Demon Name Generator
Need a demonic name for a character or someone else? Then try our demon name generator below. It will generate 10 new demon names every time you click the button.
Contents hide
1. Demon Name Generator
2. 10 Demon Names From Mythology
3. Succubus Names / Female Demon Names
4. Incubus Names / Male Demon Names
5. Japanese Demon Names
6. Popular Demons and their Powers
7.FAQ about Demons
8. What are some names for demon?
9. Do the demons have a king?
10. Do the demons have a queen?
11. 248 More Demon Names with Meanings
A demon is an evil spirit, a supernatural being. Those who believe in demons think that they do bad things or scare people. The word comes from Greek. Actually, the Greeks did not necessarily think of a spirit as evil. However, Christians imagined demons to mean the devil and the kingdom of evil.
Baal, for example, was a god of weather and fertility. The inhabitants of the land of Canaan worshipped him. Canaan is located about where Syria is today. This was hundreds of years before Christ. But the Christians believed that there was only one God, and that was their own. All other gods were only demons in the eyes of the Christians.
Today, people often speak of a demon when they don’t mean a spirit. When someone is haunted by demons, one actually wants to say that he is tormented by evil people. Or else one thinks of fears that someone has.
If you’re not just looking for demon names, but you’re also looking for a demon name with its meaning, check out our list of 248 demon names.
10 Demon Names From Mythology
- Samael – In Christian and Jewish mythology, Samael is an evil angel who wants to harm people. He represents death and poison.
- Charon – In Roman and Greek mythology, Charon is the ferryman who takes the dead across the River of the Dead. There, the underworld awaits them.
- Malorie – Malorie comes from the old French surname “maloret”. This means misfortune.
- Mara – Mara is something like the devil in Buddhism. The name stands for the personification of misfortune and death. A legend says that Mara also wanted to lead the Buddha away from his right path.
- Amon is the assistant of Astaroth, a demon of occult mythology. He is one of the strongest lords in Hell and appears in the form of a fire-breathing wolf with a snake’s tail.
- Leviathan – In Jewish mythology, Leviathan is a sea monster. It is said to have the features of a crocodile, a snake, and a dragon. In the end, it is defeated by god.
- Lilith – Lilith was the first wife of Adam. She would not submit to him and was banished from paradise. In various mythologies, she is considered a goddess of death, a witch, or a demon.
- Lamia – In Greek mythology, there is a monster named Lamia. Lamias, named after Lamia, are vampire-like monsters. The name also stands for underworlders.
- Loreley – The legend surrounding this name comes from German mythology. Loreley is a mermaid and attracts the attention of skippers with her siren-like song. Enchanted, they do not notice the current and rocks and thus perish.
- Deimos – Deimos means “terror” in ancient Greek and “terror” in Latin. He is the Greek god of terror and often appears together with Phobos – meaning fear.
Succubus Names / Female Demon Names
A succubus is a female, especially beautiful and lustful demon or boo-devil that seeks out a man to have sexual relations with. It is the female counterpart of the male incubus.

- Dhyselin
- Yserysh
- Kylielle
- Mhyrielle
- Rhelerris
- Berineli
- Azaerlyss
- Shyeva
- Nymyera
- Elinlyss
- Glysania
- Zrixysha
- Cahroria
- Orinyla
- Tinevera
- Xisvienne
- Xisaith
- Rhelrya
- Elrinevera
- Harelvyn
- Catysha
- Orysh
- Nessyera
- Elrinyla
- Ryrriane
- Penthine
- Jilvia
- Catlith
- Nemorelin
- Daemrya
Incubus Names / Male Demon Names
Incubus in mythology is a male demon who mates with a sleeping woman at night without her noticing. In addition, the incubus is considered a representative of Satan, who is responsible for dragging the souls of sinners to hell after their death.

