructions in negatives and questions generally: see further under do. ♦ For other marginal auxiliaries, see auxiliary verbs section 3.
dashes The word dash is loosely applied to two types of horizontal line characters in printing: the em dash and the en dash, as they are known in the US and Canada. In the UK and Australia, they are the em rule and en rule. As the names suggest, the em dash/rule is the length of a printed letter m, and the shorter en dash/rule is the length of an n. An en dash is slightly longer than a hyphen, and where all three characters are available, each has its own roles: em dash / em rule to separate strings of words en dash / en rule to link words or numbers in pairs hyphens in compounds or complex words However not all keyboards or wordprocessors have all three; and to compensate, a single hyphen is often used for both en dash and hyphen, and three hyphens (or a spaced hyphen) for em dash. 1 The em dash / em rule is used either in pairs, or singly. In pairs they mark off a parenthesis in the middle of a sentence: The most important effect of British colonial development—apart from establishing the tea-drinking habit back home—was the spread of the English language worldwide. In the Chicago Manual (2003), the Oxford Guide to Style (2002) and the Australian government Style Manual (2002), the em dashes that mark a parenthesis are left unspaced. Other British authorities such as Butcher (1992) and Editing Canadian English (2000) use a spaced en dash. It provides more separation for the parenthetical elements, and has therefore been used in this book. Whichever convention is used, one pair of dashes is enough for any sentence. Further parenthetical items within the main parenthesis should be marked off by means of brackets or commas. (See further under brackets.) A single em dash/rule may be used like a colon, particularly before a summarizing comment which matches the first part of the sentence: A loaf of bread, a jug of wine and thou—strictly for intimates! But the em dash is also used to indicate a break (or anacoluthon) in the grammatical structure of a sentence: A loaf of bread, a jug of wine, and—Why are you smiling? This use of the dash (em dash) in unstructured writing has earned it a reputation as an informal punctuation mark, but the others are quite standard. The two-em dash/rule (two used in quick succession) has several regular uses: ∗ to show when the text has been discontinued: A loaf of bread, a jug of wine—— ∗ to show the deliberate omission of (large) parts of a word, as for instance when representing
DARE This acronym refers to the Dictionary of American Regional English, in five volumes, of which four have appeared (1985–2002). See under American English.
dare (to) This verb is a marginal auxiliary, sometimes construed like an auxiliary with a bare infinitive, or else like a catenative with a to-infinitive following (see catenatives). Compare: They dared to speak their minds. They dared not speak their minds. They didn’t dare to speak their minds. In current English, dare with the to-infinitive is used freely in both positive and negative statements. The bare infinitive construction is (a) rare; (b) confined to negative or interrogative utterances: Don’t you dare tell them!, How dare they come here?; and (c) mostly found in British English, according to the Longman Grammar (1999). Elsewhere it survives only in stock
data “four-letter words” such as f ——, c—— (see also under asterisk) ∗ to show where a whole word has been omitted ∗ to save repeating the name of an author when it occurs first in successive lines of a bibliography or reference list In British style, the two-em rule is spaced in these last two cases, according to Oxford Style. The Chicago Manual (2003) recommends using a three-em dash plus comma or period, according to style. 2 The en dash / en rule (unspaced) is used to connect two words or numbers which set up a span between them: the Chinese–American alliance Sydney–Hobart yacht race pp. 306–9 1999–2000 Note that where both the en dash/rule and hyphen are available, they can express a difference of meaning: Lloyd–Jones (= a partnership between Lloyd and Jones) Lloyd-Jones (= an individual with a doublebarreled surname) But in headings and titles consisting of full caps, the en dash is used instead of the hyphen in words that are normally hyphenated. GOVERNOR GOES PART–TIME The en dash also serves to link a spaced compound with a prefix, as in quasi–open government policy; or two hyphenated compounds e.g. quasi-expert–quasidisin-terested adviser. A spaced en dash/rule is used when the words or numbers to be separated have internal spaces. See for example: 1 July 1991 – 2 June 1992 In pairs, the spaced en dash/rule is also an alternative to the unspaced em dash/rule for marking parentheses, as described in section 1 above. ♦ For the uses of hyphens, see under that heading.
systems, data-processing and data collection. Even as a noun, its appearances are not necessarily marked as singular or plural. To show grammatical number it takes a pronoun such as this/these, or the present tense of a verb such as shows/show or has/have (or the past tense was/were). Other past tenses and modal verbs provide no indication of number. In fact about 80% of the examples in the American and British databases are indeterminate. Very few are so heavily marked for singular/plural by both pronoun and verb as the examples above, and the verb or pronoun which does the marking can be separated by an intervening phrase, or set in the next clause: most polling data over the past year has drawn a picture . . . . . . finding the data and downloading it . . . demand access to unclassified data, and that it be put . . . the data that correspond with paper checks. . . The separation of data from words that agree with it sometimes shows up where editors have intervened in “correcting” singular forms to plural ones (some but not all!) – suggesting to Webster’s English Usage (1989) that the frequency of plural usage registered in American print owes more to editorial convention than authorial practice. . In the past, the reluctance to accept singular use of data (while admitting its existence) has been expressed in attempts to confine it to particular genres. Commentators have said that it is restricted to spoken English, or to American English, or to technical English. Burchfield (1996) allows it in computing and “allied disciplines” – whatever they are! The further one investigates, the wider the spectrum of writing in which it appears. Canadian English Usage (1997) observes data with singular agreement in scientific, academic and journalistic writing. Perhaps data will become a purely singular/mass noun like agenda and stamina – Latin loanwords with similar backgrounds. But for the moment it can be construed in either the singular or plural, and writers are taking full advantage of it.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com data The fact that data is a plural in Latin (see under -a) has had a powerful influence on its use in English. Writers conscious of its latinity tend to ensure that plural verbs or pronouns are used in agreement with it, as in the following: These data were gathered by intensive interviewing. They show . . . Plural agreement is still insisted on by many in academic circles, where old scholastic traditions die hard. But in general English usage data also often combines with singular verbs and pronouns, as if it’s conceived of as a collective: This data was gathered by intensive interviewing. It shows . . . This second version actually expresses something slightly different from the first: it projects the data as a mass or block rather than a set of separable items. Data thereby becomes a mass noun, as noted in the New Oxford (1998), and requires singular agreement. The ratio of singular to plural constructions, as shown by verb and/or pronoun(s) is 4:7 in data from the BNC and CCAE. Both New Oxford and Merriam-Webster’s (2000) note that this singular construction is now as much standard English as the plural. The grammatical number of data is often indeterminate because it serves as an attributive or compounding element, in expressions such as data
datable or dateable Both spellings are recognized in Webster’s Third (1986) and the Oxford Dictionary (1989), with priority given to datable. It is also the more regular of the two in terms of English wordformation (see -e section 1).
dates Depending on where you are in the English-speaking world, dates may be written in more than one order. The two most familiar are: ∗ day/month/year 11 August 1988 11th August 1988 11th August, 1988 11/8/88 11.8.88 11-8-88 ∗ month/day/year August 11, 1988 August 11th 1988 August 11th, 1988 8/11/88 8.11.88 8-11-88 The trend towards using the cardinal 11 rather than the ordinal 11th is worldwide, and used in official correspondence everywhere. But the order of items has yet to be standardized. The first order for dates (d/m/y) works from the smaller to larger unit, and it’s the one used in Britain and Australia. The Chicago Manual (2003) switches its recommendation to the second order (m/d/y) because of its widespread use in
dating systems the US. But it also notes its ambiguity in the all-number style, and the need for a comma even when the month is named. It still prefers the first order wherever there are multiple dates to be cited. Canadians live with both m/d/y and d/m/y systems, and need to spell out their choice with the first date given in any document. The potential for confusion among the all-number styles from each set is obvious, and something which those with overseas correspondents need to be careful about. British letters which give a date as 11/8/88 may very well be misinterpreted in North America, and the dates in letters from North America need to be read with caution elsewhere. The problem never arises, of course, if the month is given as a word, or else as a roman numeral (11.viii.88), a convention used by some Europeans. A third possible order for dates is year/month/day: 88/08/11 or 1988/08/11 This avoids the problems of the other two all-number styles, and it’s the order recommended by the International Standards Organization (ISO 8601:1988[E]). It is already widely used in science and computing, and by international companies based in Europe, and increasingly in the US and Canada. As shown in our example, both month and day are indicated by two digits, with zero filling in the space beside the numbers 1–9. In computer usage the year is given its full four digits, and the date may be set without spaces: 19880811. In data systems, a different convention has the day and month combined as a single, three-digit number between 001 and 365 (or 366 in a leap year). According to this system, the date 11 August 1988 would appear as 1988224 or 88224. A space or hyphen can be inserted between the year and the day figure: 1988 224 or 1988-224. The following table shows the range of numbers for each month: January 1 1 February 1 32 March 1 60 (61 in leap years) April 1 91 (92) May 1 121 (122) June 1 152 (153) July 1 182 (183) August 1 213 (214) September 1 244 (245) October 1 274 (275) November 1 305 (306) December 1 335 (336) This method of dating is particularly useful for continuous accounting. 1 Spans of years. When indicating a span of years, a dash (en dash / en rule) connects the two numbers. In spite of shared digits, it’s often necessary to repeat them in the second number. A period between 47 BC and 42 BC would require both numbers to spelled out in full, as 47–42 BC, not 47–2 BC, which might seem to be between 47 BC and 2 BC. For four-digit dates AD within the same century, the last two digits are generally repeated in American and Australian style, according to the Chicago Manual (2003) and the government Style Manual (2002). Thus 1825–29, 1955–58 and so on. However, within the first decade, only one digit is provided: 2003–4. British style, as articulated by Butcher (1992) and Ritter (2002), recommends not repeating more digits than it takes to show the change, thus 1825–9, 1955–8. But they make a
special case for numbers between 10 and 19, as in 1914–18 War. The argument is that numbers in that decade (“fourteen,” “eighteen” etc.) are fused rather than separable compounds (compare “twenty-four”). Style authorities everywhere agree that when dates span the turn of a century, e.g. 1898–1901, all four digits should be repeated (and that using 1898–901 would be unfortunate). The solidus or slash mark is often used for a financial year or other statutory period (such as tenure of office or sporting season) which does not coincide exactly with one calendar year: 1908/9. It contrasts with 1908–9 where the dash indicates a two-year span of time involving both years. This distinction between dash and solidus then allows us to indicate spans between two financial years, sporting seasons etc.: 1982/3–1983/4. (See further under solidus.) 2 Individual years. Writers referring to individual years normally use all four digits: By 1986 we had all graduated. But when speaking, we may allude to a year using just the last two digits – and this form, prefaced by an apostrophe, occasionally finds its way into print, as in the class of ’86. ♦ For ways of referring to decades and individual centuries, see under decades and centuries.
dating systems Several of the world’s major religions have provided a calendar for dating historical events. The familiar Christian calendar dates things in relation to the putative year of Christ’s birth, AD 1 (see further under AD and BC). The Islamic calendar is based on the year AD 622, when Muhammad fled from persecution in Mecca to Medina, where he began to develop a following. According to this system, events are dated with the prefix AH (= anno Hegirae, “in the year of [Muhammad’s] hegira or flight”). The Islamic years are however difficult to relate to Christian years because they work on a 355-day lunar cycle. Judaism meanwhile calculates historical time in years from the putative creation of the world. Under this system, the years are also sometimes prefixed AH (= anno Hebraico, “in the Hebrew year”), which is clearly a trap for the unwary. Alternatively, dates using this reference point are prefixed AM (= anno mundi, “in the year of the world”). Those seeking a dating system which is neutral as to religion have devised the term Common Era, and the abbreviations CE and BCE (“[before] the Common Era”). But contrary to intention, CE is quite often read as “Christian Era,” a misunderstanding which is helped by the fact that the first year of the Common Era is AD 1. (See further under BC.) Two other secular systems of dating have had their day. The Romans located historical events in relation to the founding of their city in 753 BC. They gave years with the suffix AUC, which to them meant ab urbe condita (“from the city’s founding”), but is usually glossed nowadays as anno urbis conditae (“in the year of the city’s founding”). In modern times the French Republican calendar was promulgated with the establishment of the Republic in September 1792. It created twelve months, all of thirty days (and five intercalary days), and a new set of names for the months which express the flavor of the season. There’s no mistaking the autumn/winter set and the spring/summer set:
dative Vendemiaire (“the vintage”)
Germinal (“new shoots”) Brumaire (“mist”) Floreal (“flowers”) Frimaire (“frost”) Prairial (“grass”) Nivose (“snow”) Messidor (“harvest”) Pluviose (“rain”) Thermidor (“heat”) Ventose (“wind”) Fructidor (“fruit”) The Republican calendar was discontinued with the fall of Napoleon in 1806. One aspect of the Roman calendar has been extremely long-lived. We owe to Julius Caesar the system of allowing for a normal 365-day year, plus a 366-day year once in every four. This so-called Julian (or “Old Style”) Calendar continued to be used in Europe up to the threshold of the modern era. By then it was evident that the Julian equation for the solar cycle was a slight overestimate and out by 11 minutes 10 seconds a year. The Gregorian (“New Style”) Calendar modified the old formula by reducing the number of leap years. Instead of allowing that every turn of the century (1800, 1900, 2000, 2100, 2200, 2300 etc.) was a leap year, only one in four was (2000, 2400 etc.). The new system took its name from Pope Gregory XIII, and it has been observed in most Catholic countries since 1582. However the state of religious politics being what it was, England remained with the Julian Calendar until 1752, by which time the British calendar was twelve days behind the rest of Europe. The Gregorian Calendar was not adopted in Russia until 1918. Finally, there is a dating system which uses neither sun, moon or climate as its reference, but the known patterns of radiation in carbon atoms: radiocarbon dating. It relies on the fact that the radiocarbon (= carbon 14) in all living things has a known level of radioactivity, which falls off at a predictable rate after the organism has died. The half-life of carbon 14 is 5700 years, and it continues to be just measurable up to 40,000 years. For obvious reasons the method is more useful to archeologists than geologists generally, and has contributed much to the study of the prehistoric environment and relatively recent climatic changes. An Aboriginal footprint preserved in mud near Ceduna (South Australia) was dated as 5470 BP (± 190 years). (For the suffix BP, see further under that heading.) ♦ For geological eras, see Appendix II. ♦ For a perpetual calendar, see Appendix III.
daughter-in-law See in-laws.
de, del, della and De, Del, Della On the question as to whether to capitalize these particles in French, Dutch and Italian surnames (as in De la Mare, de Haan and Del Rosario), see under capital letters. For indexing purposes they are best alphabetized by the particle itself. Compare van and von.
deThe older meanings of this Latin prefix differ from the new. It came into English through everyday Latin loanwords such as decline, depend and descend, where its meaning is “down or away”; and in ones such as delude, deplore and deride where it means “put down” in a derogatory sense (derogatory itself is another example). Its usual modern meaning is to reverse an action: either reducing or lowering it, as in decentralize, de-escalate and devalue; or removing something entirely, as in defoliate, defrost and dethrone. In defuse it may be one or the other, depending on whether the object is a situation or a bomb. This modern usage seems to have developed out of an earlier confusion with dis- (see dis-). In medieval French, words which had originally had de- and those with dis- were both written des-, because the s ceased to be pronounced and people were unsure which words it belonged to. The earliest English examples of de- in its negative and privative sense were strictly technical: decanonize and decardinalize amid the religious turmoil of C17, and deacidify and de-aerate out of empirical science in C18. Quite a few modern formations also began as technical jargon: debrief, decontaminate, demilitarize. But there are plenty of examples closer to home: defrost, demist and deodorant. Debug has gone further down the figurative path than delouse. As these examples show, new formations are as often based on nouns as verbs.
dative This is the grammatical name for the case of the indirect object. In some languages such as German and Latin, there are distinct forms and suffixes for nouns, pronouns, adjectives and articles in the dative case, to distinguish them from the nominative and accusative. The pronoun I/me is as follows in German and Latin: German Latin ich ego “I” nominative (= subject) mich me “me” accusative (= direct object) mir mihi “me” dative (= indirect object) As the translation shows, the dative in English is identical with the accusative, and it is only from the syntax of the sentence that its role as an indirect object can be seen. (See further under accusative.) Further aspects of case-marking in English and other languages are discussed under cases.
de facto and de jure The Latin phrase de facto meaning “in fact” or “in reality” comes from the language of law, where it forms a contrast with de jure (“according to law” or “lawful”). Even lawyers have had to recognize that things which have no legal standing are a force to reckon with, and de facto as an adverb has had vigorous use amid the turmoil of English religious and political history. In current British English it most often works as an adjective to mark ad hoc institutions, such as a de facto embassy in Hong Kong, and unofficial or unformulated policies, as in a de facto form of slavery. Occasionally de facto and de jure are juxtaposed, as in the de facto if not de jure standard of the computing industry. But de facto occurs much more often than de jure in reporting and interpreting public affairs, in hundreds of examples in the BNC and CCAE. Americans (more often than the British) use de facto to refer to people in ad hoc public roles, as in de facto president / county executive / press attach´e. De facto is also used in Australia and New Zealand as a noun and byword for de facto wife or de facto husband – which is backed by the Australian Family Law Reform Act 1980 and written into tax forms and
de gustibus
used in paper correspondence: see under Yours faithfully. ♦ Compare the sample formats for print and e-mail correspondence in Appendix VII.
This abbreviates the Latin saying de gustibus non est ˆ disputandum. See further under chacun a` son gout.
debarred or disbarred
other documents that take account of domestic relationships. See further under spouse.
de jure See de facto and de jure.
de mortuis These words invoke the cautionary Latin statement: de mortuis nil nisi bonum (“concerning the dead, nothing but good [should be said],” or “speak no ill of the dead”). It represents an ancient taboo as well as a modern social convention, that the shortcomings of those who have died should not be aired: speak kindly or not at all. Though it comes to us in Latin, the saying is attributed to Chilo of Sparta, one of the legendary wise men of Greek tradition, from the sixth century BC. The sentiment is also expressed in brief as nil nisi bonum.
de profundis See under cri de coeur.
de règle and de rigueur See under comme il faut.
de trop This French phrase means literally “too much” or “too many.” In English it has long been applied to a person whose presence is superfluous, inappropriate or unwelcome in a given company. It parallels the idiom “playing gooseberry,” expressing the idea more directly (if you know French), and more elegantly (if you do not).