- Thalied
- Xinyd
- Hurinovan
- Braxith
- Azerear
- Azerryn
- Zahried
- Aeron
- Arlenvile
- Maztiran
- Ynararis
- Xahrlynx
- Wraxnihr
- Ryzith
- Vylrad
- Larath
- Kyloth
- Harrad
- Eranan
- Qurryd
- Voxex
- Xinolan
- Grultiran
- Tortiran
- Fornigar
- Qrinix
- Praxliar
- Inorix
- Iarrad
- Eoryhad
Japanese Demon Names
Oni are particularly popular representatives of japanese demons. In the course of time, the creatures that were once thought to be benevolent became evil monsters.
Oni (jap. 鬼) are ubiquitous in Japan – whether on TV, on the next street corner, or in a story, the japanese mischief-makers are probably among the best-known yokai in history. Translated, their name means demon or ogre. The second explains why they have a strong resemblance to an ogre. Rarely, the term is also translated as “devil” or “evil spirit”. But even these names are self-explanatory if you take a look at the past.
The term oni was used for a time in the Japanese language as a valid generic term for all demons, monsters, and spirits. It was also used to classify particularly mischievous people. Today, the terms “yokai” or “obake” are used.
List of japanese demon names
- Kiyohime
- Uji no hashihime
- Yamauba
- Aka Manto
- Tengu
- Shuten Dōji
- Yuki-onna
- Kuchisake-onna
- Oiwa
Popular Demons and their Powers
In this awesome video you get a list of demons and their powers from various cultures and religions.
FAQ about Demons
What are some names for demon?
Asmodeus, according to the Bible and various satanic writings, stands for lust and licentiousness.
Behemoth is very powerful and has the ability to transform into a monster. His forms show up as an elephant or a hippopotamus. His origin is Hebrew.
Beelzebub – the “Lord of the Flies” should be familiar to many. According to Christian mythology, he is the prince of demons. His names are manifold and depend on the expression of his wickedness.
Damballa comes from the African voodoo. His rather slow, unobtrusive movements, which can be unexpectedly lightning-fast, are striking.
Aynaet originates from Ethiopian mythology and personifies the “evil eye” as a demoness. She spreads death and brings disaster upon people.
Do the demons have a king?
In der Mythologie und Dämonologie ist Bael, auch Baël, Baell oder Buel geschrieben, der erste König der Hölle, eine der höllischen Mächte, die in Zauberbüchern oder Grimoires wie der Ars Goetia oder dem Pseudomonarchia daemonum zitiert werden.
Do the demons have a queen?
Lilith is the only female demon king and was the first wife of Adam. She was formed from impure earth. God called her to him after creation and said that she should be subject to Adam. This she did not want and left the paradise. Since she did not eat of the forbidden fruit, the tree of the knowledge, she is immortal. Lilith’s mortal sin is lust.
248 More Demon Names with Meanings
- Abaddon – demonic angel of the abyss, the leader of a demonic army, personification of the underworld, lord of locust plagues.
- Adi – demon dodder worm, lizard demon who breathes on people with his poisonous breath and thus kills them
- Aeshma – demon, the personification of greed, murderous rage, and anger, one of the two demons that pursue Sraosha when he ascends to Heaven with the soul of a dead man to steal his soul.
- Aetxe – cave spirit, usually in the form of a bull and a human, leaves his cave Leze, near Sara, on stormy nights. With his appearance, he forces people to stay in their houses.
- Agash – demoness, the personification of doom, brings sickness to people, has the evil eye.
- Aguares – demon of the underworld, grand duke, and head of 31 legions. His mount is a crocodile.
- Ahriman – demon, a figure from the religion of Zoroaster, the adversary of the god-spirit Ahura Mazda, the personification of evil, lies, and deception. The symbol of a hostile antiworld populated by demons is the snake.
- Aita – demonic god and guardian of the underworld.
- Aka Manah – archdemon and Daeva, messenger of Ahriman.