Dictionaries and usage guides sometimes say these have distinct roles, disbarred being reserved for lawyers expelled from the Bar, and debarred for any other kind of exclusion from a profession, sporting competition, employment and other more abstract arenas. Only in American English does this come close to the facts. The evidence from CCAE is that disbarred is indeed confined to the right to practice law and appear in court; but there are few examples of debarred, and barred seems to take its place. In British English, debarred is much more common than disbarred, by a factor of more than 4:1 in data from the BNC. The uses of debarred are many and varied, ranging from the very specific prohibition – railway companies were debarred from acquiring land – to other kinds of prevention: deafness debarred him from lectures. The relatively few examples of disbarred also present a range. Less than half are concerned with exclusion from the Bar, and rather more with being excluded from such things as the armed forces, sports competition and nonlegal professions such as accountancy. An occasional abstract use such as disbarred from making moral judgement also appears among the data. This wider range of uses for disbarred has its explanation in the fact that there are actually two verbs written as disbar, according to the Oxford Dictionary (1989). The older one, labeled “obsolete,” is a C16 variant of debar, based on its French antecedent desbarrer, with the general meaning “exclude.” The younger disbar (“expel from the Bar”) is a C17 creation. The New Oxford (1998) takes the radical step of putting the two disbar verbs together, allowing that the older usage has indeed continued, and giving disbar both legal and nonlegal definitions. But amid this expanding range, the exclusions expressed by debarred and disbarred don’t yet prevent drinkers from consoling themselves at the local bar.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com Dear The word dear has been used in direct address since C13, and in friendly salutations in personal letters since C15. Dear became the formal opener to any kind of letter during C17, which made it semantically opaque. In institutional correspondence the reader may find it dull or inappropriate (if the letter’s purpose is to demand that you pay supplementary tax). But for those who still write personal letters, it combines with a first name or nickname to make a warm salutation. Dear is very strongly associated with paper-based letters, and so seems less natural in e-mail correspondence (see Appendix VII). Those who begin their electronic letters to friends with Dear are definitely a minority – less than 20% in Gains’s (1998) research. It shares the field with “Hi” (20%), and “Hello” (11%). But almost 40% of personal e-mail and over 90% of administrative e-mail had no salutation at all (as in paper-based office memos). Salutations may seem redundant when the message header identifies the person or group being addressed at the start. A small percentage of personal e-mails (less than 10%) began with the addressee’s name alone, as in Tom: did you get the. . . ? Most e-mail messages get briskly down to business, and might be at risk of sounding brusque, but for the mitigating effect of conversational and colloquial idiom (Li, 2000) in the body of the message. The message endings used by e-mail correspondents are also far from standardized, and diverge from those
debit On the spelling of this word when verb inflections are added, see -t.
déboutonné ´ ´ See en deshabill e.
debut Given the importance of savoir faire when making a debut, it is perverse that the word itself creates uncertainties. In English it no longer needs an acute accent on the first syllable, yet the second syllable has a silent t as in French – hence the question of its spelling when it becomes an English verb. The standard practice is to write debuted and debuting (and continue to pronounce them as if there was no t). This is of course what happens with various other French loanwords ending in -et, when they are used as verbs in English: see further under -t.
deca-/deciThese prefixes embody the Latin (and Greek) word for “ten.” The prefix deca- expresses that meaning
decades straightforwardly in words such as decade, decagon and decahedron. Spelled deka-, it has sometimes combined with metric measures such as dekalitre and dekametre, though neither of those is an SI base unit (see further under metrication). The prefix deci- means “one tenth,” and it too used to be found with metric measures. But the potential for confusion between deci- and deca- has long been recognized, hence the attempts to replace deca- with deka-. In mathematical terms, the prefixes make all the difference between a cup of water (a decilitre) and enough for a bath (a decalitre). Even so, neither prefix is much used within the SI system, because of the general preference for expressions which involve powers of 1000.
decades Nowadays the standard style when referring to decades is without an apostrophe: for example 1960s or in the 60s (not 1960’s). (See further under apostrophes section 2.) When written purely as words, the decadic numbers usually correspond simply with the numbers: in the sixties and seventies. Yet verbal references to the first two decades in each century seem to require more than that, hence the “nineteen tens” (1910s) and “nineteen hundreds” (1900s) – the latter not unambiguously, since it could also refer to the whole century. In the countdown to the new millennium, speculation mounted about how we would refer to the first decade of C21, with the “oh-ohs” and the “noughties”/ “naughties” (see naught) as light relief from the plainer “twenty hundreds” or “two thousands.” The latter was strongly preferred in an Australian survey (Peters, 1999a), and its potential ambiguity is no problem while the century has yet to unfold. By 2010 all will have settled down with the “two thousand and tens” or the brisker “twenty tens.” ♦ For references to other spans of time, see under dates.
decimal comma or decimal point The European convention (also known in Canada) of using a decimal comma rather than a decimal point is discussed under numbers section 1.
decimate In contemporary English decimate has been acquiring new uses, none of which is mathematically precise. Its Latin meaning was exact – “reduce by one tenth” – and in earlier English it was similarly used, as a classical synonym for the Anglo-Saxon word tithe (“take one tenth of a person’s goods, as a levy or tax”). On rare occasions, the word has also been used to mean “reduce to one tenth” (i.e. by nine tenths). The Oxford Dictionary (1989) demonstrates this for decimation, with a citation from the C19 historian Freeman. He spells out his meaning with the aid of the 9 fraction – evidently anticipating some uncertainty 10 about the word. It tallies with the Oxford’s C19 note on the use of decimate to mean “devastate or drastically reduce,” which it dubbed “rhetorical and loose.” We may read between the lines that there was some kind of shibboleth about it, fostered by more widespread knowledge of Latin. But this meaning is nowadays the commonest use of the word in both British and American English, and it’s registered without comment in modern dictionaries. With the sense of “reduce drastically,” the word appears in many contexts, witness the following from BNC and CCAE: . . . communities decimated by AIDS Torpedo bombers decimated the Italian fleet. . . . housing programs decimated in earlier budgets Honda decimated the British motorcycle industry. . . . drought that has decimated bird and fish populations The Communist Party saw its parliamentary representation decimated. Among the citations, the mathematical meaning remains only as a distraction – as when we’re told that there are now about 18,000 elephants left in Kenya, thanks to poachers who have decimated the population by 70,000 a year since 1979. Using exact numbers with decimate is ill-advised, whatever its intended sense. They are redundant where it means “reduce by one tenth,” and where it doesn’t they confound the arithmetic. Precision mathematics is certainly not the point when decimated features in sports reporting, as it does on both sides of the Atlantic: Thompson decimated the Christleton bowling. . . . the Huskies have been decimated by injuries Yet other developments of decimate seem to be American rather than British English. Only in CCAE is the word found to mean “raze to the ground” as in lava has decimated their homes or soldiers decimated entire villages or the ironic urban renewal decimated the area. Also on the frontiers of decimate are instances of emotional and personal devastation: a man decimated by the loss of his wife, and another decimated by drug and alcohol abuse. Decimate is thus becoming a general-purpose synonym for “devastate,” though not yet acknowledged in Merriam-Webster’s (2000). Whatever destruction, damage or disaster it’s applied to, decimate remains ominous, always expressing a sense of disquiet. Dark connotations have been at the heart of the word since Roman times, when it referred to the punitive measure practiced by
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com deceitful or deceptive Both words involve deceiving; but while deceitful suggests that it is part of a conscious intention by the perpetrator, deceptive just means that one can be misled by appearances. So calling a speech deceitful is a judgement about the honesty of the speaker, whereas deceptive puts the onus on those listening or reading to watch their own interests.
decessit sine prole This Latin phrase means “s/he departed [this life] without offspring.” Used mostly in law and genealogy, it often appears abbreviated as d.s.p. It confirms the fact that the genealogy is complete, rather than a case where genealogists have been unable to trace all the progeny of the person being documented. The same idea is expressed through obiit sine prole (“died without offspring”: o.s.p.) and sine prole (s.p.).
decided or decisive These words only come into each other’s ambit when decided is an adjective, as in a decided advantage (or decisive advantage?). In such contexts, decided means “definite,” whereas decisive carries the sense of “that which clinches the issue.” Thus decisive suggests finality, where decided is just an interim value.
defective or deficient the Roman army – the killing of one soldier in ten, as a reprisal against units which mutinied or showed cowardice. The mathematical precision of that meaning has been lost, but the sinister implications are still there.
decisive or decided See decided.
declaim and declamation The spelling difference is discussed under -aim.
declarative Modern grammarians apply this term to sentences which embody a statement, as opposed to a question or command. In traditional grammar the verb of a declarative sentence was said to be indicative rather than interrogative or imperative. See further under mood.
declension Declensions are the different groups or classes to which the nouns of a language belong, according to the way they change for singular and plural, and for the various grammatical cases such as nominative, accusative, genitive (see further under cases). Classical Latin had elaborate noun declensions, with individual suffixes for many of the six standard cases, and often a characteristic vowel, such as -a (first declension), -u (second and fourth declensions) and -e (third and fifth declension). The following are examples of nominative and accusative forms of each:
deduction This word is often loosely used to refer to any kind of argument. But in logic it denotes a particular kind of reasoning, a process in which a conclusion is drawn after certain premises have been established. Provided that the premises are true, they guarantee the validity of the conclusion. Deductive arguments contrast with inductive ones, in which the premises can only be said to support the conclusion (see induction). One of the best known forms of deduction is the syllogism, in which a conclusion is drawn from a pair of premises. For example: All mammals suckle their young. (major premise) Whales are mammals. (minor premise) Therefore the whale suckles its young. (conclusion) The validity of the conclusion depends on (1) the validity of both premises, and (2) the fact that the class of things introduced in the minor premise is included in the class of the major premise. The class which links the major and minor premise is known as the middle term. Similar deductive arguments are commonly used in establishing a scientific theory and making predictions from it. They involve setting up and testing a hypothesis which is conditionally asserted within the major premise. The two well-recognized types of argument like this are the modus ponens and the modus tollens. The following illustrate the two types. 1 Modus ponens If there’s an inverse relationship between IQ and the number of siblings in the family, then brighter children will come from smaller families. Bright children typically come from smaller families. Therefore there’s an inverse relationship between IQ and the number of siblings in a family. With the modus ponens argument we can assert the antecedent as the conclusion. 2 Modus tollens If there’s an inverse relationship between IQ and the number of siblings in a family, then brighter children will come from smaller families. Bright children don’t all come from smaller families. Therefore there cannot be an inverse relationship between IQ and the number of siblings in a family. The modus tollens argument is the negative counterpart of modus ponens, and works by denying the consequent as the conclusion.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com nom.
first declension:
domina dominam “woman” second declension: deus “god” deum third declension: miles “soldier” militem fourth declension: manus “hand” manum fifth declension: dies “day” diem Older Germanic languages such as Old English and Old Norse had numerous noun declensions within the two major groups, known as “strong” and “weak.” In modern German there are up to sixteen declensions, according to the paradigms in the Langenscheidt Dictionary (1997). Most Germanic languages either have or have had different declensions for their adjectives, also often referred to as “strong” and “weak.”
décolleté ´ ´ See en deshabill e.
deductible or deductable Both spellings are possible for this relatively new word, though deductible is the standard form in finance and accounting. This spelling was “rare” in C19 according to the original Oxford Dictionary (1884–1928), which gave the regular English form deductable as the primary form. But the latinate deductible has gained ground since then, according to the Oxford’s second edition (1989). It dominates in data from the BNC and CCAE, by more than 60:1. Deductible is the only spelling listed in Merriam-Webster’s (2000), New Oxford (1998) and the Canadian Oxford (1998), but the Australian Macquarie Dictionary (1997) presents deductible and deductable as equally current. See further under -able/-ible.
The two patterns of argument may be symbolically represented as follows: 1 Modus ponens 2 Modus tollens If p then q If p then q p not p therefore q. therefore not q. The letters p and q stand for indicative statements (see further under indicative). The modus tollens provides the logical framework for testing the null hypothesis, used in statistics and much research in the behavioral and social sciences. Deductive arguments are sometimes referred to as a priori arguments. See further under that heading.
defective or deficient Both these adjectives say that something is unsatisfactory, but they work in different domains.
defendant or defendent Defective is used of objects which have detectable flaws, or do not function properly because of missing or damaged parts. Deficient expresses a more abstract problem, where there is less than the full complement of a standard quality or attribute. Because of its abstractness, deficient is usually qualified in some way, such as “deficient in sensitivity.” With their different applications, the two words rarely cross paths in usage – only where a problem can be identified in either concrete or abstract terms, as in mentally defective (= impaired brain function) and mentally deficient (= insufficient brain resources). In fact mentally handicapped is far more common than either of them, in American and British databases. But where sensitivities are acute, it’s sometimes replaced with the broader term differently abled: see further under that heading.
defendant or defendent The standard spelling for the person answering a legal charge is defendant, whether the word is technically a noun or adjective. Compare: The defendant showed no remorse. The judge cautioned the defendant lawyer. On its very few appearances in the British and American databases (BNC and CCAE), defendent served as a noun (the defendent appealed. . . ). Thus it’s just a rare spelling variant, not invested with any grammatical meaning of its own. Compare dependent or dependant.
defense or defence While defense is standard in the US, and defence in the UK, there are linguistic arguments for preferring defense (see under -ce/-se). Defence makes for awkward juxtapositions in international reporting, especially from the British side, as in: This argument does not apply to nuclear defence, such as the Strategic Defense Initiative. The spelling difference suggests a writer distancing himself/herself from American style, and unable to see the two spellings as equivalents, as they are in the Oxford Dictionary (1989). The British (Canadian, Australian) preference for defence seems to have intensified during C20, and it’s the dominant spelling in the BNC by more than 500:1. Yet defense also appears in the data, not simply in references to the US Secretary/Department of Defense. Other organizations round the world with Defense in their title act in defence/defense of such things as the environment, natural resources, flora and fauna. So when writing about the activities of Defense organizations, there’s a case for using defense for the common noun, for consistency’s sake, wherever you are.
contexts its meaning is further diluted, so that it is little more than an intensifier, as in a definite step forward or They’re definitely coming. See further under intensifiers.
definite article See articles.
definitive or definite See definite.
deflection or deflexion See under -ction/-xion.
deforest, disforest or disafforest All three mean cutting down the trees, but the first is dominant in both American and British English. Deforest is the only one to appear in data from CCAE, and it’s far more common than the others in the BNC. Disforest appears in 1 solitary example, and though there are rather more of disafforest, all come from a single historical publication.
defuse or diffuse See diffuse.
degrees Academic degrees associated with a person’s name are normally indicated by two-part abbreviations, representing the level and the field. Both words are capitalized, as in: Jane Brown, B.A. David Lee, M.Eng. Jean Lambert, D.Sc. But for degrees in law e.g. LL.B, LL.M, full caps are used for the field (the double L signifies the plural of the Latin word for “law”). Other degrees based on Latin such as Ph.D., Litt.D./D.Litt. have only an initial cap for the field. The punctuation of academic degrees varies with the institution, but American colleges normally put stops on both parts of the abbreviation, in keeping with the general practice of the Chicago Manual (1993). Canadians accommodate the stopped style as well as the unstopped (B.A. or BA). British and Australian style is generally unstopped. This is clear for abbreviations consisting entirely of capital letters (like BA, MA, MD), but less so for ones with some lower case letters such as M(.)Eng(.) or Ph(.)D(.), which might or might not be punctuated, according to editorial policy: see abbreviations option 2 (c) and option 2 (d). In lists of graduates, consistency seems important – with all degrees stopped, or all unstopped. ♦ For the use of (magna) cum laude etc. with academic degrees, see cum laude. ♦ For degrees of temperature, see Fahrenheit and Celsius or centigrade.
deficient or defective See defective.
definite or definitive The extra syllable in definitive makes it more like definition; and a definitive object has the archetypal qualities of its kind, and serves as a reference point for others. A definitive performance of Shakespeare’s Macbeth is a classic interpretation. To say something is definitive is to make much more ambitious claims for it than with definite. Definite simply implies that something is exact or has clear, firm limits, as in a definite proposal. In some
degrees of comparison For the systems of comparison for adjectives and adverbs, see adjectives section 2 and adverbs section 3.
deixis Borrowed from philosophy, this term is used in linguistics to refer to the way word meanings can be tied to the situation in which they are uttered.
demise Without knowing that situation we cannot decode their meaning. Some examples are: ∗ personal pronouns I, we and you ∗ demonstratives such as this and that ∗ positional terms like here and there; right and left; in front and behind ∗ points of the compass: north, east ∗ time references such as tomorrow and yesterday; next, last and ago; now and then Words like these are called deictics, from the adjective deictic. There’s no sign yet of a rival “deixic” in dictionaries or grammars – though we might expect it in the longer run. See further under -ctic/-xic.
an optical illusion or under no illusion. Illusions can be dispelled relatively easily. In its pronunciation, illusion comes close to allusion, the abstract noun from the verb allude. But while an allusion (“passing comment or fleeting reference”) can be heard or seen in writing, an illusion is all in the mind. There’s no English verb associated with illusion. ♦ Compare elusive or allusive.
demagogue or demagog See under -gue/-g.
demean déjà vu This phrase, borrowed from French, means “already seen.” In critiques of artistic or literary works déjà vu can be used almost literally to say that the substance is derivative and unstimulating: . . . Paris dealers showing a large number of d´eja` vu works and recording few sales. The déjà vu in revisionist government policies invites boredom, according to another BNC citation. In sports reporting it simply means the repetition of a win, loss and/or competing with the same opponent(s): it was déjà vu as he breezed in to outwit O’Hare a second time. ´ a` vu But when used by psychologists and others, dej is a peculiar mental phenomenon whereby people feel they are seeing for the second time something which they can never have seen before. It seems to strike a chord in memory, and yet it can only be a quirk of the mind. The effect is uncanny, though not in the occult realms of “second sight.” While the clairvoyant claims ´ a` vu glimpse is to have a view into the future, a dej always framed in the past.