- Akatash – archdemon and Daeva, he tried to destroy Zarathustra
- Aku Aku – demons who with shrill voices instill fear and terror in people at night
- Alastor – executor of judgment and executioner of hell
- Alocer – Grand Duke of the Underworld, he commands 36 legions
- Amduscias – Grand Duke of Hell, he controls 29; he often appears in a unicorn.
- Ammit – female demon of the afterlife judgment. Dead people who received an adverse verdict from Osiris were devoured by her.
- Amon – prince of hell in the form of a fire-breathing wolf with a snake’s tail, commands 40 legions and is considered one of the strongest among the demonic princes.
- Andhaka – demon of blindness, ignorance, darkness, and disinterest
- Andras – Grand Prince of Hell and Demon of Second Sight, he commands 30 legions
- Andrephalus – demon in the form of a peacock, he controls 30 legions
- Andromalius – Count of Hell, he directs 36 legions
- Ankou – Demon of Death
- Apaosha – demon of drought
- Apasmara – dwarf demon and personification of disinterest and delusion
- Argui – night spirit and death demon
- Asag – a demon who makes wells seep and causes diseases in people with his poison.
- Asmodeus – prince of demons and demon of desire
- Asakku – demon of head fever (presumably meningitis), the personification of people’s illness and pain
- Asasel – according to the Bible, a desert demon.
- Ashaqlun – the demon who together with Namrael begat the first human couple
- Astaroth – grand lord and chamberlain of hell, he commands 40 legions
- Astovidatu – one of the two demons that pursue Sraosha when he ascends to Heaven with the soul of a dead man to steal it from him.
- Aulak – vampire demon with a preference for women and children.
- Avnas – supreme prince of hell, he commands 36 legion
- Aynaet – this demon name means evil eye, in Coptic Christian faith the demon met Jesus who dissolved him to ashes by the power of his words.
- Az – demon, and personification of desire.
- Azazel – desert demon and first standard-bearer of the legions of hell.
- Azi Dahaka – storm demon in the form of a three-headed serpent.
- Baal – general of the infernal legions, the personification of the sun.
- Baalphegor – demon in the form of a young woman
- Babi – demon of darkness
- Bachbakuala-Nuksiwae – demon and man-eater
- Bael – demon at the head of the infernal army in the form of a creature with three heads (human, toad, cat); he commands 66 legions
- Bajang – a demon that grows in the bodies of stillborn children and usually spreads deadly diseases.
- Baka – a demon that comes back to earth as a so-called “Widower” to feed on human flesh.
- Balan – demon in the form of a creature with three heads (human, bull, ram); he commands 40 legions
- Bali – demon and monkey king, rules in the underworld over Sutala, the 6th level.
- Balvala – storm demon in the form of a black giant with a copper-colored beard
- Baobhan-Sith – vampire demon in the form of a green dressed girl who attracts young boys to suck their blood from their bodies
- Baphomet – a black devil who gave the Templars power and wealth, still creeps through the ruins of the Wernsecker Castle.
- Barbados – duke of the underworld in the form of a huntsman
- Bar Zangi – desert demon
- Beelzebub – the name of Satan, translated as lord of the Flies, also known under the form Beelzebub.
- Befana – winter demoness
- Belial – medieval demon lord In the Old Testament, he appears connected with evil people. He is considered a devilish spirit of darkness and is described in the usual depictions of devils: pointed ears, blackened appearance, and hoofed or clawed feet. In addition, he is equated with the devil as an adversary of God.
- Beng – a devilish figure who lives in forests and lies in wait for hikers there
- Mountain monk – demon in the form of a monk.
- Berith – demon of lies and grand duke of hell, he commands 26 legions
- Beyrevra – demon, and lord of the air spirits
- Bifrous – dem. Demonic count, he commands 6 legions
- Bilwis – a demon of envy and malice. The personification of the dangers of nature
- Bisterk Ding – water demon, herald of disaster at sea
- Blutschink – bloodsucking demon, who likes to feed on children
- Boginki – is a forest demon who swaps newborns with their own demonic spawn.