This word represents two different words: ∗ the rather archaic verb demean meaning “behave,” as in if I demean myself proudly. Both it and the noun demeanor derive from Old French demener. ∗ the current verb demean meaning “lower in dignity or status” is an English formation of C17, based on the adjective mean. It may be used either reflexively or nonreflexively. Compare: . . . would not demean themselves by setting out to acquire popularity and We will regulate telephone services which demean women and corrupt children. The second verb provides us with the adjective demeaning, as in a clerical job would be demeaning for her.
demeanor or demeanour See under -or/-our.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com dekalitre and dekametre See under deca-/deci-.
del/Del and della/Della On how to treat these elements of surnames, see under de.
delirium tremens Coined in early C19, this medical phrase consists of Latin elements which mean “trembling delirium.” The name describes the convulsive state of delirium brought on by prolonged and excessive consumption of alcohol – fits of trembling and sweating associated with terrifying optical illusions. The phrase can be abbreviated to d.t. although it’s usually written and said in the plural as d.t.’s, as if the word tremens were a plural noun. The abbreviation often appears in capitals, as D.T.’s or DTs according to the policy for punctuating abbreviations: see abbreviations options 2 (a) or (c).
delusion or illusion These words both refer to false perceptions, and though they seem interchangeable in some contexts, their implications are slightly different. Delusion suggests that the misapprehension is subjective and results from distorted thinking within the individual, or a disordered mind. Delusions are chronic or persistent, as for example with delusions of grandeur. An illusion is a temporary misapprehension produced by external objects or circumstances, as in
This French prefix meaning “half ” appears in a few borrowed words like demi-sec and demitasse, and in some hybrid English formations like demigod and demirelief. It appears as an independent word in the form demy (a now obsolete size of paper), with its spelling adjusted in accordance with the English rules for final letters of words. (The reverse process is described at -y > -i-). Demi- is synonymous with semi – from Latin and hemi- from Greek, and all three are brought into play for subdividing the length of musical notes in British (and Australian) terminology. Thus the demisemiquaver is one quarter the length of a quaver, and the hemidemisemiquaver one eighth of it – a long word for a very brief sound. But North American musical nomenclature does without quavers (and crotchets), and names all notes as fractions of the semibreve. So the demisemiquaver is a thirty-second note, and the hemidemisemiquaver a sixty-fourth note. Demi- lends ambiguity to demivolt, unless you happen to have some knowledge of electricity and/or dressage. In fact, it has no place in electrical measurement, but refers to the half turn (with forelegs raised) made by a trained horse.
demise Death and the law associated with it are the starting points for the word demise: Many people make wills to anticipate the future and their demise. It serves to solemnize or euphemize physical death of other kinds, as in: the demise of his 13-year-old cat or her African violet’s demise. Yet in contemporary
demonstratives English, demise often refers to the decline of an institution, custom or fashion. This is the dominant sense in data from both the BNC and CCAE, as in: communism’s demise in Eastern Europe the local barbershop’s demise the void left by the demise of the afternoon edition the demise of three square meals a day Another, more ambiguous extension of the word is to refer to the departure of politicians from office, and the retirement of others from the public arena. It happens when what might be referred to as political demise or professional demise is just called demise. For example: . . . a rebellion within military ranks triggered Marcos’s demise Alan Bond’s demise is a parable of the last 10 years. Evidence of demise used to mean “loss of position or status” comes from both American and British databases, and it’s recognized in Merriam-Webster (2000) though not in New Oxford (1998). But this use of demise (without any indication that it means political/professional demise) is safe only in the short term and with readers who know that the person is not yet dead. Otherwise the more deadly possibility will be there to confound their reading of the text. In the longer run, demise in the sense of “death” will win out anyway. Writers who want their texts to stand the test of time should still preface the word demise with “political,” “professional” etc., if that’s the intended sense.
You may leave now. You may be right. He must do it. He must be on his way now. The first in each pair is deontic: the utterance involves giving permission or putting an obligation on the subject of the verb. The second is epistemic: it expresses a possibility or estimates the likelihood of a fact or event. The two senses are also referred to as intrinsic and extrinsic, or root meaning and epistemic meaning. See further under modality.
dependence or dependency Like some other -nce/-ncy pairs, the first is typically abstract in its use, so that it’s usually modified (before or after) to make it more specific, as in nicotine dependence or dependence on outside finance. Dependency is more specific in itself, referring to a particular dependent unit, and probably best known in its use as a geo-political unit governed by another country: the Falkland Island Dependencies. However, dependency is also found in phrases such as drug dependency, suggesting that for some people it is quite interchangeable with dependence. (See further under -nce/-ncy.) Dependence and dependency are very much more frequent than dependance and dependancy in both American and British databases. The -enc- spellings are there in their hundreds, whereas instances of -ancspellings can be counted on the fingers of one hand. ♦ Compare dependent/dependant in next entry.
dependent or dependant Uncertainty over spelling this word goes back to C18, when Dr. Johnson offered both spellings for the noun and adjective, with the comment “Some words vary their final syllable.” But the Oxford Dictionary (1884–1928) stated that -ant was more common for the noun in C19, and this has firmed into the preferences of modern British dictionaries: dependant for the noun and dependent for the adjective. Data from the BNC shows the grammatical division of labor is not quite as neat as that. While dependent is indeed the common form of the adjective, dependant serves about equally as noun and adjective. Compare: carers with a dependant in their household with more dependant on aid than ever and co-operation between mutually dependant classes. Still the fact is that adjectival uses of dependant are much less frequent than those of dependent. In the US dependent is simply used for both adjective and noun. Compare: young people dependent on their peers with Aid for Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) and a disabled or chronically-ill dependent relies on . . . Dependent appears in thousands of examples in CCAE, compared with about a score of dependant, of which more than 90% are adjectival. The data provides ongoing support for the judgement of Webster’s Third (1986), that dependent is the prime spelling in American English, and that dependant is a spelling variant without grammatical significance. If users of English were united on making dependent and dependant grammatically distinct, it
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com Words like this/these and that/those which draw the reader’s or listener’s attention to particular objects or persons are demonstratives. They function as both adjectives and pronouns: This offer is worth accepting. (adjective) This is worth accepting. (pronoun) Those recruits did better than these. (adjective) (pronoun) English also has demonstrative adverbs (of time, place and manner) including: here/there hence/thence now/then thus In modern English the pairs of demonstratives (i.e. this/that, these/those) express the notion of being either closer to, or further from the writer/speaker. In older English, the words yon and yonder also worked as demonstratives, and expressed a third degree of distance, even more remote from the standpoint of the communicator. In some Aboriginal languages, the demonstrative system indicates not only relative distance but direction (i.e. “near to the south,” “further away to the west” etc.) See also under deixis.
denotation See under connotation.
denounce and denunciation For the spelling of these words, see under pronounce.
dent or dint See dint.
deontic and epistemic These terms originated in philosophy, but are used by some grammarians to identify the different senses of modal verbs in the following:
descriptive or prescriptive might be worth persisting with. The facts are that it’s not perfectly observed in the UK, and disregarded in the US. Those who use dependant for the adjective do not cause misunderstanding, since the grammar is always clear from the context, as in the examples above. This being so, one might ask why British dictionaries could not accommodate it – in the name of Johnsonian variation or American liberalism, according to taste. A little flexibility here would be worth a lot, given the arbitrary rule of -ent or -ant in so many other English words. See further under -ant/-ent.
dependent clauses This is another name for subordinate clauses. See further under clauses section 3.
deposit On whether to double the t before adding verb suffixes, see -t.
deprecate or depreciate From rather different origins, these similar-looking words have come to overlap in meaning in some contexts, especially when it comes to self-deprecation or self-depreciation. In essence depreciate means “reduce in price or value.” This is the meaning it still expresses in the domain of business and finance, as when assets are depreciated by 10 percent. But the word can take on the more figurative meaning of “represent as having little value, belittle,” and it then comes close to the extended meaning of deprecate. Deprecate is essentially “argue against,” but by extension means “disparage,” as in The movie star deprecated his acting talent. This is why deprecatory comments and depreciatory comments mean much the same, and compounds such as self-deprecatory/self-deprecating and self-depreciatory are indistinguishable. With the extra syllable, depreciate and its derivatives seem to be the losers in these close encounters. Depreciate nevertheless maintains its ground in the world of finance, which it never shares with deprecate.
The argument drew derisive laughter. The distinction between blacks and whites is derisive in this country of mixed races. The data also show that the meaning “laughable” is quite rare in the US.
dernier cri In spite of appearances, this French phrase (literally “the last cry”) is closer in meaning to “the last word” than “the last gasp.” Though often translated as “the latest fashion,” it’s certainly not restricted to the world of haute couture, and can be applied to “the latest thing” in any field. In some English usage, dernier cri seems to carry a certain irony, as if the user was conscious of the literal meaning of the phrase. But in French it is an uncomplicated colloquial idiom which just means “the in-thing.” ♦ Compare bossa nova.
derogatory or derogative British and American dictionaries allow both forms for this adjective, though derogatory is given priority, and derogative often crossreferenced to it. Since first recorded in 1503, derogatory has developed several distinct uses; whereas the slightly older derogative (dating from 1477) seems to have had little use and no special applications. Derogative makes no showing in either BNC or CCAE, yet a Google search of the internet in 2002 found it used in about 2% of all instances of the adjective. It cannot yet be declared “obsolete.”
desalination, desalinization or desalinisation
derisive or derisory The distinction between these words seems to have developed in C20 British English, and since the 1920s, to judge by citations in the second edition of the Oxford Dictionary (1989). Both involve laughing something out of court, but their focus is different. Derisory attaches itself to the object of derision: It was sold at auction for a derisory sum. Derisive meanwhile is the attitude of those mocking: The derisive laugh challenged their complacency. Thus derisory is a synonym for “laughable,” and derisive for “mocking.” This neat division of labor works – more or less – in British English, where the two words are about equally common. Derisive is almost always used to mean “mocking,” though derisory appears in this sense in more than 10% of the BNC citations, as in a derisory laugh, the derisory song, and derisory calls from the crowd. But American English makes little use of derisory: it’s outnumbered by 10:1 in data from CCAE, and so both meanings (“mocking” and “laughable”) are loaded onto derisive:
See under salination.
descendant or descendent
The first spelling descendant has become standard for the “(one) originating from a particular ancestor” – whether it serves as a noun or adjective. The spelling descendent is confined to the realms of astronomy and heraldry. ♦ Compare ascendant, defendant and dependent.
descriptive or prescriptive Language changes all the time in small ways, offering us alternative words, idioms and spellings. Much of the time this passes unnoticed, but when people do notice a new usage around, they may react in one of two ways. They may simply remark on it without passing judgement – the descriptive approach. Or they may declare one particular form to be the right one to use – the prescriptive approach. Prescriptivists, whether they are experts or ordinary citizens, usually plump for the traditional form, whereas descriptivists recognize that language changes, and allow that there may be a choice of forms in certain contexts. In the history of English, language commentators have swung from being typically descriptive in C16 and C17, to prescriptivism in C18, and later C19 and earlier C20. Under the influence of modern linguistics, more descriptive approaches were taken up – especially in the US – during C20. They go hand in hand with better understanding of language change, and better tools for describing it. A third factor is the generally more democratic climate of thinking, which allows that common usage and trends within it are really more powerful in language history than
desert or dessert abstract notions of what is correct or “logical” in English. This principle was articulated in Roman times by the poet Horace in the comment “the arbiter, law and standard of speech lies in usage” (Ars Poetica lines 71–2). Horace’s words were known to and quoted by C18 scholars, yet the idea that common usage should influence judgements about language was little developed in their publications. Dictionaries and style guides of C20 have varied in their stance, though generally speaking, the smaller the volume the more likely it is to work prescriptively. You need space to offer the full descriptive detail on usage. Even larger volumes may resort to prescriptivism in the absence of linguistic evidence, a point which is not always obvious to the reader (Peters and Young, 1997). It must be said that some people expect prescriptive judgements on what is “correct” and “acceptable,” as simple answers to language issues. This C21 book endeavors to provide advice through descriptive information on usage, derived from primary and secondary sources. It indicates where particular variants are preferred, and the stylistic contexts with which they are associated – assuming that interested and intelligent watchers of the language would rather have the wherewithal to choose, than have choices made for them.
desert or dessert The crux presented by these arises out of the several words that can be represented by desert. 1 With stress on the first syllable, desert is a common noun meaning “sterile dry place,” and an adjective meaning “deserted,” as in desert island. These derive via French from the Latin desertum (“deserted” or more literally “unbound”). The verb desert as in deserted his wife (with stress on second syllable) also comes from the same source. 2 The archaic noun desert means “what you deserve,” and survives in the phrase get one’s just deserts. This word is based on the past participle of Old French deservir, meaning “deserve.” The noun dessert (“sweet course of a meal”) sounds exactly like desert (2), but the double s connects it with the French verb desservir, meaning “clear the table” and thus makes it the last course of the banquet. Only rarely do dessert and desert (2) cross paths and create ambiguity. But it’s worth asking what kind of sweet course you expect at the end of a meal, if you get your just deserts!
in Huddleston and Pullum (2002), determinative is used for the determiner only. See next entry.
determiners In modern grammars and dictionaries, determiners are the words which occupy the first slot in the noun phrase (see further under that heading). They include: ∗ articles: a an the ∗ demonstrative adjectives: this that these those ∗ possessive adjectives: my your his her its our their ∗ quantitative adjectives: few both some each every all no ∗ cardinal numbers: one two three etc. Any of the above could go into the vacant slot in the following: —— good book(s) Ordinal numbers such as first, second, third, and “general ordinals” such as next and last are also determiners, though they typically work in tandem with others, as in the second/next book from her pen. Combinations of determiners most often involve quantitative words, as in all the people and both my dogs. The first determiner in such structures becomes the predeterminer. Other words which can be predeterminers are such and what, which can combine with the indefinite article as in such an experience, what a business. Combinations of three determiners are also possible, though uncommon. They involve both cardinal and ordinal numbers, as in the first two students or the two first students. The third determiner is then a postdeterminer. Modern English also uses complex determiners, such as a few, a lot of, lots of, plenty of, to express less definite quantities.
déshabillé ´ ´ See en deshabill e.
desideratum For the plural of this word, see under -um.
despatch or dispatch See dispatch.
dessert or desert See desert.
determinative This term is generally used by grammarians to refer to the role of determiners, possessive nouns and some other items, which precede the adjectives (if any) in a noun phrase and premodify the head noun. However
detract or distract See distract.
deus ex machina This Latin phrase meaning “god from the machine” captures an ancient Greek theatrical practice associated especially with Euripides. It involved hoisting up the divinities who appeared in the play to a position above the stage, from where they could observe and intervene in the affairs of ordinary mortals. Modern popular culture has a remarkable deus ex machina in Superman who descends miraculously to the aid of beleaguered people in innumerable comics, videos and movies. The expression is also applied in contemporary usage to any improbable event or device of plot which provides easy resolution of a difficult situation.
developing countries This term is now used instead of the less flattering “underdeveloped countries,” to describe countries in which the majority of the population are engaged in agriculture rather than secondary industry, and where traditional customs and low rates of literacy prevail. The developing countries are typically in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Pacific region, and they are often former colonies of European powers. Collectively they are sometimes referred to as the “Third World,” a term coined when they were seen as independent of both the western and eastern blocs. (See further under Third World.) The developing
dialect countries still tend to have fewer resources and less economic and financial clout than the developed countries of Europe and North America. But they are at least equally represented at the United Nations, and at the Commonwealth Heads of Government meetings.
deviled or devilled The choice between these is discussed under -l-/-ll-.
devil's advocate This phrase is a direct translation of the Latin advocatus diaboli, the official who was appointed by the Catholic Church to argue against a proposal for canonization, and to draw attention to flaws in the case of the proposed saint. While sympathetic to the cause, he tries to prepare its advocate for any challenges that may be brought against it. By extension devil’s advocate has come to mean a person who voices arguments against the position held by most others, and who seems to argue for argument’s sake. It is most often used of those who produce negative arguments against what others propose, though it can also apply to those who recommend what most others reject.
devisor or deviser See under -er/-or.
dexterous or dextrous Dictionaries recognize both spellings, though dexterous is the commoner of the two. In American English dexterous outnumbers dextrous by 5:1 in data from CCAE, whereas they come closer in British English (dexterous prevails by 8:5 in data from the BNC). Dextrous is nevertheless the more regular form, according to the Oxford Dictionary (1989). It reigns supreme in ambidextrous, where there’s no alternative. ♦ For other cases in which -er becomes -r, see -er>-r-.
diabetes diagonal dialect diameter diagnosis diarrh(o)ea diathermy diatonic It becomes just di- when combined with a word beginning with a vowel, as in di(a)eresis, diorama and diuretic. Note that dialogue is essentially conversation across a group, because its prefix is dia- not di– (“two”). Yet dialogue is not uncommonly thought to be talk between two parties, probably because it’s often contrasted with monologue. The term duologue exists to specify a conversation between just two people, but is mostly used in dramaturgy. ♦ For the question of whether to write dialogue or dialog, see -gue/-g.
diabolic or diabolical These two adjectives arrived in English about a century apart (1399 and 1503 respectively) according to the Oxford Dictionary (1989), and both have subsequently been used to mean “Devil-like” or “devil-like” as well as “atrociously/inhumanly wicked.” British and American databases show that diabolical can still be used with either meaning, whereas diabolic almost always invokes the Devil or his likeness, as in: the diabolic glamour of Nazism a grin that alternately looks angelic and diabolic Diabolic is however rare by comparison with diabolical, outnumbered by about 6:1 in the BNC and 14:1 in CCAE. All this suggests that the eclipse of diabolic is nigh, while diabolical enjoys an ever wider range of applications, from the devilish to the hyperbolic or strictly frivolous. Compare: . . . used the cemetery for diabolical activities . . . won themselves a draw after a diabolical first half “a diabolical dress – a sailor dress with frills” intoned the fashion editor. The two adjectives have always converged on the same adverb: diabolically. See further under -ic/-ical.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com di or Di On whether to capitalize this particle in surnames (such as di Bartolo, Di Maggio) see under capital letters. For the purposes of indexing, the particle is best treated as the first part of the name. ♦ Compare van and von.
diacritics See under accents.
diad and diadic See under dyad.
diThis prefix meaning “two” appears in borrowed Greek words and neoclassical terms such as: dicotyledon digraph dihedral dilemma diode diphthong diptych di(s)syllable Most such words are in specialized areas of learning and scholarship, where di- and its Latin counterpart bi- share the field to some exent. Di- has generated far fewer words in the life sciences; but it’s used extensively in chemistry, and has superseded bi- in the naming of organic compounds. Only in the well-established names of acid salts, such as bicarbonate and bisulfate, has bi- retained its place. (See further under bi-.) The prefix di- can also be a variant form of dia-, on which see next entry.
diaA legacy from Greek, this prefix meaning “through, across” is a component of borrowed words such as:
diaeresis or dieresis See dieresis.
dial tone or dialling tone Around the world, the expression dial tone is more widely distributed, being standard in the US, as well as Canada and Australia. Dialling tone is used in the UK by the British Telecom network. ♦ For other divergent British/American compounds in which the American is typically uninflected, see inflectional extras.
dialect Dialects are most obvious in the distinctive speech sounds of a particular region, in the “Deep South” vowels of those from somewhere between Texas and Tennessee, and the “burr” of Scottish speakers of English. Within large cities, dialects can be the hallmark of particular communities, for example the Cockney of East London, and of Brooklyn or Harlem
dialectal or dialectical in New York. These dialects consist not only of different accents, but also of words, idioms, and sometimes grammatical patterns that are distinctive to the region or social group. All aspects of dialect may impinge on writing, depending on the subject and nature of the discourse. In Wuthering Heights, the Yorkshire dialect vested in the puritanical servant Joseph is used to anchor the novel in the bleak northern regions of England: “Sabbath no o’ered, und t’sound o’ t’gospel still i’ yer lugs, and ye darr be laiking!” [The Sabbath isn’t over, and the sound of the gospel still in your ears, and you dare to play!] The author of Huckleberry Finn uses a range of dialects to locate the novel, though dialectologists disagree about how many. The most salient are the two used by Huck (South Midland white dialect) and Jim the runaway slave (Southern black dialect), which serve to remind readers of the socio-ethnic divide among Americans. Regional pronunciations and nonstandard grammar are evident in speech attributed to both, though more consistently in Jim’s utterances: “Yo’ ole father doan’ know, yit, what he’s a-gwyne to do. Sometimes he spec he’ll go’way, en den agin he spec he’ll stay. . . ” [Your old father doesn’t know yet what he’s going to do. Sometimes he expects he’ll go away, and then again he expects he’ll stay.] Huck’s narrative blends standard with dialectal American English: “You don’t know about me, without you have read a book by the name of Tom Sawyer, but that ain’t no matter. That book was made by Mr Mark Twain, and he told the truth, mainly. There was things that he stretched, but mainly he told the truth. That is nothing. I never seen anybody but lied, one time or another. . . ” Dialect serves several purposes in the novel, bringing its characters to life, while locating them in the Mississippi region, and connecting them with the larger social parameters of the setting. Nonfictional writing is much less concerned with individual voices, and offers less scope for dialect. Yet the use of regional terms, e.g. sidewalk rather than pavement, will associate the document and its author with the North American continent rather than Britain. Regional spelling variants such as plow/plough can have the same effect – and seem to include or exclude readers, according to where they are coming from. Writers naturally choose the local word or form if their text is to be read within their own region (say the UK or US). The choice is more difficult for those wanting to communicate across regional boundaries, in which case they need to consider the most “international” option available. A familiar colloquial term may prove quite mysterious beyond its own region, however well it speaks to readers within it. The computer manual which refers to a binary switch as a teeter-totter will lose readers outside the dialect areas of the US and the UK where it’s the regular term for “seesaw.” Even standard English terms can pose a dilemma for writers looking to international audiences. The Australian playwright David Williamson had to retitle his 1974 drama The Removalists as “The Moving Men” for its New York production. In London, it had to be “The Removal Men”.
Any questions about the “internationality” of words and phrases can be explored with the help of larger dictionaries, where US/British alternatives are mentioned for particular words. Some learners’ dictionaries do it systematically, notably the Cambridge International Dictionary of English (1995), from which dialect-free options may be extrapolated. But entries in this book explicitly indicate an international English selection wherever possible – the option which is regionally neutral and/or accessible to the broadest spread of readers. See further under international English and standard English.
dialectal or dialectical These adjectives connect with different nouns. Dialectal relates to dialect (see previous entry) and to dialectology. But dialectical relates to dialectic(s), a form of philosophical argument in which the truth is sought through reconciling opposite positions. Dialectic originated with Socrates and Plato, but it was given new life by Kant and Hegel in the modern era, and subsequently adapted by Marx in the philosophy of dialectical materialism. A more recent extension of the noun dialectic makes it simply a way of referring to the tension between two opposing forces, such as church and state, without any philosophical implications. This usage is likely to irritate those with any knowledge of philosophy, and to intimidate those without it.
dialed or dialled The choice between these is discussed under -l-/-ll-.
dialogue or dialog See under -gue/-g.
dialyse or dialyze See under -yze/-yse.
diarchy or dyarchy See dyarchy.
diarrhea or diarrhoea See under oe.
dicey or dicy Dicey is the less regular of the two spellings, in terms of English word-forming rules (see -e section 1). But it reflects the informal flavor of the word, and both Merriam-Webster (2000) and New Oxford (1998) make it the primary spelling. In database evidence, dicey dominates, and it was preferred by the majority of US and UK respondents to the Langscape survey (1998–2001). Yet many respondents from Continental Europe endorsed the more regular spelling dicy. Perhaps English spelling would be safer in the hands of non-native speakers!
dicotyledon For the plural of this word, see under cotyledon.
dictum See under -um.
didn't use(d) to and used not to These constructions are different solutions to the problem of putting the marginal modal used to into the negative. All are remnants of an otherwise extinct use
differently abled of the verb use to mean “be accustomed to.” See further under used to.
dieresis or diaeresis This is the term for a diacritic used only sporadically in written English. It consists of two dots placed above a vowel, and thus looks rather like the German umlaut. The di(a)eresis indicates when the second of two successive vowels is pronounced separately, as in na¨ıve and waiver. These days it is used primarily in proper names such as A¨ıda, Chlo¨e and No¨el, and sometimes also Bront¨e, to emphasize the second syllable. In earlier centuries it was also used to show the scansion of common nouns in editions of poetry. The spelling variants dieresis/diaeresis reflect the standard American/British variation in the treatment of Greek diphthong ai or hai (see further under ae/e). In Greek di(a)eresis meant “division,” “separation,” based on the prefix di- (i.e. “two”) and the verb hairein (i.e. “take”, “choose”). A much more familiar derivative of the same verb is heresy (a separate division of the faith), where the key vowel has long since been spelled with plain e. The American dieresis is in line with this evolution, whereas the British diaeresis preserves the classical root in neoclassical form. With the ae ligature untied to make a digraph, it makes an ambiguous and cumbersome sequence of vowels. See further under ligatures.
dies irae See under danse macabre.
dietitian or dietician
3b Bob had a different approach . . . we expected. Whatever you do in the first two pairs, there’s a strong chance you will choose than in the third pair. This is because sentences 3a and 3b require a conjunction, and from and to are essentially prepositions. Those who have learned to shun than after different will avoid it in 3a/b by rewriting them along the lines of 2a/b, where either from or to can be used. Yet the use of different than in sentences like 3a/b is standard in American English, according to Webster’s English Usage (1989), and widely accepted in British English, according to the Comprehensive Grammar of English (1985), whenever a clause or its elliptical remnant follows (as in sentences 1b or 3a/b above). Data from the BNC shows multiple examples of than preceding what in type 2 sentences also. These uses of different than are frequent in Canada, according to Canadian English Usage (1998), and in Australia (Peters, 1995). When choosing between different from and different to for constructions like 1a (with a simple noun phrase following), British writers are most likely to write from – by about 6:1, according to the evidence of BNC. For American writers the prime choice is between from and than, which appear in the ratio of 4:1 in CCAE. Different than is thus not the most frequent collocation, even in American English, but it’s freely used in constructions like 1a, and probably gaining popularity (Hundt, 1998). Americans make little use of different to. Overall the corpus data confirms that grammatical issues are more important than regional differences, in deciding what to collocate different with. Only in the case of 1a (and the use of to) is it strictly a matter of British/American divergence. The etymological arguments used to support different from no longer seem so powerful. The fact that different embodies the Latin prefix dis- (“away from”) does not require the use of from after it, any more than with averse (see adverse or averse). There are natural English parallels for to in collocations such as compared to and similar to, and for than in comparatives such as better than or worse than. The verb differ itself combines with other prepositions/particles, for example differ with (“disagree”), and so provides only qualified support for using from. Different from has no exclusive claim on expressions of comparison. Writers and speakers everywhere use different than as well, depending somewhat on the grammatical context.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com Contemporary dictionaries in Britain and America give priority to dietitian over dietician. Yet both spellings are acceptable, and in British English the two are almost equally common, by the evidence of the BNC. In American English however the weight of usage is behind dietitian, and it outnumbers dietician by more than 7:1 in CCAE. With its two ts, dietitian has a clearer link with dietetics, and this may well have helped to secure its position in C20. Dietician was endorsed by the original Oxford Dictionary (1884–1928) as the “proper” spelling, on the analogy of physician and politician. Yet uncertainty over the form of the noun was probably fostered by the variety of adjectives related to diet: dietary, dietic, dietical, dietetic and dietetical. The ones ending in -ical have dropped out of use, according to the Oxford Dictionary, and dietic does not seem to be current. With them much of the support for the letter c as part of the stem has disappeared.
different from, different to, and different than All three constructions have a long history of use, dating back to C16 and C17. Yet much ink has been spilled over their relative correctness, with insufficient attention to their contexts of use. Consider what you would do in the following: 1a Bob’s approach was different . . . Jo’s. (from?/to?/than?) 1b Bob’s had a different approach . . . Jo. 2a Bob’s approach was different . . . what we expected. 2b Bob had a different approach . . . what we expected. 3a Bob’s approach was different . . . we expected.
differently abled This expression has been cultivated in some quarters to refer to persons with a handicap, either physical or mental. It circumvents adjectives such as disabled, handicapped, crippled, all of which seem to characterize the person in terms of malfunction or deficiency. Differently abled seeks to provide an affirmative alternative, to encourage members of the “abled” population to appreciate the different skills by which those with a disability manage their daily lives. The intention behind differently abled is thus laudable and supportive of those who often suffer from negative stereotyping. But the phrase itself is not widely used – just a handful of examples in CCAE data, and 1 only in the BNC. Its form goes against it, with the polysyllabic adverb positioned up front. The usual position for differently is to follow the verb, in
diffuse or defuse database examples such as angled differently, treated differently, understood differently. Affirmative action is necessarily disturbing to the status quo, and linguistic affirmative actions of this kind do encounter resistance and ridicule. Parodies such as differently advantaged (living in poverty), differently pleasured (sado-masochistic), differently qualified (incompetent), satirize the gap between language and reality, and expose the euphemism. This is not an argument for neglecting the sensitivities of people with disabilities, but rather for seeking less cumbersome alternatives. (See further under disabled.) ♦ Compare challenged.
diffuse or defuse The first spelling diffuse serves for the adjective “scattered or spread thinly”: diffuse lighting diffuse population as well as the equivalent verb (“spread out”): Large magnetic clouds would have to diffuse. . . . an unwelcome truth which the service was easily able to diffuse When pronounced, diffuse as adjective and as verb are quite distinct: the adjective rhymes with “loose” and the verb with “lose.” Enter defuse (meaning “remove the fuse from” or more figuratively “take the heat or tension out of ”), often found in the phrase defuse the situation. But when it comes to emotions, either defuse or diffuse can be used, witness defuse strong feelings and to diffuse ill-feeling, among various examples from the BNC. In other applications, the two also converge: The shock of these artists’ social criticism is defused. Potential wars were diffused with the development projects. In such cases, the outcomes of these verbs are much the same, whether the metaphor is that of scattering light or dispersing heat. Readers may feel that one is more appropriate than the other – though light and heat are ultimately the same form of energy.
abbreviated codes of communication will replace standard English, despite their popularity and effectiveness when the space to communicate in is very small. Still the formats of e-mail differ increasingly from other kinds of correspondence (see e-mail style, Dear and yours faithfully). The electronic media present their own bibliographic formalities. Conventional ways of referring to internet sources are indicated at URL, and under audiovisual media section 3c.
digitize, digitise, digitalize or digitalise The digital age is written into all of them, you might think, although digitalize/digitalise originated in C19 medicine, in the use of digitalis to treat coronary problems. It too is now applied to the process by which information is made computer-readable, but remains altogether less popular than digitize/digitise. In American English the choice is between digitize and digitalize, and the shorter form prevails, though CCAE confirms that the longer one is also in use. In British English the choice is between digitize and digitise. They are about equally used in data from the BNC, where there’s little sign of the longer forms.
digraph or diphthong Only the first of these words really relates to writing. A digraph is a pair of letters which represents or corresponds to a single sound, such as both the ch and the ie of chief. As these examples show, digraphs have their component letters set apart, whereas those of a ligature join together to form a single character. In earlier phases of English printing, letter combinations such as ct and ae were ligatures (ct and æ), but in modern print they are normally set as digraphs. (See further under ae/e and oe, and under ligatures.) Diphthongs are sounds which contrast with pure vowels in that they have the quality of more than one vowel. Pure vowels are pronounced with the tongue held momentarily in one position, whereas diphthongs are moving vowels, pronounced by a tongue which is in transit from one position to another. This gives diphthongs their dual character, which explains the prefix di- (“two”) embedded in their name. The Greek word phthongos (“sound”) is the second element, spelled with three of the digraphs of modern English. Note that “dipthong” is a relatively common pronunciation of diphthong, recognized in North American dictionaries (Webster’s Third, 1986, and the Canadian Oxford, 1998), and in the UK by Collins (1991) but not New Oxford (1998). The spelling dipthong has yet to be recognized in any of them, though it appeared in more than 15% of all instances of the word in a Google search of the internet in 2003. ♦ Compare dip(h)theria. ♦ For a list of all the sounds of English (consonants and vowels) see Appendix I.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com digestible or digestable See under -able/-ible.
digital style The computerization of documents allows them to be printed out on paper or delivered via pixels to the computer screen. Both involve digital processes, but it’s the delivery of digitized material to screen that raises new questions – about how the text impacts on readers, and whether there are better and worse ways of styling it for readability. Assumptions about typography, such as the use of italics, and of serif versus sanserif fonts, need to be reconsidered (see italic(s); serif). The visual structuring of text becomes more important, hence the increased use of headings and vertical lists, to make information more “scannable.” With lists come the regular use of bullets (see bullets), which need to be recognized as part of our punctuation system, along with the white space that complements each bullet at the end of listed items. Digital communication via keyboard and screen has generated new media (e-mail, text-messaging) which tend to compact language (see SMS), and make use of conventional symbols to convey attitudes (see emoticons). There’s no suggestion that these
dike or dyke These spellings represent two different words: 1 a water channel and embankment 2 a lesbian. British English prefers to use one spelling for the two words, but tradition and usage diverge on which it is. The Oxford Dictionary (1989) prioritizes dike for both, which is eminently reasonable for the first word, since it’s a variant form of ditch. The origins of the second
diphthong or digraph word are unclear (or unprintable), and for it too Oxford prefers dike over dyke, and for the associated adjective dikey over dykey. Its reasons are not explained, though they may be grounded in the fact that many words which vary between i and y in the end revert to i (see i/y). A handful of British writers in the BNC use dike for either word, but the great majority use dyke, and this usage is reflected in the New Oxford’s (1998) preference for dyke (and dykey). Either way, British English supports convergent spelling for the two key words. American English goes the opposite way, differentiating the two words by means of the two spellings. Webster’s Third (1986) makes dike the primary spelling for “embankment,” in keeping with etymology and the original Oxford, and it gives dyke (and dykey) as its preference for “lesbian.” These preferences are endorsed by American writers represented in CCAE. They make regular use of dike for “embankment,” confirming it in numerous placenames, and use dyke for “lesbian” on its (rare) appearances. British writers will thus coincide with American English on one but not the other spelling, depending on which of the two British practices they observe. The alternatives are pretty well known, yet sensitivities may be aroused because of the particular application of dyke in the US. This makes it a non-trivial spelling issue for international communicators.
dilettante This C18 Italian loanword is sufficiently assimilated in English to have an English plural: dilettantes. North American dictionaries (Merriam-Webster, 2000, and the Canadian Oxford, 1998) prefer dilettantes over dilettanti, and pronunciations with three rather than four syllables. New Oxford (1998) and the Australian Macquarie Dictionary (1997) do the opposite, preferring the Italian plural and four-syllabled pronunciations. Whether this seems dilettantish or evidence of dilettantism depends on your point of view. But the existence of those derivatives suggests that it’s high time to treat dilettante as an ordinary English word.