- Bohten Dayak – a demon who likes to play tricks on people, is considered highly evil.
- Botis – Count of Hell, in the form of a writhing viper. He commands 60 legions.
- Buda – demons and personification of diseases, infertility, and infant mortality.
- Buduh – djinn and love demoness
- Buer – head of the underworld, he commands 50 legions
- Buiti – a demon who tries to prevent human salvation
- Bune – duke in the form of a three-headed dragon, he controls 30 legions
- Bushyasta – demon, and personification of laziness and slackness
- Byleth – king of hell, he owns 80 legions
- Caacrinolas – chairman of the underworld, he commands 36 legions
- Cacus – demon, son of the god Vulcan. He was slain by Hercules.
- Camazotz – bat demon, likes to eat human heads.
- Canaima – demon and shapeshifter, the personification of dangers in nature
- Caym – demon of higher class, he commands 30 legions and can speak the language of animals
- Cham-Er – demon of death, in the form of a skeleton, only those who are dead can see him on their day of death
- Charmo Vetr – a demon that ambushes wanderers to kill them
- Charon – 1.) Death demon in the form of a dog 2.) old ferryman, who takes the dead with his boat across the border rivers Acheron, Kokytos, and Styx to the gate of Hades, so that one could pay the ferryman, one put a coin under the tongue of the deceased
- Charun – winged demon of death, the god of the underworld, depicted as a kidnapper of the living with red eyes, snake hair, pointed ears, a beak (similar to that of the vulture), a hammer in his hand. The name Charun is derived from Greek. Charun is derived from the Greek ferryman Charon, who ferried the dead across the river Styx to the underworld.
- Ch’ih Yu – demon of war, the personification of envy and discord
- Chil Gazi – a demon who seduces young women to beget a demonic hellspawn with them
- Chordeva – a feline demoness who haunts the sick and causes death by licking their lips.
- Chumbaba – nature demon and personification of volcanoes, his breath brings death.
- Chumur Deli – demon, in the form of a horse, frightens wanderers and drives them into bottomless abysses.
- Churel – a bloodsucking demon who likes to drink the blood of pregnant women.
- Cimejes – demon, and personification of lost things and treasures- commands 20 legions.
- Coatlicue – demon goddess who feeds on everything that lives.
- Crocell – fallen angel, he commands 48 legions.
- Curupira – a demon who feeds on humans.
- Devas – demons, immortal spirits that show themselves to people in the form of animals and animal hybrids. They live in the ruins of abandoned cities. With the help of magicians, devas can enter people’s bodies, but they can also be exorcised. The devas have different traits, so they can be divided into good and evil. Good: Aralez, Uruakan / Evil: Alk, Vishap, Chival and Ays / Neutral: K’ajk
- Daityas – demons of the underworld and opponents of the Deavas
- Danglathas – demons that feed on human flesh. Mostly of unsuspecting wanderers who roam their forests.
- Danag – bloodsucking demon
- Danavas – demons- were banished to the sea and lived in the Patala ever since.
- Dantalion – Duke of the underworld, is powerful of mind reading and commands 36 legions.
- Dearg-Due – demoness who seduces men and lures them to their doom.
- Deber – demon, and personification of plague
- Decarabia – demon, and ruler of birds, he commands 30 legions
- Dementum – demon of disease
- Deumus – a demon who feeds on the souls of people
- Diabolos – we equate with Satan and is considered the seducer of people. He is the direct opponent of the Archangel Michael.
- Dialects – demons that do all kinds of mischief to people
- Dibbuk – demon of puerperal fever and infant diseases
- Diwo – demons in the form of a dog, their breath kills paralyzes the
- Djinn – demons of desert and steppe, the personification of nature’s dangers.