from Monday to Friday, and Saturday as well, dinner would be eaten with the setting sun, so to speak. On Sunday however, dinner used to be the ample midday meal to which many returned from their morning church service. But with changing habits in both eating and church-going, the “Sunday roast” tradition has vanished, and “Sunday dinner” is more and more an evening meal as on other days of the week. Apart from the question of eating habits, the word dinner has had connotations which would be sought by some and avoided by others. It has always been the word for the formal meal arranged for a special occasion, but is also used on a regular basis by many. In the UK, dinner is preferred by U-speakers (see U and non-U), though it may seem pretentious for those lower on the social ladder. Their natural word would be tea, which still denotes the main meal of the day – not just a pot of tea and scones – within many British and Australian families. Supper is used by Americans and Canadians for the homely evening meal (and also in the UK). But for Australians supper is a late evening snack. Where lunch is concerned, the Englishspeaking world is in solid agreement that it refers to a midday meal, which may be light or quite substantial. See lunch or luncheon.
dint or dent Both these go back to an Old English word for a “forceful blow,” whence also its use to mean an “impression,” typically on metal. Where the dint/dent was once a sign of enemy impact on your suit of armor, it now records an unfortunate encounter between your car and another solid object. For this or any other hollow or impression made in a surface, dent is the usual spelling in both the US and the UK, by the evidence of CCAE and the BNC. Dictionaries also allow dint, but it’s rare in the databases, and more often heard than seen. As a verb dent is mostly used in the passive, as in the barge’s hull was dented, and as a participial adjective when referring to dented cars/cans or the kick-dented jukebox. Dent also expresses more figurative kinds of negative impacts, as in dented market confidence, or a dent in their image. Dint has a life of its own in the complex preposition by dint of, as in by dint of hard work / persistent lobbying / boundless imagination. This harks back to its once more general sense of “by force of,” though often now diluted to “by means of ” or “because of,” as in by dint of experience. In the US dint is also the conventional way of writing a one-syllabled pronunciation of “didn’t” – when rendering dialectal speech.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com diminuendo For this there are three possible plurals. The choice between diminuendos and diminuendoes is discussed under -o; and diminuendi under Italian plurals.
diminutives A diminutive is an affix which implies smallness of size. Suffixes such as -ette or -let and prefixes such as micro- and mini- are all diminutives. They are generally neutral in connotation, neither colloquial nor childish. ♦ Compare hypocorisms.
dinner Everywhere in the English-speaking world, this word can raise uncertainties about the sort of meal it refers to. While lunch is clearly a midday meal, and supper one in the evening, an invitation to come to dinner at the weekend can pose a delicate dilemma until an exact time is mentioned. There are two things at stake. Working people usually have their main meal in the evening, and so
diphtheria or diptheria The second spelling represents a common pronunciation of the word, which is now registered in British and American dictionaries (New Oxford, 1998; Merriam-Webster’s, 2000). Diptheria has yet to be registered as an alternative spelling, though this is probably only a matter of time. Both British and American databases contain a few citations for diptheria, all from printed sources which have undergone some sort of editorial scrutiny.
diphthong or digraph See digraph.
direct or directly
direct or directly Both these words may be used as adverbs, and in American and Australian English they may be used with any of the meanings attached to the adjective direct, in the dimensions of time and space. But British authorities since Fowler have insisted that direct as an adverb means “by the quickest route,” and cannot / should not (like directly) be used to mean “straight away.” The two kinds of meaning are not always separable in either word, as in the familiar instruction to Monopoly players: Go directly to Jail. Do not pass Go . . . Figurative uses of direct also mean “without deviation or delay,” in BNC citations such as: coming into drama training direct from school. The immediacy of the time frame is surely at least as salient as the notional space and direction in such idioms. The point is that directly can be purely temporal: With public funding it directly becomes a public project. whereas direct always blends time and space. Apart from its role as an adverb, directly also works occasionally as a temporal conjunction: They came directly they heard the news. This last usage is recognized in all the major dictionaries, British, American and Australian. The original Oxford Dictionary (1884–1928) dubbed it “colloquial,” as did Fowler (1926), though he also thought it “defensible.” New Oxford (1998) registers the use without restrictive label. Webster’s Third (1986) labeled it “chiefly British,” but Merriam- Webster (2000) notes it without any regional restriction.
Kruschev threatened that the Russians would dig their graves. (narrative reporting of act) These intermediate and oblique forms of reporting offer writers several ways of projecting the substance of actual speech, ways of modifying it and subtly controlling the reader’s response.
disThis prefix, borrowed ultimately from Latin, often implies reversing the action of a verb. See for example: disagree disarm disclaim disconnect discount discourage disengage disentangle disinherit dislike dismount disobey disown distrust As these words show, it is usually combined with words of French or Latin origin, and with few Old English roots. When used with nouns and adjectives, it usually implies oppositeness and works as a straight negative: disadvantaged disapproval dishonest dishonor disorder dispassionate displeasure disreputable dissimilar distaste disunity Dis- replaced des-, the earlier French form of the prefix, almost entirely in common loanwords of the Middle English period. So for Chaucer discharge was descharge, and disturb was once destourbe. The only modern word to have resisted this respelling is descant. The respelling of dispatch as despatch is a different process (see under dispatch or despatch). Dis- overlaps with some other negative prefixes in English, notably (1) mis- and (2) un-. For the difference between: 1 distrust and mistrust see distrust, and for disinformation and misinformation, see mis-; 2 disinterested and uninterested, and dissatisfied and unsatisfied, see under the first of each pair. Note that dis- and dys- are separate prefixes, although disfunctional is sometimes seen for dysfunctional. See further under dysfunctional.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com direct object
See under object.
direct speech The most dramatic way of reporting what someone said is direct speech, i.e. using not only their words, but their way of projecting them to the listener. Compare: Hammering his shoe on the American table, Kruschev said: “We will bury you.” (direct speech) with Hammering his shoe on the American table, Kruschev said that the Russians would bury them. (indirect speech) The quotation marks in the first version are a sign that the speech is being quoted verbatim. The use of first and second person pronouns (we and you) shows the direct address of the speaker to his listeners, and re-creates the drama of his words for the reader. In indirect speech the pronouns are commuted into the third person, with the noun Russians and the pronoun them. The change of modal from will (with its high degree of possibility) to the more remote would, is another adjustment from direct to indirect speech. Both kinds of change serve to soften the impact of the statement and push it back into the past. (See further under modality and person.) Between direct and indirect speech there are a number of other ways of quoting or reporting people’s words. They include: Kruschev told them that the Russians would bury them. (narrative reporting of speech) Kruschev said they would bury them. (free indirect speech)
disabled and disability Used in reference to people, these words are now under scrutiny. Signs such as DISABLED PARKING have made it the standard way of identifying and providing for individuals with a particular disability. But in phrases such as the disabled it projects negativity, and may seem to suggest total incapacity on the part of disabled people. The simple reversal of that phrase in people with a disability is greatly preferred, because it foregrounds people rather than the problem. The alternative differently abled is recommended by some, because of its more positive implications and the fact that it does not draw attention to the impaired bodily function, as do blind, deaf, retarded, spastic etc. (See further under differently abled.) The lack of specificity in both disabled and differently abled can be a liability, for those who need to accommodate or provide for people with disabilities. Unless it’s clear what the disability is, there could be problems on both sides. Thus television programs designed to help the deaf need to advertise the fact that they provide for the hearing impaired by means of signing. For those unable to walk, the way into public buildings has to be signaled somehow (by means of Wheelchair access). This puts the spotlight on the real issue of getting wheels up steps, and takes it
discreet or discrete off the person who is incapacitated, whether temporarily or permanently. Not all groups with disabilities are inclined to seek more oblique references to their difficulties. The Deaf Pride group affirm the use of Deaf – and prefer it to be capitalized in any reference to their community, like the names of other national or linguistic groups (see capital letters section 1a). The affirmative use of sign languages such as ASL (American Sign Language), BSL (British Sign Language), and Auslan, their Australian counterpart, helps to accustom the hearing public to these alternative modes of communicating. Their status as community language again justifies the use of capitals. The concern to avoid negative stereotyping of the disabled does not mean that we must expunge words like blind, deaf, crippled, handicapped from the language. They have idiomatic and metaphorical uses which do not necessarily prejudice the interests of those with that particular disability, as when something falls on deaf ears, or a plan is crippled by the withdrawal of funds. Arguably such idioms underscore the very problem faced by those with that disability, making it impinge on the wider community. Still such usage needs to be carefully scrutinized in its context and for its implications, as part of the sensitization process. For the fully abled, there’s the salutary thought that we all ultimately find ourselves disabled, one way or another. ♦ For the basic issues of language engineering, see under political correctness and Whorfian principle.
disk – hardly surprising when the CD and the CD-ROM diskette look alike. The video disc/disk is another term in which both spellings appear. Yet computer hardware terms are normally spelled disk, in hard disk, disk drive etc. In other industries such as automobiles, manufacturers and reviewers use both disc brakes and disk brakes, and sportsmen suffer herniated discs and/or disks. Astronomers speaking of planetary bodies may use either disc or disk, but the astronauts journeying into space have prophylactic dime-shaped discs applied behind the ear to prevent motion sickness. So although Webster’s Third (1986) gives disk as the primary spelling for most contexts and most compound terms (except in the phonograph record industry), American usage seems to be more fluid and variable, caught between the metaphorical “rock” of discography and the hard drive, so to speak. Either spelling could be justified by etymology. The word is a descendant of the Latin discus and Greek diskos, so it all depends on how far back you wish to go.
discernible or discernable This word was spelled discernable for the first three centuries of its existence, in keeping with its derivation from Late Latin discernare. But C19 turned it into the more latinate discernible, which has become the standard spelling. Still about 1 in 10 American and British writers use discernable (by data in CCAE and the BNC), either in deference to the older tradition, or by using the regular English wordforming principle for English verbs. See further under -able/-ible.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com disassemble or dissemble See dissemble.
disassociate or dissociate See dissociate.
disbar or debar See debarred.
disc or disk Both spellings are well used in the UK and the US – despite the notion that disc is British and disk American. The interplay between them is a continuing saga with new applications affecting their relative frequencies. While disk was the normal spelling from C17 on, the Oxford Dictionary (1989) records increasing use of disc in Britain from late C19 on, to make it “the usual spelling” as far as the Supplement (1972) was concerned. But by the 1990s disk is again in the ascendant in British English. So frequent are references to the computer disk, disk drive, hard disk, disk space etc. that disk is quite a lot more common than disc in data from the BNC. Disc nevertheless maintains a wider range of uses for disc-shaped objects of other kinds: the licence disc / identity disc, disc brakes, and especially the compact disc and disc jockey. In American English the picture is also divided, but with disc appearing much more often than one might expect in CCAE. This is primarily because of its use in compact disc or just disc, as in two-disc set and disc jockey again. The convergence of the music and computing industries in the common digital medium means that CD-ROM is quite often explained as compact disc (read-only memory) as well as compact
discourse markers
In any longish stretch of discourse, whether spoken or written, the reader/receiver welcomes some passing indications as to its structure. Writers and speakers sometimes go so far as to enumerate every structural unit of their discourse: first(ly), second(ly), third(ly); or they may simply mark the boundary between one unit and the next with the help of words such as another (point), a further (reason) etc. Such words mark both the beginning of the new unit and the end of the previous one. Contrastive conjunctions and conjuncts such as but, yet and however may also serve this function when used at the beginning of a sentence. (See further under conjunctions.) Like the Monty Python series, they imply “And now for something (completely) different.” More extended types of discourse markers are the ones which provide a carrier phrase for identifying the new unit or topic of discussion, such as: apropos of as far as . . . goes where . . . is concerned See further under dangling participles, and also topic.
discreet or discrete These words both go back to the Latin discretus meaning “set apart.” This meaning survives much more clearly in the academic word discrete (meaning “separate, distinct, unrelated”) than the common word discreet (“circumspect” or “careful in one’s actions and words”). In spite of these considerable differences in meaning, the two spellings were not regularly used to distinguish them until C16.
discrimination, discriminatory and discriminating The nouns discreteness and discreetness correspond to the two adjectives in their contemporary meanings. Discretion is available as a synonym for discreetness only.
having lost a right/privilege, and never having had it at all. References to the loss of a business franchise are also expressed through disenfranchise, in the UK as well as the US.
discrimination, discriminatory and discriminating
disfunctional or dysfunctional
Discrimination has two faces, one negative, two positive, which are picked up in the different adjectives related to it. Discrimination against a particular social group is a negative phenomenon, implying prejudice as in racial discrimination, sexual discrimination, discrimination against Catholics, discrimination in the workplace. These negative values are embodied in discriminatory and neutralized in nondiscriminatory, a word applied to practices which are designed to avoid prejudicing or disadvantaging any social group. Many institutions, including governments and publishers, have formal codes of nondiscriminatory language. (See further under inclusive language.) The phrase positive discrimination is sometimes used in reference to institutional attempts to discriminate in favor of disadvantaged groups. Other, less political uses of discrimination are also positive, though never explicitly called that. These are its psychological and aesthetic uses in referring to the ability to distinguish, and the exercise of good taste and judgement, especially in arts, music, literature and similar cultural domains. The adjective discriminating works in exactly this way, as in the discriminating palate or a discriminating section of the concert audience. Lack of taste and judgement are imputed to the undiscriminating, although the scope for discrimination is still affirmed. Indiscriminate implies the total absence of any principles of selection, and is used of wanton behavior and unmotivated actions, as in indiscriminate shooting.
See dysfunctional.
disheveled or dishevelled For the choice between these, see under -l-/-ll-.
disinformation or misinformation See under mis-.
disingenuous See under ingenuous or ingenious.
disinterest, and disinterested or uninterested The primary and most frequent meaning of disinterest is “lack of interest,” and in BNC data this is its use about 90% of the time. This helps to explain the uphill battle with disinterested, which C20 usage commentators have tried to insist does not mean / cannot be used to mean “bored.” They are driven by a desire to neatly distinguish disinterested from uninterested as follows: ∗ disinterested = “unbiased,” “having no vested interest,” as in being asked to step in as the disinterested negotiator ∗ uninterested = “indifferent,” “feeling or showing no mental involvement,” “bored,” as in begging an unknown, possibly uninterested deity for help Yet the use of disinterested to mean “indifferent,” “bored” goes back to C17, and though the Oxford Dictionary (1884–1928) declared it obsolete, the files were kept open. The second edition of the Oxford (1989) updates the record with fresh citations; and databases confirm its currency in both the UK and the US. Disinterested means “uninterested,” “bored” in more than 25% of all instances of the word in the BNC, and over 40% in American data from CCAE. Both New Oxford (1998) and Merriam-Webster (2000) register the sense, with usage notes to account for it. A further development, noted in Merriam-Webster but not New Oxford, is that disinterested can mean “having lost interest”: After that we became disinterested in each other. This makes perfect sense if you construe the word as a combination of privative dis- and interested. (See further under dis-.) Given that disinterested carries several meanings, we effectively rely on the context to show which is intended – as is true of many words. But with all the controversy, it may be better to seek a synonym for it, if you aim to communicate clearly and directly. Possible alternatives have been indicated in the discussion above.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com discus This word takes the regular English plural discuses, despite its classical appearance, and the fact that the sport of discus-throwing goes back to ancient Greece. Its use on the athletics field has no doubt helped its linguistic assimilation, where other neoclassical words keep their Latin plurals: see under -us.
disemboweled or disembowelled The choice between these is discussed under -l-/-ll-.
disfranchise or disenfranchise Both these words have borne the meaning “deprive of a civil or electoral right” for centuries. Disfranchise is the older of the two, dating from C15, while disenfranchise made its first appearance in C17. The Oxford Dictionary (1989) and Webster’s Third (1986) give the wider range of meanings to disfranchise, but at the turn of the millennium disenfranchise is commoner by far, in both British and American English, judging by data from BNC and CCAE. It embodies expanding notions of disempowerment, in socially and culturally disenfranchised men and women. New frontiers are its use for a 19-year-old American woman disenfranchised last year by the hike in the (drinking) age limit, and the notion of disenfranchised nerds like Bill Gates (who felt excluded from the American male machismo). These examples show that disenfranchise covers both
disjuncts See under adverbs.
disk or disc See disc.
disoriented or disorientated Both forms are used in British English to express the sense of “having lost one’s sense of direction,” “confused,” but the longer form is clearly preferred.
dissociate or disassociate In the BNC disorientated outnumbers disoriented by more than 2:1. In American English disoriented holds sway, with virtually no competition from the other form, on the evidence of CCAE. ♦ Compare orient or orientate.
dispassionate This word sets itself apart from both impassive and impassioned. See under impassive.
dispatch or despatch Both are acceptable spellings, although dispatch gets priority in all major dictionaries in Britain, North America and Australia. In British English the two spellings are about equally popular, judging by their frequencies in BNC. But data from CCAE shows Americans strongly preferring dispatch. Of the two, dispatch has the better pedigree. Despatch seems in fact to have been a typographic mistake from the headword entered in Dr. Johnson’s dictionary. (Johnson elsewhere in the dictionary used dispatch.) The mistake survived until corrected in an 1820 reprint of the dictionary, but by then it had established itself in usage. The fluctuation of other words between dis- and des- (see dis-) certainly helped to make it a plausible variant. However the word actually derives from the Italian dispacciare, and the frenchified spelling with des- is not justified by etymology.
dispensable, indispensable and indispensible The standard spellings with -able reflect their forebears in medieval Latin: dispensabilis and indispensabilis, and for many dictionaries they are the only spelling. Unabridged dictionaries list the variants dispensible and indispensible as well, and though the Oxford Dictionary (1989) labels them obsolete, there are isolated examples in data from the BNC, despite the prevalence of dispensable and indispensable overall. The same is broadly true of American English. Dispensable/indispensable dominate the data in CCAE, yet there are rather more instances of indispensible, occurring in about 1 in 20 cases of the word. Webster’s Third (1986) allows indispensible as an alternative spelling – but not dispensible, which is marked as obsolete. In any case, the Latin prefix in- probably nudges some writers towards -ible, as the more latinate of the two (see further under in-/un-). ♦ For the interchange between these suffixes in other English words, see -able/-ible.
in legal contexts. So in dealing with a deceased estate, the will may refer to the disposition of property, but in other contexts it is normally disposal, as in waste disposal. The idiom at your disposal (“available for you to use as you see fit”) also has disposal occupying a slot which was once filled by disposition.
dissatisfied or unsatisfied With their different prefixes, these mean slightly different things. Dissatisfied is usually applied to people, and it expresses a specific discontent with emotion attached to it. Unsatisfied is used in more detached and analytical ways, to suggest that a certain requirement has not been met. Compare: The candidates were dissatisfied with their campaign manager. The party’s need for leadership was unsatisfied. The distinction of meaning ensures the coexistence of these participial adjectives, but only dissatisfied is matched by a verb dissatisfy and noun dissatisfaction.
dissemble or disassemble These verbs mean very different things. Dissemble is a rather uncommon word for masking one’s feelings or intentions, as in no reason to dissemble her curiosity. It has always been on the outer fringe of English usage, judging by the trail of obsolete meanings for it in the Oxford Dictionary (1989). Borrowed from French, the word is not really analyzable in modern English, and has been largely eclipsed by the more transparent dissimulate (see next entry). Disassemble is a straightforward combination of the prefix dis- and assemble, the action of taking apart something which was joined together.
dispersal or dispersion The first of these can be used in many contexts, and simply expresses the action of the verb disperse. Dispersal finds a place in both general nonfiction and fiction, in reference to such things as the dispersing of a crowd, or a mass of fog. Dispersion has technical overtones because of its uses in describing chemical, physical and statistical phenomena, as in optical rotatory dispersion or dispersion of gross earnings.
disposal or disposition Both these relate to the verb dispose, but disposition preserves the older and more formal of its meanings, in expressing the ideas of “arrangement,” “control” and “temper or character.” When it comes to disposing of something however, disposal has taken over, except
dissimilate or dissimulate
What’s in a letter? With these two it makes the difference between a latinate synonym for “disguise” (dissimulate), and the linguistic term dissimilate, meaning “make or become dissimilar.” Both are uncommon words: dissimulate is hugely outnumbered by disguise (as a verb) in BNC data, and dissimilate occurs not at all there – which is hardly surprising, given its very specialized role. It describes the process by which one or other of two identical sounds in a word changes to something different. An example is the word pilgrim, a direct descendant of the medieval Latin word peregrinus (meaning “foreigner,” “one who travels around”), where the first r has/is dissimilated to l.
dissociate or disassociate Both these words mean “sever connections,” and both have been used since C17. The first is derived from Latin, while the second is a calque of the French d´esassocier. Fowler (1926) gave disassociate the thumbs down by saying it was a “needless variant,” and both British and American dictionaries give preference to dissociate. This accords more with actual usage in the UK than in the US, by the evidence of BNC and CCAE. The British database has dissociate outnumbering disassociate by more than 3:1, whereas it’s the less common of the two in American data, occurring in the ratio 7:9. A regional difference thus seems be developing. With its extra syllable disassociate spells out the meaning “put an end to an association,” which gives it a raison d’ˆetre alongside dissociate, wherever it’s used.
distill or distil
distill or distil These alternatives are very strongly linked with American and British English respectively, which presents a marked choice for other users of English. The Oxford Dictionary (1989) presents them as equally viable, and distill is the earlier and more transparent form, showing the word’s etymology in Latin root stillare (“drip”). (It also underlies the still in which distilling commonly takes place.) Distil was the headword spelling used by Dr. Johnson, though he was distinctly erratic on such words (see single for double). It nevertheless set the style used by the great majority of writers in the BNC, whereas almost all citations in CCAE have distill. That spelling is of course consistent with all other words derived from the same root (distillate, distillation, distillery, distiller), not to mention the inflected forms distilled, distilling. All in all there are good reasons for using distill.
Its spelling suggests that it was interpreted as a past form like caught and taught.
distrust or mistrust Some usage guides suggest that these words differ slightly in meaning (mistrust is more tentative), but dictionaries lend no support to it. If anything, the suggested difference probably reflects the fact that distrust is the commoner of the two in both the US and the UK (by about 7:4 in CCAE and 3:2 in the BNC). In both American and British data distrust is preferred for the verb, appearing twice as often as mistrust in that role. Distrust is actually the later word, a hybrid formation of Latin and English which had no currency until C16. Mistrust is centuries older, and purely English. ♦ Compare assume or presume.
ditransitive See transitive and intransitive section 1.
distinct or distinctive Both these can be used for emphasis, but their roles are subtly different. Distinct is a general-purpose word meaning “clear or definite,” while distinctive means “having the special character or quality of.” Compare: There was a distinct smell of marijuana in the corridor. with The distinctive smell of marijuana hung in the corridor. As the examples show, the word distinct simply highlights the following phrase, whereas distinctive invokes knowledge shared by both writer and reader on a particular matter.
ditto The ditto ( “) is a pair of marks which signify that the word(s) or number(s) immediately above should be read again in its place. The marks themselves may be vertical like an umlaut ( ¨ ), slanting ( ), or curved like closing quotation marks (”), depending on the type resources available. The chief use of ditto marks is to avoid cumbersome repetition in successive lines of a list or catalogue.
Staff schedule for Christmas period Saturday 24 December am Jones Lehmann Taylor ” ” ” pm ” ” ” Sunday 25 ” am ” Wu Fanuli ” ” ” pm ” ” ” Monday 26 ” am Arnott Bowie Yeo ” ” ” pm ” ” ” Ditto marks were originally used in C17 calendars to avoid repeating the names of months (ditto was once the Italian word for “aforesaid”). In older documents, the letters do also served as an abbreviation for it, instead of the pair of marks. For the plural of ditto, Webster’s Third (1986) prefers dittos over dittoes. This is silently echoed by the Oxford Dictionary (1989), where plurals are not indicated if they conform to the regular English pattern. (See further under -o.) Ditto goes further in the US and Canada, as a noun and verb meaning “photocopy.” Dictionaries connect these with the proprietary Ditto copier, although ditto is also used more generally as a verb meaning “repeat.”
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com distract or detract Both words suggest that the impact of something is undermined, but they identify different communicative problems. With distract, the attention of the audience is sidetracked, whereas with detract we imply that there’s some deficiency in the communication itself, which would devalue it for anyone. Compare: The peacock in the dancer’s arms distracted us from the dance. The jerky movements of the bird detracted from the smooth choreography of the dance. Detract is normally followed by from, whereas distract is transitive, with a person or persons following it as the object (“us,” in the example above). See further under transitive.
distracted, distrait or distraught These are all variants of the same Latin word distractus, a past participle meaning “drawn aside.” In English they designate a whole range of mental conditions. Distrait is the most recent of them, borrowed from French in C18. It implies being mentally preoccupied and detached from whatever is going on: the person oddly distrait hardly communicates with others around. Distracted is a C16 English calque of the Latin distractus, used of people whose attention is temporarily diverted, or who suffer from too many demands on their attention. Distraught, implying severe emotional distress, is an earlier (C14) anglicization of the Latin stem distract-.
dived or dove Outside North America, the past tense of dive is always dived, which goes back to the verb’s origins in Old English. Within North America dived and dove share the role, and both are acceptable, according to Webster’s English Usage (1989) and Canadian English (1997). Dove seems to have originated in Canada and the northern US during C19. Database evidence from CCAE shows that it has spread down the east and west coasts of the US, and serves as an alternative to dived in the Washington Post and Atlanta Journal, as well as the Los Angeles Times. In data from New York dove is less evident, probably because the New York Times (under Theodore Bernstein) campaigned against it. Elsewhere, dove and dived share the past tense for most uses of the word, whether it’s a matter of
dolor or dolour plunging into water, lunging for the ball, or ducking for cover. Dove also takes on the figurative senses, as in: He dove (dived) into cable TV in the 1960s. Kim dove (dived) deep into the cookies. But dived is still the only past participle, whatever the sense: he had dived into the river / cable TV. Note that compound verbs based on dive, such as nose-dive, belly-dive, crash-dive and scuba-dive, sky-dive, have dived for the past tense and past participle.
International English selection: Since dived is current within North America and standard elsewhere in the English-speaking world, it’s the past tense to use for global communication.
Djakarta or Jakarta and Djogjakarta or Djokjakarta See Jakarta.
do Like other auxiliary verbs, do has several functions. It regularly helps to phrase both negative and interrogative statements, and is occasionally used to express emphasis: I don’t like fresh air. Do you like fresh air? They do like fresh air. These uses are common to both British and American English, yet Americans make rather more use of do-support in certain constructions with have, where the British find alternative constructions. Compare: Do you have the time? (American) Have you the time? (British) The Longman Grammar (1999) found that do constructions with the definite article were used three times as often in American conversation and fiction as in British, whereas the British preferred constructions with have and have got. There was a similar trend (though less marked) with have to in negative constructions, where Americans were more likely to say don’t have to and the British haven’t got to. In both American and British English, do substitutes for other verbs in connected discourse, in parallel constructions and conversational exchanges: They asked for a map and I did too. You wanted to go? I didn’t. British speakers often use do as well as other auxiliaries to substitute for another verb, as in I haven’t seen him yet, but I will do tomorrow. Americans would omit the do and reduce it to . . . but I will tomorrow (Tottie, 2002). Aside from those auxiliary roles, do functions as a main verb in its own right. Broadly speaking it means “work on (something),” as in doing the dishes and doing the books, but it takes on different shades of meaning according to whatever it’s coupled with, and whatever context it occurs in. So doing Germany could mean completing an educational assignment on it, pursuing business connections in all quarters of the country, or touching down in Bonn and Berlin as part of a tourist package. ♦ For the plural of do when it serves as a noun, see hairdo and do.
dodo The proverbially defunct bird still needs a plural for its human analogues. Dodoes is given priority over dodos in Webster’s Third (1986), whereas New Oxford (1998) reverses the order. As a foreign (Portuguese) word, dodo might be expected to take the regular English s plural. But it sounds like a nonsense word; and the traditional plural dodoes has several centuries of use behind it. See further under -o.
doggerel or doggrel The first spelling is now the usual one for this word for pseudo-poetry or bastardized verse, while the second is one of the various alternatives which show people’s uncertainty about where the word comes from. A possible explanation is that it’s derived from the Italian doga meaning “stick” – it being the kind of verse which hits you over the head with its subtlety. But English-speakers are inclined to find their own word dog in it, and a negative meaning like the one embedded in dog Latin.
dogma For the plural of this word, see under -a section 1.
doily, doiley, doyly or doyley Doily is nowadays the most common spelling for the decorative linen or paper napkin used to grace a serving plate. The alternatives exist because the name embodies two variable features of English spelling, i varying with y, and ey with just y (see under i/y and -y/-ey). The word was the surname of a family of successful linen drapers, who, in late C17 England, “raised a fortune by finding out materials for such stuffs as might at once be cheap and genteel,” according to the Spectator magazine. The aspirations to gentility emerge in yet another spelling of the word as d’Oyley, giving it a spurious French connection.
docket Should the t be doubled before adding verb suffixes? See under -t.
dolce vita This Italian phrase meaning “(the) sweet life” gives English-speakers a way of alluding to what they would describe as “the good life” – a lifestyle supported by a bottomless bank account, fast cars, country properties, and everything that indulges the senses. Fellini’s 1960 movie La dolce vita with all those ingredients helped to popularize the idea. A dolce vita lifestyle is for those who are free from regular working hours, so that there can be plenty of dolce far niente (“sweet doing nothing”), punctuated by moments of intensity.
dollhouse or doll's house The term dollhouse is used in the US and Canada for a child’s toy house. In the UK and Australia it’s a doll’s house. For other compounds which are uninflected in American English, see inflectional extras.
dolor or dolour This rare word for “grief ” has proved much less popular in English than in French, where it has multiple everyday meanings. It sounds literary rather than contemporary, and suggests a rarefied emotion whether the context is secular or transcendental: Our Lady of Dolours. Being largely confined to the written form, its pronunciation has been unstable, varying from “dollar” to “dohlar” to “duller.” These
-dom coincidences with commoner English words may well have inhibited its use (see further under homonyms). Restoration and Victorian poets made dolour the familiar spelling, but it presents the usual -or/-our option, should you have to write it into C21 documents.
-dom This Old English suffix still makes abstract nouns out of more specific ones, although those of C20 have a certain ad hoc quality, and few of them have wide currency. In the US words with -dom have been created in media coverage to describe the people involved in particular industries e.g., sports or entertainments: moviedom newspaperdom oildom theaterdom turfdom Only stardom (actually dating from 1865) seems to be in common use. The American penchant for such words is believed to have been strengthened by the use of rebeldom in the American Civil War. Apart from these mostly temporary formations, English makes use of the suffix in a few words which describe particular states and conditions, such as boredom, freedom, martyrdom, serfdom. It also serves to form words which refer to an extent of territory, including Christendom, earldom, kingdom, princedom – or officialdom, where officials reign supreme. The word fiefdom for “a person’s domain of influence” is an early C19 coinage, based on fief – which in modern English means the same thing. Those familiar with fief regard fiefdom as a tautology, but for the rest fiefdom is more transparent. Fiefdom is far more widely used than fief in the US, by the evidence of databases, whereas in the UK the situation is reversed.
more keener. In earlier English there was no particular restraint on this, and Shakespeare’s plays provide numerous examples with dramatic effect, as in more braver (The Tempest), more hotter (All’s well that ends well), more larger (Antony and Cleopatra), more mightier (Merchant of Venice). Contemporary speakers may also use a double comparative for emphasis, though it’s normally edited out of the written medium. A rare example in the BNC is the reference to more remoter regions of Dartmoor. See further under adjectives section 2.
double entendre This phrase borrowed from C17 French is most often translated as “double meaning.” The alternative meanings are not on the same plane however: one is straightforward and innocent, while the second is risqu´e. The second meaning is often occasioned by the context or conventional expectations, as in Mae West’s legendary greeting to a male visitor: Is that a gun you’ve got in your pocket, or are you just pleased to see me? In C20 French, the double entendre is referred to as double entente (“double signification,”) and some English speakers use it instead of the older phrase.
double genitive Despite their apparent redundancy, double genitive constructions such as a friend of ours or no fault of Jo’s are established English idiom. Grammarians since C18 have puzzled over the way the construction iterates the of genitive with a genitive inflection on the following pronoun or personal noun. But the construction is confined to human referents: compare a friend of the Gallery / no fault of the Gallery. The double genitive seems to serve two purposes: ∗ emphasis. This is the effect of paraphrasing “not Jo’s fault” as no fault of Jo’s, or turning “our friend” into a friend of ours. The double genitive unpacks the phrase and foregrounds the noun rather than the person. In conversational examples such as That book of Bill Bryson’s is his best yet, the construction helps to adjust the topical focus (see topic section 4). ∗ clarification. Clearly a painting of Lady Rich’s and a painting of Lady Rich mean different things. The first (a possessive) makes the painting part of Lady Rich’s collection, while the second (technically an objective genitive) says that it is a portrait of the Lady herself. (See further under genitive.) The duplication of the genitive marker is thus not redundant but clarifies the fact that the first construction is a possessive genitive. The double genitive construction is not simply a double possessive, as it’s sometimes called. Rather it is a functional part of English grammar, and has been part of English idiom since C14.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com dominoes or dominos Dictionaries all give preference to dominoes for the name of the game, as well as the more figurative and political uses of the word in falling like dominoes. The game has been known in England since before 1800, hence its traditional English plural -oes – rather than the regular -os which is now usual for foreign loanwords of this kind. See further under -o.
donut or doughnut See under doughnut.
dopey or dopy The choice between these is discussed under -y/-ey.
dot In e-mail addresses or URLs, the stop used to separate elements of the address is referred to as dot everywhere in the world – not as period or full stop. Already it’s built into dotcom, the byname for trading companies which conduct most of their business online, with virtual premises on the internet. See further under URL.
dot dot dot This is an informal way of referring to ellipsis marks. See ellipsis section 2.
double comparative One comparative marker is enough in standard English grammar: either more keen or keener, but not
double modal Constructions involving a sequence of two modal verbs do not normally appear in writing, though they are heard in some US dialects, in the Caribbean, and in the UK. Their use in Scots and Irish is reliably attested (Fennell and Butters, 1996), but most widespread in the US, in Midland and Southern (including southeastern) speech communities, black and white. The most commonly reported combination is might could, but others sometimes noted are might
doubling of final consonant can, might should, might would, and the obsolescent should ought and had ought to. The juxtaposition of the two modals in might could and should ought seems to underscore the points at which they coincide on the scales of modality, for possibility and obligation respectively. (See further under modality.) Modal verbs vary considerably in meaning from context to context, hence perhaps the felt need for a kind of triangulation to underscore either their tentativeness or the intended imperative. Whatever the semantics of the double modal, it’s associated with spoken rather than written English, except where writers seek to capture the sound of dialect in dialogue or personalized narrative. See further under dialect.
auxiliary negative elements are the adverbs hardly and scarcely, and the particles unless and without. Writers who use two or more of the negative elements just mentioned are unlikely to be charged with producing substandard English. They may well create difficult English however, and sentences which require mental gymnastics of the reader: He would never dispute the claim that there were no persons in the country unable to survive without a government pension. It is one of the precepts of the Plain English movement that such multiple negatives are to be avoided, and the reasons are obvious. See further under Plain English.
double possessive See under double genitive.