- Dogai – daemon, cause of storm surges and associated fish deaths, but also blamed for poor harvests. To ensure a good harvest, ceremonies were held on the Melanesian islands in which the mask of a Dogai was worn.
- Dowadiru – desert demon
- Dre – demons and messengers of death, the personification of evil
- Druj – demoness of ore and lies
- Echidna – a hybrid of serpent and woman, mother of Greek demons
- Eisengrind – dog demon with glowing eyes and horns, one of the spirits of the Raunächte (twelve days between Christmas and Epiphany) who roam and steal children.
- Ekke-Nekkepen – nature demon, similar to Rumpelstiltskin.
- Elbst – nature demon, lives in cold mountain lakes and drags down all people who pass by there.
- Enerbanske – a demon who steals newborns and leaves his own hellspawn behind.
- Ereschkigal – underworld goddess, ruler of the realm of the dead
- Eurynome – demon and prince of death, he feeds on corpses
- Fänggen – forest demon with magic powers that lure children to their doom.
- Fafner – demon in the form of a dragon, known from the Saga of the Nibelungs
- Fene – demon and personification of evil and darkness
- Fenixmännlein – a demon who steals children from the cradle and leaves his own hellspawn there.
- Fetsch – a demon that appears as a double of a human. If a human sees a Fetsch, he is doomed to death.
- Flaga – demonic fairy
- Flauros – general of the infernal armies, he commands 20 legions
- Fomore – demons of the underworld, their leader is Balor
- Forcas – chairman of the underworld, he controls 29 legions
- Forneus – Marquis of Hell, he owns 29 legions
- Funumai – demonic bush spirit in the form of a young man who seduces women
- Furfur – count in the underworld, the personification of lies
- Gaizkin – demon of disease
- Gallu – a demon who lies in wait for people to take them to the underworld
- Gamigin – marquis of the underworld, he commands 30 legions
- Gandareva – water demon and lord of Abyssos
- Ganga-Gramma – demoness and personification of diseases
- Garm – hellhound and guardian of El’s realm of the dead
- Gauna – demon, and personification of evil
- Gaunab – demon, and personification of the dark moon
- Gelal – a demon who haunts women and begets his hellspawn with them
- Ghilan – a demon with the ability to change her appearance into any shape, this they do to lure wanderers from their way through the desert to devour themselves then.
- Glaukos – prophesying demon of the sailors (by taking a miracle herb), depicted with the torso of a man and a fishtail
- Gog – king and leader of the devilish hosts
- Gomory – a demon with the ability to see into the past and into the future of a human, he commands 26 legions
- Gor – bloodsucking demon that feeds on human blood
- Greiss – demon in the form of a cat who inflicts plagues on livestock, the personification of farm animal diseases, such as swine fever and cattle plague
- Guede – a demon who drives in people and incites them to outrageous obsessive things.
- Gusion – duke of hell, he commands 40 legions
- Guta – a demon who slays his victims.
- Haagenti – President of Hell, has the gift of turning metals into gold, wine, and water and commands over 33 legions.
- Habergeiss – Bloodsucking bird demon that feeds on the blood of farm animals.
- Haborym – demon of firestorms, he commands 26 legions
- Halmasti – demon in the form of a dark red dog, he endangers the souls of unwashed dead people
- Halphas – demonic count, he controls 26 legions
- Hedammu – serpent demon and personification of greed and famines, he was created to plunge the world into chaos.
- Hehmann – a demon who lies in wait for unsuspecting wanderers in forests, he is considered the lord of the woods.
- Hiisi – demon of the forest who preys on people
- Hiranyakashipu – demon king and personification of immoderateness and egoism
- Hiranyaksha – demon, he was killed by Vishnu
- Hirguan – demon in the form of a goat, the women
- Hoa Wief – a demon who cuts the legs and heads of people sleeping in the forest to a certain length
- Hu-Li – demon in the form of a fox, personification of venereal diseases
- Impundulu – demon, and personification of diseases and death
- Indra – demon and personification of lies.
- Ipes – duke of hell, he commands 36 legions
- Jahi – female devil
- Jensit – demon god, who is worshipped with human sacrifice
- Jestan – demon, and personification of famines, wars, and diseases
- Jigarkhvar – demoness, she stuns people with her gaze and takes their livers to eat them
- Joetun – demon, and personification of chaos, storms, and cyclones
- Kabandha – demon
- Kaia – demons in snakes or humans, live in volcanoes. Whoever meets them is doomed to death.
- Kalevanpojat – demons with the ability to turn forests into stinking bogs to harm humans
- Kaliya – a demon who poisoned the river Yamuna and tried to strangle the boy Krishna
- Kallikantzari – demons that make their mischief during the Advent season and during the Raunächte (Raunights)
- According to legend, Kansa – demon king of Mathura, mercilessly murdered children of a certain age.
- Karina – demon in the form of a bird, a dog, or a snake. She kills newborns and infants with her looks.
- Kasermandl – a nature demon of the Austrian mountains, spreads fear and terror among the population.
- Kastschej – a demon with the features of a dragon, who steals women
- Kelet – demons that bring death and disease to people; they feed on children with a preference
- Ker – demons and personification of death and doom
- Kerberos – demon in the form of a vast dog-like monster that guards the gate to Hades.
- Keteb – a demon that brings fever to people.
- Kieh – prince of hell and judge of the dead. He is considered the bringer of drought, as he fertilizes the earth with the corpse parts of quadripartite humans.
- Kinkirsi – a demon who takes possession of people’s bodies.
- Kirk-Grim – demon in the form of a pig or a horse that appears in old churches and walls to scare away visitors.
- Kisin – demon, and personification of earthquakes and diseases.
- Kodakan – a demon that attacks and eats small children, usually lurking near fireplaces.
- Koki-Teno – a fox demoness who seduces men at night, as she can also appear in human form; she is often called a werefox.
- Koshi – Demon in the form of a snake dragon, to whom a virgin must be sacrificed every year to appease him.
- Krampus – The Krampus is a frightening figure accompanied by St. Nicholas. While St. Nicholas presents the good children, the naughty ones are punished by the Krampus.
- Kuang-Shi – Bloodsucking demon with a green body and red glowing eyes. It feeds on human blood, and its victims are primarily criminals, but it also drinks animal blood if necessary.
- Kubera – leader of the demonic rakshas.
- Kud – demon of darkness and personification of the evil world principle.
- K’uei – demon and personification of thunder, sometimes he also appears in the form of a bogeyman devil to mate with human women and thus brings his infernal spawn into the world.
- Kukailimoku – demonic god of war and personification of aggression and rage. His cruelty is boundless.
- Kukuth – disease demon, the personification of the plague, and spirit of the dead and the deceased, in Albanian folklore souls of greedy people who now wander unredeemed as punishment.
- Kung Kung – dragon demon of the primordial floods in a black dragon.
- Kureten – demons who hold orgies and excessive festivities.
- Labartu – fever and plague demon
- Lachama – water demons that lie in wait for sailors
- Lamashtu – demoness and personification of febrile diseases, also poisons the mother’s mild and sucks the blood out of the babies.
- Long Wapper – a demon who usually pursues drunkards.
- Latura – demon and ruler of death, diseases, and the underworld. The personification of the storms
- Lechies – forest demons, mixed creatures of man and goat. They imitate human voices and drive wanderers to their doom.
- Legba – demon of inbreeding, orgies, and necrophilia.
- Le-Hev-Hev – a demon who devours the dead on their way to the afterlife.
- Leonard – devil, and grandmaster at the Sabbath in the form of a three-horned goat. He commands all the lower demons.
- Leraje – Demonic Marquis, he commands 30 legions.
- Lesji – forest demon who imitates the call of birds to dissuade wanderers from their way.