double negatives All the following sentences contain double negatives, but is every one of them a no-no? 1 He didn’t say nothing. 2 He didn’t speak, I don’t think. 3 He wasn’t incapable of speaking. Only one of them (the first) is the target of common criticism. The second would pass unnoticed as natural, considered speech; and the third is an accepted way of expressing a subtle observation. The third type of double negative often escapes attention because the second negative element is incorporated as a prefix into another word. Double negatives like those of the first sentence are very conspicuous, and they incur more censure than the others through their social connotations – the fact that they’re used in many nonstandard dialects. Sociolinguists find unconvincing the claim that double negatives are illogical “because two negatives make a positive.” The appeal to mathematics and logic is irrelevant when languages clearly do use double negatives (they are standard in languages such as French and Russian). No-one hearing the song line “I can’t get no satisfaction” would doubt that it was meant to be an emphatic negative, with the second negative word reinforcing the first. This was exactly how Shakespeare used the double negative to underscore a dramatic point: No woman has: nor never none / shall be mistress of it (Twelfth Night). Rather the introduction of one negative word triggers the use of others, wherever the grammar will bear it. Thus contemporary grammarians speak of “negative concord” or “multiple negation,” terms which allow for more than two negatives in quick succession. (See further under negative concord.) Still the construction is strongly associated with speech, and writers can find other ways of accentuating the negative. The double negatives of the second and third sentences above have an effect which is far from emphatic. Those in the second sentence make it quite tentative, and give the speaker subtle control over the force of the statement. Subtlety is achieved in the third sentence through the use of a negative word plus a negative prefix (any from the group in-, un-, non-, dis-, mis-). The double negative again helps to avoid a bald assertion, and paves the way for a new perspective on the topic. Combinations of this kind are quite often used in argumentative writing, as are those which combine a negative with a verb involving a negative process, such as challenge, deny, disclaim, dispute, doubt, miss, neglect, prevent, refuse, refute. Other
double superlatives Standard English no longer permits expressions such as most unkindest, where the superlative is marked by the preceding most as well as the -est inflection. In C16 there was no constraint on their use, and Shakespeare uses them in several of his plays to underscore a dramatic judgement. The use of most highest in religious discourse is similarly rhetorical, and was exempted by some C18 grammarians (notably Lowth, Bishop of London) from the general censure of double superlatives. Grammarians can certainly argue that one or other superlative marker is redundant, and in measured prose one of them would be edited out. Just which depends on the adjective’s form. See further under adjectives section 2.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com doublespeak
This is double talk, a combination of euphemism and obfuscation used by institutions and persons to mask unpleasant realities and deceive others as to what is going on. George Orwell’s 1984 provides classic examples of doublespeak, though he himself did not create the word. It nevertheless spans his doublethink and newspeak, and lends negative connotations to other formations ending in -speak. See further under -speak.
doubling of final consonant To double or not to double, that is the question. It comes up with new verbs made out of nouns and adjectives: what to do with the past forms of verbs derived from banquet and sequin, for example. It is also the basis of regular differences between British and American spelling. Let’s review the general rules before looking at the variations. In a two-part nutshell, the general rule is that you double the final consonant if: ∗ the vowel before the consonant is a single one (as in wetted or regretted ), not a digraph (compare seated and repeated ); and ∗ the syllable before the suffix is stressed (as in wetted and regretted), not unstressed (compare budgeted and marketed ). The rule applies to any noun, verb or adjective ending in a single consonant, when suffixes beginning with a vowel or -y are to be added. The following examples show how the rule works with various suffixes and after words of one and two syllables: skims skimming win winner step stepped
begin beginner
bosom bosomy sequin sequined gallop galloped
doubtless or undoubtedly stir knit
stirred knitting
deter deterred butter buttered admit admitting audit auditing
(Further examples are discussed under -p/-pp-, -s/-ssand -t.) Note that some words, especially those ending in -r, vary their spelling because of changes in stress before particular suffixes: confer conferred conference defer deferred deferent prefer preferred preferable refer referred reference These changes are all in accordance with the rule above. They apply also to derivatives of these words, such as undeterred, dispreferred etc. Exceptions, variations and anomalies Certain kinds of words diverge from the rules just mentioned, in all or some parts of the English-speaking world. They include those ending in: 1 -x such as tax and transfix (never doubled, even when their last syllable is stressed). 2 -c such as panic (always “doubled” to -ck, to preserve their “k” sound: see further under -c/-ck-). 3 a syllable which is identical with a monosyllabic word. For example: backlog eavesdrop fellowship format handicap kidnap leapfrog overlap program sandbag waterlog worship zigzag In British English, these words double the final consonant in spite of the lack of stress, to become backlogged, handicapped, programmed etc. In American English they may not: alternative spellings such as kidnaped, programed and worshiped are also in use. See kidnapped, program and worshipped. Words ending in -l form the largest group of exceptions in British English, and are always doubled, whether or not the last syllable is stressed. In the US the common practice is to apply the general rules given above, and to double only when there is stress on the final syllable. So most Americans write reveled with one l and rebelled with two, whereas the British, and most Australians and Canadians, spell revelled in the same way as rebelled. These anomalies are discussed further under -l-/-ll-.
downThis familiar particle combines like a prefix with both verbs and nouns, to indicate a descent, or the movement from a higher to lower position. It combines with verbs in downcast, downfall, downpour, downturn, and usually bears the stress in those words. When combined with nouns, in downbeat, downhill, downstairs, downstream, the stress is more variable, as if it is less fully integrated. Yet in each case, downis set solid with the word to which it is attached.
downtoners See under hedge words and adverbs section 1.
downward or downwards See under -ward.
doyly, doyley or doiley See doily.
DR, Dr(.) or dr(.) In full caps DR stands for “dead reckoning,” used by ships to estimate their position when neither landmarks nor the sun or stars are visible. As Dr(.) before a person’s name, it stands for the title “Doctor” (of medicine or any other specialization). Used after the name on invoices it’s an abbreviation of “debtor,” written Dr. according to New Oxford (1998), and dr. according to Merriam-Webster (2000). Dr(.) is also the standard abbreviation for Drive in street addresses. The use/nonuse of a stop depends on your policy on contractions. See abbreviations section 2.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com doubtless or undoubtedly See undoubtedly.
doughnut or donut In both British and American English, doughnut is the dominant spelling. But the spelling donut has a high profile, being featured in the names of most major American doughnut chains, as well as one-offs such as the Drive-thru Donut Shoppe! American writers are therefore not averse to using donut when referring to the generic donut shop and its staple product. CCAE also contains a scattering of donut in more figurative applications of the word, e.g. the inflated donut used as a flotation device, or the putative year of the donut. These suggest that the spelling is beginning to gain ground beyond its sugary origins, at least in the US. ♦ For the respelling of other words ending in -ough, see under gh, and spelling section 5.
dove or dived See dived.
draconian, Draconian and draconic
When speaking of harsh laws and severe punishments, which should it be? First choice is draconian/Draconian which invokes Draco, the punitive Greek legislator of C7 BC, who made death the punishment for almost every public offence. The Oxford Dictionary (1989) still has it capitalized, though the lower case form prevails in British and American English. In data from the BNC, draconian dominates by more than 4:1, and the proportions are similar in CCAE, except where (in some American newspapers) Draconian seems to be cultivated as house style. The word serves to evaluate legislation and official policies on either side of the Atlantic: draconian wage measures the draconian 42-year sentence had been negated draconian cuts on Medicare draconian rules governing drug trafficking The adjective draconic is quite rare by comparison. It is a neoclassical adjective based on the Latin draco (“dragon”), used by scholars and scientists to refer to dragon-like forms in art and nature. But as the Oxford Dictionary shows, it has long been confused with the first adjective, and sometimes replaces it. The few occurrences of draconic in the BNC and CCAE were almost all of this kind, as in draconic vagrancy laws from CCAE. Most dictionaries allow that draconic may do service for draconian.
draft or draught The borders between these two spellings are still being adjusted in British English. Both relate to the verb draw, whose many descendants range from words for pulling a load, or drawing water, air or money, to
dries or drys sketching, composing a document, dividing up one’s livestock or choosing men for military service. The older spelling draught has few analogies in English except laughter, and the more phonetic draft gained ground on it in late C18 and early C19. In American English draft is the standard spelling for all uses of the word as noun, adjective and verb (first draft, draft legislation, draft a new constitution), and in derivatives such as drafty and draftsman. In Britain, the scene is much more complicated. In British English draft is now accepted in the contexts of banking, in selecting soldiers and livestock, and especially when referring to the first written version of a document. This last usage accounts for more than 80% of its occurrences in the BNC, as noun, adjective and verb, and they make draft overall much more frequent than draught. Yet still the business of making technical drawings is distinguished with the spelling draught, and in draughtsman/draughtsperson. Draught persists in references to the taking of fluids, as in a good draught of ale and of course draught beer. It identifies an icy draught under the door, and presents itself also in the adjective draughty. The animals used for traction are draught horses, and vehicles too may be used for draught work. In maritime jargon, draught is the measure of how deep the vessel lies in the water (the distance from the waterline to the hull). English-speakers in other parts of the world take their positions on the borders of this British/American divide. Canadians accept both practices but make more use of the American, according to Canadian English Usage (1997). Australians still endorse draught beer and draught horse, but are uncommitted when it comes to the flow of cool air under the door. They regularly use draft for technical drawing as well as for composing documents, and this spelling is confirmed in the official nomenclature draftsperson or drafting officer/assistant, recommended in the Australian Standard Classification of Occupations (1990). In the context of marine architecture, a survey taken in 1998 showed that the majority of professionals used draft rather than draught in relation to the ship’s draught. Thus boundaries between draft and draught are still being redrawn – even in British English. The BNC contains 10 examples of drafty, suggesting that the spelling comes naturally to some writers, and may not be edited out. Draughty appears almost 100 times, however, and is still the one, according to British dictionaries.
draughtsman or draftsman In the UK these spellings distinguish two very different crafts. The draughtsman creates technical drawings for architects and engineers: the draftsman writes the first version of legislation and official documents. In the US, Canada and Australia, this distinction is not made, and draftsman is used for both. See further under draft or draught.
dreamed or dreamt Both spellings are in use for the past forms of dream, but dreamed is far more common in the US, by a factor of 20:1 in data from CCAE. In the UK dreamt is more popular but still in the minority: dreamed outnumbers it by 3:1 in data from the BNC. See further under -ed.
drier or dryer, and driest or dryest You can usually count on the fact that drier represents the comparative form of the adjective dry, while dryer is the agent noun referring to an appliance, such as a clothes dryer. The Oxford Dictionary (1989) and Webster’s Third (1986) nevertheless make drier the preferred spelling for the noun, and it’s used by a few British writers represented in the BNC (about 10%), hardly at all by American writers in CCAE. The rare instance of hair drier is greatly outnumbered by uses of dryer in both domestic and industrial contexts. Newer or less familiar appliances such as the lettuce dryer or the doggie dryer used in canine haute couture are invariably spelled with y. Drier is writers’ choice for the comparative adjective in both databases, whether the word refers to climatic conditions, the taste of wine or food, or the analysis of politics, literature and humor, as in chapters on drier subjects and the drier Midwestern drollery. Whether positive or negatively valued, drier is the spelling used.Webster’s also allows for dryer, the regularized spelling, though CCAE contains very few examples of its use. When it comes to the superlative, American and British usage diverge. Dryest is more popular than driest with American writers in CCAE, whereas driest is the only superlative form to be found in the BNC. The adjective thus seems to be the stronghold of the spelling convention by which final y changes to i before the vowel of the suffix (see further under -y>-i-). In C18 this mutation was also found in driness and drily, though it is no longer seen in the first of those, and is disappearing from the second (see drily or dryly). The resistance of the nouns (dryness, dryer) to mutation suggests that the “-y becomes -irule” is increasingly restricted to inflectional suffixes (see suffixes). At any rate, the prevailing use of dryer for the agent noun (“appliance”) makes a useful contrast with drier for the adjective – and lends hope that dealing with some dryer company doesn’t mean an uphill social encounter.
dramaturg, dramaturge or dramaturgist In C19 both dramaturge and dramaturgist referred to one who wrote dramas for the stage. But dramaturge is now applied to the specialist adviser to a theatre company, who devises the repertoire, and investigates and adapts the play scripts for performance. According to Webster’s Third (1986), the role originated in European theatres. Dramaturg, the most recent form of the word, is German in origin, and now the commonest of the three, by the evidence of CCAE. However dramaturge is the spelling prioritized by both Merriam-Webster (2000) and New Oxford (1998).
drank or drunk See under drink.
dries or drys These spellings do double service, as: ∗ singular form of the verb dry, usually dries as in while the glue dries, the soil never dries out. Very occasionally in American data it is drys, as in depressed real estate market drys up ∗ plural form of the noun dry, as opposed to “wet.” The two terms are used in British English to refer
drily or dryly to distinctive political stances, the dries being reluctant to spend public money on social welfare, and proponents of economic rationalism. Their opposition makes a combative headline: Bone Dries meet the arch-Wet. In American English the terms refer to those for and against alcoholic prohibition, where the drys support it: wets and drys are separated in the campus pubs.
driving licence, driver's license or driver's licence British drivers carry a driving licence, and Americans a driver’s license. Australians diverge slightly with driver’s licence; while in Canada both driver’s licence and driver’s license have currency.
druggist, pharmacist or chemist See under pharmacist.
drily or dryly The first of these is much more familiar in British English than any other. In data from the BNC, drily outnumbers dryly by 5:1, whereas in the American English of CCAE the ratio runs heavily in favor of dryly. The American preference for dryly correlates with its greater use of dryer for both adjective and noun. See further under drier or dryer.
drink, drank, drunk and drunken The parts of this irregular verb have been unstable for centuries, and still seem to be shifting and changing places. The forms drink, drank, drunk are always given as the standard set for present, past tense and past participle, yet larger dictionaries show that things are not so simple. The Oxford Dictionary (1989) notes without judgement the “occasional” use of drunk for the past tense, while Webster’s Third (1986) presents it as a colloquial or dialectal form. Both BNC and CCAE contain a sprinkling of it among their spoken samples. The dictionaries also note that drank may occasionally be found as past participle. Oxford suggests that this is to “avoid the inebriate associations of drunk,” though there’s little evidence of its use – for this or any other reason – even in spoken samples of the BNC. Webster’s also presents without judgement the use of drank for the past participle, and, according to a usage note in the Random House Dictionary, this is often done by educated Americans. Still there’s little evidence that the variant form appears in written documents, as Webster’s English Usage (1989) notes. The form drunken (once a past participle) has only a restricted role as attributive adjective: drunken rage, a drunken sailor. It thus complements drunk, the predicative adjective in expressions such as They were drunk and disorderly. See further under adjectives.
drunk or drunken See under drink.
dryer or drier, and dryest or driest See drier.
drys or dries See dries.
d.s.p. See decessit sine prole.
d.t.'s or DTs See delirium tremens.
due to or owing to Due to has been under a cloud for three centuries, though the basis of objections to it has shifted. Fowler (1926) found the problem in the need to make due an adjective or participle properly attached to a relevant noun, not to a notion extracted from a whole clause/sentence. The first sentence below was therefore unacceptable, and should be rewritten as the second or third: Due to unforeseen circumstances the dinner was postponed. The postponement of the dinner was due to unforeseen circumstances. Owing to unforeseen circumstances, the dinner was postponed. Similar objections had in fact been raised against owing to in C18, which quietly faded away as it established itself as a compound preposition. Due to began to be used in the same way in late C19 (the first Oxford Dictionary citation is from 1897), and objections to it begin to appear early in C20. Yet Fowler himself noted that this prepositional use of due to was “as common as can be”, and the Oxford Dictionary Supplement (1933) confirmed its frequency in the US. The tide of usage has swept it in, as Gowers admits in his 1965 edition of Fowler, when BBC announcers and even the Queen’s own speech-writer have to be counted among its more conspicuous users. There is clearly no reason to perpetuate the shibboleth against due to, when the grammatical grounds for objecting to it are so dubious. Webster’s English Usage (1989) affirms that it is “grammatically impeccable” and used by reputable writers without qualms. See further under shibboleths.
drink driving, drunk driving or drunken driving The same legal offence goes by slightly different names in different parts of the world. Drink driving, used in the UK and Australia, is based on the euphemistic use of drink as a noun meaning “alcoholic liquor,” found in idioms such as took to drink. In North America drunk driving makes it clear that the problem is alcohol, as does drunken driving, the occasional alternative. American law dubs it driving while intoxicated, or DWI for short.
dueling or duelling The choice between these is discussed under -l-/-ll-.
drivable or driveable See under -eable.
driveling or drivelling For the choice between these, see -l-/-ll-.
dullness or dulness Up-to-date dictionaries all give priority to dullness, and database evidence confirms that dulness is very rare in British English and not used in American. The second spelling exists only as an example of the C18
dysintervention in the spelling of final l in derivative words. See further under single for double.
other nouns, though dyad represents the original Greek root more exactly.
dummy subject
dyarchy or diarchy
Whatever it might suggest, dummy subject is used by grammarians for the role of it or there in expressions such as: It’s raining. It’s tomorrow they were talking about. There’s no clear answer to the question. Sentences like these identify their topic through the predicate of the clause instead of foregrounding it as the subject – hence the need for the slot-filler, it (also known as prop it) and there (= existential there). ♦ See further under topic and cleft sentences.
Both are recognized spellings, yet dictionaries diverge over which should be given priority. Webster’s Third (1986) stands alone in preferring dyarchy, and this is the only spelling to be found in CCAE. The Oxford Dictionary (1989) prefers diarchy, based strictly on its view of the etymology (as di- + -archy), and so it dubs dyarchy “erroneous”. Webster’s however suggests that the first element can be traced to Greek dy- or dyo(otherwise transliterated as “duo,” but with the same meaning as di-). Whatever the explanation, dyarchy is the more frequent spelling in both BNC and CCAE, and the Oxford’s own citations run 5:3 in its favor. Perhaps users of the word feel it looks more consistently Greek as dyarchy. The same divergence in spelling applies to adjectives based on the noun. While Oxford gives priority to spellings with i in the stem: diarchic, diarchical and diarch(i)al, Webster’s gives them as dyarchic, also dyarchical or dyarchal. Again the Oxford’s citations offer rather more support for the spellings with y. For the choice between -ic and -ical endings, see -ic/-ical.
duologue or dialogue See under dia-.