- Leviathan – Leviathan is described as a giant sea serpent, considered a god in the Babylonian era. It is said that Marduk conquered this creature. Also, that Leviathan, for various reasons, became the Prince of Hell. Also, this creature is considered to be malicious and a relative of the dragons.
- Lham-Dearg – a demonic mythical creature that challenges you to a fencing match when you meet it.
- Liekkio – demons that arise from the soul of children secretly buried in the woods.
- Lilith – Lilith was Adam’s first wife, but her strong will brought trouble to paradise. Lilith was unwilling to submit to Adam; she was banished from paradise after that. Lilith could also be considered the mother of all dark creatures, vampires, and demons. She is said to have fathered hundreds of children with the devil. This union has given rise to the Lamies, Embuses, Inccubuses, and Succubuses. Lilith is firmly established in many ancient mythologies; among the Babylonians she was considered a storm demon and goddess of death. She was also known as the queen of the night and the first witch.
- Lilitu – demoness, the men in their sleep to steal their energy.
- Lilu – demon and personification of death, diseases, and the plagues.
- Ljubi – demoness who likes to eat the flesh of children and infants’, to appease her virgins are sacrificed for her every year.
- Lucifer – originally Lucifer was the most powerful and beautiful angel at god’s side; his name means bearer of light. It is believed that the angels had war at a time when Lucifer wanted to equal god;. He gathered his angels around him and waged war against the heavenly hosts. God banished him and his followers from Heaven; thus, the Lower Kingdom was created – Hell. The angels who had stood by Lucifer now had to follow him in their existence in the form of demons. Others claim the reason for Lucifer’s banishment from the Kingdom of Heaven was that he did not want to bow before Adam, God’s creature, and was scolded by Archangel Michael. As a result, he took a third of the angels and disappeared forever from the celestial kingdom.
- Lugat – a demon who devours the stars and is thus responsible for the lunar eclipse.
- Lulila – night demon
- Mahisha – buffalo demon and leader of the asuras
- Makaras – earth demons
- Ma-lai – demon whose head and digestive tracts leave the body at night searching for food. Instead, it feeds on human feces.
- Malawato – bush demon in the form of a skeleton.
- Malphas – chairman of the underworld, he commands 40 legions
- Malsum – demon and wolf god
- Mam – demon, and personification of famines and earthquakes, feed on human flesh.
- Mammon – demon, seducer of people to the deadly sins greed and avarice
- Mandurugo – bloodsucking vampire demoness, similar to a succubus. She seduces men, marries them, and sucks the blood out of them on their wedding night
- Mano – demon, the personification of the dark aspects
- Mantus – guardian of the underworld, makes sure that the dead come back to earth from the underworld.
- Mara – demon, and personification of death
- Marbas – president of hell in the form of a lion, he commands 36 legions
- Marchocias – Marquis of Hell, in the form of a she-wolf with the wings of a griffin, controls 30 legions
- Makara – earth demons
- Marshavan – demon, and personification of drought and hardship. He is the enemy of the “good” religions.
- Mandurugo – demoness, vampire-like, seduces men as women during the day to suck their blood at night.
- Melchom – demon of money and paymaster of the underworld.
- Mephistopheles – a demon in the form of a man who seduces people to sin. However, he also appears in a dragon or a ball of fire. The personification of the lie
- Meremuth – weather demon and personification of storms and cyclones.
- Mergi – demon, the personification of diseases
- Meririm – a demon who spreads diseases and controls storms, is commander of all demons of the 6th order.
- Mithocht – demon, and personification of doubtfulness and lies
- Moloch – a member of the infernal council and prince of tears
- Musca Macedda – demon in the form of a fly
- Mura – a demon who was beheaded by Krishna with a slingshot disc
- Mura-Muras – demonic ancestral spirits capable of causing drought and storms.
- Murghathipi – a demonic fairy who announce the death of a person
- Murmur – count of hell, he commands 30 legions