Dutch or dutch See under Holland.
dwarfs or dwarves The first form dwarfs is preferred by all dictionaries for the plural of dwarf. Database evidence from CCAE and the BNC underscores this, showing that it’s the preferred form for both American and British writers, by more than 25:1. The use of dwarfs as a verb (as in this source of income dwarfs social security) makes up only about 20% of the total, so clearly it’s preferred for the plural noun. Dwarfs is also sounder in historical terms because the f in its spelling is relatively recent, unlike others whose -ves plural goes back to Old English. Dwarves seems to have arisen on the analogy of wharf/wharves, where the plural with -ves connects with its antecedents. The number of words with -ves plurals is steadily declining, and there’s no reason to count dwarf among them, on the strength of very sporadic uses of dwarves. See -f>-v- for other nouns of this type; and -v-/-f- for dwarf as a verb.
dye and dyeing This word resists the standard spelling rule to drop -e before a suffix beginning with a vowel – with good reason – to distinguish itself from dying. The distinction is however only about a century old. For centuries, either word could be spelled either way, and those who wished might spell both the same way, relying on the context to communicate the difference. So Addison in C17 spelled both dye, while Johnson made both die. (See further under i/y, -ie>-y-, and -e.) The convergence of the two words allows a British hairdressing salon to solicit customers under the name CURL UP AND DYE.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com dwelt or dwelled Dwelt enjoys much more popularity these days in British English, and outnumbers dwelled by 10:1 in the BNC. American English shows the same tendency, though less pronounced. The ratio of dwelt to dwelled is 2:1 in data from CCAE. There was no particular difference according to whether the verb was used in the physical sense “live” (dwell in) or the more abstract idiom dwell on (= “concentrate attention on”). The greater use of the -ed ending by Americans is in keeping with their general preference for more regular endings. See further under -ed section 1.
dyad, diad or duad The spelling dyad is preferred in all up-to-date dictionaries, and the only one with multiple examples in CCAE. Diad is a current alternative in Webster’s Third (1986), though according to the Oxford Dictionary (1989) it’s obsolete. The rare third spelling duad also seems to be obsolete by the Oxford’s dating, yet is glossed with no indication of obsolescence in Webster’s. New uses for dyad in sociology and theories of communication seem to account for its vitality, as well as the variation in spelling. The tendency to replace y with i is familiar enough in
dyke or dike See dike.
dynamo The plural of this word is the regular dynamos, according to both Webster’s Third (1986) and the Oxford Dictionary (1989). See further under -o.
dysThis Greek prefix means “bad, faulty,” and almost all the words it appears in are bad news. It may be that your breathing is labored (dyspnoea), you’re having trouble swallowing (dysphagia), digestion is poor (dyspepsia), your bowels are in disarray (dysentery), and urinating is a problem (dysuria). Apart from its use in designating medical problems, dys- also serves to designate intellectual deficiencies (dyslexia and dyscalculia). Dys- occasionally forms words which contrast with an opposite number formed with eu-, for example dysphemism as opposed to euphemism (see further under euphemisms). The recently coined dystopia works on that basis, as an antonym for Utopia – misconstrued as “Eutopia.” (The name Utopia created by Sir Thomas More for his perfect society actually comprises ou, “not”, and topos, “place,” i.e. “no place.”)
dysfunctional or disfunctional, and dysfunction or disfunction ♦ On the interplay between dys- and dis-, see next entry.
dysfunctional or disfunctional, and dysfunction or disfunction The largest American and British dictionaries (Webster’s Third, 1986; Oxford, 1989) recognize
disfunctional as a variant of dysfunctional, and disfunction for dysfunction. The substitution of i for y in the spelling is not so remarkable (see i/y), and both dys- and dis- have negative meanings. There are just a few examples of disfunction/disfunctional in CCAE and the BNC, suggesting that the words are losing their academic flavor, and beginning to be part of more general usage.
E eIn the countdown to the millennium, the letter e sprang to life as a prefix. Literally it means “electronic,” and more broadly that electronic communication is the key process involved, whether it is e-business, e-commerce, e-money, e-tailing (for “retailing”), or e-books, e-documents, e-mail, e-zines. Words formed with e- are usually written with hyphens (but see email). Without a hyphen the one-letter prefix is somewhat at risk, and indistinguishable from the e- which represents the Latin prefix ex-, in words such as education, elation, emergence (see ex-). And if education is to be conducted via the internet, it has to be e-education.
-e E is the most hardworked letter of the English alphabet, as every Scrabble player knows. Apart from representing its own sound (as in let, send ), it often serves as a silent modifier of others (as in mate, rage). Sometimes (as in some, true) it is a relic of times when far more English words ended in e – when “olde shoppe” was indeed common spelling. In the course of history, final e has come and gone from many words; and in C21 English it still varies in the spelling of words. Its presence or absence is dictated by a number of rules and conventions: 1 The major rule affecting -e is dropping it before a suffix beginning with a vowel or y. This applies to an enormous number of words in English. It happens regularly with the parts of a verb – hope, hoping, hoped – and with adjectives: simple, simpler, simplest. It also applies whenever words with final e are extended into new words: -able note>notable -age dose>dosage -al arrive>arrival -ation conserve>conservation -ator demonstrate>demonstrator -er believe>believer -ery machine>machinery -ify false>falsify -ise pressure>pressurise -ish prude>prudish -ism elite>elitism -ist extreme>extremist -ity saline>salinity -ize pressure>pressurize -ous virtue>virtuous -ure expose>exposure -y craze>crazy The rule does not apply when the suffix begins with a consonant, for example: -ful hope>hopeful cf. hoping -ly close>closely closing -ment advertise>advertisement advertising -ness humble>humbleness humbling
2 Exceptions and variations to the major rule are as follows: a) Words suffixed with -able such as lik(e)able, siz(e)able (i.e. those with stems of one syllable) often retain the -e of the stem in British English. (See further under -eable.) b) Words ending -dge often lose the e before -ment, especially in American English. (See acknowledgement, judgement and also fledgling.) c) Words ending with -ce or -ge keep their final e before a suffix beginning with a, e.g. embraceable, and o, e.g. courageous. (See further under -ce/-ge.) d) Words ending with -ee such as agree and decree drop one e before -ed, but keep both before -ing. So agreed but agreeing. e) Words ending in -inge such as singe may keep the e before adding -ing, and thus singeing is distinct from singing, springeing from springing, swingeing from swinging, tingeing from tinging. Some writers keep the -e in other rather uncommon verbs of this kind, e.g. bingeing, hingeing, twingeing, whingeing, even though there are no parallel words without the -e to confuse them with. But no-one keeps the -e in the more familiar verbs with -inge (e.g. cringe, fringe, impinge, infringe), and those with other vowels (e.g. change, lunge, plunge, sponge), which always become cringing, changing etc., in accordance with the major rule. f ) Words ending in -ie, such as die, lie, tie, vie change in two ways before -ing: they drop their e and change the i to y (see -ie->-y-). However tieing is recognized in Webster’s Third (1986) as an alternative to tying; and for stymie there is both stymying and stymieing (see stymie). The use of dying makes a vital contrast with dyeing (see dye and dyeing). g) Words ending in -oe regularly keep their e before -ing: canoeing, hoeing, shoeing, toeing. Before -ist, it is the same for canoeist, but not for oboist. h) Words ending in -ue often keep their e before a suffix beginning with i or y, particularly if they have only one syllable. So clue and glue retain it in cluey and gluey (to ensure that they are not read as words of one syllable like buy). This explains why blue appears with e in bluey-green, but not usually in bluish. As a technical term blueing is more likely to keep its e than in common idiom: bluing all his pay at the races. Among standard verbs, the e is regularly dropped in inflected forms, as for: accrue argue construe continue ensue issue pursue queue rescue subdue value Verbs of one syllable, notably cue and sue, are less predictable. The much older verb sue has had suing as its -ing form since around 1300, and it’s the dominant form by far in hundreds of examples in the British and American databases. But cue with its much shorter history (only a little more than a century) has yet to settle into the regular pattern. Cueing is
-eable or -able sanctioned by the Oxford Dictionary (1989) for technical (engineering) uses of the noun, and though nothing is said about the verb, it’s the only spelling in the BNC for all forms with -ing – whether they involve cueing the [autocues] to suit the speaker’s delivery, unconscious cueing by the human experimenter, or cueing individuals into major roles. In CCAE meanwhile, both cuing and cueing can be found,and the first is in the majority, even though the second is backed by Webster’s Third (1986) for all applications of the word. The fact that cue is a three-letter word would help to explain its variability: see (i) below. i) Three-letter words which end in e may or may not keep it before suffixes: in ageism the e is usually there, in icing never. Others such as ag(e)ing, ap(e)ing, aw(e)ing and ey(e)ing may appear either way. The Langscape survey of 1998 showed British respondents preferred to maintain the e before the suffix in all of them, whereas for Americans it was only in eyeing. Three-letter verbs thus become a new group of exceptions, at least for the British. They apply, to inflected forms, the English spelling principle associated with content words: that they need a minimum of three letters to identify themselves (see further under words). Identity problems are of course more likely when such words appear without context in questionnaires and dictionary lists. When the word is established and/or its meaning supported by the context, there’s less reason not to spell it according to the major rule. (Compare aging and usable.) 3 Other spelling conventions with final e are: *A final e is sometimes added to a gender-free English word ending in -ant or -ist to create an explicitly female form of it, for example: artiste clairvoyante confidante typiste This is analogous to what happens in French grammar, though in French it is more often used for reasons of grammatical gender than natural gender (see further under gender). The use of explicitly female words is often beside the point, and to be discouraged if we care about nonsexist language (see further under that heading). In cases like these, the gender-free equivalent is much better established anyway. *A final e is sometimes added to French loanwords used in English, even when they have none in French itself. So there are alternative spellings (with and without the e) for words such as boulevard(e), caviar(e), chaperon(e), complin(e). The spellings with e are really “more French than the French.” This is one of several ways in which French loanwords are sometimes touched up in English. (For others, see under frenchification.) *A final e often distinguishes proper names from their common noun counterparts, in addition to the initial capital letter. Some examples are Coote, Hawke, Lowe, Moore. Not all bearers of such names use these spellings however, and letter writers should always check whether they’re corresponding with Brown or Browne, Clark or Clarke etc. (See further under proper names.) *A final e is used by chemists to distinguish the names of certain groups of chemical substances – though this technical distinction is not necessarily understood by those who use the spelling glycerine rather than glycerin, for example. See further under -ine/-in.
-eable or -able The -eable ending is a composite of the final e of the base word and the -able suffix. English spelling requires -eable in some words, while it’s an option for others. Words such as changeable and traceable need -eable because it serves to preserve the “j” or “s” sound in them (see -ce/-ge). Other words such as the following could be spelled either way, depending on your variety of English: blam(e)able fram(e)able grad(e)able lik(e)able liv(e)able mov(e)able nam(e)able rat(e)able sal(e)able shak(e)able siz(e)able trad(e)able us(e)able The choice is broadly regional, but spellings vary more in the UK than the US, as reflected in (or led by) the major dictionaries. Webster’s Third (1986) gives the -able spelling priority over -eable for all; whereas the Oxford Dictionary (1989) prioritizes -eable for most examples such as likeable, liveable, sizeable (except that it goes the other way for usable). Other dictionaries seem to pick and choose. The Canadian Oxford (1998) gives preference to -eable in likeable and liveable, but not in sizable or usable. In Australia the Macquarie Dictionary (1997) prefers sizeable, but -able for the others. Regional differences were borne out by the 1998 Langscape survey, in which the majority of North Americans (including Canadians) backed the shorter likable, sizable, while British respondents and Australians preferred the longer likeable, sizeable. Yet older UK respondents were more inclined to use the shorter spellings, perhaps because Fowler (1926) spoke firmly in favor of -able. Data from the BNC suggests stronger British commitment to likeable (97%) than sizeable (85%). Quantitative research on New Zealand English (Sigley, 1999) showed that NZ use of -eable is on a par with the British. Spellings with plain -able are in line with the major rule over dropping final e (see -e section 1). When the stem has two or more syllables, as in debatable, unshakable, reconcilable, (un)mistakable, the rule usually prevails everywhere in the world. With stems of only one syllable, e.g. lik(e)able, some argue that the e is needed before -able to prevent misreading. This is an unnecessary extension of the idea that you need a minimum of three letters to represent a stem (see -e section 2i). Established and undisputed spellings such as curable and notable show that the e in the middle is inessential. Even new formations such as drivable are unlikely to be misread if motor vehicles are already part of the context. The words we read rarely have to stand alone for interpretation, as they do in dictionary lists.
International English selection: The regular rule for words suffixed with -able has been used throughout this book, for the reasons just given. ♦ For more on mov(e)able and us(e)able, see movable and usable.
each This word has two faces, expressing the individual yet often by implication concerned with the collective. Each therefore presents questions of agreement with verbs and pronouns. As an adjective, each usually
eat singles out the individual with singular verb and pronoun: Each spouse is responsible for his/her income tax. But the singularity is overruled following a plural subject, as in: Our divisions each take responsibility for their budgets. As a pronoun itself, each can also take a singular or plural verb, depending on the context and the writer’s concerns. See agreement section 3, and they, them, their.
each other or one another Prescriptive style commentators have tried to insist that each other should be used between two people only, and one another when more than two were concerned. Yet Fowler (1926) spoke firmly against this distinction, arguing it had “neither present utility nor a basis in historical usage.” His judgement is confirmed in citations recorded in the Oxford Dictionary (1989) and Webster’s English Usage (1989). On the further question of where to place the apostrophe in these expressions, see other’s or others’.
-ean See under -an.
earned or earnt In both American and British English, the past form of the verb earn is earned rather than earnt, however it sounds. This accords with the recommendation of Webster’s Third (1986), while the absence of comment in Oxford Dictionary (1989) implies that the verb’s inflections are regular. Data from CCAE and the BNC show that earned is also the overwhelming choice of British and American writers. This consensus contrasts with British/American divergence over the past form for other verbs such as burn and learn. See further under -ed section 1.
is 90 degrees right of the north/south axis for a particular country or city. In the absence of any geographical reference points, it relates to the writer’s or speaker’s north/south axis. The main thing to note is that when applied to winds, airstreams or currents, these words denote “from the east,” whereas in other applications they mean “to(wards) or in the east.” So an easterly wind will have its impact on the eastern side of a building, and wildflowers in the eastern region of a national park will have walkers heading east to see them. When dressed with a capital letter, East often carries special historical or political overtones. In Middle East or Far East, it still represents the European colonial perspective. What was the Far East for Britain is the “Near North” for Australia, as its Prime Minister observed in 1939. (Compare the expression Southeast Asia, which is free of any “user-perspective.”) The difference between European cultures and those of colonial countries was the stimulus for Rudyard Kipling’s comment in C19 that “East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet.” But the need for mutual understanding was better recognized in C20, in institutions such as the East–West Center, established at the University of Hawaii in 1960. After World War II and during the subsequent Cold War, eastern acquired a new political significance in the phrase eastern bloc, used in reference to the Soviet Union and its East European satellites. Its communist system and centralized economy contrasted with those of the capitalistic states of western Europe and North America, allied through NATO. But the old east–west division has faded since the breakup of the eastern bloc in 1991. The implications of Eastern are different again in references to the Eastern Orthodox Church, where the word identifies the group of churches which developed in the eastern half of the Roman Empire and were for centuries identified with Byzantium/Constantinople. They include the churches of Greece and Cyprus, Egypt and some cities in the Middle East, as well as Russia, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Romania and Serbia. The group split off from the Catholic Church (based on Rome) in AD 1054.
www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com earthen, earthy or earthly Only the first of these is still completely in touch with the ground. Earthen means “consisting or made out of earth or clay,” as in earthen floor. Earthy usually highlights the natural properties of earth which can be recognized elsewhere, as in an earthy smell, or its elemental characteristics in an earthy sense of humor. Depending on context, earthy may carry positive or negative overtones. In the appreciation of wines, it can be ambiguous (Lehrer, 1983), implying a down-to-earth, robust wine to some tasters, and a mouldy bouquet to others. Earthly takes its core meaning from being the antonym of heavenly. When used in expressions such as earthly pleasures, it usually implies their limited or short-term nature, in comparison with the infinity of heaven. But it doesn’t become a synonym for heavenly, when negative elements are attached to it. With the negative prefix un-, it denotes eerie elements of the supernatural, as in unearthly cry. And in negative idioms such as no earthly reason and not an earthly chance, earthly simply underscores the negative. See further under intensifiers.
east, eastern or easterly When used with lower case, these words all relate straightforwardly to a point, area or direction which
eastward or eastwards See under -ward.
easy or easily Despite appearances, easy functions as adverb in some common English idioms, such as rest easy, take it easy and go easy on them. In such expressions it cannot be replaced by easily without changing the meaning, or at any rate losing the idiom. As the examples show, they are the stuff of interactive discourse rather than formal style, but that’s no reason to “dress” the adverb up, if it is to appear in writing. See further under zero adverbs.
eat The only point at issue with this verb is its past tense: how to say and spell it. In C21 English the spelling has settled down to ate, and most Americans, Canadians and Australians pronounce it to rhyme with “late.” In
-eau and -ieu the UK ate is still often pronunced to rhyme with “let.” This accords with the fact that until well on in C19, the spelling eat served as both present and past tense, with different pronunciations just like those which distinguish the present and past of the verb read. Nowadays ate has a lot to recommend it as a distinct spelling for the past tense, and speakers are free to use the spelling pronunciation or not, as they choose.
-eau and -ieu Words which end in -eau or -ieu (or -iau) are borrowings from French where they are pluralized with -x, e.g. bureau > bureaux. However once they are at home in English they acquire English plurals as well, e.g. bureaus. Those which are totally assimilated may indeed shed their French plural, and in American English bureaus is now the only plural form current, judging by the evidence of CCAE – for the commercial bureau that speci